Thursday, July 25, 2024

Best Way To Sleep With Sinus Drainage

How To Ease The Pain Of An Ear Infection

V1 of 3 Exercises for Sleep Apnea, Snoring, Sinus Pressure. Addressing the nose, throat & tongue

Unfortunately, children do not know how to sleep with an ear infection. When an ear infection occurs, there are several things that can be done to soothe your child until you can see the pediatrician.

  • Use childrens ibuprofen or acetaminophen , but never use aspirin for pain, and don’t bother using cold remedies.
  • To help ease the pressure, elevate your childs head when sleeping. If the child is more than two years old and is no longer sleeping in the crib, it’s fine to use a pillow when resting.
  • Keep your child in a semi-upright position in the car seat when travelling.
  • Applying a warm, moist towel near your younger childs infected ear may also be of some help. With older children you may want to use a heating pad however, remember to keep the heating pad on its lowest setting and never use heating pads with infants.
  • When there is no drainage, help lessen the pain by using a few drops of olive , into the affected ear. When there is some discharge, use a cotton ball gently tucked into the ear canal.
  • Since swallowing opens up the eustachian tube and helps drain the fluid from the middle ear, encourage this by letting your older children , chew gum .
  • Have your children drink plenty of fluids to help avoid an ear that is plugged from turning into an ear infection.
  • Tips For Sleeping With A Stuffy Nose

    by Omaha ENT | Jan 30, 2020 | Nose Health, Tips & Tricks

    Now that cold and flu season is in full swing you may be trying to figure out some of the best ways to avoid a runny nose. One of the easiest ways to get through a cold season with a clear nose is to sleep. People who sleep fewer than five or six hours a night are four times as likely to come down with a cold, compared with people who get at least seven hours of shuteye nightly. Unfortunately, even if you do everything you can to avoid a cold they have a way of catching up with you. Even the best sleepers arent totally immune to every germ out there. And if you do catch a bug, your sleep may suffer. The good news: If a stuffy nose is keeping you awake, making a few amendments to your bedtime routine can help ease the sniffling and discomfort and help you get the sleep you need to get healthy again as quick as possible.

    Use a humidifier

    Common flu symptoms such as a runny nose, sinus congestion, coughing, and a sore throat often make breathing feel like hard work. Humidifiers help moisturize your nasal, throat, and lung passages, making it easier for air to pass through. Along with providing soothing moisture that eases your airways, humidifiers may make you feel more comfortable in your sleeping environment. This can help you to get the rest you need to fight off the flu faster and get back to your normal routine.

    Elevate your head

    Eat honey

    Take a steamy shower before bed

    Try a Neti Pot

    Have Supplies by your Bed

    Sleep In A Cool Dark Room

    When youre sick, you may be more sensitive to light and changes in body temperature. If youre looking for a more soothing night light option, a glow light can give your bedroom a soft glow that dims as you fall asleep.

    In addition, be sure to check your thermostat before you hit the hay. The best temperature for sleep is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit, so you may want to keep your home in that range.

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    The Best Ways To Stop Sinus Drainage

    Mucus has the important job of trapping germs in order to keep us healthy. We dont really notice it when its at a normal volume and consistency. But when mucus becomes thicker or thinner than usual, it causes a post-nasal drip down the back of the throat that leads to irritation. Find out the reasons for this type of sinus drainage and how to stop it.

    Disinfect Your Supplies With A Cpap Sanitizer

    8 Ways to Sleep Better With Sinus Pain and Congestion ...

    Using a CPAP with congestion can be a vicious cycle when caused by a cold or the flu virus. After your body works all day to fight the sickness, you end up putting your germ infected mask back on that night and reintroducing yourself to the problem.

    There are three different automated CPAP sanitizers that kill 99% of germs and bacteria and require no handwashing, soap or water. The SoClean, VirtuClean, or Lumin are all great sanitizing options, while sick, and also act as a fantastic preventative measure to ensure that that you dont get sick in the first place.

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    More Tips To Get Rid Of A Stuffy Nose

    Avoiding a stuffy nose at night can begin with prevention during the day. In general, to clear a stuffy nose, the overall best daily practices include:

  • Use medications. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, talk to your doctor about using a nasal spray or oral allergy medication. While oral medications can be used daily, you shouldn’t use a spray decongestant more than three days in a row, Kim warns. “This may cause rebound congestion.”
  • Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated will reduce irritation in your nose, and keep your mucus runny, which makes it easier to clear by blowing your nose. Wondering how much water you should drink each day? Men should aim for 125 ounces, while women should aim for 91.
  • Use saline spray. When you are feeling congested, use a saline spray to keep the nose moist. You can also use a neti pot once or twice a day, including before bed, to clear congestion.
  • Pay attention to humidity. Keep the humidity in your house between 40% to 50%, Kim recommends. A small digital hygrometer is cheap to purchase and can measure humidity in your home. If you need to increase humidity, run a cool-mist humidifier.
  • Track your triggers. If you frequently experience stuffiness, begin tracking your triggers. “It’s common for people to experience a stuffy nose from a variety of environmental and dietary triggers,” Kim says. Anything from scent to spice can cause stuffiness, and identifying what causes it for you can help you avoid it in the future.
  • Ways To Sleep Better With Sinus Pain And Congestion

    Are sinus woes keeping you from getting quality rest? Try these sinus pain and congestion relief strategies to sleep better.


    Not sleeping well affects both your body and your mood, but when you have sinus pain and congestion, getting a good nights sleep may be easier said than done. Sinusitis, often referred to as a sinus infection, occurs when there is swelling in the nasal sinuses and passages. You may experience symptoms like pressure around the nose, eyes, or forehead, a stuffed-up nose, and thick mucus. Some people also report tooth pain with sinusitis. If you have allergies, you may be at greater risk for sinus trouble, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.

    There are many reasons that sinus pain and congestion get worse at night,” says Jordan S. Josephson, MD, an ear, nose, and throat specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City and the author of Sinus Relief Now. “One is that allergies tend to be worse at night, and two is that when you lie down, your nose becomes more congested. But this doesnt mean you should give up on a good nights sleep. Instead, try these expert-approved tips to help you sleep better despite sinus pain and congestion:

    Following these tips will put you on the path to sinus pain and congestion relief and help you get a good night’s sleep.

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    What Can Cause Dry Mouth

    It may seem like the beginning of a cold dehydration, sore throat, dry mouth. There is a possibility that it may be a consequence of something occurring within the sinuses. The sinuses general purpose is to be able to clean, moisten, and heat air that enters the body. When this is impeded, the only other way to intake oxygen would be through the mouth. Breathing through the mouth can cause disrupted sleep, drowsiness, dehydration, dry mouth and lips, and discomfort in the throat.

    When the sinuses are obstructed, it could mean a variety of different issues. There could be allergies, a common cold or flu, or even sinusitis. These blockages, especially during sleep, can create disruptive breathing cycles that make it seemingly impossible to get a good nights sleep and the first step to turning it around is to determine the source of the issue.

    Typically, determining whether a sinus blockage is caused by a cold, allergies, or sinus infection is fairly easy as long as attention is given to the other symptoms Allergies may be accompanied by hives, itchy eyes, or sneezing. With allergies, the allergen must first be determined and avoided for the easiest relief. From there, allergy medications can be taken to help alleviate congestion.

    Try Cold And Flu Medicines

    How to solve nasal congestion when using CPAP

    Using cold and flu medicines with decongestant and other ingredients can make it easier to breathe. They may also help with other symptoms, such as achy muscles and headaches.

    People should be careful to avoid non-drowsy daytime products before bed, as these may make it harder to sleep. Conversely, it is generally best to avoid nighttime products when a person needs to be awake, because these will likely cause drowsiness.

    Avoid combining multiple medicines, and do not give babies or children decongestants unless a doctor recommends it.

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    Is It Time To See Your Ent

    Whether a patients chronic sinus drainage issues manifest as chronic runny nose, chronic post-nasal drip, chronic sinus headaches, or chronic congestion, they all visit us for the same reason: their chronic desire to feel better.

    Enough is enough. At Sinus Solutions of South Florida, well help you learn what exactly is causing your chronic sinus drainage issues. We can assist you in getting the treatment you need to take back control of your wellbeing. Call us at 561-790-7744 or request an appointment online today.

    How To Tell If You Have An Actual Sinus Infection

    Even though we often say we have a sinus infection even if its just inflammation or an allergic response, there are symptoms of an actual infection that may be treatable with antibiotics. Nasal congestion and pain under the eyes or around the temples are, of course, main symptoms, but others include the loss of the sense of smell, green nasal discharge, mucus dripping down your throat, cough, fever, fatigue, sore throat, and even bad breath.

    Sometimes, a sinus infection will clear up without intervention, but if you develop a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, have your symptoms for 10 or more days, notice that your symptoms are getting worse and are not improved by OTC medications, or you have multiple infections in a years time, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

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    When To Visit A Medical Professional

    Although most stuffy noses may be treated with at-home or over-the-counter methods, make sure youre monitoring your symptoms in case something more serious develops. If your nasal congestion doesnt improve within 10 days, you may need to schedule a doctors visit.

    Figuring out how to sleep with a stuffy nose may take some trial and error. However, once you find the right remedies for you, you can establish a unique bedtime routine and get your sleep schedule back on track.

    Still unable to get some much-needed rest? You might want to invest in higher quality mattresses, sheets, and pillows. With the right bedding, youll be nodding off in no time.

    Keep Your Bedroom Cool And Dark

    What is the best way to sleep with a cold/nasal congestion ...

    When youre sick, small things can keep you from getting much-needed sleep. For example, you might feel more sensitive to fluctuations in light or temperature.

    Keep the temperature in your bedroom cool and opt for light covers. Use blackout curtains to ensure outside light doesnt affect your sleep.

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    How To Handle The Issue

    Sleeping with a humidifier near the bed and taking over-the-counter nighttime decongestants may help with sinus symptoms.4 However, in the case of a serious infection, they may not completely resolve the problem.

    If you have a sinus infection, or any sinus symptoms that are severe or that persist for longer than a couple of weeks, then you may want to see a doctor. They will have the ability to diagnose the problem, recommend a solution, and get you breathing correctlyday and night.


    Medications For Sleeping During Postnasal Drips

    If all of the above efforts have failed or you simply prefer medical solutions, know that there are several ways to improve sleep during a postnasal drip.

    Over the Counter Nasal Decongestants

    If you are struggling with sleep due to a postnasal drip, nasal irrigation can be an effective solution. This simply refers to the use of decongestants to clear the clogged mucus in your throat and make it easier to breathe.

    Sudafed and Neo-Synephrine are 2 of the most popular over-the-counter decongestants available for postnasal drip.

    Nasal Irrigation

    This refers to the practice of flooding the nose with saline nasal sprays to increase nasal moisture, which thins mucus and allows it to flow more easily from the nose into the throat.

    Nasal irrigation can significantly improve sleep quality. The good news is that most of these sprays are available over the counter.

    For people who suffer from chronic postnasal drip, cortisone steroid sprays may be right for relief. These sprays are available by prescription only and your doctor will prescribe them if needed.

    For excessive mucus in the throat and nose, you can resort to Neti Pots and Sinus Rinses to flush it out.

    The Nasopure The Nicer Neti Pot system by Dr. Hana fits comfortably in your nostrils and provides natural relief for allergies. It clears your nose of excess mucus in minutes and promotes sleep.

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    Sleeping With Your Head Propped Up Will Help Gravity Naturally Drain Your Sinuses And Reduce The Chance Of Excessive Blood Flow That Can Develop Sinus Congestion

    Best sleeping position for nasal drainage. People who sleep in supine position or lie flat on their back are usually vulnerable to excessive mucus accumulation at the back of the throat. The best sleeping position when you have a stuffy nose is on your back with your head propped up on pillows. This allows gravity to do its work and naturally drains your sinuses.

    You want to sleep with your head propped up. However, when you are in bed or reclining in a horizontal position, gravity can cause mucus to pool or back up instead of drain. Propping your head up on a high pillow can help keep your sinuses more open. suggests propping up the head of your bed to get the best sleep with postnasal drip. The best sleeping position for each of these health conditions the position we sleep in can affect different aspects of the body, such as blood pressure, the sinuses and many others. What is the best sleeping position for post nasal drip.

    Tossing and turning from one side to the other can disrupt your sleep routine. sleep propped up on your back with an extra pillow to is your best option if you want the mucus to drain down and out you should avoid sleeping on your side, since it will make one or both nostrils even more congested. To help your body heal and recover, try the following sleeping positions and.


    When To See A Doctor

    The Best Ways To Sleep While You’re Sick – Get The Best Sleep Possible!

    The common cold often causes a stuffy nose. Antibiotics and other medications will not cure the cold virus, so there is little a doctor can do.

    It is best to drink plenty of fluids and sleep or rest as much as possible to give the body time to recover.

    Symptoms of a common cold can last between 2 days and 2 weeks. People with the flu usually recover , but some symptoms can last for 2 weeks or longer.

    See a doctor if:

    • A person with a weak immune system, such as an older adult or a baby, develops flu symptoms.

    Recommended Reading: Can You Heal A Sinus Infection Without Antibiotics

    Find Relief From Chronic Sinusitis And Sleep Apnea At Sinus Solutions Of South Florida

    Getting a good nights sleep with chronic sinusitis and sleep apnea is incredibly important. But getting a good nights sleep with chronic sinusitis and sleep apnea can also be incredibly difficult.

    Dr. Napoleon G. Bequer is one of the leading ENT practitioners in South Florida. Using balloon sinuplasty, sinus surgery, or other treatment methods, Bequer and the staff at Sinus Solutions of South Florida can help you find better sleep.

    Say so long to sleep apnea and sinusitis. Request a consultation at our ENT offices in either Tampa or West Palm Beach by calling 790-7744 or contacting us online.

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    Dr. Bequer is a leading South Florida ENT & sinus doctor, providing nasal, sinus, and snoring relief through balloon sinuplasty and various procedures the in West Palm Beach and Tampa areas.

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