Saturday, July 27, 2024

Will A Sinus Infection Make Your Teeth Hurt

How Can I Tell If A Sinus Infection Is Causing My Tooth Pain

Sinusitis Toothache Explained Medical Course

There are a few things that may tell you whether or not youâre having tooth pain due to a sinus infection.

  • You have sinusitis symptoms and your teeth didn’t hurt previously â If your teeth didnât hurt before you got sinusitis, itâs likely that the source of your tooth pain is due to your sinus infection, and not due to an infected tooth or any other such issue.
  • Several teeth are affected, and only in the upper mouthâ Itâs pretty rare for dental-related tooth pain to occur in several teeth at once. So if you have multiple teeth that are hurting, and the pain started simultaneously, your condition may be caused by sinusitis. This is particularly true if only your upper teeth are hurting. Sinusitis usually doesn’t cause pain to the lower teeth, since theyâre not near the sinuses.
  • Moving makes the pain worse â If you make a sudden move like jumping or bending over, tooth pain caused by sinusitis will likely feel worse due to shifts in sinus pressure. You may also feel relief from pain when you sit or lie down. â

Sinus Infections And Your Teeth

Many people do not realize the intimate connection between teeth and sinuses. We tend to disconnect our teeth and mouth from our general health, while the mouth-body connection is a big part of or general health. Our sinus and teeth are related in a number of ways.

The maxillary sinus is an air space in the face, behind the cheekbones. This air space is connected with our nose and is lined with a mucous membrane. Many people ask why we have these air spaces in our face. While we really dont know the best explanation is to think how heavy our face would be if it was solid bone. They also aid in humidifying air and in immune responses of the body.

The roots of the back upper teeth sit at the base of the maxillary sinus. Many times the sinus is wrapped around the roots with only a thin layer of bone separating the nerves in the teeth from the sinus membrane. This thin separation makes any issues in the teeth, or sinus, related.

When you get sinus pressure or a sinus infection the inflammation of the sinus membrane and pressure from fluid in the sinus can put pressure on the nerves that give feeling to the upper teeth. It is not uncommon for a patient to complain of a toothache in one or ALL the upper back teeth, when it is a sinus infection that is causing the problem.

Modern dentistry that treats the whole body, not just the teeth, helps us to avoid the mistakes of the past and improve your overall health.

Your Root Canal May Not Have Been Successful

An infected tooth can actually cause sinusitis because the roots of your upper teeth are very close to your sinuses. If your root canal is not successful and your tooth remains infected, it may cause sinusitis as it gets worse. This is known as âsinusitis of dental origin.â The bacteria may spread from the roots of your upper teeth into your sinuses, causing a sinus infection.

If your tooth continues to hurt and feel uncomfortable after your root canal for more than a day or two and you also notice sinusitis-like symptoms, itâs possible that the treatment was not entirely successful. Root canal re-treatment may be required to remove the remaining infected material from your tooth.

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Your Sinuses Are Linked To Your Teeth Heres The Relationship

If youâve recently been experiencing some sinus pressure and discomfort in addition to pain in your teeth, you may be wondering whatâs going on.

The answer is simple. Your sinuses are more closely linked to your teeth than you may think, and the proximity of your teeth to the sinus lining can cause some unexpected complications! Ready for an oral anatomy lesson? Letâs get into the basics in this blog from Buckwalter Dental Care.â

Tooth Pain And A Sinus Infection

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When a cold or a bout of allergies turns into a sinus infection, you can develop tooth pain. But its not the acute tooth pain that youd experience from a chipped tooth, cavity or a root issue. The pain from a sinus infection is more like an overall feeling of pressure in all your teeth because thats exactly whats happening. The mucus builds up in your maxillary sinuses, which are above your molar teeth roots. The pressure pushes down on your dental nerve endings, which is what causes the discomfort.

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Its A Good Idea To See A Dentist If Youre Experienced Sinus Pain & Tooth Pain

It can be hard to tell the difference between normal sinusitis and a tooth infection on your own, particularly if you have an advanced tooth infection that causes odontogenic sinusitis.

Because of this, we recommend that you see a dentist in Bluffton right away if youâre experiencing any oral pain thatâs accompanied by sinusitis. While you may not have a tooth infection, itâs a good idea to find out for sure. The sooner you treat an infected tooth with root canal therapy in Bluffton, the more likely it is that you will be able to save the tooth and minimize further complications.

So donât wait. Contact Buckwalter Dental Care online or give us a call at 815-3232to get the help you need from Dr. Joel Darrah, and make sure your teeth and sinuses remain healthy and strong.

Talk To Your Doctor About Sinus Pains In Teeth

If you are unsure whether a sinus infection or dental problem causes your toothache, see your doctor. They will ask you about the symptoms to determine the cause of the pain. If a sinus infection causes the pain, the doctor will advise you to take over-the-counter medications. These medications will alleviate the pressure in your sinuses and clear any mucus present.

If you take these medications for some time and notice that your symptoms are not reducing, probably another issue is causing the pain. When this is the case, you will need to visit a dentist to determine the issue. The dentist will perform an x-ray to examine your oral cavity and mouth to determine if the pain is due to tooth decay or abscesses.

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What Are The Stages Of Sinus Infection


  • Acute sinusitis usually starts with cold-like symptoms such as a runny, stuffy nose and facial pain. It may start suddenly and last 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Subacute sinusitus usually lasts 4 to 12 weeks.
  • Chronic sinusitus symptoms last 12 weeks or longer.
  • Recurrent sinusitis happens several times a year.

What Should Monrovia Patients Do

Why Do My Teeth Hurt With A Sinus Infection?

If you suspect you might have a sinus infection, especially one severe enough to cause tooth pain, you need to see your doctor. Depending on the severity of the pain you may choose to ask for an expedited appointment. Either way, its important to be seen. You may find temporary relief with over-the-counter meds, but a sinus infection requires antibiotics.

Taking Care of Tooth Pain

In the meantime, if your tooth pain is causing you discomfort, there are some important steps that you should take:

  • Make an appointment with to ensure that your tooth pain is originating in your sinuses and that it isnt a dental issue.
  • As with any time that mucus is an issue, be sure to up your fluid intake drinking plenty of water, or clear fluids will help thin the mucus out. This will help with unblocking your nasal passages.
  • Inhaling steam can help to help break down the mucus, and there are a couple of different ways to do this. You can either purchase a facial steaming unit from your local drugstore or take a hot shower several times daily.
  • If the blockage is bothering you when you lie down to sleep, be sure to use a humidifier in your room to ensure adequate moisture in the air.
  • And of course, remember that looking after your sinus infection will take care of your tooth pain as well.

Suffering from tooth pain due to a sinus infection is uncomfortable, so be sure to contact Monrovia dentist, Dr. Q for fast advice if youre having issues.

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What Is A Sinus Infection

A sinus infection, medically known as sinusitis or rhinosinusitis, occurs when your nasal cavities become infected, swollen, and inflamed. Fluid buildup in the sinuses can cause germs to grow, leading to a sinus infection.

Sinusitis is usually caused by a virus and often lasts even after other upper respiratory symptoms are gone. In some cases, bacteria or, rarely, fungus may cause a sinus infection.

Other conditions such as allergies, nasal polyps, and tooth infections can also contribute to sinus pain and symptoms.

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Frequently Asked Questions : Can A Tooth Infection Cause Strep Throat

Yes, tooth infection can affect your whole body if left untreated.

Untreated tooth infection may spread to the adjoining jaw bone causing osteomyelitis.

Ascending tooth infections may enter the brain through sinuses or blood and lead to abscess formation in the brain.

Study published in the Australian Dental Journal reported ascending necrotising fasciitis resulting from the odontogenic infections.

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The Connection Between Sinus Infections And Toothaches

The simple answer is yes, a sinus infection can make your teeth hurt. To understand why, its a good idea to learn about the anatomy of the face. Your sinuses are essentially large cavities in the back of your head that are connected to your nose and jaw. When you dont have a sinus infection, these cavities help keep your nose and inner ear clean and functional. You dont notice your sinuses when theyre doing their job correctly.

Unfortunately, when something goes wrong in your sinuses, its impossible to ignore. A sinus infection can lead to inflamed, sensitive sinuses that react with pain to everyday activities. Since the upper jaw and the sinuses are basically side-by-side, pain in the sinuses can radiate outwards into the upper jaw, particularly in the back teeth. Toothaches and sinus infections are a common pairing for many.

Sinus Pressure In Teeth

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Sinus infections, or sinusitis, are so common that many of the telltale signs are recognizable: congestion, postnasal drip, facial pain and tenderness, sore throat, fatigue, and fever. But many people also experience teeth pain. Well explore the connection between sinus infection and toothache, and take a look at some rare complications from sinus infection.

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Your Surgeon May Recommend Amoxicillin Prophylaxis

If you have a high-risk condition, such as a heart valve, prosthetic material, or endocarditis, your doctor may advise you to take antibiotics for that condition. Amoxicillin is the most effective antibiotic against bacteria that cause respiratory infections and ear infections, in addition to respiratory infections.

Why Do My Teeth Ache When I Have A Sinus Infection

With the holidays behind us and the cold weather hovering over us here in Tennessee the inevitable has happened.

Cold and flu season has struck.

Many of our patients having been battling colds and sinus infections over the last few weeks. Some have even come to us complaining about aching teeth and jaws.

So, what gives? Why are some people experiencing this type of pain when they have the common cold?

Heres the simplest explanation we tell our patients.

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How Can You Be Sure If You Have A Sinus Infection Which Hurts Your Jaw And Teeth

Pain in a specific tooth is usually caused by centralized pain. Pain associated with a sinus infection is usually described as a less intense, less localized feeling that is more akin to an itch than a sharp or severe pain. In addition, it may also affect a wider area, affecting an entire section of the jaw rather than just one tooth.

How Do I Fix The Problem

How to Treat a Sinus Toothache

To get rid of your sinus toothache, youll need to clear out the mucus and reduce the inflammation in your sinuses. Once the inflammation goes down, there wont be any more pressure on the nerves leading to your teeth. It may be best to try one of these non-medical, and more affordable or even free solutions, prior to visiting your doctor or an urgent care clinic:

  • Sleep Your body needs downtime to repair itself, especially if your sinus infection is the result of a cold. Be sure to keep your head elevated so you arent trapping mucus in your sinuses.
  • Hydrate Drink plenty of fluids, like sugar-free juice and water, to hydrate your sinuses. Try to avoid coffee, as this can make symptoms worse.
  • Breathe in steam Steam can open up your nasal passages and allow mucus to drain. Take a hot shower, breathe in the steam from a homecooked meal or sip some warm, caffeine-free tea. Do this a few times a day for the best results.
  • Apply compresses Warm compresses and towels can be applied to the face to soothe pain.
  • Use saline rinses Its best to use distilled water, but you can also boil and purify tap water for the same effect. Then, flush your nose with a neti pot, nebulizer or another safe device.
  • Tweak your diet Spicy foods like horseradish, garlic, black pepper and chili peppers can thin mucus. Certain spicy foods can make things worse, so proceed with caution. If youre not a fan of spiciness, try peppermint.

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Can Sinus Pressure Cause Pain In My Teeth

Its true. On top of everything else a sinus infection brings, it can also cause tooth pain. Thats because your upper teeth are so close to your sinuses and when they get infected, it can feel like your mouth is infected too. Of course it is possible that the tooth pain is unrelated to your sinus infection, which is why, in addition to consulting a physician, you should also have your dentist to perform an exam to make sure you dont have a cavity or abscess or other oral health problem.

Sinus pressure or infection can indeed cause pain which feels as though its coming from teeth. Here are some signs that its a sinus problem and not a tooth problem: the pain is only in the upper back teeth, its a continuous dull ache and/or tenderness to chewing or biting vs. sensitivity to hot or cold, and you have sinus or nasal congestion on the same side as the tooth pain. In this case try a decongestant nasal spray. If in doubt, see a dentist to examine the painful teeth.

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How To Get Rid Of Ear Pain Caused By Strep Throat

An ear infection may be caused by viruses or bacteria, but if you have strep throat and then develop an ear infection, its likely your ear infection is bacterial. In most cases, an ear infection will get better without antibiotics. However, if you arent already taking antibiotics for your strep, you should speak with your doctor if you develop ear pain.

While youre waiting for your ear pain to resolve, there are a few things you can do at home to help relieve the pain:

  • Applying warm or cold compresses

  • Using over-the-counter pain relievers

  • Adjusting your sleeping position to reduce physical pressure on the affected ear

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How To Relieve Sinus Toothache Pain:

The effects of sinus toothaches are known to escalate due to certain types of movement, due to shifting sinus pressure. Because of this, one of the best ways to relieve pain is to limit movement. Pain may ease when sitting in a stationary position or lying down. There are also a few other remedies that you can try before opting for traditional treatment.

Here are some things you can try to ease pain:

  • Flush Out Your Sinuses Using premixed over-the-counter saline solution can help out your sinuses by moisturizing them and clearing out allergens in your nasal pathway. You shouldnt be too reliant on these products, as they can cause congestion to rebound and be even worse than before if used for more than a short timeframe.
  • Drink More Fluids Water especially is essential in relieving the severity of a sinus infection. When you are properly hydrated pressure is released and drippage will be reduced.
  • Hot Liquids and Steam Along with water, drinks like hot tea and eating soup can help greatly comfort the affected areas. Hot showers are also very helpful in a similar way due to the steam releasing pressure and opening up your nasal cavity.

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Does A Sinus Infection Affect Your Teeth

Sinus Pain In Teeth

Over the years, few patients come rushing through our doors, convinced that they had an infected tooth. After reviewing their x-rays and conducting a physical exam, we sometimes find that the actual cause of their tooth pain is a sinus infection.

Tooth and sinus pain can be difficult to distinguish. Sinus infections can cause tooth pain, but getting to the bottom of the problem does require a professional exam.

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How Can You Tell If A Blocked Sinus Is Causing Your Toothache

Theres one MAIN way to know if your tooth pain is due to blocked sinus.

Try bending over. Does the pain increase? If so, your tooth pain is caused by a sinus problem. The pressure shifts in your sinus when you bend over, causing pain in your teeth.

If you experience more pain when you bend over, your toothache is caused by a sinus infection. The pain might also increase right after you have a cold or flu, or when you are on an airplane.

If you have tooth pain related to a blocked sinus, you will experience certain symptoms. One of the main symptoms is that your face, jaw and nasal area will feel tender and sore. Many people describe the pain as a constant dull ache, rather than a sharp pain.

If you feel a sharp and increasing pain, you might have an abscess in your mouth. If you have an abscess, you need to seek treatment right away.

While most people feel their blocked sinus pain in their upper teeth, the ache can spread to the lower teeth as well. This is called referred pain, and it is very common in the mouth. Your dentist or doctor can help to determine what is going on with your teeth and sinuses. Even if you feel pain in an unrelated tooth, theyll be able to determine the real problem.

If any of these sound familiar, it is time to head to the doctor. An acute maxillary sinus infection can go unnoticed for a long time. It can be easily confused with chronic nasal congestion. Your doctor can tell you exactly what is wrong and help you to end the pain.

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