Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Get Rid Of Sinus Polyps

Home Remedies And Lifestyle

How to Shrink your Nasal Polyps in under 3 minutes WITHOUT surgery

Home remedies and lifestyle changes will not directly treat nasal polyps. However, they can help prevent them by managing some of the underlying conditions that can cause polyps, like chronic sinusitis and allergies.

These remedies can also help improve mucus flow and relieve nasal symptoms that occur with nasal polyps.

Some examples include:

  • Taking your allergy and asthma medications as directed
  • Avoiding places with large amounts of airborne allergens or irritants that lead to inflammation of your nose and sinus cavities
  • Washing your hands regularly to prevent bacteria and viruses from entering the nasal passageways
  • Using a humidifier in your home and/or inhaling steam over a pot of hot water when the inside of the nose feels especially dry
  • Using a saline nasal rinse or spray to remove allergens or other irritants by rinsing out your nasal passages

Do Nasal Polyps Go Away On Their Own

If you have nasal polyps, they wont go away on their own. If you have large nasal polyps or clusters of them, they can cause various symptoms and will need to be treated. A large nasal polyp could block the nose, causing ongoing problems.

Small nasal polyps might not cause any discomfort and you may be unaware you have them, so they can remain untreated without causing problems.

Dont try to ignore nose polyps, hoping theyll go away on their own as you sadly run the risk of developing ongoing sinus infections, asthma flare-ups, and even obstructive sleep apnea, in which the polyp affects your breathing. Sleep apnea is when you have bouts of stopping and starting breathing while youre sleeping, which can be dangerous.

Treatment for nasal polyps

To get rid of nasal polyps, youll need medical treatment. Treatment options include:

  • Corticosteroid nasal sprays steroid nose drops or sprays may be prescribed to help shrink the polyps
  • Steroid tablets sometimes a course of steroid tablets may be prescribed, for one to two weeks
  • Biologics mostly used for people who have severe chronic sinusitis, treatment with biologics, such as mepolizumab or can help to shrink the polyps and improve symptoms
  • Surgery surgical removal of polyps, particularly if they are blocking the airways or causing recurrent ongoing sinusitis.

Your family doctor will discuss treatment options with you and may refer you to a specialist.

Do Nasal Polyps Come Back After Surgery

Some people are prone to repeated nasal polyps. Steroid nasal sprays can be used regularly, long-term, to try to prevent nasal polyps from developing further. Steroid nasal sprays include beclometasone, budesonide, fluticasone, mometasone and triamcinolone. You can buy some of these sprays over the counter from pharmacies, without a prescription.

It is best to see a doctor first, to have the correct diagnosis of nasal polyps, before buying medicines and treating yourself.

Regular use of a steroid nasal spray is safe. The amount of steroid in a spray is less than in the drops. Drops are better at clearing polyps if they do come back.

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What Does Nasal Polyp Removal Surgery Involve

In cases where conservative treatments dont provide effective relief, nasal polyps removal surgery may be considered. This type of surgery is known as a polypectomy and is often performed using an endoscope a tube with a tiny camera that gives your doctor a detailed view inside your nose and sinuses. During this procedure, the polyps and any other problematic tissue can be precisely removed. Special instruments are passed through your nostrils to perform the corrections, so no incisions will need to be made to your face.

Nasal polyps removal may be done along with another type of surgery if other sinus or nasal-related issues are contributing to your condition. These include the following:

  • Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery : This surgery enlarges the drainage pathways of your sinuses and fixes any other issues interfering with drainage, thus preventing a future build-up of mucus. Learn more >
  • Balloon Sinuplasty: A tiny balloon catheter is inserted through your nostril and inflated in your sinus passageway. The passageway is gently opened and widened to restore normal sinus drainage and function, and the balloon is then deflated and carefully removed. Learn more >

What Treatments Are Available For Nasal Polyps

How to Shrink Nasal Polyps Naturally with Home Remedies

When it comes to choosing the best treatment, shared decision-making is key we will give you all the options and make recommendations for what we think will be most effective for you. However, it is your choice which treatment method to pursue.

Steroid medication

Anti-inflammatory steroid spray is the first line of treatment. Steroids reduce the volume of white blood cells involved in the inflammation that causes nasal polyps.

Medications such as Flonase, Nasacort, or Nasonex, which are also used treat seasonal allergy symptoms, can be delivered straight to the problem area and, because they are given in such small doses, they can be used long term.

One drawback is that nasal steroid sprays can only treat the areas they touch. So, if polyps are hidden within the nooks and crannies within your sinuses, the spray may not reach them.

If nasal sprays do not reduce the inflammation enough, we may recommend an oral or injectable steroid, such as prednisone. This can be highly effective, dissolving polyps and temporarily restoring your sinuses to normal. We rarely recommend long-term use of higher doses of steroids, which can cause serious systemic side-effects such as:

  • Cataract formation
  • Necrosis of the hip joint

Advanced sinus surgery

At UT Southwestern, which has state-of-the-art operating room equipment, we collaborate with colleagues in other fields, such as neuroradiology, neurosurgery, and ophthalmology.

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Advanced Sinus Surgery Relieves Nasal Polyp Symptoms Without A Long Recovery

Most of us have experienced the temporary misery of a stuffy nose or sinuses, especially during cold and allergy season. It can be hard to breathe, smell, and your head may feel as if it weighs a ton. But at least its temporary.

For people with chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps, this is their life.

Nasal polyps are noncancerous growths that dangle like grapes from the linings of the nasal passages or sinuses. They can develop in anyone, but approximately 25-30 percent of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis a persistent, long-term sinus inflammation disorder develop nasal polyps.

Despite their name, these annoying growths dont always originate in the nose. Polyps can form in any part of the sinuses, often appearing where the sinuses drain into the nose near the eyes, base of the brain, and cheekbones.

Small nasal polyps may not cause any symptoms, but if they grow large enough, they can block your nasal passages and lead to a host of symptoms, including:

  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Reduced sense of smell
  • Pressure in your face or forehead

Approximately 4% of adults have nasal polyps, which affect twice as many men as women. The growths can make you more susceptible to sinus infections, asthma flare-ups, and sleep apnea.

From personalized medications to state-of-the-art procedures, we have all the tools and are dedicated to finding the best treatment for each patient.

Can Nasal Polyps Be Prevented

There are practical steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing polyps in your nose. Plus, as polyps can re-occur, these steps are useful after youve had treatment too, to try and prevent further problems.

  • If you have asthma, keep on top of your medications and treatment plan to keep your symptoms under control
  • If you have a known allergy to aspirin or other NSAID drugs, including AERD or Samters Triad, avoid taking them this could reduce the risk of polyps developing
  • If you have allergies such as hay fever, try to reduce your exposure to irritants such as dust and pollen
  • Avoid substances that could irritate the nasal passages, such as smoke, dust, or chemicals
  • Use nasal rinses such as a saline spray or wash to remove irritants from your nasal passages and help the flow of mucus. Kits are available to purchase from pharmacies
  • Try using a humidifier in your home to aid your breathing and help reduce the risk of nose blockages or nasal inflammation
  • Practice good hygiene, such as regularly washing your hands to help reduce the risk of viral and bacterial infections which can cause nasal inflammation.

If you are worried you have nasal polyps or are having difficulty breathing, you should seek medical help.

Bachert C, Zhang N, Cavaliere C et al. 2020. Biologics for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Mar 145:725-739. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2020.01.020. PMID: 32145872.

BMJ Best Practice. 2021. Nasal polyps.

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Ingrown nose hair can be a frequent and bothersome issue. In addition to being unpleasant, it can be embarrassing in addition to being painful. You dont have to put up with ingrown nose hairs if youre sick of dealing with them there are efficient techniques to remove them and stop them from returning.

Well go over why ingrown hairs occur as well as how to safely and effectively get rid of them. So continue reading if youre ready to say goodbye permanently to ingrown nose hairs!

Lifestyle Changes For The Treatment Of Nasal Polyps

How to get rid your Polyps and Sinuses the natural method

Aside from medications and surgery, there are regular habits that can help manage nasal polyps and prevent recurrence.

Good hygiene, for example, is essential for keeping the nose and sinuses clear of bacteria and viruses that can cause inflammation of the nasal passages. I use the analogy of brushing your teeth to prevent a cavity, Griffiths says. If you dont brush your teeth, you will develop cavities.

Good hygiene includes washing your hands regularly and thoroughly, and using an over-the-counter saline spray or nasal wash to rinse allergens and other irritants out of your nasal passages, per the Mayo Clinic.

Staying on top of any allergy and asthma medications can also help prevent swelling and irritation in your nose and sinuses that may lead to polyps.

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If Your Nasal Polyps Come Back

You may get permanent relief using medications or having your polyps surgically removed. In many cases, though, the polyps and the frustrating symptoms come back. Your allergist or ENT specialist will work with you to determine what treatment to try next, including different medications or first-time or repeat surgery.

There is an additional treatment that is only available to people who have had nasal polyps return after surgery. It involves placing tiny, corticosteroid-coated implants in your sinuses. These implants, called stents, slowly release the medication and dissolve over several weeks. The procedure can be performed in the ENTs office. The benefits of the implants last several months, and the doctor may recommend you continue using a corticosteroid nasal spray and/or saline rinse or spray. You may need the implant procedure again once the benefits wear off.

This page was reviewed for accuracy 7/27/2021.

Can Nasal Polyps Be Removed Without Surgery

About 80 percent of people find that polyps shrink and symptoms subside with prescription steroid sprays or oral medications. Other options may include medications that are usually prescribed for asthma and nasal allergies.

Medications likely wont get rid of nasal polyps completely. The only way to totally remove nasal polyps is with surgery. Surgery is typically used as a last resort when other treatments dont alleviate your symptoms and even with it, polyps may return.

Depending on the size and location of your nasal polyps as well as your symptoms, your doctor may recommend one or more of the following options:

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Are Nasal Polyps Common

Around 4 in 100 people will develop nasal polyps at some stage in their lives. Nasal polyps can affect anyone but most cases occur in people over the age of 40 years. They are twice as common in men as in women. Nasal polyps are uncommon in children. A child with nasal polyps should also be checked for cystic fibrosis, as cystic fibrosis is a risk factor for developing nasal polyps.

What You Should Know When Considering Nasal Polyps Removal Surgery

Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are teardrop-shaped growths that can develop in the lining of your nose, usually found where the sinuses open into the nasal cavity. Theyre non-cancerous and often result from ongoing swelling and irritation caused by chronic sinusitis. If theyre small in size, you may not even know that you have polyps. The larger they are, however, the more likely they are to cause issues, including things like nasal obstruction, trouble breathing through the nose, snoring, and severe sinus headaches and pressure.

If these issues arise, it may be necessary to have your nasal polyps removed. Top Houston ear, nose, and throat doctor Dr. Cecil Yeung is a specialist in this field, having performed more than 4,000 sinus surgeries with exceptional results. In this blog, Dr. Yeung will answer some common questions regarding nasal polyps and nasal polyp removal surgery.

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Try Herbal Supplement Xanthium

Xanthium is widely used in the preparation of various medicines in the Chinese traditional medicine system. Commonly referred to as the âFructus Xanthiiâ, this herb from East Asia is widely used to treat nasal polyps as it is packed with anti-inflammatory properties.

To Use- You can take supplements of Xanthium to get relief from the symptoms of nasal polyps.

Up Your Intake Of Garlic And Onion

Both these stems are greatly used for their antifungal and antibacterial properties. Not only fighting off infections, but these also reduce inflammation as they contain quercetin. They help to loosen up the nasal glands thereby, shrinking the polyps.

To Use- Eat two cloves of raw garlic and some pieces of raw onion twice a day.

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Complications Of Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps can block your airflow and keep fluids like mucus from draining properly. They also cause lots of irritation and inflammation while they’re forming. All of those things can bring complications, including:

Medications For Nasal Polyp Removal

Nasal Polyp Removal Surgery

While medications cant physically get rid of nasal polyps, they are used to treat these benign growths. Depending on the type of medication you take, your polyps may shrink or stop growing.

A medical professional may recommend you try medications, such as steroid sprays and saline irrigation, for at least before considering surgery.

Medications used for nasal polyp treatment include:

  • Nasal corticosteroid sprays. Often considered the most effective treatment for nasal polyps, these are safe for long-term use. They can also help shrink polyps and reduce inflammation in the nasal passages.
  • Oral steroids. For severe symptoms, your doctor may prescribe oral steroids for a short period of time only. These also help reduce inflammation and shrink nasal growths, but long-term use can lead to side effects.

Your healthcare professional may also recommend other medications to help alleviate nasal polyp symptoms, such as:

If medications arent enough to manage your symptoms, your doctor may recommend surgery for nasal polyp removal. This type of surgery is also called a nasal polypectomy.

You can expect the following during surgery:

  • Prior to your procedure, you may be asked to fast for a certain amount of time before you arrive.
  • Sometimes, a specimen of the tissue will be sent to pathology. A stent that gradually releases steroids may also be put in place to help with healing.
  • You will spend some time in post-surgery recovery, where medical staff will monitor your condition.
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    Research In Nasal Polyposis Treatment

    There is emerging research to better understand the complexities of this heterogeneous disease, specifically its wide spectrum aetiology and pathophysiology, as discussed above. Work in the UK involving analysis of cytokine responses and inflammatory signatures in material isolated from patients selected on the basis of clinical parameters aims to define the core set of biomarkers in chronic rhinosinusitis.25 Research in chronic rhinosinusitis endotype profiling could identify different groups, which might help towards the provision of personalised medical treatments. This might not cure CRSwNP but could minimise guessing in current management regimens.

    RCTs evaluating current medical and surgical treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis are in progress. The Defining best Management for Adults with Chronic RhinOsinusitis trial is a UK-based multicentre RCT assessing endoscopic sinus surgery compared with medical treatment and placebo in 600 patients with CRSwNP and CRSsNP.26 PolypESS is a Dutch multicentre RCT in 238 patients with CRSwNP assessing the effectiveness of endoscopic sinus surgery compared with medical treatment.27 More research into understanding the inflammatory pathway is required to provide more robust evidence supporting the use of biologicals in treating nasal polyps.

    How Successful Are Surgical Options

    In many cases, nasal polyps removal can be very successful and lead to a great reduction in symptoms. However, if your nasal polyps are caused by a genetic or allergic issue, the polyps may re-emerge and require repeat treatments. Under these circumstances, nasal polyp surgery can provide relief, but it may not be permanent without additional treatment in the future.

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    How Can I Find Relief From Nasal Polyps In Houston

    Dr. Yeung pioneered endoscopic sinus surgery in Houston and has over 20 years of experience with treating patients suffering from nasal polyps. He has performed thousands of sinus surgeries involving nasal polyps removal with exceptional results.

    Take the first step toward finding relief from nasal polyps by filling out the appointment request form right on this page or by contacting our office today.

    How Does An Ingrown Nose Hair Feel

    Nose Polpys Removal


    An ingrown hair can cause irritation or a sense of discomfort both inside and outside of the nose. You may feel or see a pimple-like appearance, bump, or a small protrusion it can sometimes be sore to the touch. Some people may also have pain or tenderness in the surrounding areas of the ingrown hair.

    Generally, people who remove hairs through waxing, shaving, or tweezing may encounter ingrown nose hair internally or externally. These methods can sometimes leave hair fragments under the skin, and these might sometimes grow inwardly, resulting in ingrown hair.

    Often, the ingrown hair may be visible inside the nose as a small bump but without any noticeable symptoms. However, some individuals might experience redness, swelling, and discharge from the ingrown hair site if it gets infected.

    Largely, the ingrown nose hair resolves by itself within a few days and wouldnt require any specific measures to treat it or a doctors visit. In some instances, it can become a chronic issue. Some individuals may experience frequent eruptions of these bumps with severe symptoms and may need medical attention to resolve their concerns.

    It is also important to remember if you have any itchy feeling or bumps inside your nose, you mustnt pick it up or try to remove it yourself without much knowledge. Instead, try the techniques mentioned below or consult a healthcare professional for assistance.

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