Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Best Oils For Sinus Congestion

Essential Oils For Nasal Congestion

How to Use Essential Oils for Sinus Congestion – Nasal Spray

Essential oils have many health benefits and if you know which ones to use you can get nasal congestion relief.

The best oils to treat nasal congestion and provide relief are:

  • Tea Tree Oil tea tree oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties making it good at clearing your nasal passage by reducing swelling and fighting bad bacteria.
  • Eucalyptus Oil eucalyptus oil is a natural cough suppressant that also has been shown to fight bacteria. Eucalyptus oil does not contain antibiotics. It can help with decongestion by reducing the negative bacteria and other microbes in the nasal passage.
  • Peppermint Oil peppermint oil contains menthol and is good for immediate relief as it provides a cooling sensation. However, it does not help fight bacteria or reduce swelling, therefore it is not a long-term solution for nasal congestion.

Is It Safe For Babies

The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians state that people should not use essential oils with babies younger than 3 months.

Certain oils may be safe to use around older children. Always ask a doctor before exposing babies or young children to essential oils.

Some believe that eucalyptus and peppermint oils are dangerous for infants and that people should refrain from using them around children under 3 years old.

Be aware that when diffusing essential oils in the air, any children, pets, and other family members will also be inhaling the treatment.

Do not diffuse essential oils in public, such as in stores, as many people have allergies to them.

Some essential oils, such as eucalyptus and peppermint, can trigger asthma symptoms.

When To See A Doctor For Sinus Congestion

Treating sinusitis and nasal congestion with essential oils and nasal rinses can help to reduce the discomfort and speed up recovery. However, sometimes, professional medical help is needed if your sinus infection and congestion become chronic. A doctor may test for allergies or see if there are any obstructions in your sinuses that are causing irritation and inflammation.

According to doctors from the Mayo Clinic, you should visit your doctor for sinus-related conditions in the following circumstances:3

  • Your symptoms of sinusitis last more than 7 days and get worse.
  • You have frequent cases of sinus infections and treatment doesnt help.
  • You have a high fever.
  • Blocked sinuses are accompanied by redness around your eyes and/or severe headaches.
  • You have confusion or vision changes.
  • Your neck is stiff.

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Thieves Essential Oil For Colds And Flu

Considered an effective essential oil for colds, thieves essential oil can help provide flu symptom relief thanks to its antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral properties. Made from a blend of lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus, rosemary and clove oil, for colds, thieves oil has shown properties that support the immune system.6

Thieves oil for colds is most effective when used by steam inhalation. To use thieves oil for cough relief, add a few drops of thieves essential oil to a steaming bowl of water, cover your head with a towel and inhale deeply.

Georganics Oil Pulling Mouthwash English Peppermint

The Best Essential Oils for Sinus Congestion

Believing that good oral care shouldnt come at a cost to the environment, Georganics makes it easier for you to strive towards sustainability from your sink. Handcrafted in small batches from locally sourced ingredients, these formulas are made from effective ingredients from pure, natural, organic sources, and the brand proudly ensures the packaging is plastic-free instead, it’s either 100% biodegradable or recyclable.

A must for fighting against plaque, Georganics’ Oil Pulling Mouthwash is inspired by the Ayurvedic practice of oil pulling with coconut oil that offers natural antimicrobial benefits, helping to reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth, prevent bacteria, tooth decay and gum disease.

In three variations, have your pick between which flavour and effect you prefer: ‘English Peppermint’ packs a traditional minty flavour and fights bacteria with refreshing peppermint oil ‘Spearmint’ is infused with organic spearmint oil to freshen your breath finally, the ‘Activated Charcoal’ mouthwash is blended with title ingredient to help to whiten teeth, while an infusion of organic peppermint helps to battle bacteria.

Take 1-2 teaspoons of oil. Swish and pull through the teeth. Spit out after 20 minutes.

Spearmint: Organic Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Organic Cocos Nucifera Oil, Organic Mentha Spicata Essential Oil, Tocopherol, Limonene.

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Why Essential Oils Are Effective For Sinus Congestion

Essential oils for congestion and mild sinus infections help to quickly reduce your symptoms without using medication some of which may have unpleasant side effects. There is also scientific research to back up claims that essential oils are effective for sinus congestion.

For example, the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine reported that aromatherapy with essential oils helps with inflammatory responses in the nasal passages. It was found that certain essential oils help to relieve nasal inflammation and congestion, improve sleep quality, and reduce fatigue. The researchers concluded that inhaling essential oils can have the potential to alleviate signs of nasal inflammation.6

Also, the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine reported on a number of essential oils that have scientifically proven use in treating sinusitis. Some of the essential oils for sinus infections and nasal congestion mentioned were eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil.7

Breathe Easier Synergy Blend

Not sure which of the best oils for congestion to choose? The Breathe Easier synergy blend combines four of the most potent essential oils for cough and congestion:

  • Peppermint

  • Rosemary

  • Lemon

With anti-congestant powerhouses Eucalyptus and Peppermint, alongside cleansing Rosemary and Lemon oil, a few drops of this essential oil blend can help your system clear out congestion so you can bounce back faster.

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How To Use Essential Oils To Relieve Congestion

The best way to use essential oils to relieve a stuffy nose is through inhalation. You can inhale oils in a number of ways.

Steam inhalation involves combining essential oils with hot water to create therapeutic steam. NAHA recommends adding three to seven drops of essential oil to boiling water in a large pot or heatproof bowl. Use a towel to cover your head, and breathe through your nose for no more than two minutes at a time. Keep your eyes closed to prevent eye irritation.

Direct inhalation refers to inhaling the essential oil right from the bottle. You may also add a drop of oil to a handkerchief, cotton ball, or inhaler tube, and breathe it in.

Diffusers disperse essential oils throughout the air, allowing them to dilute before being inhaled. This is a less potent method of inhalation.

For an aromatherapy bath, add a few drops of diluted essential oil to your bathwater.

For an aromatherapy massage, add a few drops of essential oil to your favorite massage lotion or massage oil.

The Benefits Of Essential Oils

3 Best Essential Oils for Congestion – How to Cure Congestion

Essential oils have been used for centuries as a natural way to support emotional and physical health. When people become wary about synthetic medications, they often turn to natural remedies such as essential oils.

Some people use over-the-counter decongestants or antibiotics to treat sinus congestion and sinus infections. These remedies arent for everyone. OTC decongestants can interact with prescription medications and arent recommended for people with multiple conditions, such as pregnancy or high blood pressure.

They can cause side effects, such as:

  • drowsiness

There isnt a lot of reliable research about essential oils and sinus congestion. Some studies suggest specific essential oils may relieve symptoms.

A found that tea tree, or melaleuca, oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Because sinus tissue inflammation and bacteria are often the culprits of sinus congestion, tea tree oil may help.

Researchers in a 2009 study found that 1,8 cineole, which is the main component of eucalyptus oil, is an effective and safe treatment for sinusitis that doesnt include antibiotics. According to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy , 1,8 cineole helps clear the air of bacteria and other microbes. It can also help clear airways of mucus and is a natural cough suppressant.

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The Top Essential Oils For Cold Flu Coughs And Sinus Infection Are:

  • Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Oregano Essential Oil
  • The most common symptoms of a cold include a runny nose, congestion, and a sore or itchy throat with cough.2 Flu symptoms often include the latter symptoms, but are accompanied by muscle and joint aching, fever or chills, headaches, and fatigue.1

    Want to learn more about essential oils? Get our FREE Video Series here

    Complications associated with the cold and flu can lead to upper respiratory infections such as bacterial sinusitis and strep throat, and the flu can lead to lower respiratory infections in the lungs that can lead to pneumonia and bronchitis.3

    While taking medications to cure these symptoms can be crucial, for those wishing to complement their treatment with alternative methods, or for those who may not be able to take certain antibiotics, using essential oils for the flu is a natural way to address uncomfortable symptoms.

    Essential oils for colds have been used for years in aromatherapy for their antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Today, essential oils are even used in over-the-counter medications for their fantastic cold-fighting properties.

    The practice of using essential oils for flu symptoms can not only help treat the condition, but also help manage stress and improve fatigue that often accompanies being sick. The following is a list of the best essential oils for sickness symptoms related to the cold and flu.

    What Are The Best Essential Oils For Sinus

    Eucalyptus is the very best essential oil for sinus congestion. It is fast-acting. Even as you breathe in the fumes the chemicals work quickly, unblocking the sinuses as they go.

    There are around 300 different eucalyptus trees many of which have essential oils on the market today, all with different chemistries. Indeed, it is an oil many aromatherapists collect. They have a commonality that they all have this penetrating, decongestant action. Eucalypts are the best essential oils for sinus problems if you are an adult.

    Not only is it good for the congestion itself but eucalypts are the best essential oils for sinus infections. They have antimicrobial, antibiotic, and antiseptic actions, supporting the immune system in its fight against invading pathogens. Eucalyptus also has a gentle helpful action on fevers too.

    Beware of using eucalyptus on small children though. Especially do not place it on their pillows to help them breathe. Eucalyptus is high in a constituent called 1,8 cineole which is wonderful for the immune system, but it also slows respiration, so we should not use it close to their faces. That said, it can be useful to massage it onto the upper back and neck. More explained on that in the pine section.

    Like any other essential oil, eucalyptus should not be used in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

    So, thats frustrating, isnt it? So what essential oil is good for sinuses in children?


    Safety: Not suitable for use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

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    How To Use Essential Oils For Congestion

    • Roll-Ons Our pre-diluted roll-on essential oils are ideal to use topically. Simply swipe the roll-on along your throat, neck, and clavicle. That way, youll keep the aroma close, and be able to inhale it for hours to come. Because it is pre-diluted, you dont have to worry about upsetting sensitive skin.

    • Diffusion Fill your essential oil diffuser with water and the manufacturers recommended amount of oil. For best results, start by diffusing for 30 minutes to an hour, and see how your symptoms progress.

    • Personal inhale Have sensitive family members, roommates or guests? Skip the ultrasonic diffuser and fill your personal inhaler with a few drops of our Breather Easier synergy blend instead. Inhale it throughout the day as needed.

    While it can be tempting to double up on dosage when your nasal passage is clogged and you feel like you have a sinus infection, its better not to overwhelm your system when youre already feeling ill. Instead, stick to recommended dilutions and let the best essential oils for congestion gently improve your symptoms.

    Caution: Any essential oil listed above with the * symbol are not considered safe for young children.

  • Mulyaningsih, Sri et al. Antibacterial activity of essential oils from Eucalyptus and of selected components against multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens. Pharmaceutical Biology 49.9 .
  • Inhaling Essential Oils For A Stuffy Nose

    The Best Essential Oils for Sinus Congestion

    When experiencing a stuffy nose, eucalyptus essential oil can be applied to a cotton ball or handkerchief and inhaled directly. Another way to strengthen essential oil vapor is to use a nebulizing diffuser.

    This new type of diffuser does not require oil dilution with water, and will increase the oils ability to control a stuffy nose, as well as cold, flu, and congestion symptoms.

    I started my journey with essential oils about 2 years ago after the birth of my first child. To say that they changed my life forever would be an understatement. I share my story with you, so you can thrive and change your life, like it has done for me.

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    Essential Oil Safety Tips

  • Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil before applying them to your skin to avoid irritation and inflammation.
  • Avoid ingesting essential oils, which can have unpleasant side effects.
  • Avoid applying essential oils to the inside of the nose. The nasal passages are sensitive and it could turn into a painful experience!
  • When diffusing essential oils, always be mindful of who else is in the room with you. I recommend you always use your diffuser with the door open, to allow for airflow in and out of the room and to give pets the option to leave if the smell gets too strong.
  • Amazing Essential Oils For Congestion

    September 14, 2020

    Aromatherapy comes to the rescue when congestion, seasonal allergies and common cold and flu symptoms arise. However, you may be able to stop congestion in its tracks before it affects your sleeping, eating, and breathing thanks to beneficial essential oils.

    What essential oils are good for congestion?

    The medicinal, clearing aroma of chest rubs is often associated with Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Camphor. These essential oils can aid as a natural remedy for your congestion to help relieve sinus pressure and have you breathing deep in no time. However, there are other options for those who prefer a different aroma.

    In this short guide, well look at 12 essential oils that can help clear nasal and chest congestion so you can get back to your routine more quickly.

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    Essential Oils For Congestion

    Nasal congestion is the result of a partial blockage of your nasal passage. This happens when the mucous membrane in your nose swells due to the inflammation of sinus cavities. Nasal congestion often indicates common cold and is sometimes a sign of hay fever. It may accompany with thick nasal mucus. While you can definitely find medication to fight congestion, there are some effective remedies that does not involve any medication and side effects. Essential oils, for instance, are quite effective against colds and congestion. You just need to know which oils will help improve your symptoms and clear your ‘stuffy nose’. Keep reading to learn more about it.

    How To Use Essential Oils For Colds

    Best Essential Oils to Clear Congestion

    The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy recommends several methods to use essential oils.

    Steam inhalation is like an essential oil sauna. For best results, follow these steps:

    • Place up to seven drops of essential oil in a large pot or bowl of boiling water.
    • Lean over the bowl and cover your head with a towel to create a tent.
    • Close your eyes and breathe through your nose for no more than two minutes at a time.

    To directly inhale essential oils, sniff them right from the bottle or add up to three drops to a cotton ball or handkerchief and inhale. You can also add a few drops to your pillow before bedtime.

    A relaxing and less intense way to use essential oils is in your bath. Stir two to 12 drops into one tablespoon of carrier oil and add the mixture to your bathwater.

    You can help relieve headaches by dabbing a drop of diluted peppermint oil onto your temples.

    Aromatherapy diffusers are a less direct method of inhaling essential oils. Electric and candle diffusers offer light oil dispersion vaporizers provide more intense diffusion.

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    Natural Remedies With Essential Oils For Cough Or Cold

    Lets face it: whether youre in the throes of winter cold season, or youve come down with a stubborn cough or cold in the middle of summer, the waiting game is tough. Waiting for nasal congestion or sore throat and coughing to subside so you can get back to your daily rhythm, can leave you feeling restless and helpless.

    Try these easy natural home remedies to help make you more comfortable the next time youre feeling under the weather:

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    What Causes Nasal Congestion

    Sinus discomfort is common and may be caused by:

    • Dust allergies
    • Medications
    • Thyroid problems

    Allergic rhinitis is extremely common, but there is also non-allergic rhinitis. Sinusitis, on the other hand, occurs when the lining in the sinuses becomes inflamed.

    If youre struggling with this type of problem and you havent been diagnosed, its important to check with your doctor as soon as possible to rule out any serious health concerns.

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    Essential Oils For Seasonal Allergies

    Integrative Registered Nurse

    When I was growing up in Chicago, I can vividly remember how I looked forward to the change of seasons â ALL FOUR OF THEM! The mid-west was an open, clean, fresh place to live. I spent most of my free time outdoors. We almost never played inside. We had many wonderful forest preserves, lakes and hiking paths. I loved being in nature.

    At the time, I was unaware of how pollen and grasses affected people. I never had a problem with any seasonal allergies. However, I knew several people that did. I would privately make fun of them, in my mind. I just could not believe that people could be suffering so miserably with allergies, hay fever, sinusitis etc. It seemed almost too dramatic for me. However, I tried to understand how maybe it affected them and make an effort to be sympathetic. They were always going for Sinus X-rays, CT Scans and using a plethora of antihistamines, decongestants and steroidal sprays and inhalers.

    Then, about 27 years ago, I moved to the East Coast. Initially the seasons were pretty much the same, but not for long. Everything started to change. Perhaps the unhealthy climate changes, our polluted environment and dramatic fluctuations in the barometric pressure contributed to my newly developing allergy symptoms: sinus pressure, headaches, congestion, sneezing, phlegm and an annoying cough. OH BROTHER, NOT ME, I thought!

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