Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Sinus Issues Cause Brain Fog

Lack Of Movement Or Exercise

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Another common cause of brain fog is a sedentary lifestyle.

If you dont move your body enough, your blood circulation can become sluggish, and this can lead to oxygen and nutrient deficiencies in the brain.

This canresult in mental fatigue, difficulty concentrating, the decline in your central nervous system, and other cognitive problems.

To avoid this, make sure that you get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day.

You can also add a few brain-boosting exercises to your routine, such as:

  • Strength training

Regular exercise has many benefits for your cognitive function, especially in improving the flow of red blood cells to your brain, so make sure that you incorporate it into your daily routine.

How Is Brain Fog Treated

For a while now, doctors have been debating what the causes of Brain Fog are, how to treat it, and if its even a real thing. The answers are becoming clearer now.

Research has shown that children who have not treated their allergies are performing worse in school compared to those who have treated their allergies. Why? These untreated allergies can lead to lack of sleep and therefore, lead to increased fatigue and lack of concentration in class. These results can be applied to adults as well. Another factor is in our cytokines, molecules that regulate the immune system, that help fight infections in our bodies and affect how we think, function, and perform. These cytokines are released when inflammation occurs and cause the fuzziness and fog our brains feel.

So, if you think untreated allergies are no big deal, think again. And if you are not sure if you actually have allergies, there are non-invasive allergy tests that will tell you for sure. After all, no one wants to see the world through a big fuzz.

Call 860-BALLOON to schedule an appointment at one of CT Sinus Centers four conveniently-located offices and find out how we can help you permanently come out of the fog.

What Exactly Is Sinus Infection Fog

Sinusitis mental fog is a condition that is caused by chronic sinusitis or acute sinusitis, which is an infection or inflammation of the sinuses.

In fact, research links sinus inflammation to brain fog.

The sinuses are air-filled cavities in the skull that help to moisturize and warm up the air that we breathe. When they become infected or inflamed, the sinuses can produce extra mucus for chronic sinusitis sufferers.

This mucus can block the sinuses and make it difficult to breathe. The infection can also cause pressure in the sinuses, which can lead to sinus headaches, facial pain, fatigue, and brain fog.

Sinusitis fog can also be caused by allergies or a cold. When you have a cold, your sinuses may become inflamed and produce more mucus than usual. This can lead to sinusitis and brain inflammation.

Allergies can also cause chronic sinusitis. When you are allergic to something, your body produces histamines. These histamines can cause the sinuses to swell and produce more mucus.

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Chronic Sinus Inflammation Affects Brain Connections

The researchers found 22 subjects living with chronic rhinosinusitis and 22 control subjects with no sinus inflammation. Using MRI scans, they compared blood flow and neuron activity in the brains of these two groups.

In those with sinus inflammation, the MRIs revealed lower functional connectivity in the frontoparietal network , as well as in the salience network, which manages external stimuli, communication and social behavior.

People with sinusitis also showed higher functional connectivity in the default mode network, which is linked to mind wandering.

The subjective feelings of attention decline, difficulties to focus or sleep disturbances that a person with sinus inflammation experiences might be associated with subtle changes in how brain regions controlling these functions communicate with one another, says otolaryngologist Kristina Simonyan from Harvard University.

In other words, it may not be just a head full of mucus thats making you unable to sleep or concentrate on work. It may be the changes that inflammation brings about in your brain.

This new research doesnt show that chronic sinus inflammation directly causes changes in brain activity. But Dr. Jafari and his team agree that the association between the two is strong enough to warrant further investigation.

They urge medical professionals to be mindful of the mental health symptoms that go along with this disease which is so much more than a minor inconvenience to so many.

Prevention And Treatment For Brain Fog And Migraine Confusion

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The best way to prevent brain fog is to reduce migraine symptoms. For some people, that may mean taking medication, using a device or making lifestyle changes so as not to get as many migraine attacks.

Its also important to treat migraine attacks early while pain is still mild. Most people with migraine can feel very confident taking their acute medication every time they think they have a migraine attack, says Dr. Seng. Thats the best thing that you can do to address all of the postdrome symptoms, including brain fog. She does note that people who have as many as eight to 10 migraine attacks a month may need to be careful to not take too much medication.

One of the reasons why its so important to identify your early warning signs and brain fog is because that gives you time to prepare, to treat the attack acutely, says Dr. Seng. I want to help. Im a behavior change scientist. I want to help people take their acute medication right at the beginning of a migraine attack. And for a lot of people, its hard to know, is this a migraine attack?

When people with migraine know they get brain fog or have a hard time finding the right words, they can use that knowledge as a warning sign and take steps to prevent or reduce their migraine pain. These steps could include:

  • Cutting down on stress

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Can Sinus Infection Cause Brain Fog

Sinus infections, or sinusitis, are a common ailment. The Mayo Clinic reports that sinus infections can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or allergens, and can result in congestion, fever, headaches, and facial pain. Sinus infections can also cause brain fog.

Brain fog is medically recognized as difficulty concentrating, thinking clearly, or remembering things. It can be caused by a variety of factors such as stress, medications, or medical conditions such as sinus infections. Symptoms of brain fog include forgetfulness, poor judgment, decreased productivity, and trouble with multitasking. Brain fog can make it difficult to complete normal everyday tasks and can affect job performance and quality of life.

If you experience brain fog along with other symptoms of a sinus infection such as congestion, fever, headaches, or facial pain, see your doctor for treatment. Treatment for a sinus infection may include antibiotics if the infection is bacterial in origin, decongestants to clear the nose and sinuses, or over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. In some cases surgery may be necessary to clear the nasal passages and sinuses.

How To Prevent Sinus Infection From Spreading To The Brain

In order to prevent the infection from reaching the brain, follow the general guidelines of hygiene. Also, get in touch with an ENT doctor without any further delay. Some of the preventive measures to keep in mind are-

  • Wash the hands with soap and water regularly.
  • Do not touch the eyes, nose and mouth after sneezing
  • Pay attention to the symptoms
  • Avoid taking antibiotics regularly to prevent the bacteria from getting drug-resistant

Read more:

Recommended Reading: What Helps With Sinus Inflammation

What Is Brain Fog And How Do Allergies Cause It

Brain Fog occurs when the brain becomes fatigued and as a result, you become confused fuzzy and have decreased focus and mental activity. In this blog, lets focus on how allergies contribute to the condition. Here are some common symptoms those with Brain Fog experience:

  • Low energy or fatigue
  • Forgetfulness and trouble remembering information
  • Trouble sleeping through the night

Its extremely important to pay attention to the symptoms and see if any pertain to you. Brain Fog is not something that can be tested for or that will show up in any X-ray or scan, so it will be up to you to determine whether or not you are experiencing it. The awareness isnt as difficult as it sounds no one knows your body better than you do.

What Causes Brain Fog

Blurry vision, brain fog, and increased ocular pressure, due to Intracranial Hypertension

There can be many causes of brain fog. Some of the most common are anxiety, lack of sleep, stress, and hormonal changes.

Dr. Hafeez explains that when you are experiencing anxiety, it interferes with your ability to focus on what is going on in the present moment. Our working memory, she sayswhat allows us to store new information without losing track of what were doingis affected by anxiety because more cognitive energy is devoted to anxiety instead of the working memory. Basically, when youre mentally exhausted, your memory suffers.

Similarly, when you dont get enough sleep, your ability to make memories is compromised. During NREM sleep, the brain filters important memories, says Dr. Hafeez. REM sleep allows the memories to become concrete and plays a role in memory consolidation. When you dont get a full six to eight hours of sleep every night, your brains ability to consolidate memories is affected, resulting in forgetfulness, confusion, and other symptoms of brain fog.

Along with its negative impacts on mental health, brain fog can also be affected by physical changes in your body. For example, hormonal changes, such as menopause or pregnancy, can impair concentration and memory. Estrogen levels contribute to memory and other brain processes, and when estrogen levels change, occasional lapses in the brain can occur, says Dr. Hafeez.

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Relief For The Inflammation Of Chronic Sinusitis

While research continues into the connection between our sinuses and our brain, there are plenty of things you can do to get relief from the inflammatory symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis.

We know that decongestants and NSAIDs can be dangerous for your heart.

Dr. Mark Wiley recommends the use of a neti pot as a natural and less toxic alternative to over-the-counter sinus medications.

Its also a good idea to include foods and spices that have anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties, like:

Can Your Brain Fog Be Cleared By Treating Your Chronic Sinusitis

Thousands of people here in Central Florida suffer from chronic sinusitis. Pressure, pain, headaches, and runny nose. There is new research showing sinus problems are also associated with brain fog or struggles with focusing. A recent article published in Science Daily explains:

New research links sinus inflammation with alterations in brain activity, specifically with the neural networks that modulate cognition, introspection and response to external stimuli.

The paper was published today in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery.

This is the first study that links chronic sinus inflammation with a neurobiological change, said lead author Dr. Aria Jafari, a surgeon and assistant professor of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

We know from previous studies that patients who have sinusitis often decide to seek medical care not because they have a runny nose and sinus pressure, but because the disease is affecting how they interact with the world: They cant be productive, thinking is difficult, sleep is lousy. It broadly impacts their quality of life. Now we have a prospective mechanism for what we observe clinically.

Suffering from sinus problems can leave you feeling miserable. Youre congested, have pain and pressure in your face, your nose is running, and you just feel tired.

The discomforts of chronic sinusitis can affect the overall quality of your life.

Reducing you productivity

Increased costs

Lack of sleep

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Chronic Sinus Inflammation Appears To Alter Brain Activity

Study findings may help explain patients poor concentration and other cognitive symptoms that accompany sinusitis.

The millions of people who have chronic sinusitis deal not only with stuffy noses and headaches, they also commonly struggle to focus, and experience depression and other symptoms that implicate the brains involvement in their illness.

New research links sinus inflammation with alterations in brain activity, specifically with the neural networks that modulate cognition, introspection and response to external stimuli.

The paper was .

This is the first study that links chronic sinus inflammation with a neurobiological change, said lead author Dr. Aria Jafari, a surgeon and assistant professor of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

We know from previous studies that patients who have sinusitis often decide to seek medical care not because they have a runny nose and sinus pressure, but because the disease is affecting how they interact with the world: They cant be productive, thinking is difficult, sleep is lousy. It broadly impacts their quality of life. Now we have a prospective mechanism for what we observe clinically.

The researchers identified a study cohort from the Human Connectome Project, an open-access, brain-focused dataset of 1,206 healthy adults ages 22-35. Data included radiology image scans and cognitive/behavioral measurements.

Causes Types And Symptoms

Stop the Sugar Cravings and the Fuzzy Thinking!

Sinusitis can come on suddenly and subside quickly, or it can develop more gradually and linger for many weeks. No matter what type of sinusitis you might have, a visit to an ENT for a proper diagnosis and treatment is the first step to finding relief from this often-painful condition.

Causes of Blocked SinusesThere are a variety of reasons why the sinuses might become blocked:

Colds & Other Infections A cold may cause your sinus and nasal lining to swell, causing sinus openings to become blocked so that mucus backs up. This becomes the perfect environment for bacteria to grow, leading to an infection.

Allergic Reactions Sensitivity to some substances can lead to the release of histamine, which makes your sinus and nasal linings swell and in turn clogs your sinuses and prevents cilia from sweeping away mucus.

Polyps These growths inside the sinuses consist of a sac of swollen tissue. A polyp may block the middle meatus, where most of your sinuses drain. The blockage can lead to pain, inflammation, and infection.

Deviated Septum This occurs when the central partition inside your nose, known as the septum, isnt centered. The deviation may block the middle meatus, affecting the ability of the sinuses to drain properly and can be caused by genetic factors or external trauma.

Are You at Risk for Sinusitis?Some people are at higher risk for sinusitis than others. Risk factors for the condition include:

Chronic sinusitis might be characterized by the following symptoms:

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Loss Of Taste And Smell After Covid

The senses of smell and taste are related, and because the coronavirus can affect cells in the nose, having COVID-19 can result in lost or distorted senses of smell or taste. Before and after people become ill with COVID-19, they might lose their sense of smell or taste entirely, or find that familiar things smell or taste bad, strange or different.

For about a quarter of people with COVID-19 who have one or both of these symptoms, the problem resolves in a couple of weeks. But for most, these symptoms persist. Though not life-threatening, prolonged distortion of these senses can be devastating and can lead to lack of appetite, anxiety and depression. Some studies suggest that theres a 60% to 80% chance that these people will see improvement in their sense of smell within a year.

Read Also: What Helps With Sinus Inflammation

Long Covid Symptoms In Children And Teens

Its not yet known whether children who have had COVID-19 are more or less likely than adults to experience continuing symptoms. But long-term COVID-19 in children is a possibility, showing up as fatigue, headaches, difficulty with school work, mood concerns, shortness of breath and other long-hauler symptoms.

Amanda Morrow, M.D., a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation, is part of the multidisciplinary team at Kennedy Krieger Institutes Pediatric Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation Clinic, which addresses lingering coronavirus symptoms in children and teens. She says it isnt clear why long COVID-19 symptoms affect some children and not others.

We are seeing patients who are often very high-functioning, healthy children who did not have any previous illnesses or medical conditions, she says, noting that many of the kids being treated at the clinic only had mild bouts of COVID-19.

Heart inflammation after COVID-19 is a concern, especially among young athletes returning to their sports after a mild or even asymptomatic case of the coronavirus. They should be screened for any signs of heart damage to ensure it is safe for them to resume activity.

Kids who have experienced the uncommon but serious complication of COVID-19 called multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, or MIS-C, can be left with serious heart damage, and should be followed by a pediatric cardiologist.

By Jessi Cole, November 20, 2018

Treatment of Sinusitis

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The Connection Between Brain Fog And Lyme Disease

If a tick bites you, common symptoms such as fatigue, fever and chills, headache, and muscle pain can occur. A skin rash may also develop and becoFdiagnome larger over time. Left untreated, the disease may worsen and affect the heart, joints, and central nervous system. Lyme disease can also cause the blood vessels in the brain to become inflamed, leading some people to experience brain fog.

Brain fog is not a condition, but a symptom that can lead to:

  • Slow or sluggish thinking
  • Short-term memory loss

Brain fog is different than general fatigue or forgetfulness. Most researchers think that brain fog is a form of mild cognitive impairment that can cause long-term feelings of exhaustion and decreased focus. Typically, physical fatigue may go away on its own if you get enough rest. This is not the case with brain fog.

In most cases of Lyme disease, brain fog appears due to a condition called post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome , which is estimated to occur in five to ten percent of people with Lyme disease. Symptoms of PTLDS can affect someone for more than six months after they complete antibiotic treatment. While brain fog can be a temporary symptom of PTLDS, some people report long-term brain fog even after their initial symptoms disappear.

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