Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Can Dogs Get Sinus Infections

What Are The Signs Of Aspergillosis/fungal Rhinitis

Is a Sinus Infection or Environmental Allergies Causing My Dog’s Nose Bleeds and Eye Irritation?

The most common clinical signs of nasal aspergillosis relate to signs of nasal disease:

  • Nasal discharge which can be creamy or green in colour and can affect either one or both nostrils. Blood can sometimes be seen within the nasal discharge
  • Pale discolouration of areas of the front of the nose
  • Discomfort on palpation of the nose or signs that the dog is becoming head-shy
  • Reverse sneezing

Dog Upper Respiratory Infection Treatment

If your dog has an upper respiratory infection, you should consult with your veterinarian. They can help identify the cause of the infection and determine the appropriate treatment.

While some upper respiratory infections resolve on their own, others may require medication to treat the underlying cause. For instance, if the illness is due to a bacterial infection, the dog will need a course of antibiotics. If its caused by parasites, your veterinarian will likely prescribe a deworming product to clear the infestation.

Your veterinarian may also recommend medication to help reduce pain and fever along with nasal drops or spray to alleviate a runny nose or congestion. In addition, they can offer advice on how to care for your dog at home. In severe cases, intravenous fluid therapy and hospitalization might be necessary to stabilize the dog.

Never give your dog any kind of mediation without consulting with your veterinarian first. Human medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can harm your pooch.

Can Aspergillosis/fungal Rhinitis Be Passed On To My Other Pets Or Members Of My Family

Fungal spores, including Aspergillus species, are present everywhere in the environment and we are all frequently exposed to the organisms. For the majority of humans and pets, the risk from contact with a dog or cat suffering from the disease should be very low. Standard hygiene measures, including washing your hands after contact with your pet and cleaning up nasal discharge, should be sufficient to maintain the risk at a negligible level.

People and pets that have a compromised immune system due to drug administration , illness or extreme old age should avoid contact with infected animals. As with all infectious diseases, individuals who are concerned they may be at risk of infection should discuss the situation with their doctor at their earliest opportunity.

Figure 1: Photograph of the front of a dogs nose showing some blood-tinged creamy discharge from the patients right nostril and ulceration that can occur in some cases.

Figure 3: This is a computed tomography image of a cross section of a dogs nose at the level of the frontal sinuses. The eyes can be seen as circular areas . The frontal sinuses are normally air-filled spaces within the skull, just above and behind the eyes. In this image, the dogs left frontal sinus has become almost completely filled with fungal growth . Air is seen as black on the scan.

If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Treat Symptoms In Dogs Or Cats With Supplements From Prana Pets

Prana Pets is more than ready to relieve your pets discomfort with our supplements. We believe that herbal formulas can assist with chronic sinus conditions and other long-term illnesses.

To find out more about treating viral infections, please reach out to us today. When your pet has the symptoms of sinusitis, Prana Pets has the supplement to help with coughing or gagging.

Natural And Holistic Treatments

Aspergillosis in Dogs  A Destructive Sinus &  Nasal Disease

Many people prefer treating their dogs with natural remedies rather than pharmaceutical drugs. There are a variety of treatment options that provide good results.

Steam Baths are very effective in treating a sinus infection. When using a steam bath, you do not put your dog in the bathtub. Begin by turning the hot water on You will need to close the bathroom door to keep in the steam. Once the room begins to fill with steam, let your dog stay in the room for 5 20 minutes. Stay in the room with your dog to avoid him getting burnt by the running water and watch for reaction to the steam and heat.

Tea infusions offer the effect as a steam bath. The steam from the tea is inhaled by the dog which helps stimulate the sinuses and causes drainage. Tea with a strong aroma such as ginger or cinnamon seem to work, but any tea will be effective.

Cleaning your dogs nose will improve breathing and discomfort. When cleaning your dogs nose, be careful not to cause injury. Gentle swabbing the nostrils with a cotton ball dampened with warm water should help open the nasal passages. Once the area has been cleaned and dried, you can gently rub petroleum jelly or moisturizing cream to prevent chafing.

Recommended Reading: Home Remedies For Bronchitis And Sinus Infection

What Is Pet Dander

Pet dander is one of the more significant types of environmental allergens. Exposure to these allergens causes inflammation of the sinuses, resulting in sinus pain, pressure and headaches, but this doesnt mean that you have to say goodbye to Mans Best Friend.

Take simple steps to bathe your pet weekly to reduce dander and shedding that carry the irritants present in the animals fur. Bathing your pet also washes away any grass and pollen buried in the animals fur that can irritate your sinus.

If you have a cat, take care not to expose yourself to the litter box except when absolutely necessary.

Early Treatment Of Sinusitis Is Critical

While many cats and dogs respond positively to a prescribed treatment of medication, some may continue to have ongoing sinus problems. Veterinary therapies are most successful when treatment begins in the early stages of disease. Encourage your clients to bring in their pets when symptoms first arise. If interested in further information regarding companion pet treatment, please contact your Covetrus representative at: 855.724.3461.

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Signs Of Sinus Infection In Dogs

1. Nose Discharge, Sneezing, Coughing

Dog sinus infection symptoms include discharge from nose and eyes, sneezing, and coughing or gagging. On rare occasions, your dog may have nosebleeds. Some dogs may develop a fever.

2. Loss of Appetite

Other symptoms may include loss of energy and appetite. And just like in humans, sinus infections can cause headaches and sore throats for dogs.

3. Other Symptoms

How Long Does An Upper Respiratory Infection Last In Dogs

Chihuahua Dog Ren with sinus infection with seasparkle

Generally, an upper respiratory infection can last anywhere from 5 to 10 days if there are no complications. If the dog is severely dehydrated or ends up with pneumonia, it can take longer for the ailing pooch to recover.

Keep in mind that there can be an incubation period of 2 to 10 days before symptoms appear. This means your dog can spread the infection to other dogs even before you know they are sick.

Don’t Miss: How To Get Rid Of A Sinus Infection Naturally

Can Foxtail Cause A Sinus Infection

Foxtail has very similar symptoms as a sinus infection, but can be much worse. If not found in time, foxtail can be fatal. The needles on the foxtail grass can enter any area on your dog. The needles always move inward never outward. Your vet will check your dog for signs of foxtail invasion if a sinus infection is not detected.

Most people consider their dog a part of the family. When your dog shows signs of illness, you probably take them to the vet as you would one of your children. As with sinus infections in humans, your dog experiences similar symptoms and will require medical attention. When you have questions about your dogs health, but cannot reach your vet, you can always ask a qualified Expert.

Home Remedies For Sinus Infection In Dogs

Sinus infections or sinusitis in dogs can be caused by bacteria, viruses, water retention or different allergens. Sinusitis will manifest through several symptoms such as sneezing, fever and discomfort and may go away in a few weeks without treatment. However, you can relieve the discomfort by using a few home remedies for sinus infection.

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Surviving Sinusitis With Pet Allergies

You love spending time with your pet, but does it seem like it’s causing an allergic reaction? It can be difficult to live with pet allergies, especially when you love pets. Youâre not alone. Approximately 31 million individuals experience sinusitis or sinus infection every year, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.Of course, you donât want to have to give up your beloved animal companions, but you also canât stand to see anyone in your home suffering from sinusitis with pets. The trick is in seeing if you can find reliable relief for pet allergies before sinusitis forces you to part ways with the animal.

Signs That Your Dog Needs To See A Veterinarian

Breed Health
  • Sneezing and nasal discharge that persists for more than just a few days
  • Amount of sneezing and nasal discharge increases
  • Color and/or consistency of the nasal discharge changes
  • Rubbing the nose or pawing at the face
  • Noisy or raspy breathing
  • Sneezing and nasal discharge accompanied by other signs of illness

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Symptoms Of Sinus Infection In Dogs

If your dog develops a sinus infection, he’ll sneeze, and may even gag or cough. His eyes and nose may water. If the infection becomes severe, your dog could bleed from the nose. Your dog may experience lethargy, depression and loss of appetite.

Clear, thin discharge from the eyes and nose often indicates the presence of allergies. Your dog could have inhaled dust or other irritants. Infection is most likely if the discharge is thick and opaque.

Dog sinus infection symptoms are often the symptoms of a less minor upper respiratory tract infection or common cold. If your dog’s sinus symptoms last for more than 48 hours, he should see a vet. If your dog develops a nosebleed, seek immediate emergency veterinary care. While sinus infections can cause nosebleeds if they are severe enough, nosebleeds are also often the symptom of a much more serious condition.

What Specific Tests Would Be Recommended To Investigate Sneezing And Nasal Discharge In A Pet

Nasal swab for cytology. Cytology is the microscopic study of individual cells. This procedure involves collecting a small amount of nasal discharge on a sterile swab and spreading it thinly on a glass slide. This is sent to a referral laboratory for examination by a veterinary pathologist. Cytology can provide information about the health of the cells lining the nasal passage, and can detect inflammatory cells, cancer cells, and infectious organisms such as bacteria and fungi.

Radiographs of the nasal cavity. This usually requires sedation or general anesthetic to help the pet to lie still. Radiographs are useful to detect bone cancer or bone infection, and inflammation or infection in the sinuses.

Nasal flush for cytology. This procedure requires light general anesthesia. A sterile catheter is passed up the nose into the nasal cavity. A syringe of sterile fluid is attached to the free end and fluid is flushed into the nasal cavity and quickly suctioned or re-aspirated back into the syringe. The re-aspirated fluid contains lining cells, secretions, and other material that has been washed off by the flushing action. The collected fluid is sent to a veterinary pathologist for cytological examination. Cytology can identify the types of cells that are present such as lining cells, inflammatory cells, or cancer cells, and can detect infectious organisms such as bacteria and fungi.

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Does My Dog Have Sinus Infection

Your dog’s sinuses are located in the nasal cavity. When the lining of the passages located in the nasal cavity become inflamed, your dog has a sinus infection. The symptoms of his sinus infection are very similar to those you experience when you have a sinus infection:

  • Loss of appetite

  • Possibly a fever, headache and sore throat

There are several very common causes of a sinus infection in dogs, most of which mimic those that cause a sinus infection in humans. Most are directly related to environmental influences. Among these are:

  • An upper respiratory infection

  • Exposure to allergens and other irritants

  • Bacterial, fungal, or viral infections

  • Insect bites or stings

  • Infections in the upper teeth

At first, it might seem as though your dog has caught a cold, but if the symptoms persist, you should take your dog in to see the vet. The vet will perform a thorough examination that should include checking his teeth and gums for ulcers, root abscesses, or any other abnormalities. He will also check his eyes and nose, listen to his chest, and he may order a series of chest x-rays in an attempt to determine the extent of your dog’s infection and congestion.

For more information on canine sinus infections, please visit our guide to Nose and Sinus Inflammation in Dogs .

Acute Vs Chronic Nasal Congestion

Nasal Problems in Dogs

A short-term bout of nasal congestion is typically not a big deal. Most pups should recover on their own in a day or two. But some dogs end up suffering from long-term, chronic nasal congestion, which can seriously reduce their quality of life.

In such cases, it is not only important to work with your vet to treat the symptoms related to congestion but to also take steps to identify the cause of the problem. This isnt always possible, but it is something that you should always try to do.

Start by journaling your dogs symptoms. Write down the time and date that the congestion started, and also record when he starts being able to breathe easily again. Note any treatments you or your vet employed and document their apparent efficacy.

It may turn out that your pet is allergic to something in your home , or that your pet has an environmental allergy to grass, tree pollen or polluted air. Your pet may also be suffering from a seasonal allergy, if you notice the problem occurring more commonly during a specific portion of the calendar.

In other cases, it may turn out that your dog simply has a predisposition to nasal congestion.

Recommended Reading: When Should You Go To The Doctor For Sinus Infection

Causes Of Rhinitis And Sinusitis In Cats And Dogs

Many different viral infections can infect our pets and lead to rhinitis and sinusitis.

Rhinitis, sinusitis, or rhinosinusitis are not usually associated with bacterial infection, but rather with viral, fungal, or parasitic disease.

Many different viral infections can infect our pets and lead to rhinitis and sinusitis. For example, the distemper virus, aspergillosis can cause rhinosinusitis in dogs. In cats the most common cause is cryptococcosis. Allergic conditions almost never cause rhinosinusitis in cats, however, in dogs, it can predispose to chronic inflammation of the nasal cavity or sinus.

Foreign bodies, such as grass awns, sticks, or small rocks that may enter the nasal cavity can also lead to the condition. Dental disease and tumors involving the nasal cavity or sinuses can be one of the causes as well.

Treating Dog Sinus Infections

Your vet will probably prescribe medication to treat your dog’s sinusinfection. If bacteria are responsible for the infection, your dog willneed antibiotics. If a fungus is responsible, your vet will prescribe anti-fungal medications instead. If your dog’s sinus infection is viral,medications won’t cure it you will have to wait for the infection to run its course.

Administer all medications as directed by your vet. Don’t administer over-the-counter remedies intended for use in humans, as these could be toxic to your dog. Keep your dog inside, especially if the weather is wet or cold your dog should remain as warm and dry as possible. A vaporizer can help your dog breathe, and chicken or other broth can substitute for water if you’re having problems keeping your dog hydrated.

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How To Treat Sinus Infection In Dogs

Your vet will probably prescribe antibiotics as the treatment for your dog’s sinus infection. If the vet suspects that the infection is caused by a fungus rather than bacteria, he or she will prescribe an anti-fungal medication instead. If the infection is caused by a virus, antibiotics will not help, but the infection will probably clear up on its own in a few days.

Try to keep your dog warm and dry. If it’s cold out, limit outdoor time. Try a vaporizer near his bed, to help him breathe easier. Drinking plenty of water can help, or as a special treat consider serving warm chicken broth. PranaPets.com’s homeopathic formula Sinu-Help helps to relieve symptoms of nasal and sinus congestion in pets.

Homeopathic formula to help with nasal and sinus congestion in dogs.

  • Maintains normal inflammatory response in the sinus system

  • Supports normal, healthy breathing functions

  • May help with canine nasal and sinus congestion

  • May help with headache and sinus pressure

  • May help with seasonal allergies

Homeopathic formula to help with nasal and sinus congestion in dogs.

  • Maintains normal inflammatory response in the sinus system

  • Supports normal, healthy breathing functions

  • May help with canine nasal and sinus congestion

  • May help with headache and sinus pressure

  • May help with seasonal allergies

Whats The Difference Between Sinusitis And Rhinitis In Dogs

Aspergillosis in Dogs  A Destructive Sinus &  Nasal Disease

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the lining of the sinuses. The sinuses are air-filled, bony cavities that connect with the nasal cavities. During a sinus infection, these cavities become filled with fluid and develop inflamed lining.

Rhinitis is the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose. If both the nose and sinus cavities are affected, the term rhinosinusitis is used.

Both of these conditions can occur alone, or as part of an upper respiratory infection. They also appear similar in dogs, causing many of the same signs of illness.

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