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Can A Toothache Cause Sinus Pressure Pain

Talk To Your Doctor About Sinus Pains In Teeth

How to Treat a Sinus Toothache

If you are unsure whether a sinus infection or dental problem causes your toothache, see your doctor. They will ask you about the symptoms to determine the cause of the pain. If a sinus infection causes the pain, the doctor will advise you to take over-the-counter medications. These medications will alleviate the pressure in your sinuses and clear any mucus present.

If you take these medications for some time and notice that your symptoms are not reducing, probably another issue is causing the pain. When this is the case, you will need to visit a dentist to determine the issue. The dentist will perform an x-ray to examine your oral cavity and mouth to determine if the pain is due to tooth decay or abscesses.

Can A Toothache Cause Sinus Pain

Posted on October 14, 2021

We wake up after a sleepless night with a headache and pain across the top of our faces. We feel a little dizzy. When we go to brush our teeth the upper back teeth are tender to the touch. The brushing itself sounds loud and discomforting. Whats going on? Is this a monumental toothache? Or is it something else?

If the discomfort radiates to more than one tooth or is present on both sides of your mouth the chances are that the primary cause of your toothache is not from the tooth itself. It is from your sinus. Inflammation and infection of the sinus is called sinusitis.

The swelling of the lining of the sinus along with mucus production can place pressure on the tips of the roots on our posterior teeth. These roots are in close proximity to the bottom floor of the sinus. This pressure can cause a lot of pain.

Your Reoccurring Sinus Infections May Actually Be Caused By Tooth Decay

If you suffer frequent sinus infections, you might want to talk with your dentist about it. It could be your chronic sinus problems stem from a deeply decayed or infected tooth.

Sinuses are hollow, air-filled spaces in the front of the skull associated with nasal passages. The largest, the maxillary sinuses, are located just behind the cheekbones and above and to the rear of the upper jaw on either side of the face. These sinuses can become painfully congested when infected.

One possible cause for an infection in the maxillary sinus can occur in certain people whose upper back teeth have roots that are close to or even protrude into the sinus. This is normally a minor anatomical feature, unless such a tooth becomes infected.

An infection in teeth with advancing decay or whose nerve tissue has died will eventually reach the root tip through tiny passageways called root canals. If the roots are close to or penetrating the maxillary sinus, the infection could move into the sinus. This is known as Maxillary Sinusitis of Endodontic Origin .

A case of MSEO could potentially go on for years with occasional flare-ups of sinus congestion or post-nasal drip. Because of the nature of the infection within the sinus, the affected tooth itself may not show the normal signs of infection like sensitivity or pain. Doctors may attempt to treat the sinus infection with antibiotics, but because the actual source of the infection is within the tooth, this therapy is often ineffective.

Recommended Reading: How To Get Rid Of A Sinus Infection Headache

Throat Irritation And Cough

As discharge from your sinuses drains down the back of your throat, it can cause irritation, especially over a long period of time. This can lead to a persistent and annoying cough, which can be worse when lying down to sleep or first thing in the morning after getting up from bed.

It can also make sleeping difficult. Sleeping upright or with your head elevated can help reduce the frequency and intensity of your coughing.

Tooth Pain From Sinus Infection

Sinusitis and tooth pain

A leading cause of tooth pain can be a sinus infection or sinusitis . Sinusitis is a condition that occurs when a person experiences swelling and inflammation in the tissue that is lining the sinuses. Tooth pain from a sinus infection is felt in the upper back teeth. The toothache is caused due to sinus pressure and the flow of bacterial liquid from sinus infections.

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The Sinus And Tooth Connection

Your upper tooth roots lay directly next to or underneath your sinus lining. In some cases, you can even take an X-ray and see the sinus lining draped up and down over the roots as it lays on top of them. Since your nasal sinuses fill the entire area above the roof of your mouth, and since your upper back teeth have 2-4 roots each there are you could say well over two dozen different root tips that could potentially be pressing into your nasal sinus lining.

How To Relieve Front Tooth Pain Under The Nose From Sinus Pressure

The pain of a tooth has been the worst pain ever. There are many reasons behind this pain, one is sinus pain. Sinusitis or sinus infection is caused when bacteria or viruses infect the lining of the sinus. As a result of these, various symptoms such as headache, facial pain, and front tooth pain under the nose show up. The sinus is the cavity that is filled with air.

On the surface of the sinuses, there are small hairs present, which are called cilia. These hairs trap dirt, pollution, and every foreign invading particle by a process of filtration. This area makes the air which you inhale warm in temperature. You will want to know that how to get rid of sinus pressure, then read this piece of writing till the end. It will surely help you.

There are two types:

Don’t Miss: Common Treatment For Sinus Infection

How Do I Fix The Problem

To get rid of your sinus toothache, youll need to clear out the mucus and reduce the inflammation in your sinuses. Once the inflammation goes down, there wont be any more pressure on the nerves leading to your teeth. It may be best to try one of these non-medical, and more affordable or even free solutions, prior to visiting your doctor or an urgent care clinic:

  • Sleep Your body needs downtime to repair itself, especially if your sinus infection is the result of a cold. Be sure to keep your head elevated so you arent trapping mucus in your sinuses.
  • Hydrate Drink plenty of fluids, like sugar-free juice and water, to hydrate your sinuses. Try to avoid coffee, as this can make symptoms worse.
  • Breathe in steam Steam can open up your nasal passages and allow mucus to drain. Take a hot shower, breathe in the steam from a homecooked meal or sip some warm, caffeine-free tea. Do this a few times a day for the best results.
  • Apply compresses Warm compresses and towels can be applied to the face to soothe pain.
  • Use saline rinses Its best to use distilled water, but you can also boil and purify tap water for the same effect. Then, flush your nose with a neti pot, nebulizer or another safe device.
  • Tweak your diet Spicy foods like horseradish, garlic, black pepper and chili peppers can thin mucus. Certain spicy foods can make things worse, so proceed with caution. If youre not a fan of spiciness, try peppermint.

What Can Be Done To Relieve A Sinus Toothache

How To Figure Out if Your Patient Has a Toothache or Sinus Infection

If you have a sinus infection or your sinuses are inflamed, it can cause a toothache. Although your tooth hurts, the problem here is not your tooth but your sinuses. Sinus pressure and drainage from sinusitis can lead to toothache, usually in the upper rear teeth that are close to the sinuses. Understanding whether a toothache is caused by sinus problems helps to determine the right treatment. If you have a sinus infection, your dentist wont be able to do much about it, although they will be able to tell you if your toothache is linked to your sinuses.

When you have a sinus toothache, there are various things that can be done to help relieve the pain.

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Other Sinus Tooth Pain Symptoms

Furthermore, redness and tenderness are also quite prevalent in the cheekbones. The main reason for sinus tooth pain is the pressure on the nasal cavity. A sinus toothache begins in the maxillary sinuses which are located just above the molar teeth roots. It can swell with the buildup of viral mucous and bacteria. It exerts pressure on dental nerve endings and causes a painful sensation.

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Why Does It Cause Tooth Pain

Sinus pressure causes tooth pain because the roots of your upper teeth and jawbone are near your sinuses. Sometimes the discomfort or pain spreads to your lower teeth as well.When they become aggravated, the tissue that lines your sinus cavities can become blocked by fluid. This ultimately leads to congestion and pressure that often causes toothache simply because your sinus cavities share the same confined space with the roots of your upper teeth.

Read Also: Do You Take Amoxicillin For Sinus Infection

How Do You Get Rid Of A Tooth Abscess Without Going To The Dentist

How To Get Rid Of A Tooth Abscess Without Going To The Dentist?

  • Rinse your mouth with saltwater. Rinse your mouth with salt water to find temporary relief from the discomfort.
  • Baking soda rinse.
  • When to see a doctor.
  • Can a sinus infection cause lower jaw pain?

    If you suffer from severe seasonal allergies or a sinus infection, you may feel a dull pain in your teeth and jaw. You may also feel a build-up of pressure in the areas around your eyes and nose, which can often extend down into your jaw.

    What teeth connect to sinuses?

    The maxillary sinus or antrum is the largest of the paranasal sinuses. It is located in the maxillary bone and has a proximity to the apexes of upper molars and premolars, which allows it to form a direct link between the sinus and the oral cavity.

    Can a tooth abscess lead to a sinus infection?

    If you have an abscess on your gums, you should seek dental treatment as soon as possible. Abscesses will eventually lead to tooth and gum pain, as well as sinus infections.

    Can Toothaches And Sinus Pressure Be Linked

    Sinus Pressure or Toothache?

    A sinus-related toothache is actually incredibly normal, as tooth pain caused by sinus issues is a common issue. The roots of your upper back teeth often extend toward or even into your sinuses and inflammation of the sinuses can cause you to experience a sinus toothache.Sinus tooth pain may also be due to a tooth infection. This could be a chronic issue, and you will need to see a dentist to be properly diagnosed.

    Also Check: Medicine For Children’s Sinus Infection

    What Does A Sinus Toothache Feel Like

    A sinus toothache will often feel much like the pressure of other areas experiencing discomfort in the sinuses. It may even be a throbbing, intense pain, because of the pressure on the nerves to the teeth. Typically, tooth pain due to sinus infection is not severe, although it can be a constant ache causing a great deal of discomfort.

    How To Tell The Difference Between The Two

    Due to overlapping symptoms and affected areas, it may be difficult to determine the difference between tooth pain and sinus pain.Luckily, you can easily determine the difference between a regular toothache and one caused by sinus infections by simply looking closely at what type of pain youre feeling. If you are feeling a constant ache, you are most likely experiencing sinus tooth pain due to the constant pressure your sinuses are under. If the pain flows in and out, its probably a toothache.You can also look at where youre hurting. If you feel pain behind your cheekbones and in several teeth, youre probably experiencing sinus pressure. A toothache will seldom spread to more than one tooth. If you are experiencing a toothache in multiple teeth, it could be a sign of gum disease.

    Also Check: Get Rid Of Sinus Infection Without Antibiotics

    How Can I Tell The Difference Between Sinus Tooth Pain And A Real Toothache

    There are ways to tell the difference between sinus tooth pain and a genuine toothache.

    Sinus tooth pain is usually:

    • Continuous pressure or discomfort
    • Isolated in the maxillary teeth
    • Accompanied by other symptoms of sinus infection
    • Increased when bending down, moving the head, or standing.

    Although sinus toothache is typically only present in the upper molars, an infection that lasts a long time can cause referred pain to travel to the lower teeth as well.

    Tooth pain or toothache with a dental cause may be:

    • Focused on only a single tooth
    • Sharp or causing sensitivity when biting hard, hot, or cold food
    • More severe pain than the pressure of a sinus toothache and
    • Progressively uncomfortable or painful,

    If you have upper molar pain or discomfort, and a dentist has ruled out dental causes, it may be a good idea to consult with a physician to determine if the problem could be in your sinuses.

    Sinus Toothache Symptoms And Causes

    Can Sinus Infection cause toothache? – Dr. Sangeeta Honnur

    If you have both a sinus infection and tooth pain, the first thing you need to know is this: A sinus toothache is caused by the same inflammation of your sinuses that causes sinus headaches, the combination of sinusitis and tinnitus, and sinusitis and hearing loss.

    Sinus infections can cause swelling and inflammation within the sinus cavities located along your jawline. When this occurs, your back upper teeth may begin to hurt due to the inflammation and increased pressure.

    Also Check: Is Afrin Good For Sinus Pressure

    Temporomandibular Joint Disorder And Ear Pain

    Many adults experience ear pain as a result of a temporomandibular joint disorder . As noted, the temporomandibular joint is located close to the ear canalit acts as a hinge where the lower and upper jaws meet. This joint controls the chewing/biting motion when eating food.

    People with TMD often have at least one predisposing factor . When the teeth dont fit together, biting can cause stress on the jaw joint due to the uneven pressure being applied to the joint spaces.

    In addition to the excess pressure on the jaw, TMJ pain is also defined as constant and dull or sharp and severe pain along the jawline and surrounding areas of the face and neck. The pain may progressively worsen with everyday chewing and swallowing.

    The disturbance to the ear region may create a popping or clicking sound, as well as limit your ability to widen the jaw when opening your mouth.

    All of these contributors to TMJ syndrome may cause one or more of the following issues:

    • Pain of the joint, known as myofascial pain
    • Dislocated or damaged jaw joint
    • Arthritis of the jaw

    Dentists dont know exactly what causes TMD, but it could arise from problems with the jaw muscles, whiplash or even bruxism , arthritis, or stress.

    Should You See Your Doctor Or Dentist

    If youre sure the pain is caused by sinus inflammation, see your doctor first. He or she will provide advice for prescription or over-the-counter medications that should clear out your sinuses and alleviate the pressure. If youre unsure whats causing the pain, or if the tooth pain continues after your sinuses have cleared up, there may be something else going on thats causing the issue. Your dentist will take X-rays and examine your mouth and oral cavity to determine if there are any breakages, areas of decay, or abscesses that could be contributing to your toothache. If your dentist gives the all-clear, head to your doctor to discuss potential sinus care.

    If youre experiencing tooth pain from sinus pressure and are looking for relief, our dentists are here to help. Find a Perfect Teeth dentist near you today!

    Also Check: Is Doxycycline Good For Sinus Infection

    When Should You Get A Doctor Involved

    For sinus pain that lasts more than just a few days or causes you to be unable to complete your regular tasks, visit a doctor immediately.If you notice persistent dental issues, swollen gums, or smelly discharge coming from your mouth, we recommend you schedule an appointment with a qualified dentist. At Tree City Family Dental we will uncover the underlying problems causing your dental pain and expertly create a care routine or suggest a procedure that will fix your pain. Schedule your appointment today!

    What Happens If You Get An Abscess On Your Gum

    Can Sinus Infection Cause a Toothache?

    This can cause increased pain and swelling, and the infection could travel to other parts of your face and body. In rare cases, a gum infection can travel to the bloodstream and cause a life-threatening complication known as sepsis.

    What to do if you have swollen gums and sinus infection?

    Other symptoms, that are often observed in this condition, are bleeding gums, toothache, and bad breath. When you visit a doctor with swollen gums and a sinus infection, the treatment is mainly aimed at complete elimination of the infection. Usually, antibiotics are prescribed as they help destroy the infection-causing bacteria.

    Recommended Reading: Nasal Spray For Sinus Pain

    Sinus Infection Complications Affecting The Brain

    An even more rare, and more serious, complication of sinus infection would be the infection spreading to the brain. The brain is protected by the blood-brain barrier, whose function is to separate circulating blood from the brain and the fluid of the central nervous system. Its very difficult for sinus infection to be able to cross this border, despite the proximity of the sinuses to the brain.

    The blood-brain barrier is semipermeable, however, and it is possible on rare occasions for an infection to get through from the sinuses to the brain. If a sinus infection spreads to the brain, it can be a life-threatening condition, leading to swelling of the brain, meningitis, or brain abscess.

    Symptoms might include:

    • Severe headache, and
    • Swelling in the face.

    Most of these symptoms would require an emergency visit to the doctor, even without an association with a sinus infection.

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