Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Relieve Sinus Pressure While Pregnant

Ingredients In Sinuvil Sinus Relief

Treating Pregnancy Symptoms : How to Relieve Sinus Pressure When Pregnant

Sinuvil Sinus Relief is a homeopathic medicine that contains active ingredients that are listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States .

Active Ingredients:Apis mellifica, Baptisia tinctoria, Colocynthis, Hepar sulphuris calcareum, Histaminum hydrochloricum, Hydrastis canadensis, Ignatia amara, Kali bichromicum, Lemna minor, Mercurius vivus, Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodendron, Sabadilla, Thuja occidentalis.

  • Temporary relief of symptoms due to inflamed sinuses
  • Cold and flu nasal symptoms
  • Sinus pain and headache

What Are The Symptoms Of Sinusitis

Here are signs you may be sporting a lovely case of sinusitis, rather than a cold:

  • Green or yellow discharge from the nose
  • A blocked nose ?
  • A reduced sense of smell

Many of the mums on our forums found they got these symptoms around the 14-week mark. However, sinusitis seems to like the element of surprise, and can occur at any stage of your pregnancy.

How To Treat A Sinus Infection During Pregnancy

Most sinus infections are viral, so taking antibiotics generally wont help . As with the cold or flu, your best bet for sinus relief during pregnancy comes from managing the symptoms with home remedies, such as:

Nasal irrigation. Using salt water irrigation, like a Neti pot, can help keep the lining of your nasal passages moist, remove backed-up gunk and promote drainage. Studies have shown that rinsing ones nose with saline by itself will improve sinusitis symptoms as well as swelling in the nose, Sedaghat says. Saline is available as normal saline and hypertonic saline both work equally well, but the hypertonic saline is sometimes associated with nasal dryness or nose bleeds.

Salt water spray. While not as effective as irrigating with a Neti pot, a spray will moisten your nasal-passage lining too and some provide relief. Anything thats pushing salt through would be helpful, Mehdizadeh says.

Cool compresses. Applying a cool, damp washcloth over your sinuses can help ease discomfort, says Mehdizadeh, and can also soothe a sinus headache in pregnancy.

Sinus infections typically clear up within two weeks, but call your doctor if your symptoms remain the same or get worse, and especially if you develop a fever, changes in vision or ear or throat pain.

Expert bios:

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Acetaminophen / Phenylephrine Pregnancy Warnings

This drug should be used during pregnancy only if the benefit outweighs the risk to the fetus.AU TGA pregnancy category: B2US FDA pregnancy category: Not assigned:-There is no data on use in pregnant women to know this drugs risks, including the risk of fetal harm or reproductive effects.-Acetaminophen is commonly used during pregnancy and has been assumed safe recent data questions the safety, especially with routine use or varying genetics. -Routine use of acetaminophen during pregnancy is not advised.-Phenylephrine is a sympathomimetic used in emergencies to treat hypotension and alleviate eye and ear allergic symptoms.-Phenylephrine could cause constriction in uterine vessels , reducing uterine blood flow, potentially causing fetal hypoxia.-Phenylephrine may interact with oxytocic or ergot derivatives to cause persistent maternal hypertension cerebral vessel rupture is possible.-Sympathomimetic amines are teratogenic in some animal models, but are not suspected to cause human teratogenicity.-First trimester exposure to phenylephrine may be linked to fetal abnormalities.-Patients with a preeclampsia history should use phenylephrine with caution due to its vasoconstrictive properties.-Phenylephrine may reduce placental perfusion.

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What Is The Best Treatment For Headaches While Pregnant

Medications for Sinus Infection While Pregnant

If youre hoping to stop a headache naturally, there are plenty of pregnancy-safe steps you can take to battle your symptoms based on the common headache types:

  • For tension headaches and migraines: Lie in a dark, quiet room for a few minutes or if you’re at work, close your eyes and put your feet up. You can also put an ice pack or cold compress on the back of your neck for 20 minutes while you relax. Deep breathing and quiet meditation are two more smart ways to channel calming vibes.
  • For sinus headaches: A stuffy nose is very common in pregnancy, so try steam inhalation to relieve congestion and a humidifier to add moisture to the air. Apply hot and cold compresses to the achy spot, alternating 30 seconds of each for a total of 10 minutes, four times a day. Drinking lots of fluids, especially herbal tea or broth, can help clear stuffiness. And ask the doctor whether you could have a sinus infection and if theres a safe nasal decongestant you can use.
  • For all headaches: While you shouldnt take ibuprofen or Aleve when you’re pregnant, acetaminophen can bring relief and occasional use is considered safe for pregnancy. Always check with your practitioner for the right dosage and never take any medication without getting your doctors okay first.

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Signs Of A Sinus Infection During Pregnancy

If youre pregnant and havent had much experience with sinus infections in the past, you might wonder what hit you. Chances are you have a sinus infection if you notice:

  • Yellow or green drainage from your nose
  • Nasal congestion
  • Facial pressure

When these symptoms last more than a week to 10 days without any improvement, its probably a bacterial infection instead of a viral one, notes Ahmad R. Sedaghat, MD, PhD, an associate professor in the department of otolaryngology at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. In that case you may need to be prescribed antibiotics, so be sure to let your doctor know if your symptoms worsen.

While sinus pressure and pain in pregnancy might leave you feeling pretty under the weather, the good news is that the infection wont affect your baby.

The Effect Pregnancy Rhinitis Can Have On A Mother

Pregnancy rhinitis is sometimes called pregnancy drip due to the constant runny nose it causes. Often, it makes it challenging to taste or enjoy food. Pregnancy rhinitis can also make it difficult to sleep, as lying down typically makes congestion worse.

Being congested while pregnant isnt something to ignore. It can have a significant impact on the quality of life, which may affect fetal development. Additionally, long-lasting congestion can lead to serious complications such as sinusitis and ear infections.

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What Are The Most Important Facts To Know About Pregnancy Rhinitis

Pregnancy refers to an inflammation of the tissues lining the nasal passages in pregnant individuals. Although pregnancy rhinitis may occur at any time during pregnancy, it typically presents in the beginning of pregnancy, at the end, or at both stages. Symptoms of pregnancy rhinitis may last for 6 weeks, with complete resolution of symptoms within 2 weeks after delivery. The exact cause of pregnancy rhinitis remains unclear however, factors may include increased , hormonal fluctuations, and other risk factors, such as pre-existing rhinitis or smoking. Signs and symptoms of pregnancy rhinitis often include a stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, post-nasal drip, and increased ear pressure. Complications of pregnancy rhinitis may involve infections and worsening of preexisting . Treatment of pregnancy rhinitis can include avoiding and irritants, using non-medicated saline sprays, and, under the direction of a medical professional, taking specific medication that is safe for use during pregnancy or while .

What Is Pregnancy Rhinitis

How to Relieve Sinus Pressure When Pregnant

Pregnancy rhinitis is congestion or a stuffy nose that starts during pregnancy, lasts for at least six weeks, and isn’t caused by an infection or allergies. Although it may feel similar to the stuffiness you experience when you have a cold, pregnancy congestion occurs simply because you’re expecting.

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Pain Relievers And Fever Reducers

Acetaminophen is considered the preferred medication during all trimesters of pregnancy to treat fever, aches and pains and is safe to use while breastfeeding. NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen , are less preferred in pregnancy but can still be used in the first and second trimesters. You should avoid all NSAIDs in the third trimester of pregnancy. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, ibuprofen is considered the preferred medication for pain while breastfeeding. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid any products that contain aspirin.

Why Am I So Congested

Estrogen is one of the hormones of life during pregnancy, which can translate to side effects. The nasal membranes swell when a large amount of estrogen is in the body.

Blood volume is another reason for sinus congestion during pregnancy. There are many tiny blood vessels in the nose, and with blood volume increasing up to 40%, the nose will have more than its share of blood. In addition to the swelling and sinus congestion felt during pregnancy, there could be an increase in nosebleeds, especially in women who have frequent nosebleeds before they are pregnant.

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No Such Thing As A Safe Medication List

The Centers for Disease Control cautions that pregnant women seeking sinus relief should first consult their doctors, because many medicines in online âsafe medication listsâ could have unknown side effects on fetuses.The CDC states, âA conversation with a healthcare provider can help ensure that you are taking only what is necessary.â The trained professionals at the American Sinus Institute can work with a pregnant patient to find the minimal medication needed to provide sinus relief.

How Common Is A Sinus Infection While Pregnant

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Observational studies show around 20-40% occurrence rate of rhinitis and sinonasal problems in women of childbearing age and 10-30% exacerbation during pregnancy. The most common cause of sinonasal problems that require immediate medical attention is a bacterial infection or bacterial sinusitis .

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Is It A Cold Or The Flu

The best way to tell the difference between a cold and the flu is to take account of the typical symptoms.

  • A cold is milder than the flu. Its symptoms come on gradually and typically you only run a low-grade to no fever. It generally starts off with a sore throat that goes away after a day or two, a cold ends with the main symptoms of a runny nose and cough.
  • Influenza, commonly called the flu, is more severe and the onset is more sudden than a cold. Symptoms include a high fever , headache, chills, a sore throat that typically worsens by the second or third day, intense muscle soreness, and a general feeling of weakness and fatigue. These symptoms, along with sneezing and a cough, can last a couple of weeks or longer.

When To See Your Doctor

A sinus infection can resolve itself with home treatment. But there are times when you should see a doctor.

Make an appointment with your doctor if your symptoms dont improve with OTC medications or home remedies, or if your symptoms worsen.

Contact your doctor if you have a fever higher than 101°F , or if you start coughing up green or yellow mucus. Also see your doctor if you have recurrent sinus infections.

Leaving a severe sinus infection untreated increases the risk of complications, such as meningitis. Meningitis is inflammation of the membranes in the brain or spinal cord.

An untreated infection can spread to other parts of the body, such as the bones, eyes, and skin. It can also affect your sense of smell.

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What Causes Headaches During Pregnancy

The primary culprits are pregnancy hormones, though there are many other causes of headaches during every stage of pregnancy. This type of pain can have lots of triggers, which means it can come on at any time. Some common causes:

  • Hormones: Headaches are often an early sign of pregnancy and tend to begin during the first trimester when your hormone levels surge and blood volume increases.
  • Trigger foods: Certain foods like cheese, chocolate, dairy and processed meats like bacon can trigger a headache in any trimester. Women who drink less caffeine in pregnancy may get withdrawal headaches.
  • Sinus congration: If youre suffering from sinus congestion, a runny nose or allergies , a headache may accompany these symptoms.
  • Dehydration: The dehydration that often goes hand in hand with nausea and vomiting can also cause your head to throb.
  • High blood pressure: After week 20 in pregnancy, severe headaches may be related to high blood pressure. This may raise your risk of a number of pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia and premature delivery, so it’s important to talk to your doctor if you notice this symptom.

Other causes can include:

On the bright side, at least for those already prone to migraines: Surging hormones during pregnancy might actually make those less-than-pleasant headaches less frequent.

A Word About Antibiotics

Pregnancy Congestion RELIEF (Self Massage Tutorial)

So many patients call asking for antibiotics for a cold,usually when theyve had symptoms for several days. There are a few times whenantibiotics are appropriate, for instance, strep throat or sinus infectionscaused by bacteria. But antibiotics simply dont work against viruses thatcause the common cold. Overprescribing antibiotics for viral illnesses leads toantibiotic resistance, which means the bacteria grow stronger over time andbecome tougher to beat with antibiotics.If a doctor prescribes an antibiotic for cold symptoms, its usually a short,three-day round of drugs. The patient often feels better after finishing themedication but probably would have recovered in that timeframe anyway withoutthe drug.

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Common Cold Symptoms During Pregnancy

Generally, a cold will start with a sore or scratchy throat lasting about a day or two, followed by the gradual onset of other symptoms which may include:

  • A runny, then later stuffy nose
  • A dry cough, particularly as the cold is ending which may continue for a week or more after the other symptoms have mostly subsided
  • A low-grade fever typically under 100 degrees Fahrenheit

Cold symptoms usually last between 10 to 14 days. However, if your symptoms persist longer than that time frame or seem to progressively worsen, you should talk to your primary care physician so they can ensure it hasnt turned into something more serious like an infection or the flu.

When You Should See A Doctor

In many situations, people can take care of a sinus infection with remedies from home.

However, if a pregnant woman notices the following symptoms, it is in their best interest to visit their doctor immediately:

  • A fever passing 101°F
  • Coughing up green or yellow mucus
  • Difficulty eating or sleeping
  • Persistent sinus infections

A doctor may prescribe medication to get rid of the infection, which could affect the womans overall health and pregnancy trimester.

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These Surprising Safer Alternatives May Be A Better Choice

Mothers-to-be get headaches and upset stomachs just like everyone else. So its not surprising that most pregnant women have used over-the-counter medications. In fact, some data suggest that, overall, women are actually more likely to use certain medicationsincluding cough and cold drugs and acetaminophen after they become pregnant.

Theres a misperception that if a drug is available over-the-counter, that its approved by the Food and Drug Administration, so it must be safe for everyone, including pregnant women, Allen Mitchell, M.D. professor of pediatrics and epidemiology at the Boston University School of Public Health and Medicine, said. Even doctors may think this is the case. But some OTC drugs have been shown to pose risks to the developing fetus at different stages of pregnancy.

To help you and your doctor make more informed choices about which medications to take, weve identified 10 common ingredients used in OTC drugs that are risky for pregnant women, as well as safer alternatives.

Even then, you should use alternatives judiciously, and only as advised by your health care provider. Experts refer to safer medications because for 98 percent of prescription and OTC drugs, there simply isnt enough data to say for sure that a drug is entirely safe to take during pregnancy. Due to ethical concerns, most FDA-approved medicines have not been tested in pregnant women.

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A Special Consideration: Whooping Cough

Is Sinus Headache A Symptom Of Pregnancy

Whooping cough is a contagious infection that is characterized by excessive, violent coughing followed by an intake of breath that makes a whooping sound. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is now recommending that all pregnant women receive the Tdap vaccine during each of their pregnancies, preferably between the 27th-36th weeks of pregnancy.This will ensure that protection against whooping cough is passed down to your baby for the first couple of months after birth. Since your child will not receive their first whooping cough vaccine until they are 2 months old, getting this vaccine while you are pregnant will ensure your infant is protected until then. Learn more about taking vaccinations during your pregnancy.

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Are Decongestants Ok To Take While Pregnant

Registered midwife Lorraine Berry recommends exercising caution when it comes to decongestants like nasal sprays, capsules and dissolvable powders.

There really isnt enough information on decongestant products such as Vicks, Olbas Oil and menthol,” says Lorraine. “So its best to avoid them, particularly before 12 weeks.

If you do need to use them, use sparingly with a couple of drops on a tissue or hanky that you whiff every now and again.

Choose The Expert In Nasal And Sinus Treatment

Dr. Nguyen is a national expert in ear, nose and throat treatment and is responsible for perfecting innovative and effective treatments like balloon sinuplasty. For more than 15 years, he has been helping people seek relief from their nasal and sinus conditions. Let Houston Sinus and Allergy use the newest technology and our vast experience to customize a solution for your nose and sinuses.You can reach us by calling , or fill out the form at the top of the page tobook an assessment to start feeling better!

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