Is It Safe To Play Sports And Surf After Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty is an operation that re-arranges nasal bone and cartilage to achieve the desired aesthetic result, then repairs these parts in their new position very carefully. The parts may be held together by sutures, by the overlying splint, by their skin attachment, or simply by pressure from adjacent structures. If undisturbed during healing, there’s a good chance you’ll have your intended result. Impact upon the nose during healing from a powerful wave, a surfboard flipping over, an elbow during basketball, or any other unintended trauma to the nose during this delicate interval may move parts of the nose, tear sutures, or otherwise change the nose and your result. Generally, resting for one to two weeks after rhinoplasty is advised. Then, resume solo exercise gently as tolerated. Competitive sports, team sports, and impact sports should be delayed until you can press on all areas of the nose without discomfort.
Are These Procedures Right For Me
If youre experiencing symptoms of enlarged turbinates or a deviated septum, the best treatment may be a small procedure with Dr. Alen Cohen. By talking with your doctor you can determine if septoplasty, turbinate reduction, balloon sinuplasty or a combination of these procedures is your best option in the office or surgical center. At first, they may treat the condition with nasal sprays or antihistamines or rinses, but if your symptoms worsen or dont go away, then it might be time to consider septoplasty or turbinate reduction or balloon sinuplasty.
If your symptoms are causing any of the following, contact your doctor to schedule an appointment and determine your best route of treatment.
- Severe runny nose or postnasal drip
- Recurrent and prolonged sinus infections
- Interrupted sleep or significant snoring
Purpose Of Sinus Surgery
The sinuses are an interconnected network of hollow cavities in the skull that are situated in the cheeks , between the eyes , between the eyebrows , and in the forehead .
Sinus surgery is typically indicated when conservative treatment optionsincluding lifestyle changes like smoking cessation and the appropriate treatment of allergies have been exhausted.
Among the common indications for sinus surgery are:
- Refractory chronic sinusitis
Sinus surgery can also be used to biopsy masses for evaluation in the lab or for certain procedures involving the eye socket, including optic nerve decompression, orbital decompression, and dacryocystorhinostomy .
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What Are The Alternatives
Medications to diminish the swelling of the lining of the nose may promote airflow but have drawbacks that you should discuss with your physician. If turbinate surgery is recommended, there are a number of methods to perform this portion of the procedure and you may wish to discuss these with your surgeon. The surgery is, of course, elective so that no surgery is also an option. As with any surgery, you should feel comfortable seeking a second opinion from another surgeon.
What Is A Septoplasty
The septum is a wall that divides the left nasal cavity from the right. Ideally it should run down the middle of the nasal cavity but often it deviates to one side or the other.
This condition is called a septal deviation and can make breathing through the nose difficult, either because of actual obstruction of flow, or because of the creation of turbulent airflow, which slows the air movement. In these cases, a septal repair, or septoplasty, is recommended.
The procedure is typically performed through the nose. An incision is made within the nose, and the lining is lifted off of the crooked cartilage and bone. These structural elements are then straightened in a variety of ways and the lining is then returned to its original place. Dissolvable stitches are used to keep the lining in place during healing. Occasionally plastic splints may need to be placed temporarily within the nose following surgery.
In some severe deviations, or when other surgery is to be performed on the nose at the same time, a small incision between the nostrils may be necessary. If an external incision is to be made, your surgeon will specifically discuss this issue with you.
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Can I Sleep On My Side 2 Weeks After Rhinoplasty
Azizzadeh recommends his patients avoid sleeping on his or her side or front for the first few weeks after a nose surgery. Dr. Azizzadeh also recommends a rhinoplasty patient to sleep elevated with two to three extra pillows to try to reduce facial swelling for the first few weeks following surgery.
Can I Blow My Nose
It is important that you do not blow you nose for the first 48 hours following your operation. Your surgeon will advise you on when you can start to gently blow your nose. Some doctors recommend the use of drops, ointments and salt water sprays after the operation. You will be given specific instructions by the ward staff before your discharge from hospital. Some mucus and blood stained fluid may drain from your nose for the first week or two following the operation and this is normal. Heavy bleeding should be reviewed by a doctor. It is important to stay away from dusty and smoky environments while you are recovering.
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What Instructions To Follow After Fess Surgery
After proper consultation with the doctor, the patient should take leave from their work so that they can rest properly. Also, prior to the surgery, he or she should ask someone to accompany them to the hospital and drive them back home after.
During the discharge, the doctor provides a list of dos and donts that patients should follow after the surgery. This ensures that the side effects are curbed as well as the patient is able to recover fast. Below are some general instructions that ENT doctors advise to follow-
- Avoid excessive straining or heavy lifting or blowing the nose for at least 10 days of the surgery or else, this can cause bleeding.
- After 1 week of the surgery, the patient can start light exercising and normal workout 2 weeks after the surgery.
- Do not take aspirin or Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs such as Motril, Advil and Aleve for two weeks after the surgery. Take these medicines only after proper consultation with the doctor.
- After surgery, to get relief from the stuffiness and open the nasal airways, use nasal saline mist spray every 2-3 hours. Fortunately, these sprays are easily available over-the-counter. However, make sure you avoid using steroid nasal sprays.
- The day following the surgery, start irrigating the sinuses with saline rinse kits. Doctors prescribe nasal irrigation at least twice a day. This irrigation technique cleans out the debris and bloody discharge inside the nose and sinuses.
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How Long Does It Take To Recover From Nasal Polyp Removal
Nasal polyp removal is generally done by endoscopic surgery. Recovery after the surgery may vary from person to person. You may experience pain and some bleeding from the nose for the next three to five days. Most people report feeling weak in the first week after the surgery. You may need to take at least a week off from your work to recover after nasal polyp removal. Because the recovery varies, some people may get okay and join work sooner. At around one week after the surgery, you may be able to resume 50% of your regular exercise regimen. You will be able to follow your normal workout routine by around two weeks post the surgery.
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What Happens Before A Sinus Lift Surgery
If you’re getting sinus lift surgery, your dental professional will first determine where they’ll get the extra bone. The three most common types of bone used in sinus lift surgeries are:
- Autogenous bone: bone from your own body
- Allogenic bone: bone from a cadaver
- Xenograft: bone from a cow
If the bone comes from your own body, it will come from other areas of your mouth or body.
You’ll then need to get X-rays taken. X-rays allow the surgeon or dental specialist to study your jaw and sinuses so they can figure out precisely what you need.
Why Should You Avoid Blowing Your Nose After Rhinoplasty
For your best rhinoplasty result, there may be nothing more important than choosing a qualified, experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon with specialized expertise in aesthetic surgery of the nose. However, proper aftercare is also an essential component of a successful procedure. Award-winning board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Steve Laverson and the exceptional team at San Diego Cosmetic Clinic understand the complex and delicate nature of nasal surgery and are proud to offer the most advanced rhinoplasty techniques available to help patients improve both the form and function of their noses. Learn more about San Diego rhinoplasty here, including what to expect during recovery, important postsurgical guidelines, and why you should wait to blow your nose.
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What Are The Risks Of Surgery
While the risks involved in this surgery are relatively minor and uncommon, it is important to remember that risks do exist, as they do in all activities in life. You should be aware of the risks of the surgery in order for you to make an informed decision. All surgeries carry with them the risks of bleeding, infection, and pain. The risk of bleeding is increased by certain medications so you should review all medications with your physician prior to surgery.
Aspirin must be stopped at least 10 days prior to surgery and other anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen must be stopped at least four days prior to surgery. In rare cases of excessive bleeding, small sponges may be placed at the conclusion of the procedure. These sponges are usually removed within one to two days.
Taking antibiotics after the procedure will minimize the risk of infection. Extra Strength Tylenol or a mild narcotic and Tylenol combination relieves most patients pain. You will receive a prescription for sufficient pain medicine after your surgery.
Rarely, septal surgery can lead to an unexpected change in the appearance of the nose or can lead to a permanent loss of the sense of smell. Another rare risk is creation of a hole in the septum, connecting the right side of the nose to the left.
What To Expect During Rhinoplasty Recovery
The details and length of rhinoplasty recovery may vary from person to person depending on the nature and extent of their nose surgery. Generally speaking, most patients take about 1 2 weeks off of work to recover from rhinoplasty. Bruising, swelling, and discomfort should be expected during this time, but these symptoms can be relieved with medications and other recommendations given by Dr. Laverson. Important postsurgical guidelines for rhinoplasty recovery may include:
- Sleep on your back with your head elevated
- Avoid direct pressure to the nose
- Avoid physical activity, exercise, lifting, and straining
- Do not wear glasses or sunglasses
- Avoid pulling shirts and other clothing over your nose
- Do not smoke
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What To Expect On The Day Of Surgery
Taking place either in a hospitals surgery ward or an outpatient clinic, balloon sinuplasty is a relatively quick procedure. It typically takes between one and two hours to perform, and youre usually able to recover at home. A great deal happens in this time, and its important to have a sense of what you can expect.
Dont Blow Your Chances Of Getting The Nose Of Your Dreams Make Sure You Are Prepared For Your Washington Dc Rhinoplasty Recovery
Preparing for recovery after surgery is often just as important as preparing for the surgery itself. At Mesbahi Plastic Surgery in McLean, VA, our caring team is committed to ensuring you have a comfortable and pleasing experience at every stage of the rhinoplasty process. To learn more about the incredible transformations that may be possible for you, to schedule your rhinoplasty consultation with top Washington, D.C. board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Alex Mesbahi today.
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What Happens After My Operation
After your surgery, you will be taken from the operating theatre to the recovery ward where you will wake up from your anaesthetic. Once you are fully awake, you will be taken back to your room. You can usually have something to eat about an hour after your operation.
As the nose has a rich blood supply, it is normal to have a small amount of bleeding from the nose after the operation. You will have a gauze dressing taped underneath the nose to catch any ooze that comes from the nose. Very occasionally some dressings will be put in the nose. If this is necessary, they will usually be removed after a couple of hours.
What To Expect During Rhinoplasty Surgery
Because every patients anatomy, needs, goals, and desires are unique, Dr. Mesbahi takes great care to customize each rhinoplasty procedure for the person as an individual. After evaluating these factors and others, Dr. Mesbahi will recommend the most appropriate type of rhinoplasty for you. Some of the most commonly performed nose surgeries in the Washington, D.C. area include:
- Traditional rhinoplasty
- Revision rhinoplasty
- Ethnic rhinoplasty
In the majority of cases, rhinoplasty is performed using general anesthesia and may take up to 1 3 hours to complete. Depending on the nature and severity of the patients concerns, their nasal structure, and other factors, rhinoplasty may be performed as either an open or closed procedure. In an open rhinoplasty, Dr. Mesbahi utilizes an external incision at the base of the nose, just between the nostrils. During a closed rhinoplasty, all of the incisions are contained within the nose. Regardless of which approach is taken, equally stunning enhancements can be made.
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How Do I Prepare For Sinus Surgery
Sinus Surgery Pre & Post Operative Instructions
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Talk With Your Sinus Doctor Alen Cohen Md
If youre experiencing discomfort or trouble breathing through your nose, you may have an enlarged turbinate, sinus problems or may be experiencing side effects from a deviated septum. To schedule an appointment that can help address any concerns you have regarding your nose or symptoms youre experiencing, contact us today. Dr. Alen Cohens office hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday Friday.
Dont spend your days living in discomfort with sinus headaches, replacing sheets from overnight nosebleeds, or walking around feeling congested all the time. World-renowned sinus doctor, Alen N. Cohen MD FACS FARS and his team of experts can help determine and diagnose what underlying issue is causing your symptoms and help create a direct plan to treat it.
Schedule your appointment online today or by giving us a call at 888-7878.
Schedule An Appointment Today!
Considered the best sinus surgeon in Los Angeles, Dr. Alen Cohen is an expert at successfully treating patients through the use of minimally invasive techniques for the surgical management of nasal and sinus disorders.
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How Can I Help My Scars Heal Better
Scars are a normal part of the healing process, but there are several things you can do to minimize their appearance. If you follow your surgeons advice, you will likely end up with a scar that is practically invisible.
Perhaps the most important advice is about what not to do. Dont fall for the slick marketing of products that are claimed to heal scars, as these tend to be scientifically unproven and may do more harm than good. Definitely do not pick at your scars. Also, make sure you gently apply sunscreen to the scar whenever youre outside, as the sun can cause the scar to discolor differently than surrounding skin if it has not fully developed yet.
What Not To Do After Rhinoplasty
- Do NOT blow your nose
- Do NOT sleep on your stomach or side
- Do NOT take a shower
- Do NOT go swimming or submerge your nose
- Do NOT wear glasses directly on your nasal bridge
- Do NOT pull shirts, sweaters, or other clothing over your head and against your nose
- Avoid sneezing with your mouth closed
- Do NOT exercise, run, jog, bend, lift, stoop, or strain
- Do NOT play sports
- Do NOT smoke
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When Can I Blow My Nose After Rhinoplasty
Dr. Laverson engineers durable rhinoplasty results, but still advises that you refrain from blowing your nose and sneezing for at least 3-4 weeks after your procedure. In addition to pain, blowing your nose may cause bleeding and/or displace carefully arranged parts of the nose and disrupt your intended result. Blowing your nose is generally not a strong desire after rhinoplasty because the nasal airway is narrow or completely blocked, and nasal discomfort will prevent you from considering “blowing” your nose. If you feel the need to “open” the nose, try saline irrigation or decongestants prescribed by Dr. Laverson.
How Is Septoplasty Performed
Septoplasty is usually performed on an outpatient basis, so most patients go home the day of the surgery. In most cases, the patient is placed under general anesthesia and is asleep during the operation. Local anesthesia, which numbs the part of the body targeted for surgery, might be an option.
The procedure takes place entirely inside the nose. The doctor cuts a wall on one side of the nose and lifts or removes the mucosa, a thin membrane that covers and protects the septum. This allows the doctor to reshape the septums bone and cartilage. Sometimes parts of the bone and cartilage are removed, then reshaped and repositioned. Afterward, the mucosa is placed back over the septum. The nose is not broken during surgery. The operation takes between 30 and 90 minutes.
Afterward, the doctor may insert splints or soft packing to hold nasal tissue in place, prevent nosebleeds and prevent the formation of scar tissue. Usually, the splints stay in one or two weeks and packing remains in the nose between 24 and 36 hours. Sometimes, the doctor might leave only dissolving stitches, which disappear on their own over time.
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