Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Best Medication To Stop Sinus Drainage

What Are The Symptoms Of Post

Watch Cryotherapy to Treat Chronic Nasal Congestion

Post-nasal drip can create several annoying symptoms, including:

  • A tickling feeling that makes you want to constantly clear your throat
  • Hoarseness
  • Sore throat
  • Coughing, which often gets worse at night. Post-nasal drip is the most common cause of chronic cough.
  • Ear infection if mucus plugs up your Eustachian tube, which connects the throat and the middle ear
  • Sinus infection if your sinus passages become plugged by mucus

Blood Pressure And Cough And Cold Medications

Many cough and cold medications contain NSAIDs to relieve pain. NSAIDs may increase your blood pressure. Cough and cold medicines also frequently contain . can make blood pressure worse in two ways:

  • Decongestants may make your blood pressure and heart rate rise.
  • Decongestants may prevent high blood pressure drugs from working properly.

What can you do? Avoid using cough and cold medicine that contains NSAIDs or decongestants. Ask your doctor for suggestions about other ways to ease symptoms of cold, flu, or sinus problems.

Does Salt Water Or Nasal Irrigation Have Any Role In The Treatment Of Rhinitis And Post

Irrigating the nose with salt water is a home remedy that is very useful therapy for non-allergic rhinitis, and especially beneficial for treatment and relief of post-nasal drip.

Nasal irrigation utilizing a buffered isotonic saline solution helps to reduce swollen and congested nasal and sinus tissues. In addition, it washes out thickened nasal secretions, irritants , bacteria, and crusts from the nose and sinuses. Non-prescription nasal sprays can be used frequently and are very convenient to use.

Recommended Reading: Best Over The Counter Allergy Medicine For Sinus Pressure

Visit The Experts On How To Prevent Sinus Infections At Sinus Solutions Of South Florida

For those who struggle to gain relief through traditional methods or are impacted by multiple sinus infections a year, balloon sinuplasty can offer an alternative, life-changing solution.

If yoursinus infection wont go away, come see Dr. Bequer at Sinus Solutions of South Florida. Our highly-effective and minimally-invasive balloon sinuplasty procedure has proven successful at preventing sinus infections and helping patients get their lives back.

Dr. Bequer of Sinus Solutions of South Florida is a leading balloon sinuplasty expert in the West Palm Beach area. He and his staff can help you explore the treatment options available to you as well as whether or not you would be a good candidate for balloon sinuplasty.

Book an appointment with Dr. Bequer by calling Sinus Solutions of South Florida at 561-790-7744 orrequest a consultation to see if balloon sinuplasty is right for you.

Other Helpful Articles by Sinus Solutions of South Florida:

What Is Postnasal Drip

Stop Sinus Drainage In Throat

Postnasal drip refers to mucus from the nose or sinuses draining into the throat. A person may complain of having nasal congestion and a sensation of mucus dripping from the back of their nose. When a healthcare provider does an examination, they may see mucus dripping into the throat and inflammation in the nose and throat. A combination of symptoms and a physical examination can help your healthcare provider diagnose postnasal drip.

Also Check: Sinus Infection Vs Flu Vs Cold

Medications To Avoid If You Have High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is best understood as the force of blood pressing against the walls of your arteries. A person can be diagnosed with high blood pressure, also called hypertension, when their blood pressure is consistently greater than 140/90 mm Hg.

When a persons blood pressure is too high, their hearts need to work harder which can cause serious damage to the arteries. Over time, uncontrolled high blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney disease.

Some medications can increase your blood pressure, so its important to be aware of which medications to avoid if your blood pressure is already elevated. If you are unsure of whether a medication might impact your current blood pressure state, your physician or pharmacist are the first resources you should consult. Often, they will be able to recommend an alternative product that will not affect your blood pressure.

Oral Nasal Decongestants

Oral nasal decongestants like Sudafed and Sudafed PE can increase blood pressure by elevating your heart rate and causing blood vessels to narrow, also known as vasoconstriction. Pseudoephedrine and phenylephedrine can also be found in many cold, cough and flu combination products. If you suffer from cold, cough or flu symptoms, try Coricidin HBP products.

Topical Nasal Decongestants

Topical Hemorrhoid Products

Concerned About Your Blood Pressure? Our experienced team can answer your questions. Find an available appointment today.

Best Medicines For Post Nasal Drip 2020

A post nasal drip can be a very annoying and irritating problem. Aside from flooding the back of your nose and throat with thick mucus thats hard to expectorate, it can also induce headaches due to clogged sinus pathways. If youve ever had a post nasal drip, you should already know how significantly it can limit your daily activities. Thats why at the first sign of this problem, you should be ready with the best medicine for sinus drainage.

While post nasal drip medicine can be purchased over the counter, having such a wide variety of options can make the selection process a challenge. Learn how to choose the right product for your sinus drainage problem and buy the best medicine for post nasal drip by keeping this comprehensive guide in mind.

Also Check: Mucinex And Advil Cold And Sinus

Fever And Pain Reducers

If you have a fever and/or pain, take two acetaminophen tablets. After four hours, if you still have pain or fever, take two ibuprofen tablets. You can rotate these every four hours.

Valdez said it is very important to be careful when combining all these medicines to make sure you are not doubling up on a single agent. “Some of these medications may contain a lower dose of any of the above mentioned agents, so check the labels carefully.”

Remember those agents are: acetaminophen or ibuprofen for fever/pain, dextromethorphan for cough and pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine and guaifenesin for decongestants and expectorants.

Lastly, Valdez said to keep the following in mind:

  • If you have a fever, do not go into work or school you should be fever free for 24 hours.
  • Rest is the best medicine. Let the virus run its course if your body is run down it will take it longer to fight off the infection.
  • To prevent sinus infections, get a flu shot , wash your hands often and cover your cough and sneeze.

What Is A Good Over

Cold & Flu Treatments : How to Treat Sinus Congestion by Draining or Flushing

According to WebMD, a suggested over-the-counter medication for sinus drainage is the mucolytic guaifenesin, which is present in many cough suppressants. Other medications that include pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, decongestant nasal sprays or oral decongestants containing phenylephrine, may also be helpful.

According to WebMD, antihistamines are not always recommended for sinus drainage unless there are allergies that accompany the symptoms. These may dry out mucous membranes in the nose and sinuses, making mucous thicker and worsening drainage problems. Some health care practitioners recommend antihistamines, however, to reduce mucous that builds up in the sinus membranes, helping to alleviate sinusitis. Cough, cold and antihistamine medications should not be given to children unless instructed to by a physician.

Recommended Reading: Home Care For Sinus Infection

Is It Time To See Your Ent

Whether a patients chronic sinus drainage issues manifest as chronic runny nose, chronic post-nasal drip, chronic sinus headaches, or chronic congestion, they all visit us for the same reason: their chronic desire to feel better.

Enough is enough. At Sinus Solutions of South Florida, well help you learn what exactly is causing your chronic sinus drainage issues. We can assist you in getting the treatment you need to take back control of your wellbeing. Call us at 561-790-7744 or request an appointment online today.

Allergy Medicine Treating The Bodys Adverse Reaction To A Substance

A good percentage of the worlds population is affected by an allergy.

An allergy is the bodys reaction to a substance that doesnt cause much harm to other people, but it does to you. These allergens include dust, pollen, chemicals, foods, animal fur and insect stings.

Allergic reactions include:

  • Skin rashes dermatitis, hives
  • Excessive sweating
  • Bloated stomach, intestinal disturbances, and others. In rare instances, the immune systems react so strongly to the offending substance that death occurs. The most deadly reaction occurs when the allergen gets into the bloodstream and causes an anaphylactic reaction respiratory distress, severe itching, and shock.

Allergies can be debilitating and sinusitis is often so painful it can lead to time off from work. Acute sinusitis will develop quickly and lasts up to 10 days while chronic sinusitis is a long-term inflammation of the sinuses.

In adults, chronic sinusitis can lead to nasal swelling. Allergies cause histamine to be released and this causes the inner lining of the nose to swell and prevent sinus drainage. People with asthma and immune system problems develop chronic sinusitis more often than others.

Read Also: How To Heal A Sinus Infection Without Antibiotics

What Causes Excessive Sinus Drainage

If looking for the cause of excessive drainage makes more sense than focusing on how to stop sinus drainage altogether, where do we start? Normally, sinus drainage is temporary and accompanies a mild cold. However, longer-term drainage, or drainage that is particularly painful or severe, may be caused by a more serious condition. Its best to start by identifying the cause of the excess mucus. Possible causes of excessive drainage include:

  • Allergies Its not unusual for people to experience allergy-related sinus drainage, even if theyve never been diagnosed with allergies before. I developed a severe dust allergy as an adult, which led to severe drainage as well as frequent sinus infections . Allergic Rhinitis symptoms include:
  • Itchiness of the nose, mouth, eyes and skin.
  • Sinus Drainage from the nose or into the throat. .
  • Sneezing
  • Watery Eyes
  • A Sinus Infection Sinus Infections occur when the mucosa tissues become swollen or inflamed, preventing the sinuses from draining properly and allowing bacteria or viruses to grow more easily. Sinus infections is much more likely in people who have allergies or frequent colds, but is not uncommon for people who dont have these problems. Symptoms include:
  • Facial Pain or Pressure in the Areas of the Sinuses .
  • Nasal Stuffiness
  • A thick green or bright yellow mucus .
  • Loss of Smell

Natural Treatment For Sinus Infection #7 Diet

Home Remedies for Post

What you eat and dont eat are both extremely importantfor preventing and treating sinusitis. All refined and processed foods shouldnot be eaten, especially refined sugars and yeast containing foods as these feed the bad bacteria in your body. Also avoidmucous-forming foods including all processed dairy ,flour products, fried foods and chocolate. If you regularly suffer from sinusinfections, the last thing you need is extra mucous.

For the foods you need to be eating more of, the basicsapply. Plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and berries includingblueberries, raspberries and goji berries, and seeds including chia and flaxseeds, along with healthy oils such as organic coconut oil and palm oil. And of course,eat lots of cultured and fermented foods such as coconut kefir and sauerkraut for yourgood bacteria and oily fish for essential fatty acids.

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What About Prescription Treatments

If these approaches aren’t effective, prescription treatments may be the next best steps, including:

  • A nasal steroid spray
  • Ipratropium nasal spray which inhibits secretions

Other treatments depend on the cause of the post-nasal drip. Antibiotics are not usually helpful, so they aren’t usually prescribed for post-nasal drip . For allergies, dusting and vacuuming often, covering your mattresses and pillowcases, and special air filter can help reduce exposure to allergy triggers.

Natural Treatment For Sinus Infection #8 More Reliefremedies/sinus Drainage Remedies

To finish off, heres a couple of sure fire reliefremedies for your sinus infection to help drain and clear those nasal passages quickly if you find that nothing else is working. You definitely cant go wrong with any of these age-old remedies

Saline rinse: This one is the most used externalcleanse and flush for sinusitis. Although it doesnt actually get rid of sinusinfections as such, it does clear the nasal passages and give you excellentrelief, usually within 24 hours. Simply mix 1 teaspoon of sea salt or Himalayan pink rock salt and ½ teaspoon ofbaking soda in 1 cup of warm, filtered water. Using either a bulb syringe orneti pot , tilt the head back and gently squeeze thesyringe or pour the mixture directly into each nasal passage. Allow it to drainout the opposite nostril or into the mouth but do not swallow. Make sure youspit out the mixture as this will contain bacteria and other toxins. Repeatthis process 3 times daily.

Betadine and Salt Rinse: This is just a turbo-boostedversion of the standard saline rinse. And yes it does work even better! Justpurchase some antiseptic Betadine from your local pharmacy oronline and add 5-7 drops to 1 cup of warm filtered water, along with 1 teaspoonof sea salt or pink rock salt and ½ teaspoon of baking soda. Use a bulb syringeor neti pot and flush out each nostril in the same way as the saline rinse.Repeat 2-3 times daily for best results.

You May Like: Buy Advil Cold And Sinus

Which Allergy Drugs Are Ok With High Blood Pressure

11 Fast Facts About Your Childâs Allergies I Have High Blood Pressure. Are Allergy Drugs OK? First things first: Always check with your doctor or pharmacist before you start to take any medication â for allergies , high blood pressure , or anything else. Thatâs true for herbs and supplements , too. Antihistamines are the most common medication for allergies . Most of them seem to be safe if you have high blood pressure â but again, ask to make sure. Donât take decongestants unless your doctor tells you otherwise. They may raise your blood pressure . They also keep some high blood pressure drugs from working the way they should. Watch out for combination medications for allergies that include decongestant ingredients. That includes allergy drugs as well as many remedies for cold, flu , and sinus problems. Ask your pharmacist to check the ingredients for you. WebMD Medical Reference Reviewed by Suzanne R. Steinbaum, MD on December 14, 2016 American Heart Association: âOver-the-Counter Medications.â Harvard Medical School: âDonât Let Decongestants Squeeze Your Heart.â UpToDate: âDefinition, risk factors, and evaluation of resistant hypertension,ââDiphenhydramine.âContinue reading > >

Safety Guide For Phenylephrine

Dr. Mandell’s Sinus Tapping (60 Seconds) for Instant Drainage, Headaches, and Tinnitus

Phenylephrine is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is safe and effective when used according to the Drug Facts label.

Ask a healthcare provider before use if:

For nasal decongestants:
  • You have heart disease, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, diabetes, or difficulty urinating due to an enlarged prostate gland.
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Before giving a topical nasal decongestant in children under 2 years old.
For hemorrhoid medicines:
  • You have heart disease, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, diabetes, or difficulty urinating due to an enlarged prostate gland.
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • You are taking a prescription medicine for high blood pressure or depression.
  • Before using a topical hemorrhoid treatment containing phenylephrine on a child under the age of 12.

Do not use if:

For nasal decongestants:
  • Never use an oral medicine containing phenylephrine at the same time as a topical nasal decongestant that also contains phenylephrine.
  • You are currently taking a prescription monoamine oxidase inhibitor or you stopped taking an MAOI less than two weeks ago.
  • You are currently taking certain drugs for depression or a psychiatric or emotional condition.
  • Do not give an oral decongestant or cough and cold medicine containing phenylephrine to a child under the age of 4.
  • Some topical nasal decongestants may be used in children aged 2 and older. Read the Drug Facts label carefully for accurate dosing information.
For hemorrhoid medicines:

Also Check: If Sinus Infection Is Left Untreated

Medication Types For Sinus Drainage

Advil cold and sinus is a very good example of combination of painkillers and decongestant. At the same time it relieves the person of that pressure feeling, and it also decongests those channels and allows easier breathing. It is safe to use throughout the whole day because it contains a non-drowsy formula.

Tylenol Simply Stuffy is product manufactured for especially children. It contains only the substances needed to directly interfere with the given problems, and do not contain anything that is unnecessary.

Tylenol Sinus Day/Night Convenience Pack consists of two products in one box. One is a non drowsy formula for an all day use, and it gives us relief during the whole day.The other is for night use. When our eyes start to itch, or when our throats are dry and we cannot breathe normally this product will help.

Afrin No Drip Nasal Spray provides the person with an almost instant sense of relief, and allows normal breathing, and it can last up to twelve hours. The spray itself is made into a very fine mist so it does not drip out of the nose.

Aleve Cold and Sinus is also used throughout the day, because of its non drowsy formula. It comes in caplets for easier swallowing and just the two are enough for the whole day.

The Effects Of Decongestants On High Blood Pressure

Know the risks

According to the CDC guidelines, nearly half of the U.S. adult population has high blood pressure. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you should know that decongestants may raise your blood pressure and may interfere with the medications you take.

What is the impact of decongestant medicines on blood pressure?

Many over-the-counter cold medicines contain a decongestant that can affect your blood pressure. This can be concerning for people who already have a high blood pressure level.

Why should high blood pressure sufferers consider cold medicines without decongestants?

If you have high blood pressure, its important you choose a cold medicine thats decongestant-free like Coricidin® HBP. It effectively treats cold and flu symptoms without raising your blood pressure.

Can decongestants affect the efficacy of my blood pressure medication?

Yes. Taking decongestants during a cold may interfere with the effectiveness of your blood pressure medications. Its important to speak to your doctor or pharmacist about your medications.

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