Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Sinus Problems

Is It Sinus Pressure Or A Toothache

Sinus Inflammation caused by teeth

Did you know that sinus pressure can cause symptoms that closely mimic a regular toothache? Sinus congestion and infections can cause your upper teeth to hurt as if you had a cavity or even an abscess. In this blog post, youll learn why sinus pressure can cause a toothache, how to tell if a toothache is related to sinus pressure, and what to expect if you go to the dentist with possible sinus pressure issues.

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Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Removed

Wisdom teeth are not, in and of themselves, problematic. Its the impact they have on the rest of your mouth and your oral hygiene thats the issue. For many people, wisdom teeth eruption can lead to two main problems:

  • Lack of space. Sometimes theres not enough room in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to come in. When your jaw is too small for the teeth to pop through properly, they can become impacted, which is painful.
  • Lack of hygiene. Even if your mouth is big enough for the wisdom teeth, they grow right next to an area where the jaw turns up. The teeth are flat, which creates periodontal pockets between the teeth and the jaw that are very difficult to clean. Bacteria and plaque can build up in these pockets, leading to tooth decay or gum disease.

You may have also heard people say that wisdom teeth can crowd your other teeth. Oral surgeons once cited this issue as a reason for removal, but the theory has since fallen out of favor.

Can Wisdom Teeth Affect Breathing

In the event of an upper wisdom tooth eruption, your sinuses can become blocked, your sinuses can become infected, and your throat can become flooded with sinus drainage. You may experience breathing difficulties at night if your sinuses have been irritated by the erupting or impacted wisdom teeth.

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Problems That Wisdom Teeth Can Cause

Impacted wisdom teeth are more likely to develop cavities. Because theyre stuck in the gums, its harder to reach them with your toothbrush and floss.

A further problem is that microbes are likely to become trapped in the area around the wisdom teeth, particularly if a pocket has developed in the gums. Periodontal pockets are gaps between the gums and teeth that become too deep, providing a home for colonies of bacteria.

Troublesome wisdom teeth can also increase the risk of gum disease and put pressure on the adjacent second molars, leading to deterioration of the enamel.

If your wisdom teeth erupt after youve been wearing braces, they can negate that orthodontic treatment by causing other teeth to shift.

A wisdom tooth that remains buried in the gum can result in a cyst around the roots or crown that can damage soft tissue and bone. Dental cysts may remain undetected for months or even years as they gradually eat into the jaw bone. In some cases, people only realize they have a dental cyst when their jaw eventually breaks through weakening of the bone.

In other cases, wisdom teeth grow in at the wrong angle. A crooked wisdom tooth can cause permanent damage to adjacent teeth and result in a misaligned bite function.

Sinus Infections/inflammation Causing Teeth Symptoms

Can My Teeth Cause Sinus Problems

The connection can go both ways. When someone has perfectly healthy teeth, they can experience the symptoms of a toothache because of sinus problems. As infection or inflammation develops in the sinus cavities, the mucus and inflammatory matter settles in the floor of the sinus cavity due to gravity. This puts it directly on top of the teeth roots.

As pressure builds in the sinus cavity, it may put pressure on the roots of the teeth and the nerves around them. People with sinusitis-referred dental pain often experience tenderness on chewing, swelling in the gums above the roots, and sensitivity to cold.

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There Are Four Different Ways Wisdom Teeth May Be Impacted

You may hear your dentist use these terms when describing them:

  • Mesial impaction The tooth is angled too far toward the front of the mouth. This is the most common type of impaction.
  • Vertical impaction These teeth are coming in fairly straight, but there isnt enough room in the mouth to accommodate them.
  • Horizontal impaction Teeth that are horizontally impacted are lying on their side.
  • Distal impaction Distally impacted teeth are tilted toward the back of the mouth.
  • Soft tissue impaction This occurs when the tooth has erupted through the gum.
  • Bony impaction When the tooth is still within the bone but has emerged through the gum, its a bony impaction.

Sinus Tooth Pain Relief

If your sinus tooth pain is caused by sinusitis, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or antihistamines. If it is caused by bruxism, your dentist may recommend wearing a nighttime mouth guard. Sinus tooth pain caused by tooth damage or tooth decay will need additional dental care, such as filling a cavity.

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Do Wisdom Teeth Grow Back

No. But it is possible to have more than one set of wisdom teeth.

In extremely rare cases, in under 2 percent of the population, people are born with an extra set of wisdom teeth, beyond the usual four. These supernumerary, another word for extra, usually appear after your first set of wisdom teeth has been removed.

Dont worry you wont just wake up one day with a second set of wisdom teeth growing in. Your dentist will see these teeth on X-rays and inform you about them well before they begin to grow. Often people mistakenly think an extra set of wisdom teeth means the ones you had removed grew back, but clearly this is not the case.

Do Wisdom Teeth Cause Headaches

Wisdom Teeth Removal / When to extract Wisdom teeth (Third molar) / Animation // Medinaz

Yes, indirectly. Heres what often happens: As your wisdom teeth grow in, the back of your jaw becomes tender. You will instinctively avoid chewing in the area where the teeth are erupting, and if you do this repeatedly, it can lead to changes in the way you hold your jaw and bite down.

This, in turn, can lead to problems with your bite as you overcompensate for the sore wisdom tooth area. Your jaw muscles become inflamed and may even spasm. This leads to the headache.

In a smaller number of cases, your wisdom teeth may become infected as they grow in. It may get so bad you can barely open your mouth, and it will also spark up that headache once again.

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Are Your Wisdom Teeth Causing You Pain

Wisdom teeth are the third pair of molars to grow in, and appear between the ages of 17 and 21. While most people never experience discomfort after the initial growing pains, others are plagued by symptoms like swelling, jaw, pain, and sinus problems.If youve been suffering from wisdom tooth pain, its important to have them treated or removed before they encourage an infection to spread. Keep reading to learn about six of the most common symptoms patients complain of when suffering from wisdom tooth pain.

Jaw Pain

Beneath the crown of your teeth is a nerve that runs through the jawbone. Wisdom teeth that cause pain are either impacted or infected as a result, they can begin to affect the nerve ending sitting below the tooth. Over time, jaw pain, sensitivity, and stiffness may appear as side-effects.

Foul Smells

Because of their location in the oral cavity, its not uncommon for wisdom teeth to become infected. If youve noticed a foul smell coming from the back of your mouth and have noticed your jaw has been troubling you, its likely that one of your wisdom teeth has become infected.

Recurring Sore Throats and Sinus Issues

Another sign of wisdom tooth problems is a recurring sore throat. Individuals suffering from an impacted or infected wisdom tooth frequently complain of sore throats unrelated to a cold or flu. Additionally, impacted wisdom teeth can trigger sinus issues that cause pressure headaches or runny noses.

Swollen Jaw, Cheeks, or Lymph Nodes

How Tooth Implants Can Lead To Sinus Issues

It is possible for certain tooth implants to impinge on the sinus cavity. This typically occurs in instances in which an error was made in the initial placement of the post. If one does not receive treatment, the tooth implant has the potential to become loose and can lead to an infection. It is interesting to note there is minimal risk to the patients sinus area during the tooth implant surgery. In most cases, upwards of a couple millimeters worth of a tooth implant can penetrate the sinus area during placement without any long-term complications. If there is any worry there will not be enough bone below the sinus, a procedure known as a sinus lift will be the most effective option. This procedure empowers the surgeon to place additional bone in the sinus air cavity for ample implant stabilization.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Not everyone experiences symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth. However, some of the obvious symptoms are as follows:

  • Pain around the tooth.
  • Bad breath and unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  • Difficulties in opening the mouth completely.

Fully impacted wisdom teeth never break through the gums. Thus, they lead to many complications. At times, the wisdom teeth may break through the gums partially, making a part of the gum visible.

Health Problems Caused By Bad Teeth

Is It Necessary to Remove Wisdom Teeth?

IntroductionNot that you need a reason to routinely clean your teeth beyond basic hygiene, but there is another even more fundamentally important reason to do so it may save your life. Yes, the human body is a remarkable machine. But like a machine, if there is failure to keep up with maintenance and keep it running at maximum efficiency, it can and will break down on you sometimes in the most unexpected of ways. Dental problems do not just affect the mouth, and something that started as a small cavity or infection could lead all the way to a stroke just a few years later if left unchecked.

Before and After Dental Treatment

10) Memory Loss Caused by Absent TeethRecent research suggests that the loss of teeth may directly or at least partially contribute to memory loss as you age. This is due to the sensory impulses in your teeth that chewing creates which go to the brain. These impulses connect to the part of the brain responsible for retrieving and forming memories, the hippocampus. Scientists have found that fewer signals are produced in individuals without their own teeth.

In one study, subjects participated in performance tests that addressed episodic memory and semantic memory . Researchers found that older people who still had their original teeth had a better memory than individuals without.

The More Teeth, The Better Memory Will Be in Old Age

Every System in the Body is Connected Trouble with Your Teeth Leads to Heart Complications

The Tao Of Badass

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Get Sinus Relief From Allergy & Ent Associates In Houston Tx

Sinusitis can be an extremely painful condition that can develop into a more serious medical issue if left untreated. If youve been suffering from a sinus toothache or sinusitis, seek treatment with the board-certified sinus treatment specialists at Allergy & ENT Associates. Whether your sinus issue is a result of allergies, asthma or structural problems, our sinus treatments can provide relief. Our services include surgical treatments like rhinoplasty, septoplasty and functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Call us at MY-SINUS to schedule your appointment today!

A Quick Rundown On Wisdom Teeth Symptoms

In order to help you pinpoint whether or not you may be having problems associated with the growth of your wisdom teeth, we listed the most common symptoms for you below. Keep in mind that only your dentist can give you true medical advice while seeing what the current state of your wisdom teeth are.

With that said, it is imperative to your overall health as well as your dental health to notify your preferred dentist if you experience any of these problems that are listed. Failure to do so can only make matter worse, which is far from something that you want to experience.

· A bad taste in your mouth, especially when eating food.

· Bad breath, even when youre brushing your teeth regularly.

· Experiencing severe pain in the back of your mouth, specifically behind your molars.

· Redness around your gumline.

· Swelling of your jaw or within your gum line in the area where wisdom teeth grow.

· Tender gums that are sensitive to touch or when eating/drinking.

There are many other symptoms and conditions that are associated with your wisdom teeth, and only an x-ray can tell if theyre growing in properly or if they have a chance to have a negative impact. Just remember that being proactive is the best way to having the healthiest and most beautiful smile.

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Why Remove Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the four molars located in the very back of your mouth. They are the third, final set of molars to come in, and they usually sprout during the late teens to early twenties, though some peoples wisdom teeth never grow in.

For a small number of people, wisdom teeth will grow in and never cause a problem. They fit into the mouth perfectly, and while they may cause pain as they come in, they do not compromise bite or mouth function. This, however, is the exception rather than the rule.

Natural Remedies For Sinusitis

Removal of wisdom teeth and cysts

Its normal to want to treat the current sinus infection quickly. That said, it is a good idea to get to the root of the problem. Treating your chronic nasal congestion can end your toothaches for good. This will let you get back to your normal life.

Once you treat the tooth pain, you can tackle your underlying problem. Here are some natural remedies for sinusitis:

  • Flush your sinuses. Use a neti pot or a saline solution to flush your sinuses. This will also keep them moist.
  • Do not over-use nasal sprays. Over the counter, nasal sprays are habit forming and can cause more problems than they solve.
  • Try a bromelain supplement. Bromelain is an ingredient in pineapple stems and can help reduce swelling in the body. Check with your doctor before taking this supplement.
  • Steam your face. Hot steam can really moisten your sinuses and loosen mucus. Try a hot shower or a steam tent.
  • Drink a lot of water. Staying hydrated is key when it comes to a natural remedy for sinusitis.
  • Spicy foods. Chili peppers, mustard, and horseradish can all help clear your sinuses.
  • Try a humidifier. This will keep the air in your home moist and easy to breathe.

Read Also: How To Get Rid Of Sinus Infection Home Remedies

Do Wisdom Teeth Have To Be Removed

Like getting your drivers license and attending your high school prom, getting your wisdom teeth removed is known as a rite of passage for teenagers. Some have the surgery before the teeth have even begun to break through the gum surface. Others get theirs removed only after the painful eruption of the wisdom teeth has begun.

For years, people got their teeth removed without question. But recently, weve had more patients at our offices outside of Phoenix, AZ, ask: Why do wisdom teeth have to come out? We certainly understand their concern. Any sort of surgery is a serious undertaking, and it should only be done for sound dental purposes, not out of tradition or for any sort of vanity reasons.

The reasoning for wisdom teeth removal in teens and adults has changed over the years. Its important to understand why you should remove your wisdom teeth in certain cases and when you should avoid this surgery.With that in mind, weve put together a comprehensive guide designed to answer the question, Do I need to remove my wisdom teeth? Read on to find out the answers to these questions and more:

  • Can wisdom teeth cause pain in other parts of your mouth?
  • Do wisdom teeth grow back?
  • What are wisdom teeth symptoms?
  • Why do wisdom teeth have to be removed?

After youve read our guide, you also can discuss with your dentist whether wisdom teeth removal is necessary.

Anesthesia And Sedation Help Make This A Virtually Pain

Improved ComfortYour doctor can provide pain medications and a specific set of instructions to help keep you as comfortable as possible during treatment and throughout recovery. Following treatment, you can expect relief from painful symptoms.

Improved ConfidenceOnce you have completely healed, you can feel confident knowing that you have improved your oral health and minimized your risk of periodontal disease, sinus issues, inflamed gums, and cavities.

Conservative CareThe removal of your wisdom teeth can help prevent the need for more expensive and invasive surgical procedures.

I’m happy to hear about the positives…Will you show me how the procedure is performed?

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Please Follow These Instructions For 14 Days:

  • DO NOT blow your nose. Air pressure must not be increased in the nasal or sinus cavities.
  • TRY NOT to sneeze. If you should, keep your mouth open to prevent an increase in air pressure in the sinus cavities.
  • DO NOT use a straw.
  • DO NOT spit.
  • DO NOT rinse vigorously for several days. Chew on the opposite side as much as possible.
  • DO NOT fly in an airplane.
  • DO NOT swim or submerge your head.
  • DO NOT do any vigorous exercising.

Upper Tooth Extraction And Sinus Infections

Can A Bad Tooth Cause Sinus Problems

Upper molar tooth roots are close to the sinus. Sometimes only a thin membrane separates them. And that membrane can easily rupture during tooth extraction and result in sinus perforation.

If youre leaky filling hurts or is irritated, dont delay getting it replaced

Treatment Surgically close the perforation using sponge-like surgical gelatin or bone grafting material. Stitch over the opening. As a patient, you must be gentle with the surgical site and allow it to heal. Clindamycin or another antibiotic is appropriate.

Also Check: How Does A Sinus Infection Spread

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