Thursday, July 25, 2024

Best Probiotic For Sinus Infection

Natural Treatment For Sinus Infection #8 More Reliefremedies/sinus Drainage Remedies

My 30-Day Self Experiment With Nasal Probiotics For Chronic Sinusitis (TGIF Ep.3)

To finish off, heres a couple of sure fire reliefremedies for your sinus infection to help drain and clear those nasal passages quickly if you find that nothing else is working. You definitely cant go wrong with any of these age-old remedies

Saline rinse: This one is the most used externalcleanse and flush for sinusitis. Although it doesnt actually get rid of sinusinfections as such, it does clear the nasal passages and give you excellentrelief, usually within 24 hours. Simply mix 1 teaspoon of sea salt or Himalayan pink rock salt and ½ teaspoon ofbaking soda in 1 cup of warm, filtered water. Using either a bulb syringe orneti pot , tilt the head back and gently squeeze thesyringe or pour the mixture directly into each nasal passage. Allow it to drainout the opposite nostril or into the mouth but do not swallow. Make sure youspit out the mixture as this will contain bacteria and other toxins. Repeatthis process 3 times daily.

Betadine and Salt Rinse: This is just a turbo-boostedversion of the standard saline rinse. And yes it does work even better! Justpurchase some antiseptic Betadine from your local pharmacy oronline and add 5-7 drops to 1 cup of warm filtered water, along with 1 teaspoonof sea salt or pink rock salt and ½ teaspoon of baking soda. Use a bulb syringeor neti pot and flush out each nostril in the same way as the saline rinse.Repeat 2-3 times daily for best results.

Evidence In The Literature For Topical Probiotic Treatment Of Upper Airway Infection

Unfortunately, there is a paucity of data regarding topical probiotic treatment of CRS, with only one placebo controlled trial available. There are several clinical trials however in otitis media as well as a trial in recurrent tonsillitis where topical bacterial interference has proven successful. There is also a small case series where MRSA carriers have been successfully treated with a combination of probiotic nasal spray and mouth wash. Table outlines these trials.

Potential Mechanisms By Probiotics To Restore Sinus Health

What tools do commensal microbiome have available to outcompete pathogens? Lactobacilli, probably the most common probiotic, used as a food preservative in fermented food, produces lactic acid and thus lowers pH. It is well known that, for example Pseudomonas does not thrive in an acid environment. Other interference mechanisms include competing for cell surface receptors, thus inhibiting adherence of pathogens, producing antibacterial peptides and other antibacterial metabolites such as hydrogen peroxide. It is also likely that an abundance of commensal bacteria may starve the pathogens for nutrients . For a more detailed review of this complex topic, see Stubbendieck et al. . From the gut, there is evidence that the commensal microbiome has direct action on epithelial cells, stabilizing tight junctions, reducing production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and preventing apoptosis as well as interacting with lymphocytes with an increased production of anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10 and IL-12 .

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Dysbiosis In Urt Diseases

Recent research shows that a balanced airway microbiota plays an important gatekeeper role for respiratory health, as reviewed by , although it is yet very difficult to determine what defines a balanced microbiota. It is generally seen as the counterpart of dysbiosis. Such an imbalance in the composition and metabolic activity of our microbiota can appear in several manners, for example as a loss of beneficial microorganisms, or an excessive growth of potential pathobionts . The identification of beneficial versus potential pathobionts is not always straightforward. Bacterial genera that are commonly abundant in the URT of healthy individuals, without clear symptoms, belong to Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, Propionibacterium, Dolosigranulum and Streptococcus species . These taxa can thus be seen to contain potential beneficial strains. Pathobionts such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis appear to be more prevalent or abundant in URT diseases . In addition to these classic URT pathogens, other emerging pathogens, such as Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum and Stenotrophomonas, have been suggested based on microbiome data . Nevertheless, it remains highly challenging to investigate whether these changes and disruptions in the microbiome are either a causality or a consequence.

Probiotics And Prevention Of Atopy LiviaOne Daily Liquid Probiotics for Nasal ...

Probiotics that are tailored and marketed towards treating individuals suffering from a range of atopic diseases are starting to emerge and grow on the market.

The complex crosstalk and array of effects by which prebiotics and probiotics elicit are not fully understood and this may explain, in part, why results of human studies, which use synbiotics to induce immune-health benefits, have been contradictory . However, study designs are under increasing scrutiny and the need to better define validated biomarkers, valuable enough to substantiate a health claim, has yet been achieved.

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Natural Treatment For Sinus Infection #7 Diet

What you eat and dont eat are both extremely importantfor preventing and treating sinusitis. All refined and processed foods shouldnot be eaten, especially refined sugars and yeast containing foods as these feed the bad bacteria in your body. Also avoidmucous-forming foods including all processed dairy ,flour products, fried foods and chocolate. If you regularly suffer from sinusinfections, the last thing you need is extra mucous.

For the foods you need to be eating more of, the basicsapply. Plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and berries includingblueberries, raspberries and goji berries, and seeds including chia and flaxseeds, along with healthy oils such as organic coconut oil and palm oil. And of course,eat lots of cultured and fermented foods such as coconut kefir and sauerkraut for yourgood bacteria and oily fish for essential fatty acids.

They Are Similar To Some Of The Bugs Found In Yogurt

PEOPLE ARE familiar with the idea of probiotic bacteria, which, if consumed as part of someones diet, are supposed to enhance the health of the gut. The gut is home to zillions of microbes of many varieties, and if this microbial ecosystem gets out of balance illness can, indeed, result. Whether consuming probiotic-rich foods such as yoghurts really does promote health is a contested area of science. But the idea that they might do so is plausible.

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One commonly promoted probiotic is Lacticaseibacillus casei . Now, evidence of the pathogen-fighting abilities of this bug comes from another directiona study of the nose by Sarah Lebeer of the University of Antwerp.

Dr Lebeer and her colleagues took samples from 100 healthy people and 225 who were suffering from chronic sinus infections. These revealed an intriguing difference between the groups bacterial floras. Nearly 80% of the upper-respiratory-tract bacteria collected from healthy people were members of the genus Lacticaseibacillus. In those who suffered chronic infections the proportion was 55%.

This article appeared in the Science & technology section of the print edition under the headline “No entry!”

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Naturewise Oral Health Chewable Probiotics

  • SCIENCE-BACKED BENEFITS: Featuring 12 oral probiotic strains â 3x more than the leading brand â including BLIS K12 & M18, which are clinically shown to promote dental and upper respiratory health.
  • ADVANCED ORAL PROTECTION: Strong clinical research shows that dental probiotics can help strengthen your natural resistance to invasive organisms that are often responsible for common problems with teeth, gums, and breath.
  • UPPER RESPIRATORY IMMUNITY: Active culture can also influence upper respiratory health. BLIS K12 has been clinically studied in both children and adults and shown to significantly boost ear, nose, and throat immune defenses.
  • NATURAL PROBIOTIC SUPPLEMENT: Our chewable oral probiotics are non-GMO, vegetarian, and gluten-free with a natural, sugar-free mint flavor and no artificial additives, colors, or flavors. All NatureWise supplements are manufactured in USA.
  • GUARANTEED VIABLE: Our shelf-stable probiotic supplements are safe for shipping and guaranteed to remain viable up to the expiration date when stored at a comfortable room temperature, or even longer if refrigerated.
  • During the summer months products may arrive warm but Amazon stores and ships products in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations, when provided.

Essential Oils For Sinus Infection

Bionaze Oral Sinus Probiotic Review 2020

There are many essential oils that have antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties, including:

  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Thyme oil
  • Rosemary oil

Combining a few drops from different oils may be the best route to obtain maximum benefit from their different properties. Components of eucalyptus oil help to clear the air as well as break up mucus, while oregano oil is a potent antibacterial and antifungal oil. Eucalyptus is commonly found in cough drops and other medicines, but using it as an essential oil will yield a pure and more concentrated dose. There are a few ways to reap the benefits of these oils when you have a sinus infection.

  • Steaming add a few drops to a pot of boiled water and hold your face over the steam.
  • Sinus irrigation add a few drops to your neti pot solution for sinus irrigation.
  • Homemade vapor rub or massage oil combining a few drops of essential oil with a base oil such as coconut oil or olive oil will yield a mixture that you can massage onto your throat to soothe and break up congestion.
  • Oral consumption put one drop of food grade essential oil on the roof of your mouth. Careful not to consume much more than this, as essential oils are highly concentrated.

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How The Sinus & Gut Microbiome Relate

The gut is often referred to as the bodys second brain, which implies that keeping a healthy gut is extremely important for our health and our immune system. The stronger our immune system is, the more chances we have to fight off viral infections that can result in sinusitis. Again, the gut microbiome is home to hundreds of microbial species that perform a wide range of tasks to maintain normal immune and digestive functions.

According to scientific evidence, chronic diseases, inflammation, and even the formation of cancer are associated with the presence of certain bacteria that live in the gut. At the same time, other microbes that also live in the intestines are health-promoting and disease-preventing.

Luckily, we can control which microbes live and thrive in our gut through our food and lifestyle choices.

Unfortunately, the Western lifestyle is characterized by diets that include a plethora of unhealthy processed foods, fast foods, lots of red meat, foods low in fiber, sweets, and the frequent use of antibiotics, alongside lack of sufficient sleep, no exercise, too much alcohol, and smoking. This way of life does not promote a balanced microbiome and feeds the harmful bacteria. Over time the beneficial bacteria get depleted, allowing the harmful ones to take over and cause a variety of diseases, including respiratory health conditions that lead to sinusitis.

Nozin Nasal Sanitizer Antiseptic 12ml Bottle

as of January 5, 2022 1:00 am


  • SCIENCE BACKED: Decreases germs. Keeps protecting for up to 12 hours. Clinically proven with peer-reviewed hospital studies.
  • TRUSTED BY HUNDREDS OF HOSPITALS: 62% alcohol based OTC topical antiseptic. #1 nasal antiseptic used in professional healthcare for daily application, now available to you.
  • HOW IT WORKS: Safely decreases germs while moisturizing the nostrils. Pleasant citrus scent.
  • WHEN TO USE IT: Recommended as part of routine hygiene. Safe for daily use. You can use it every time you or your family leave the house.
  • EASY TO USE: Application is simple and convenient: swab around each nostril with a saturated cotton swab tip. See product description below for use instructions. 12 mL bottle with 20 starter cotton swabs. Up to 60 applications per bottle. PROUDLY AMERICAN: Made in the USA.

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The Commensal Microbiome And The Immune System

I will briefly mention the role the commensal microbiome has in developing our immune system to a functioning defense system distinguishing self from non-self without causing undue tissue harm to the host. It seems that proper exposure to microbiota early in life is paramount to hone the immune system as exemplified in a study using the Danish birth register where 2 million term children delivered either by natural birth or cesarean was compared for inflammatory disorders later in life, and it is evident that children born by cesarean delivery had significantly increased risk of asthma, systemic connective disorders and inflammatory bowel disease . These data indicate that the first microbial exposure, when passing through the birth canal is paramount in developing the immune system. Inflammatory disorders have also been shown to be less common, in children who suck their thumb and bite their nails as well as in children whose parents clean their pacifier by sucking on it, an unintentional microbial transplant . These epidemiological studies show a link between early exposure to microorganisms and a lower incidence of inflammatory disorders later in life and it is referred to as the hygiene hypothesis. Findings suggests that a diverse microbiome in the gut is likely to be a key factor.

Behind The Stuffy Nose


The sinuses are small air pockets in the skull around the eyes, nose, and forehead that are lined with mucous membranes. They moisten the air we breathe in while also catching dust, microbes, and allergens before these can reach the lungs.

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This warm, moist environment is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, and mold, but the body does a good job of removing or destroying the captured bacteria, spores, and cysts before they can begin growing.

Problems arise when our mucous membranes are damaged, or the mucus becomes too thick to move freely. When this happens, infections can explode to life in the pockets of your sinuses and lead to a more severe condition.

Sinusitis can be painful and debilitating. A few of the symptoms of a sinus infection to watch out for are:

  • headaches
  • fever
  • fatigue

Sinusitis can also be caused by allergies, nasal polyps, the common cold, immune deficiencies, dental infections, or a deviated septum. There are things you can do and foods to add to your recipes that can help prevent sinus infections or clear your sinuses up.

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The Critical Role Of The Microbiome & lactobacillus Sakei

The body is a fantastic system that comprises of an impressive variety of subsystems which work in unison to keep us healthy. Interestingly, every single part of the body has a microbiome, from the skin to the gut to the mouth, the eyes, the vagina, the sinuses, and between the toes. Everyone has a unique microbiome and microbial communities vary per person.

For instance, a healthy skin, mouth, and gut have different microbes than a skin with acne, a mouth with gingivitis, and intestines with an inflammatory bowel disease. It has been proven that in people with a health condition or illness, the microbiomes are imbalanced or out of whack .

This includes the sinus microbiome, which researchers at the University of California found can become overpopulated by some bacteria, such as Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum . They also demonstrated that chronic sinusitis sufferers have lessLactobacillus sakei and lack the sinus bacteria diversity that healthy individuals possess. To deal with this bacteria imbalance, they thought that Lactobacillus sakei could help protect a majority of people against pathogenic bacteria, and so promote sinus health.

Latest Cold And Flu News

TUESDAY, June 2, 2020 — If you constantly battle sinus infections, low levels of good bacteria in your nose may be to blame, new research suggests.

Previous research has shown that health-protecting strains of bacteria reside in your digestive system, genital tract and on your skin.

In this study, researchers found that people with chronic nasal and sinus inflammation had lower numbers of beneficial lactobacilli bacteria in their upper respiratory tract than people without such inflammation.

The researchers also pinpointed a specific strain of lactobacilli that’s especially helpful and has evolved to thrive in the oxygen-rich environment of the nose, according to the study published May 26 in the journal Cell Reports.

Sinusitis patients don’t have a lot of treatment options,” and available treatments often lead to problems such as antibiotic resistance and cause side effects, said study author Sarah Lebeer, of the University of Antwerp in the Netherlands.

The authors assessed the levels of 30 different families of bacteria in the upper respiratory tract of 225 chronic rhinosinusitis patients and 100 healthy people.

The healthy people had higher numbers of lactobacilli than the patients, with up to 10 times more in some parts of the nose.

The researchers also developed a nasal spray that delivers lactobacilli to the nose and resulted in the bacteria colonizing the upper respiratory tract of 20 healthy volunteers.

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Home Remedy For Sinus Infection #5 Vitamin A Vitamind Vitamin C Zinc & Essential Fatty Acids

All of these nutrients are potent remedies for a sinus infection for two basic reasons. Firstly, they help toreduce any inflammation in the body, including in the sinuses. Secondly, they allhelp to boost your immune system, which you now know, is vital to treating andpreventing sinusitis. So either go out and find yourself a good quality multi-vitamin and mineral complex with high amounts of these key nutrients, orpurchase them separately in supplemental form. Also be sure to eat plenty of eggs , pumpkin seeds , chilli peppers and kale , cold waterfatty fish and get lots of sunshine !

Probiotics For The Sinus

How to Use: Lanto Sinus – The L. sakei Probiotic to Support Sinus Health

The nasal passages and sinus cavities are good potential candidates for probiotic therapy. 1212 Cleland EJ, Drilling A, Bassiouni A, James C, Vreugde S, Wormald PJ. Probiotic manipulation of the chronic rhinosinusitis microbiome. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2014 4:309-314.,1313 Cope EK, Lynch SV. Novel microbiome-based therapeutics for chronic rhinosinusitis. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2015 15:504. Multiple authors have now documented microbiome dysbiosis in chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal allergy, leading several authors to suggest a role for microbiome manipulation in these disorders. While proponents of the SNOT transplant suggest that direct transfer of material from healthy to diseased individuals may be possible,1414 Vancouver Sun. Believe it or snot: St. Paul’s nasal mucus transplant study targets inflamed sinuses. Available at: https:https://couves-murcianas/news/local-news/believe-it–or-snot-st-pauls-nasal-mucous-transplant-study-targets-inflamed-sinuses . as in the stool transplant, practical limitations regarding risk of transmission of infection remain a limit to this approach. For the moment, attention has focussed on probiotics.

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