Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Sinus Infection Causing Tooth Pain

Will Sinuses Make Your Teeth Hurt

Can Sinus Infection cause toothache? – Dr. Sangeeta Honnur

It is possible to have a toothache caused by a sinus infection . It is fairly common for sinus conditions to cause pain in the upper back teeth. There are two empty spaces in your skull called sinuses, which connect to your nasal cavity. In the case of sinusitis, the tissues in these spaces become inflamed, which can cause pain in the patient.

How Do I Fix The Problem

To get rid of your sinus toothache, youll need to clear out the mucus and reduce the inflammation in your sinuses. Once the inflammation goes down, there wont be any more pressure on the nerves leading to your teeth. It may be best to try one of these non-medical, and more affordable or even free solutions, prior to visiting your doctor or an urgent care clinic:

  • Sleep Your body needs downtime to repair itself, especially if your sinus infection is the result of a cold. Be sure to keep your head elevated so you arent trapping mucus in your sinuses.
  • Hydrate Drink plenty of fluids, like sugar-free juice and water, to hydrate your sinuses. Try to avoid coffee, as this can make symptoms worse.
  • Breathe in steam Steam can open up your nasal passages and allow mucus to drain. Take a hot shower, breathe in the steam from a homecooked meal or sip some warm, caffeine-free tea. Do this a few times a day for the best results.
  • Apply compresses Warm compresses and towels can be applied to the face to soothe pain.
  • Use saline rinses Its best to use distilled water, but you can also boil and purify tap water for the same effect. Then, flush your nose with a neti pot, nebulizer or another safe device.
  • Tweak your diet Spicy foods like horseradish, garlic, black pepper and chili peppers can thin mucus. Certain spicy foods can make things worse, so proceed with caution. If youre not a fan of spiciness, try peppermint.

Should An Abscess Be In Close Proximity To The Maxillary Sinus Then The Infection Could Spread Leading To Sinusitis

Can dental work cause sinus pain. Dental causes for sinus related issues are often over looked by many healthcare practitioners due the fact that they cause sinus issues before they see any apparent dental related symptoms, such as localized pain in an individual tooth. Dental problems can cause pain or pressure in some of the sinus areas. The congestion and pressure that accompany a sinus infection can cause discomfort or pain in your upper teeth.

Symptoms of maxillary sinusitis of endodontic origin. When you visit our parker office we can check your teeth to determine if theyre indeed the source of your pain. Such cases of sinus related problems are mostly located next to the mouth.

Therefore, if one of your upper molars needs dental work and you are prone to sinus infections, get to a dentist quickly. Sinus headaches after dental cleaning dental infections and dental cleaning procedures can both lead to sinusitis in some cases. If this happens to you, you can feel intense pain, swelling of the gum tissue, a fever and even a bad taste in the mouth.

Often there are anatomical factors such as a blocked sinus outflow tract, dental infection or ongoing problems with immunity which predisposes to ongoing infection even after the antibiotics have done their job. There is a chance that your tooth pain is caused by a blocked sinus. Whether you suspect a dental or sinus issue is at the root of your discomfort, an ent will be able to help you move forward on your road to recovery.

Recommended Reading: Cold Medicine For Sinus Drainage

How Can You Tell If You Have A Toothache Because Of Your Sinus Infection And Not For Another Reason

Outside of noticing sinus tooth pain on one side or both sides after the onset of a sinus infection, one telltale way to learn whether or not your tooth pain is caused by a sinus infection is to see if the pain increases when you bend over and/or move your head quickly. And just like your sinuses get worse at night, sinus-related tooth pain also becomes worse when the sun goes down.

If your tooth pain increases with these movements and under these circumstances, sinus issues are likely causing your tooth pain.

Is An Illness Causing Your Tooth Pain

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Is an illness actually the cause of your tooth pain?

Typically, the symptoms of illnesses are exactly what you expect. But, that isnt necessarily always the case. In fact, a few different oral conditions can end up being the symptoms you least expect that let you know that youre sick. The reality is, our bodies are unique and incredibly intuitive. Ultimately, being in tune with changes in your body can help make sure you stay healthy all the time. Here are some tell-tale signs that your tooth pain might actually be due to a sickness or illness you arent yet aware that your body is experiencing.

Read Also: Advil Cold And Sinus Symptoms

Whats The Difference Between Sinus Pain And A Toothache

There are several indicators that can help you tell the difference between sinus pain and pain from a toothache in the same area. Among them:

  • Location of the pain. Dull, generalized pain is more likely to be sinus-related, while sharper pain that is concentrated around one tooth is probably due to a problem with that tooth.
  • How the pain responds to changes in altitude. If your pain gets worse when you go down a flight of stairs or put your head between your legs, it is probably related to a sinus condition.
  • Whether the pain is on both sides of your jaw or just one. Sinus problems almost always affect both sides of the sinus cavity. Dental problems are usually present in just one tooth.

Paying close attention to your symptoms can help you determine which cause is more likely. Be sure to tell your doctor or dentist about your observations to help them make the correct diagnosis.

Sinus Infection And Toothache: The Connection

The sinus is 4 pairs of air-filled spaces found in the facial bones near your eyes, forehead, and behind your cheekbones.

Moreover, they warm, moisten, and filter the air into your nasal cavity and also has the ability to produce mucus which drains in the nasal cavity and cleans your nose.

However, when you have a sinus infection, the congestion and pressure that accompany it can cause discomfort or pain in your upper teeth.

This is because the roots of your upper teeth and jawbone are near the sinuses.

In some cases, this is also termed as referred pain, and the discomfort spreads to the lower teeth as well.

The symptoms of regular toothache and sinus toothache are similar.

However, you mostly feel sinus toothache in your upper teeth and upper jaw.

If you have sinus toothache along with other symptoms, then it means that you have a sinus toothache.

Moreover, you may also feel a bit low in energy or under the weather or might also have a fever.

It is important to note that pain with a sinus infection may also intensify with certain movements.

These include jumping up pr bending over. This is because the pressure in your sinus shifts as you move and you can feel it in your teeth.

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Can Allergies Make Your Jaw Hurt

The nerves that innervate the upper and lower jaw are branched, so if enough sinus pressure builds near these nerves it is possible that the jaw could be affected by sinus congestion. Sleep disturbances from trouble breathing can also cause some patients to grind and clench their teeth throughout the night. This can also cause lower jaw discomfort or a toothache. Usually the type of discomfort patients experience is more of a dull and ongoing ache, and not a sharp or intense discomfort. Our emergency dental clinic in Lincoln, NE can help you identify and treat the causes of your tooth discomfort.

Sore Teeth Are Common

Sinus tooth pain relief | Common symptoms of a sinus infection

When your teeth begin to ache, its natural to suspect a trip to the dentist is in order. However, certain types of toothache commonly accompany sinus infections and arent dental issues at all. If youre actively in the throes of a heavy cold, you may not think much about soreness at the back of your mouth.

However, chronic sinusitis might not be as obvious as a cold with its collection of symptoms, so a low-level, persistent toothache may send you first to the dentist. They can establish when your toothache may originate from the sinuses. Typically, youll feel an ache in your rear upper molars. The sensation usually isnt sharp, and it might be difficult to pinpoint the exact sore spot.

The roots of these teeth are quite close to the sinuses so pressure build-up from infection may be felt through the nerves in the teeth.

Also Check: Nasal Washes For Sinus Infections

Can A Sinus Infection Hurt Your Jaw

If you have a sinus infection, you may experience pain in your sinuses. Your sinuses are swollen and inflamed, which causes a dull pressure in them. Pain may be felt in your forehead, on either side of your nose, in your upper jaw, or between your eyes. If you experience headaches as a result, you should seek medical attention.

How To Treat An Intense Toothache

To treat a toothache, the patient must reduce the pressure on the nerve of the tooth by reducing the pressure and fluid in the maxillary sinus. Taking a cold medicine that contains a decongestant will reduce the inflammation and fluid production in the nose and maxillary sinus. Just like any cold symptom, it will take a few days for a toothache to disappear.

A patient should contact our emergency dental clinic if a toothache does not disappear with cold or allergy symptoms. A toothache that is sharp or waking you up at night, warns a dental visit in an emergency dental clinic in Lincoln, NE as soon as possible. These characteristics are not typically seen with sinus toothaches and will likely need different treatment, such as a root canal treatment or removing an infected tooth.

Also Check: What Is The Dosage For Advil Cold And Sinus

How Long Does A Sinus Toothache Last

To answer the question of how long does a sinus toothache last, we must mention two basic types of sinusitis: chronic and acute.

Chronic sinus infections usually persist for more than twelve weeks or they continue to return during this period. Dentists agree that the principal criteria for sinus infection involve constant facial pain, congestion, and nasal discharge.

Acute sinusitis only lasts for about four weeks, way shorter than the chronic one, and is usually followed by cold or other respiratory diseases.

Both acute and chronic sinusitis have common symptoms. The best way to determine if you are suffering from acute or chronic sinusitis is to visit your doctor.

Can A Sinus Infection Cause Jaw Pain On One Side

Sinus Headache Or Toothache Topamax Treatment + headache ...

It is a common condition that affects the sinuses. On one side of the jaw, there is more inflammation in the nasal cavity, which is known as sinusitis. Colds and allergies are the most common causes of sinusitis. In addition to causing inflammation in the cavities that surround your cheeks, the condition can also cause pain on either side of your jaw.

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How Do You Relieve Sinus Pressure In Your Teeth

Some individuals will find relief from a sinus infection and tooth pain through home treatments. Common strategies include: using a humidifier and/or neti pot, eating spicy foods, staying hydrated, and careful, limited use of over-the-counter medicine.

But patients who struggle with severe sinus infections, sinus infections that wont go away, and chronic sinus infections may need to take a proactive approach.

Visit Sinus Solutions Of South Florida For Relief From Sinus Infections And Tooth Pain

At Sinus Solutions of South Florida, were proud to help Floridians from Tampa and West Palm Beach get the ear, nose, and throat treatment they need. For patients with a sinus infection and tooth pain that doesnt respond to standard treatments, the minimally-invasive, in-office procedure balloon sinuplasty has proven successful in providing long-lasting sinus relief.

Ready to put an end to frustrating sinus infections and tooth pain? Curious about what to expect after balloon sinuplasty?Call Sinus Solutions of South Florida at 561-790-7744 or contact us onlinetoday!

Related Resources:

Also Check: Ny Allergy And Sinus Murray Hill

How Often Do Teeth Cause Sinus Infections

Hupps Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery textbook states, Periapical or periodontal infections of maxillary posterior teeth may erode superiorly through the floor of the maxillary sinus. Approximately 20% of cases of maxillary sinusitis are odontogenic.

Basically, thats a fancy way of saying that tooth and gum abscesses of the upper back teeth can eat through the bone and invade the maxillary sinus. It further says that about 20% of all maxillary sinus infections are caused by tooth infections, rather than another cause.

Below, youll find a couple of examples of how tooth infections or abscesses can cause sinus infections.

How To Tell If Your Tooth Extraction Is Causing Your Sinus Problem

How to Treat a Sinus Toothache

Philip Scolaro, MD

Recovering from a tooth extraction is quite a process. You have to carefully navigate what to eat, how to drink, and how much activity you should do as you allow your body to heal. But you also may need to pay attention to how your sinuses are reacting, especially if you had upper molars removed.

A sinus infection after tooth extraction occurs most commonly when the maxillary molars are removed. These upper teeth in the back project into the sinus cavity. When you need any of these teeth extracted, or if you have an infection or cavity in a maxillary molar, you may notice your sinuses react.

Infections can spread from the mouth to the sinuses for several reasons. For some, a cavity may extend into the center of the tooth which holds the tissue that connects it to the root. This decay then spreads into the sinuses and causes an infection. Other people may develop an abscess at the base of the tooth. When its in the right location, the bacterial infection can spread to the sinuses.

A sinus infection after tooth extraction can also occur because a connection between the mouth and sinus cavity was opened.

If youre dealing with a sinus issue after dealing with a dental issue, the two problems may be connected. Heres how to tell:

Recommended Reading: Hot Toddy For Sinus Infection

What Helps Tooth Pain Caused By Sinus Infection

The key to completely resolving tooth pain from sinus infection is to clear up the sinus infection. Once the inflammation of your maxillary sinuses goes down, the pressure on the nerves to the maxillary teeth should subside as well, ending the sinus-related toothache. In the meantime, pain relief measures used to manage the pressure from your sinus infection may also help with the discomfort, including the use of:

  • Over-the-counter pain relief medications,
  • Nasal sprays, and
  • Over-the-counter decongestants.

If your sinus infection is actually caused by a dental issue, only resolving the dental issue will resolve your sinus pain and toothache long-term.

Natural Remedies For Sinusitis

Its normal to want to treat the current sinus infection quickly. That said, it is a good idea to get to the root of the problem. Treating your chronic nasal congestion can end your toothaches for good. This will let you get back to your normal life.

Once you treat the tooth pain, you can tackle your underlying problem. Here are some natural remedies for sinusitis:

  • Flush your sinuses. Use a neti pot or a saline solution to flush your sinuses. This will also keep them moist.
  • Do not over-use nasal sprays. Over the counter, nasal sprays are habit forming and can cause more problems than they solve.
  • Try a bromelain supplement. Bromelain is an ingredient in pineapple stems and can help reduce swelling in the body. Check with your doctor before taking this supplement.
  • Steam your face. Hot steam can really moisten your sinuses and loosen mucus. Try a hot shower or a steam tent.
  • Drink a lot of water. Staying hydrated is key when it comes to a natural remedy for sinusitis.
  • Spicy foods. Chili peppers, mustard, and horseradish can all help clear your sinuses.
  • Try a humidifier. This will keep the air in your home moist and easy to breathe.

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Why Sinusitis Hurts Your Teeth

More often, if youve got a toothache, you know why. But if the reason for your tooth pain is not immediately obvious and youve been suffering from nasal congestion, you may want to consider sinus issues.


Its all about where your teeth are in your body. After all, the roots of your upper teeth, especially your molars, are right next to your sinuses. So, if youve got inflammation or even worse, infection in the area, it can cause some pain.

What To Do When Sinus Issues Cause Tooth Pain

Can a Sinus Infection Be Caused by a Tooth?

Theres nothing worse than tooth pain- that dreadful, ongoing ache affects everything you do and can make your life a nightmare. If youve ever had a toothache, you know what were talking about. Toothaches are a common thing and can be the result of something as simple as sensitivity to hot or cold fluids or a crack in the tooth. Another obvious cause of a toothache is cavities.

But tooth pain can also be more complex and the sometimes the cause can be less obvious for Monrovia patients. What many people dont realize is that sinus infections can cause a world of pain, both in the sinuses themselves and in your teeth.

If you suspect youre having tooth pain because of a sinus infection, read on for more information about what you should do.

Read Also: Emergency Room For Sinus Infection

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