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I Can Smell My Sinus Infection

Nonsurgical Treatment For Chronic Sinusitis

Dr Rogers talks post-viral sinusitis and smell loss

Your ENT doctor will recommend treatment options based on the severity and cause of your chronic sinusitis symptoms. Treatment options may include:

  • High-volume saline irrigations flush the nose and sinuses of excess mucus. We recommend saline solutions for use two to three times per day until symptoms subside.
  • Nasal steroid sprays reduce inflammation in the nose. These are available by prescription or over the counter.
  • Oral steroid taper relieves symptoms within one to two weeks. A taper means that the dosage is decreased over the course of treatment.
  • Antibiotics may be prescribed for up to three weeks if a bacterial infection is present.
  • Expectorants include medications such as guaifenesin , which thin the mucus. This makes it easier to cough up the mucus or blow it out your nose.

What Are Symptoms And Treatment

Typically, youll have facial pain/pressure, headaches, nasal drainage and congestion, decreased or loss of sense of smell, tooth pain and sore throat. Treatment depends on the cause but can include medications to decrease inflammation and treat the infection. Sometimes rinsing out your sinuses can help. At home this can be done by using a nasal saline solution or Neti pot. In severe cases, you may need to be treated by an ear, nose and throat doctor.

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Signs Of A Sinus Infection

A sinus infection is something you want to deal with right away to prevent it from escalating. However, its not easy to discern between the different symptoms and what they mean. After all, an infection manifests itself in a similar way to the flu or a cold, so you cant always act decisively.

With that in mind, here are some signs you have a sinus infection and should see an ear, nose and throat doctor.

by Cawthra Dental | Oct 4, 2021 | mississauga dentist |

Several conditions may cause a bad smell in the nose, including sinusitis, tooth/ mouth infections, dry mouth, some medications, some foods/drinks, and olfactory damage. Typically, a bad smell in the nose is not life-threatening but can decrease the quality of life.

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Antibiotics For A Severe Sinus Infection

You may be surprised that antibiotics are not listed as the first step in treatment. While many patients with sinusitis expect antibiotics, they arenât usually needed if good drainage is achieved.

Antibiotics have potential disadvantages. They can trigger allergic reactions or cause side effects. Widespread use of antibiotics has encouraged the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria . And many of these drugs are expensive.

Still, if your sinusitis does not improve with two to four days of drainage therapy, or if itâs very severe to begin with, it probably needs an antibiotic to help get rid of the trapped bacteria. Antibiotic therapy for just three to seven days is generally as effective as traditional 10- to 14-day treatment for uncomplicated acute sinusitis.

Many bacteria can cause acute sinusitis the most common include some with fearsome names like Pneumococcus, Streptococcus, Hemophilus, and Moraxella. Unless you have a sinus puncture , thereâs really no way to know which bacteria are causing your sinusitis. Cultures of your mucus or your nose, even if they are obtained through a nasal speculum, are not helpful because they are always contaminated by the many bacteria that live in every nose.

Smelling Ammonia All The Time

Sinusitis Vector Illustration Labeled Rhinosinusitis Inflammation ...

Urine can vary in color and smell based on the number of waste products in addition to fluids you take in over the course of this day. However, some out-of-the-ordinary scents may indicate you need to seek medical treatment. One such instance is a sweet smell into the urine, which can mean excess glucose in the urine. Another is the smell of ammonia, which includes a robust and chemical-like odor. While urine that smells like ammonia is not necessarily caused for concern, there are some cases where it may be.

Whether acute or chronic, sinusitis can have a significant impact on your health, leading to:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Pain and pressure around your sinuses

Among these symptoms lies an unlikely effect a loss or reduction of your sense of smell and taste.

Lets start with your loss of smell. First, because of the congestion that often comes with sinusitis, youre unable to breathe in deeply enough to reach the olfactory sensory neurons higher up in your nose to initiate smell in the first place.

Second, the viral infection inside your nasal passageways can temporarily damage your highly sensitive sensory cells.

Your sense of taste and its relationship to sinusitis is trickier. The condition doesnt necessarily lead to a direct loss of taste, but it can alter the sense because your sense of smell and taste are linked. Taste and smell work in lockstep, and when you lose one, the other is compromised.

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The Importance Of Diagnosis

Losing smell or taste might sound minoruntil you experience it. Smell and taste are both important for overall health. A strong sense of smell can help you identify dangers like a gas leak or spoiled food. A sense of taste is important for feeling satisfied while eating. People with loss of taste and smell are at increased risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression.

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How To Enjoy Food With A Smell Or Taste Disorder

If you lose your sense of taste, here are things you can try to make your food taste better:

  • Prepare foods with a variety of colors and textures.
  • Use aromatic herbs and hot spices to add more flavor however, avoid adding more sugar or salt to foods.
  • If your diet permits, add small amounts of cheese, bacon bits, butter, olive oil or toasted nuts on vegetables.
  • Avoid combination dishes, such as casseroles, which can hide individual flavors and dilute taste.

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Reasons Why There Is A Weird Smell Coming In Your Nose

Nov 30, 2021 | Blog, Weird smell in nose

Your sense of smell can make or break your day. A pungent smell left behind by the rotting vegetable in the fridge or cooking a broth the molecules fill the air with their aroma, which easily creeps its way into your nostrils. But what about the weird smell coming to your nose that is originating from within? Strange right?

Smelling unwanted fragrances is something inevitable, but there is a chance that the weird smell you are expecting in the nose is generating inside you. Here are some of the reasons for this issue.

Dental Issues And Poor Oral Hygiene

first time trying a neti pot (SINUS RINSE) *Gross* (NeilMed Sinus Rinse)

Cavities, or holes in the teeth, can trap bacteria that release unpleasant gases such as sulfur when they break down. Cavities usually arise due to tooth decay or gingivitis, which can include inflamed gums or gum disease.

These unpleasant gases, which become foul-smelling odors, can travel through small holes in the back of the mouth that connect to the sinuses and cause a bad smell in the nose.

Poor oral hygiene increases the number of food particles left in the mouth that can decay, increasing the risk of developing a bad taste or smell in the mouth.

Dental issues can also increase the risk of developing plaque, which is a thick film of bacteria that can cause tooth decay and inflame the tissues between the teeth and gums .

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How Smells Stick To Your Nose

If you find that you have a smell stuck in your nose, its extremely unlikely that the culprit will be found lodged in the nasal canal. The majority of these cases dont involve particles that are stuck in your receptors. Instead, a smell stuck in your nose is more likely to be an issue with the way that your olfactory system and brain interact.

For example, if you come across a horrendous smell that makes you reel or feel ill, you might end up recreating that smell through your memory. Psychologist Avery Gilbert performed studies on smell conjuring, finding that people are able to recreate odors in their minds, even as they dream.

However, if its not the case that youre conjuring a smell out of memory, making it appear as if its stuck in your nose, theres a good chance that you might be dealing with a smell disorder.

Loss Of Smell And Taste

A side effect of nasal congestion is that you will find it challenging to smell or taste. Again, the swelling is to blame since the scents and aromas you are used to cant reach the top of the nose.

Sometimes, the inflammation presses down on the nervous system, impacting the signal that triggers taste and smell. Allergies and a cold can also cause these symptoms, which is why its vital to speak to a professional ENT doctor if youre concerned.

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When Should You See A Doctor

The treatment for an unpleasant odor in the nose is determined on the cause. A daily salt-water rinse, staying hydrated, and exercising basic dental hygiene care at home are some home cures. Over-the-counter drugs such as nasal decongestant spray and antihistamines can also be used. If the foul odor persists for several weeks or more, consult your doctor or dentist, as it could be a sign of an underlying disease.

Pain Or Pressure In Your Sinuses

How Do You Clear Sinus Congestion

Facial pain is a common symptom of sinusitis. You have several different sinuses above and below your eyes, as well as behind your nose. Any of these air-filled cavities can hurt when you have a sinus infection.

Inflammation and swelling can cause your sinuses to ache with dull pressure. This is because inflammation may alter the typical path of mucus from the nose to the back of the throat.

You may feel pain in:

  • on either side of your nose
  • in your upper jaws and teeth
  • between your eyes

This may lead to a headache. Headaches caused by sinus infections can occur where the sinuses are or in other places.

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How To Clear Your Sinuses In 20 Seconds

To clear your sinuses, use this 20-second trick. According to Lisa DeStefano, D.O., an assistant professor at the Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, this technique causes the vomer bone to rock back and forth. This loosens congestion, and allows the sinuses to drain.

1. Push your tongue against the roof of your mouth and press your thumb between your eyebrows.2. Continue to apply pressure and hold for 20 seconds. When you release, your sinuses will begin to drain.

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Have You Lost Your Sense Of Taste

Today, if youve lost your sense of taste, its likely that your first thought is that you might have COVID-19. While COVID-19 certainly can cause a loss of taste and smell, a sinus infection could also be the culprit. The quickest way to tell the difference and make sure youre not spreading the coronavirus to those around you is to get tested.

If a cold or allergy has caused a nasal blockage and loss of taste, then reducing inflammation is key in the fight against a sinus infection. If youve tried all the home remedies and youre still not finding relief, its time to get help.

Our team will work with you to find a treatment plan thats right for your circumstances. Dont let a sinus infection keep you from enjoying your favorite foods. Give ENT Associates of Lubbock a call today.

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Types Of Sinus Infections: Chronic Vs Acute

There are four types of sinus infections. These classifications depend on the length and frequency of the infection:

  • Acute sinusitis.This type of sinus infection lasts only for a short time, defined by the American Academy of Otolaryngology as less than 4 weeks. This short-term infection is usually part of a cold or other respiratory illness. It may also be caused by a bacterial infection .
  • Subacute sinusitis. A subacute sinus infection lasts between 4 and 12 weeks .
  • Recurrent acute sinusitis. An acute sinus infection is considered recurrent if the infection returns four or more times within a year, with each infection lasting 7 days or more.
  • Chronic sinusitis.Chronic sinus infections last for more than 12 weeks or continue to recur.

Many sinus infection symptoms are common in both acute and chronic forms. Seeing a doctor is the best way to learn if you have an infection, find the cause, and get treatment.

For cases of acute bacterial sinus infections, these symptoms last at least 10 days without improving, or they worsen within 10 days after seeming to improve. In this case, its important to talk with a doctor, such as a general practitioner or an ear, nose, and throat doctor , to get a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Learn more about the symptoms of a sinus infection below.

What To Do With Smelly Mucus In Nose

Is Sinusitis Causing Your Bad Breath?

To diagnose sinus infection, your doctor will conduct a medical history and perform a physical examination. He or she may also take an X-ray or CT scan of your head if you are not responding to the initial medication.

  • Drugs are usually the first treatment choice for sinusitis. Decongestants will allow the smelly nasal discharge to clear and will ease the swelling in the sinuses.
  • Your doctor may also recommend steam treatment or inhaling the vapor from a hot shower to loosen the mucus.
  • If the symptoms continue for more than 10 days, you could be prescribed antibiotics. In rare cases, surgery may be performed to allow for adequate drainage from the nose.

Home Remedies for Relief

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Tips From A Dental Hygienist

Metallic taste and sinus infections can negatively affect your overall quality of life. As a Registered Dental Hygienist, I would like to share some tips with you! As always, if you have any health concerns or questions, consult with your healthcare professionals.

Do not regularly drink sugary beverages. Sipping on high sugar beverages will significantly increase your risk for cavities as well as other oral health infections.

Moreover, make sure you are visiting your dentist regularly for routine check-ups and cleanings to stay on top of your oral health. Poor oral health not only effects your mouth but it may also affect your overall systemic health.

It is crucial to be aware of your metallic taste symptoms, especially if you have chronic sinus infections.

Can Sinus Infection Cause Bad Smelling Mucus In Nose

Sinus infection is the colonization of the sinuses by foreign microorganisms leading to inflammation or swelling, normally filled with air. The truth is that this infection can cause bad smell in the nose. The inflammation makes them to become blocked and filled with bacteria which then grow. This inflammation is called sinusitis.

A sinus infection can start when you have a cold. Similarly, It could happen when you some condition that is known as deviated septum that refers to a shift in your nasal cavity. Your examining doctor should be able to prescribe for you the best remedy.

There are various symptoms that could tell you that you have a sinus infection:

  • Thick yellow or pain around your face and eyes
  • A cold that will not go away
  • Post nasal drip
  • Blockage of your nose
  • Headache mainly on the forehead

There is a whole mechanism on how the inflammation of the sinus leads to the bad smell in the nose. The inflamed sinus clogs the nose and this creates a warm, moist environment which is the best culture medium for bacteria colonization. The bacteria in the mucus multiply fast.

The infection makes things to get worse in the nose. Your body starts an act of fighting the infection using the immune system response mechanism. The fight makes the body to respond by secretion of more mucus. The mucous membrane also dilates blood vessels.

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Try A Homemade Saltwater Rinse

Using a saltwater rinse can help temporarily reduce the intensity of a bad smell in the nose.

To make a saltwater rinse at home:

  • Boil 460 milliliters of water, then leave to cool.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 tsp of baking soda into the water while it is still quite warm.
  • Wash the hands well with soap and water.
  • Standing over a sink or bowl, pour some of the mixture into the cupped palm of one hand.
  • Lean over the sink and sniff some of the mixture into one nostril at a time, then let it run out of the nose. It may help to keep the other nostril closed with a finger while sniffing.
  • Repeat steps 4 and 5 a few times.
  • Dispose of any unused solution.
  • People can also use a soft rubber ear bulb syringe or a commercial nasal saline rinse product from a drug store.

    Tell Sinus Infection Odors Smell Ya Later With Balloon Sinuplasty

    Pin on Blood Pressure

    Dr. Kaplan of Kaplan Sinus Relief is a pioneer of the balloon sinuplasty procedure in Houston. His practice is currently the only private practice in the nation using TGS navigation, the state-of-the-art technology that uses augmented reality to make procedures including balloon sinuplasty safer and more accurate.

    Kaplan Sinus Relief also offers patients with anxiety around procedures the option to have balloon sinuplasty with IV sedation.

    Dont let your sinus infection and sinus infection odors fester and become an untreated sinus infection. Join the thousands of patients that Dr. Kaplan and the staff at Kaplan Sinus Relief have helped to breathe easier again.

    To learn more about what to expect after balloon sinuplasty, call our offices at 713-766-1818 or request an appointment online today.

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