Thursday, July 25, 2024

Sinus Pressure And Jaw Pain

Watch For Obvious Symptoms Of Sinusitis

How to Relieve Sinus Pressure, Jaw Pain and Headaches with Tuning Forks

Sinusitis comes with some fairly obvious symptoms that should give it away. If you experience any of the following, its likely that you have a sinus infection:

  • Facial congestion
  • Discharge from the nose that is thick and discolored
  • Changes in taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Upset stomach

These symptoms develop as a result of the collection of mucus in the nose and sinuses. This thick mucus will clog your nose and may ooze out either forward through the nose or backward in the throat. It changes your sense of taste and smell because your nostrils are clogged and mucus is seeping into your mouth. This can also irritate your throat and lead to an upset stomach.

What Causes Sinus Pain And Pressure

Your sinuses are air-filled spaces connected to your nasal passages that help humidify air as you breathe in and produce mucus that helps trap bacteria and foreign particles. When nasal passages and their tissues become irritated, mucus can build up instead of draining normally. This build-up causes swelling and often causes pain and pressure in your sinuses. Swollen and inflamed tissues can also cause pressure on nerve endings around your sinuses. This leads to dull or throbbing pain and aches.

Several factors can cause nasal passage irritation and bring on sinus pressure symptoms.

  • Environmental irritants Airborne pollutants such as those that cause allergies can trigger mucus build up and sinus pressure.
  • A sinus infection Sinusitis, more commonly known as a sinus infection, could be a cause of your sinus pressure and pain. If you think you may have a sinus infection, talk to your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
  • The common cold Not every cold is the same but sometimes symptoms include mucus build up, which can mean sinus pressure and pain.

Can A Sinus Infection Hurt Your Jaw

If you have a sinus infection, you may experience pain in your sinuses. Your sinuses are swollen and inflamed, which causes a dull pressure in them. Pain may be felt in your forehead, on either side of your nose, in your upper jaw, or between your eyes. If you experience headaches as a result, you should seek medical attention.

Recommended Reading: Signs Of Serious Sinus Infection

Throat Irritation And Cough

As discharge from your sinuses drains down the back of your throat, it can cause irritation, especially over a long period of time. This can lead to a persistent and annoying cough, which can be worse when lying down to sleep or first thing in the morning after getting up from bed.

It can also make sleeping difficult. Sleeping upright or with your head elevated can help reduce the frequency and intensity of your coughing.

Sinusitis Tooth Pain Relief

Sinus Drainage Into Jaw Migraines Vertigo

If you cant make it to the doctor or dentist right away, you can try relieving your sinusitis tooth pain with these methods:

  • Use a saline solution to rinse your sinuses. Doing this will remove moisture and discharge from your sinuses.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin C, calcium, and Omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Drink a lot of water and fluids to thin the mucus in your sinuses.
  • When sleeping, switch on a humidifier.
  • Take over-the-counter expectorants and decongestants.
  • Eat spicy foods.
  • When sleeping or resting, keep your head in a tilted position.
  • Brush the painful teeth using a gentle brush and a toothpaste that is made for sensitive teeth.

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When Sinuses Impact Tmj What Should You Do

Posted on 11/30/2016 by Dr McMurray The temporalmandibular joint is the joint where your upper and lower jawbones meet. It allows you to open your mouth and move your bottom jaw from side to side. Problems with the TMJ can cause severe pain. While the direct cause is unknown, issues with the sinuses, such as allergies, can aggravate the symptoms.SymptomsWhile usually unrelated, sinus problems and temporomandibular disorder both have similar symptoms. One can often be mistaken for the other. These symptoms include: Dizziness.

How Do You Pop Your Ears When You Re Sick

As you feel the pressure beginning to build do the following:

  • Hold your nose, close your mouth.
  • Turn your head to the right until your chin touches your shoulder.
  • Swallow hard until your left ear pops.
  • Turn your head to the left until your chin touches your shoulder.
  • Swallow hard until your right ear pops.
  • causecausestuffystuffy ears

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    Conditions Linked To Tmj

    There are also some conditions you should consider that might make you more likely to have TMJ. These conditions can either influence TMJ or be influenced by it. They include:

    • Migraines
    • Stress
    • Teeth clenching and grinding

    People with migraines are more likely to have TMJ. Sometimes, its because undiagnosed TMJ is actually the cause of the migraines. Stress leads to muscle tension, which leads to TMJ. One link between stress and TMJ is bruxism, though bruxism can be linked to many other causes in addition to stress.

    Can Sinus Pressure Cause Lower Tooth And Jaw Pain

    Sinuse, Jaw Bruxism & TMJ Acupressure Points

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    Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

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    Can A Sinus Infection Affect Your Lower Teeth

    The pressure and swelling that results from sinus congestion can press against facial nerves, causing toothaches of the lower teeth, although it is not common. It is common for patients to report that their discomfort seems to move when they bend over or move their heads from side to side.

    Can Teeth Problems Cause Sinus Infection

    Sometimes, a tooth infection can lead to a sinus infection, called odontogenic sinusitis. Odontogenic sinusitis can be caused by trauma, infection, decay, or abscess in the maxillary teeth, with infection spreading from the teeth to the maxillary sinuses. This can happen when the roots of the teeth are very close to, or even protruding into the maxillary sinus. This proximity would generally not be an issue unless the tooth becomes infected.

    Sometimes recurring sinus infections can even be a sign of tooth decay. When tooth decay causes a sinus infection, its called Maxillary Sinusitis of Endodontic Origin . In some cases of MSEO, the patient may not feel sensitivity or discomfort in the teeth, so it can be difficult to diagnose.

    If problems of the teeth are causing sinus infection, simply treating the symptoms of sinus infection wont resolve the issue. If the source of the infection is with the tooth, you will have to have a dentist or endodontist provide treatment. If the sinus infections persist after managing dental issues, its a good idea to consult an ENT.

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    Other Reasons You May Experience Jaw Pain

    There are other reasons that you may be experiencing jaw pain. Stress often triggers pains in the law area because people are straining their facial muscles when they are feeling stressed. Some people have also reported jaw pain in association to allergic reactions. There have even been reports of jaw pain being associated with colds and flu symptoms.

    What is most important to understand is that most jaw pain is a symptom of another underlying medical condition and should be taken seriously. It may the sign of an infection or injury, and autoimmune disorder or heart condition. Jaw pain is not always related to TMD issues concerning bite patterns and grinding teeth.

    If you are experiencing jaw pain, consult with your dentist immediately to determine what is causing the pain. Your dentist will be able to provide you with the right treatment plan and information to help you manage or relieve your pain, or recommend you to a physician for further treatment.

    Is Your Tooth Pain Caused By Blocked Sinus

    80 best TMJ, Jaw Pain, Sleep Apnea images on Pinterest ...

    Theres no worse experience than tooth pain. It can be a throbbing, aching feeling that radiates from your mouth to your jaw. Eventually a tooth pain can give you a terrible headache. If youre really unlucky, your tooth pain can lead to nausea, migraines and joint pain.

    But is the source of this pain simply your teeth? Its important to get to the root cause of the problem. There is a chance that your tooth pain is caused by a blocked sinus. If you suffer from chronic nasal congestion as well as toothaches, the two might be related. Read ahead for valuable information that can help you in a dental emergency.

    Its time to stop letting tooth pain run your life. No more missed days at work and missing out on time with your friends and family! Stop suffering and get to the root of the problem! If your tooth pain is caused by chronic nasal congestion, a natural sinus remedy can solve the problem.

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    Sinus Vs Regular Toothaches

    While a regular toothache may share some sensations with a sinus toothache, its likely easy to recognize the difference. First, sinus toothaches tend to affect more than one tooth, while regular toothaches usually hit only a single tooth.

    The pain from regular toothaches tends to be intense and focused, while a sinus infection creates tooth pain thats not as sharp or localized. The pain you feel may change too, when its related to a sinus infection. The pressure may ease when you sit or lie down, while theres likely no getting away from the pain of a dental toothache.

    What Are The First Signs Of A Tooth Infection

  • Pain that is severe, persistent, throbbing, and can affect the gums, neck, or ears.
  • The ability to tolerate hot and cold temperatures.
  • A sensitivity to chewing or biting at high pressure.
  • Fever.
  • You may experience swelling in your face or cheek.
  • You may have tender, swollen lymph nodes under your jaw or in your neck.
  • Also Check: Sinus Pressure And Congestion Medicine

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    When To See A Doctor

    If you experience tooth pain that you think may be caused by sinusitis, itâs best to see your dentist about the issue before consulting your doctor. Many dental-related causes of tooth pain are time-sensitive issues that could get worse if left untreated.

    If your dentist has ruled out all possible dental issues but you are still experiencing pain in your back teeth, wait a little while to see if the problem clears up on its own. If the pain does not improve after two weeks or you have already had multiple sinus infections in the past year, make an appointment with your doctor. They will examine your sinuses for any signs of infection or other medical issues which could be causing your symptoms.

    If your doctor does diagnose you with sinusitis, they may prescribe a course of antibiotics to see if your symptoms improve. They may also refer you to an otolaryngologist for further examination. These doctors have received additional training in diagnosing and treating sinus conditions and should be able to help you determine what is causing your pain.

    What Are The Types Of Face Pain

    Cranial Release For Headaches, Migraines, Sinus Congestion, Tinnitus, Jaw Pain And More

    The exact type of pain you feel will depend on the cause. A dull, throbbing pain on one side of your face or around your mouth is generally due to problems within the mouth, such as a toothache, cavity, or abscess. If you experience this type of pain, contact your dentist.

    The pain associated with sinusitis feels like pressure or an aching pain across the front of the cheekbones and underneath the eyes. Abscesses and ulcers will often throb at the site of the sore. Headaches and injuries can feel like a stabbing sensation or can throb and ache.

    Because there are many causes of facial pain, talk to your doctor if you experience pain thats unexplainable or unbearable.

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    Understanding The Sinus Cavity Anatomy

    To know more about how a sinus infection can cause tooth pain, you must first understand the sinus cavity anatomy. This cavity is made up of maxillary, ethmoid, sphenoid, and frontal sinuses. The frontal sinuses are located near the forehead, slightly above the eyes. The sphenoid sinuses are located behind the eyes. The maxillary and ethmoid sinuses are located on each side of the nose. All these sinuses filter, warm, and moisten the air in the nasal cavity. They also produce mucus which cleans the nose.

    If these sinuses become blocked, you are likely to suffer from a sinus infection. This infection will cause congestion and pressure in your sinus cavity. Since the roots of your upper back teeth are near your sinus cavity, these teeth may become painful when you are suffering from this infection.

    How Is A Sinus Infection Treated

    First, you will need to find out what’s causing your sinus infection. Is it bacterial or viral? If it’s viral, it will not likely last more than a couple of weeks. To obtain relief from symptoms of a sinus infection, you can use:

    • Topical and oral antihistamines

    • Nasal saline washes

    • Nasal steroids

    Antibiotics are often prescribed for bacterial infection. But, you don’t want to jump too quickly to antibiotics because being overprescribed antibiotics can lead to you developing antibiotic resistance. Usually, allergists suggest you only take antibiotics if your symptoms have lasted over seven to 10 days. If medications don’t work for you, your doctor might recommend surgery to correct defects in the bone that separates your nasal passages, open closed passages or remove nasal polyps.

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    Sinus Infection Jaw Pain Relief

    • A visit to the doctor is very important. Diagnosing the condition and starting medication speeds up the process of healing the sinus jaw pain.
    • The doctor will prescribe anti-biotics to fight the infection speedily and also give you medications for pain relief from sinus infection jaw pain.
    • You could use decongestants that are available over the counter.
    • Alongside, to hasten the cure, you could start consuming 1 lime every day. Lime is loaded with anti-oxidants and vitamin C. Vitamin C boosts the immune system and combats infection. Also, vitamin C is very essential for oral health.
    • To ease pain and pressure in the jaw, use caraway seeds. Heat about a handful of seeds. Then wrap them in a muslin cloth and use as a heat pad over the painful jaw. This relieves the pain and allays congestion and pressure.

    Not Responding To Treatment

    Pin on Health

    If youre suffering from jaw pain and your doctor prescribes you medicine to treat a sinus infection and your jaw pain still doesnt go away, it might be a different underlying cause.

    Unfortunately, the way that many people find out they have TMJ is that they find out the treatment their doctor recommended just isnt working. Or maybe youve been trying home care, hoping that the problem would go away, only it hasnt.

    In either case, it may be time to talk to a TMJ dentist. We have scientific equipment that can give us a precise diagnosis of TMJ or eliminate it altogether. If your pain is from a toothache, we can also help diagnose and treat you.

    Its time to stop wondering about your condition and learn for sure whether a toothache or TMJ is responsible for your symptoms. To schedule an appointment with a TMJ dentist in Savannah, please call today at Beyond Exceptional Dentistry.

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    Natural Remedies For Sinusitis

    Its normal to want to treat the current sinus infection quickly. That said, it is a good idea to get to the root of the problem. Treating your chronic nasal congestion can end your toothaches for good. This will let you get back to your normal life.

    Once you treat the tooth pain, you can tackle your underlying problem. Here are some natural remedies for sinusitis:

    • Flush your sinuses. Use a neti pot or a saline solution to flush your sinuses. This will also keep them moist.
    • Do not over-use nasal sprays. Over the counter, nasal sprays are habit forming and can cause more problems than they solve.
    • Try a bromelain supplement. Bromelain is an ingredient in pineapple stems and can help reduce swelling in the body. Check with your doctor before taking this supplement.
    • Steam your face. Hot steam can really moisten your sinuses and loosen mucus. Try a hot shower or a steam tent.
    • Drink a lot of water. Staying hydrated is key when it comes to a natural remedy for sinusitis.
    • Spicy foods. Chili peppers, mustard, and horseradish can all help clear your sinuses.
    • Try a humidifier. This will keep the air in your home moist and easy to breathe.

    Sinus Pain And Pressure Causes

    There are different types of sinuses, each of which can cause different sinus pain symptoms. The images below show what causes sinus pressure in different areas of your face, neck and head and can be helpful to pinpoint relief or discuss with your doctor.


    Maxillary sinuses causes pain in the cheeks, upper jaw or teeth.


    Sphenoid sinuses causes pain behind the eyes, on the top of the scalp or along the back of the head.

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    Teeth Grinding Bad Bite And Overuse

    Grinding your teeth when you sleep can put excessive amounts of pressure on your jaws. Since this most often occurs while you are sleeping, other muscles surrounding the jaw can also be affected by the grinding. The best thing that you can do if you grind your teeth is speak with your dentist about the right type of device to help you stop grinding your teeth.

    The way that your teeth interact with each other may also cause pain in your jaw if not aligned properly. Commonly referred to as your bite pattern, non-alignment can cause teeth to wear unevenly and pains in the jaw area. In most cases, misaligned bite patterns can be corrected with braces or similar devices that can reshape the bite area to make it close in a more comfortable manner.

    Many people may joke about overusing their jaw, but it can actually be quite a serious medical issue. People who chew gum for extended periods of time can actually cause damage to their jaws which results in constant pain. This may be from the chewing motion itself for just the length of time that the jaw is working. Giving your jaw a rest is usually the solution to this problem.

    Most common health issues that are related to jaw pain include: InfectionsOf course, there are other conditions that may result in jaw pain, including physical injuries.

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