Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Sinus And Snoring Md Com

Empleado Destacado: Francesca Asistente De Administracin

Quick and Easy Sinus Solutions for a Good Night’s Sleep

Fran ha sido miembro de la familia Sinus & Snoring MD durante poco menos de un año. Ella brinda la ayuda que tanto necesita cuando se trata de compañías de seguros y es un placer tenerla en la oficina. Tiene una sólida experiencia en administración hospitalaria y aporta valor a nuestra empresa en crecimiento a diario.

Empleado Destacado: Tabatha Escribano Mdico

Tabatha ha estado en la práctica durante 4 años y ha sido una gran asistente para nuestros proveedores médicos. ¡Ella es la persona que puede traducir con precisión el habla del médico al inglés normal! Ella recopila información sobre la visita de cada paciente y se asocia con nuestros médicos para brindar una atención eficiente. ¡Aprendamos más sobre Tabatha! Qué es

Obtenga Ms Informacin Sobre Lo Que Vivaer Puede Hacer Por Usted

¿Qué es la obstrucción nasal? Muchas personas con obstrucción nasal experimentan dificultad para respirar por la nariz, ronquidos habituales, interrupción del sueño y fatiga. La obstrucción nasal a menudo es causada por un bloqueo anatómico en la nariz, lo que dificulta el flujo de aire. Como resultado, puede sentirse congestionado o congestionado. Los remedios caseros y los medicamentos pueden ofrecer un alivio temporal. Es solo cuando tu …

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People Who Snore May Suffer From:

  • Poor muscle tone in the tongue and throat. When muscles are too relaxed, either from alcohol or drugs that cause sleepiness, the tongue falls back into the airway or the throat muscles draw in from the sides into the airway. This can also happen during deep sleep.
  • Excessive bulkiness of throat tissue. Children with large tonsils and adenoids often snore. Overweight people have bulky neck tissue, too. Cysts or tumors can also cause bulk, but they are rare.
  • Long soft palate and/or uvula. A long palate narrows the opening from the nose into the throat. As it dangles, it acts as a noisy flutter valve during relaxed breathing. A long uvula makes matters even worse.
  • Obstructed nasal airways. A stuffy or blocked nose requires extra effort to pull air through it. This creates an exaggerated vacuum in the throat and pulls together the floppy tissues of the throat, and snoring results. So, snoring often occurs only during the hay fever season or with a cold or sinus infection.
  • Also, deformities of the nose or nasal septum, such as a deviated septum can cause such an obstruction.

Welcome Dr Shawn Allen

Sinus &  Snoring

New ENT at Texas Sinus & Snoring | Serving Spring & Houston

We’re excited to welcome Dr. Shawn Allen to the Texas Sinus and Snoring team! He is a board certified Otolaryngologist and fellowship trained rhinologist. His focus on compassionate care for his patients means he fits right in. Dr. Allen sees his patients at both our Houston location and our Spring location. We’re excited to have him on board and to expand our patient care. Learn more about Dr. Allen by clicking the link below.

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Investing In Happy And Healthy People

Every individual requires a unique set of treatment methods. With the doctors at the L.A. Sinus and Allergy Specialists, your healing process consists of a combination of trust and modern medical treatments which all begins with the staffs personality, attentiveness and friendliness.We belong to a category of service providers who always focus on patient satisfaction, which means never compromising on quality. We gauge this by the positive responses we receive from our patients.

When Is Snoring A Medical Problem

Does your family poke fun at you for your snoring or does your bedmate complain that they cant sleep because of the noise? Jokes and complaints aside, snoring can sometimes signal medical problems that require treatment.

To illustrate this point, Cecil Yeung, MD, and the team here at Houston Sinus Surgery want to take a closer look at when snoring is no laughing matter.

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How To Relieve Sinus Pressure And Infection

Many treatments are available. If there is evidence of infection, Dr. Trimble may advise that you start using an inhaler or antibiotics regimen. If your sinus problems persist, you may want to consider surgery.

Take our quick, convenient sinus quiz to determine which sinus treatment is the right option for you.

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Difficulty breathing, chronic sinus problems, and sinus headaches are very common symptoms that require careful diagnosis to determine the best treatment for each patient. Snoring can turn your sweet dreams into nightmares. Whether itâs you or your partner who snores, thereâs no need to lose sleep and risk damage to your health any longer.

You need the right doctor for the right diagnosis and the right treatment – a Board Certified Ear Nose & Throat specialist like Dr. Monty Trimble. Dr. Trimble is one of the most experienced Balloon Sinuplasty In-Office and allergy specialists in the country.

Let us help you find relief for your chronic sinus infections!

why should I consider balloon sinuplasty?

What Is The Connection Between Snoring And Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Snoring and Sinus Solutions Made Easy and Painless

Everyone who snores does not have OSA. However, snoring especially loud snoring is OSAs top symptom. OSA occurs when the soft tissues completely block the airway and you stop breathing. Low oxygen triggers an alarm in your brain, which in turn, wakes you up just enough to take a breath. This chain of events creates a distinct pattern thats usually noticed by your housemates: loud snoring, sudden silence when you stop breathing, followed by a gasp or snort when you take a breath.

Patients who stop breathing at least five times every hour are diagnosed with OSA. In severe cases of OSA, you can stop breathing 30 or more times every hour.

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Sinus & Snoring Md In The Media

Sinus and Snoring MD’s providers and staff have appeared on NBC’s The Morning Blend and Fox Focus, to discuss the range of treatments available for conditions such as snoring, sinus infections, runny noses and more.

Check out the segments below and don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule a screening!

Empleado Destacado: Riva Director Regional De Operaciones

Riva ha trabajado con Sinus & Snoring MD durante casi 6 años y ha sido una parte integral del negocio. Riva ha construido una gran cultura de oficina y la mayoría de nuestros empleados la considerarían la piedra angular de nuestra oficina. Sin Riva Sinus & Snoring no estaría donde está hoy, y estamos …

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Snoring & Sleep Apnea

People with sleep apnea stop breathing while they sleep, sometimes hundreds of times per night, and sometimes for a minute or longer. Sleep apnea affects about 18 million people of all ages in the U.S. and takes three forms: obstructive, central and mixed. Obstructive sleep apnea , the most common form, occurs when the soft tissue at the back of the throat closes, blocking the persons airway. The airway remains open in central sleep apnea, but the brain does not send signals to the muscles involved in breathing. Mixed sleep apnea combines aspects of the obstructive and central types. A common warning sign of sleep apnea is snoring although it is not always as a result of sleep apnea.

Because sufferers are roused from sleep briefly to resume proper breathing, disrupting and lowering the quality of a persons rest, sleep apnea can cause a number of problems. If left untreated, it can result in high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, stroke, memory problems, weight gain, impotency, headaches, and daytime fatigue leading to job impairment and motor vehicle crashes.

There are a variety of treatments available for sleep apnea, including oral appliance therapy, mandibular repositioning and tongue-retaining devices, nasal sprays, traditional surgery, laser-assisted uvulopalatopharyngoplasty and nasal surgery. If you think you are suffering from sleep apnea, talk with your doctor. He or she will discuss which treatment is right for you.

Get Simple Effective Relief

Sinus &  Snoring MD

Balloon Sinuplasty involves little or no discomfort or recovery time. It offers rapid, long lasting relief with a convenient and easy procedure. Patients get more satisfactory results without cutting or the cost of a hospital visit and operating room.

What our patients are saying…

“I was very comfortable with your friendly staff and the doctors were amazing. The wait was almost non existent which makes for a great first impression. Awesome experience.”

– Linda S.

“My recovery was not long and in subsequent visits, I was released in three months. I am happy to report I have not had a sinus infection since December 2012. I am glad I had this procedure and the positive change it made. I commend Dr. Trimble and his staff in the office for their care and support.”

– Barbara F.

“Great place. All of the staff are friendly and courteous. Dr. Trimble was great and takes the time to give you that little bit extra. He doesn’t just run in look at you and run out. Glad that I found this office. Thank you everyone at Dallas Breathe Free.”

– Jason H.

“Very professional and courteous. Dr. Trimble was very thorough and explained what needed to happen. Great experience from start to finish!”

– Kay R.

“The doctor was wonderful. He listened and what he prescribed has worked just as he told me it would. This doctor was recommended to me and now I truly understand why.”

– Alex W.

Please Note: Every patient is unique, and your results may vary.

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Empleado Destacado: Michelle Gerente De Recepcin

Michelle es nuestra gerente de la oficina principal y está a cargo de programar a nuestros pacientes y mantener al Dr. Swerdlin a tiempo ¡Prácticamente tiene dos trabajos! Ella ha estado con Sinus & Snoring MD durante 5 años en julio y sin ella nuestra oficina no funcionaría. Cualquier pregunta que puedan tener nuestros pacientes, Michelle tiene un …

Experienced And Certified Doctors

With over 20 years of combined practice expertise, Dr. Sharifi and Dr. Nocon are both graduates of prestigious Ivy League Universities and maintain board certification with the American Board of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Dr. Sharifi has become well-known in the LA area for his expertise in sinus relief, allergy treatment, head and neck surgery, audiology, sleep apnea, voice disorders and more. He is also a member of the American Academy of Otolaryngology Allergy. Dr. Sharifi is the Section Chief of Otolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery at Adventist Health White Memorial Hospital. Dr. Nocon is a Member of the American Head and Neck Society and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. She has extensive training and experience in surgery for head and neck cancers, including special expertise in reconstructive and microvascular reconstruction. She has published and presented widely in the field of Head and Neck cancer. Their medical office is committed to eliminating patients pain and discomfort related to both common and rare ENT issues. The L.A. Sinus and Allergy Specialists center is located near Adventist Health White Memorial. Both physicians are also affiliated with Adventist Health Glendale and California Hospital Medical Center.

Also Check: What Medication Is Usually Prescribed For A Sinus Infection

Do You Recommend The Use Of Over

More than 300 devices are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as cures for snoring. Some are variations on the old idea of sewing a sock that holds a tennis ball on the pajama back to force the snorer to sleep on his side since snoring is often worse when a person sleeps on his back. Some devices reposition the lower jaw forward some open nasal air passages a few others have been designed to condition a person not to snore by producing unpleasant stimuli when snoring occurs. But, if you snore, the truth is that it is not under your control. If anti-snoring devices work, it is probably because they keep you awake.

Self-help for the light snorer

  • Adults who suffer from mild or occasional snoring should try the following self-help remedies:
  • Adopt a healthy and athletic lifestyle to develop good muscle tone and lose weight.
  • Avoid tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and antihistamines before bedtime.
  • Avoid alcohol for at least four hours and heavy meals or snacks for three hours before retiring.
  • Establish regular sleeping patterns
  • Sleep on your side rather than your back.
  • Tilt the head of your bed upwards by four inches.

Obesity Or Being Overweight

Snoring Treatment Options for Lasting Relief

Another issue that can cause snoring is obesity or being overweight. Carrying extra weight can lead to an increase in fatty tissues that may block your airways. Like sleep apnea, these fatty tissues can disrupt your breathing throughout the night, which can lead to similar health complications as sleep apnea, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

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Why Is Snoring Serious

Socially â It can make the snorer an object of ridicule and causes others sleepless nights and resentfulness.

Medically â It disturbs sleeping patterns and deprives the snorer of appropriate rest. When snoring is severe, it can cause serious, long-term health problems, including obstructive sleep apnea.

Servicing The Greater New Orleans Region

GNO Snoring & Sinus provides state-of-the-art ear, nose, and throat care to the residents of Southern Louisiana. With a focus on treating sleep and sinus disorders, we aim to determine the causes behind common issues such as snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, and chronic sinus disease by utilizing the latest medical technology. This allows us to offer our patients the latest treatment options aimed at providing personalized, effective relief through various medical and office-based treatments.

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Prximamente En Mount Prospect

¡La familia Sinus & Snoring MD se enorgullece de anunciar nuestra expansión a Mount Prospect, Illinois! Reconocimos que cada vez más de nuestros pacientes provienen de Illinois, ¡y queremos que sea lo más fácil posible respirar mejor por la noche! Después de un comienzo ajetreado para 2021, estamos emocionados de abrir …

Sinus & Snoring Md Est Abierto En Mount Prospect

Sinus &  Snoring

Sinus & Snoring MD se ha expandido oficialmente al sur de la frontera. ¡Nuestra nueva oficina abre hoy, 15 de abril en Mount Prospect, Illinois! Nuestra oficina de Illinois comenzará en el tercer piso, pero una vez que se complete la construcción, tendremos una oficina en el primer piso en el mismo edificio. Esto lo hará más fácil …

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East Bay Snoring And Sinus

At East Bay Snoring and Sinus, a division of Contra Costa ENT, Dr. Randall Wenokur, Dr. Lloyd Ford and Dr. Benjamin Loos strive to provide the best care available for your sinus and snoring problems. We accomplish this by optimizing a treatment plan customized for each patient. Our primary goal is to provide individualized treatments that resolves the patients problem for the long term in the least invasive way. We utilize the latest minimally invasive technology to achieve this goal such as the Pillar Procedure for snoring or Balloon Sinuplasty for sinusitis. Our physicians are board certified Otolaryngologists /Ear Nose Throat specialists with decades of experience. They will provide personalized care in the treatment of your complex sinus disease or bothersome snoring and create a unique plan of treatment based upon your needs.

Our offices are located at 2121 Ygnacio Valley RD. Suite G Walnut Creek, CA 94598,2700 Grant Street Suite 104, Concord, CA and 350 John Muir Parkway, Suite 175 Brentwood, CA.

Is There A Cure For Heavy Snoring

Heavy snorers, those who snore in any position or are disruptive to the family, should seek medical advice to ensure that sleep apnea is not a problem. An otolaryngologist will provide a thorough examination of the nose, mouth, throat, palate, and neck. A sleep study in a laboratory environment may be necessary to determine how serious the snoring is and what effects it has on the snorerâs health.

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Tired Of Sinus Snoring & Allergy Problems Sinus & Snoring Md Can Help

Our practice provides advanced services and the latest technology for minimally invasive surgical and non-surgical treatments designed to help individuals suffering from nasal and sinus problems, as well as snoring and sleep apnea.

In addition to specializing in sinus, snoring and allergy services for adult patients, we also offer a range of Ear Nose and Throat services for General and Pediatric patients ages . Services include including shot-free allergy treatments, IV sedation and at home sleep studies.

Empleado Destacado: Jimmy Marketing

Tom goes for the ear wax world record!!

Jimmy es nuestro asociado de marketing en Sinus & Snoring MD y ha estado trabajando con nosotros durante un poco más de 6 meses. Actualmente está cursando una Maestría en Emprendimiento en la Universidad DePaul y está muy interesado en la sostenibilidad. Jimmy trabaja con todos nuestros socios publicitarios, administra nuestras redes sociales y actualmente escribe …

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Snoring And Sinus Specialist

Dr. Anand is an expert ENT doctor who has performed more than 6,000 sinus and sleep apnea procedures and is a leading authority in the treatment of sleep and sinus disorders for patients in the Greater New Orleans area. As the only fellowship-trained ENT in the region with an exclusive focus on sleep and sinus, Dr. Anand can do in one appointment what would take three appointments at a general ENT. GNO Snoring & Sinus proudly accepts Medicare, Medicaid, and other private insurance options. GNO Snoring & Sinus can work with you to help resolve all of your sleep and sinus issues. Request an appointment today to regain control of your sleep and breathing.

Your Breathing Triangle: Our Exclusive Focus

When you cant breathe or sleep well, it sabotages your enjoyment of everyday life. This is why we only focus on solving issues in your nose and throat The Breathing Triangle®. Were the only ENT medical practice that has this laser focus, allowing us to pioneer simple in-office procedures that are massively impactful for our patients.

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