How Is A Sinus Infection Treated
Medical treatment
- Over-the-counter medications: OTC medication like paracetamol or ibuprofen can help relieve symptoms such as pain and fever.
- Nasal decongestant sprays: Nasal sprays like oxymetazoline can reduce swelling and congestion, relieving nasal obstruction. But, they should not be used for too long as long-term use of these sprays can damage the nasal mucosa. Hence, should be used after consulting with a doctor.
- Antibiotics: Antibiotics may be prescribed by a doctor to get rid of the infection faster and prevent complications.
Supportive treatment
People may be able to treat a sinus infection at home by relieving painful symptoms and taking steps to allow the immune system to fight off the infection.
Over The Counter Medications
For help alleviating sinus pressure and pain, try ibuprofen and a decongestant. Some medications include a combination of pain reliever and decongestant.
Mild antihistamines like Claritin and Allegra are helpful in moderation. Strong antihistamines like Benadryl are often way too drying. Be careful not to take antihistamines too often.
Even though you want your nose to stop running, too many antihistamines can make it more likely that youll get sinus infections in the future.
Drugs like Mucinex and Flonase can also be helpful in thinning the mucus in your nose and sinuses.
If you use Afrin, make sure you stop after three days. Though it can seem like a miracle drug, using it more than three days in a row can lead to something called rebound congestion. In other words, when you stop using the Afrin after continuous use, your nose becomes more congested than it was in the first place!
What Is The Fastest Way To Get Rid Of A Sinus Infection
When you notice the first signs of facial pressure and sinus pain, youre probably desperate for a way to stop the infection before it is debilitating. Instead of burying your head under a pillow and waiting for it to clear up, its important that you are proactive with your treatment plan. Even a small sinus infection can develop severe symptoms when left untreated.
Whether its your first sinus infection or you have chronic sinusitis, its essential to know your treatment options. Clearing up the infection should be a high priority so you can avoid potential complications of untreated infections.
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The Connection Between Asthma And Your Sinuses
What are sinuses anyway? They are a series of hollow cavities in your skull . Normally, the sinuses are lined with soft tissue. When you have allergies, that can make your sinuses overreact and cause a stuffy nose, mucus build up, itching and sneezing.
When you have allergies or asthma, you can be more likely to suffer from sinus infections.1
My kids had many, many sinus infections over the years. They all have allergies and asthma, which caused problems with sinus infections. They were also on antibiotics many times over the years . Once, when we were in Asthma Doc’s office, he said, “You know – studies show that humming is just as effective for sinus infections as antibiotics.” Really?
How Can I Prevent A Sinus Infection Naturally
The good news is that some individuals are able to get rid of their recurrent sinus infections by modifying aspects of their lifestyles. To help minimize your risk of sinus infections, you can:
- Wash your hands frequently
- Keep the inside of your nose moist with nasal saline sprays
- Keep your allergies under control with OTC or prescribed medication
- Maintain and allergen-free home
- Avoid nasal irritants such as pollution and smoke
Unfortunately, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, keeping away from allergens, and promoting healthy nasal passages may not solve the problem of how to prevent sinus infections for everyone. Some people are simply more susceptible to sinus infections, regardless of any preventative measures they may take.
However, those unable to prevent sinus infections with traditional methods can come to Sinus Solutions of South Florida for the innovative balloon sinuplasty treatment.
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How Is Sinus Infection Diagnosed
Diagnosis depends on symptoms and requires an examination of the throat, nose and sinuses. Your allergist will look for:
- Redness
- Discolored nasal discharge
- Bad Breath
If your sinus infection lasts longer than eight weeks, or if standard antibiotic treatment is not working, a sinus CT scan may help your allergist diagnose the problem. Your allergist may examine your nose or sinus openings. The exam uses a long, thin, flexible tube with a tiny camera and a light at one end that is inserted through the nose. It is not painful. Your allergist may give you a light anesthetic nasal spray to make you more comfortable.
Mucus cultures: If your sinus infection is chronic or has not improved after several rounds of antibiotics, a mucus culture may help to determine what is causing the infection. Most mucus samples are taken from the nose. However, it is sometimes necessary to get mucus directly from the sinuses.
Knowing what kind of bacteria is causing the infection can lead to more effective antibiotic therapy. A fungus could also cause your sinus infection. Confirming the presence of fungus is important. Fungal sinus infection needs to be treated with antifungal agents, rather than antibiotics. In addition, some forms of fungal sinus infection allergic fungal sinus infection, for example do not respond to antifungal agents and often require the use of oral steroids.
Foods That Boost Respiratory Health:
- Omega-3 fatty acids in fish, walnuts, flax, and hemp are associated with improved lung function and decreased symptoms of asthma.
- Apples, onions, citrus fruits, and tea are high in quercetin, an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and helps prevent sinus problems.
- Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that helps reduce asthma symptoms and improves pulmonary function.
- Cayenne pepper, garlic, onion, ginger, and horseradish break up congestion, thin mucus, and clear excess mucus.
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How Can I Avoid Future Sinus Infections
Once youve had a nasty sinus infection, you wont want to relive the experience. To help prevent them from occurring again, get your annual flu shot and steer clear of people with colds or the flu. Use your humidifier. Live as healthfully as you can get sufficient sleep, reduce stress and eat a wholesome diet with plenty of whole grains, lean proteins and fruits and vegetables. Avoid exposure to secondhand smoke and if you do smoke, take steps to quit. Last, but not least, always wash your hands.
Ultimately, sinusitis is a painful and revolting nuisance. But approaching them with these smart strategies could save you a world of hurt.
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How Can You Tell If You Have An Acute Sinus Infection
Its tempting to label every nasal issue as a sinus infection, but thats not always the case. Common symptoms of acute sinusitis include:
- Headaches and sometimes, toothaches
- Fever
- Halitosis
Many people believe that green snot means you have a bacterial sinus infection, curable only with antibiotics. Not true. Sage-colored mucus is common with viral infections and allergies and can happen when snot sits in your face for a while before being expelled.
A trip to your doctor may be necessary if you have a bacterial infection, but it can often be difficult to distinguish between that and a viral infection. If your symptoms last longer than 10 days or improve before worsening again, call your HCP.
If you suddenly experience any of these symptoms, its a sign to seek medical attention immediately, even if theyve been present for fewer than seven days:
- Abrupt vision changes
- Continual high fever
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Is It Okay To Go To Work With A Sinus Infection
In many cases, it’s a judgment call on whether or not you should work with a sinus infection. You are likely to be fatigued and less productive, and it may be wiser to stay home, get some rest, and work from home if you can. Rest and hydration will allow you to get back to baseline faster, so you can return to work at full strength.
The only time you should definitely not go to work with a sinus infection is if you also have a fever. This may be a sign of something more contagious, as it isn’t very common with a sinus infection alone. If you’re suffering from a fever, do yourself a favor, and stay home to recover.
When To Seek Urgent Care For A Sinus Infection
Most minor sinus infections get better on their own without the need for medical treatment. More severe sinus infections, however, require urgent care.
First and most importantly, it is important to seek urgent care for a sinus infection if the symptoms begin to worsen or last for an extended amount of time. In the event you have severe trouble breathing due to your sinus infection, then be sure to come in for a visit as soon as possible to have your sinuses cleared out. Also, keep a close eye on your symptoms and seek medical attention if they do not improve after a week.
Additionally, urgent care is highly encouraged if your child develops a sinus infection as they have less of an ability to fight off the infection quickly. Also, it can be much more challenging to diagnose the cause of the sinus inflammation in children. In some cases, the reason could be due to an underlying allergy that you were not aware about.
When you visit, expect us to thoroughly examine you or your childs symptoms and document any information that is relevant to make a proper diagnosis. It may be helpful for you and your child to make a list of all of the symptoms that you or your child has been experiencing, any medications that are currently being taken and any allergies that may exist. Also, consider any questions you may want to ask the doctor at your visit.
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When To See A Doctor About Your Sinus Infection
If you’re dealing with a sinus infection, it’s generally best to wait a week and treat your symptoms with over-the-counter remedies before seeing a doctor. Why? In general, medical guidelines advise waiting to make sure symptoms like these aren’t a sign of a viral infection to avoid the chance of antibiotic resistance. If symptoms persist after a week, then the condition may be bacterial and a doctor can often prescribe antibiotics.
However, in the case of additional symptoms, such as a persistent headache or bad fever, you should see a doctor right away, as this might be a sign of something more serious .
Symptoms That Last 10 Days
Sinus infections are not fun. While most sinus infections will get better on its own without antibiotics, thats not always the case. See your doctor if your symptoms dont go away after 10 days. They can recommend some remedies to get you feeling better. Just make sure to seek medical attention sooner if you have a fever that lasts longer than a few days.
ANDREI ASKIRKA / Shutterstock
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When Your Sinus Makes You Suffer You Need Try These Best Otc Sinus Medications And Effective Home Remedies To Get Relief And Bring You Peace Curious
Four pairs of hollow cavities comprise the sinus system. The frontal sinuses are located in the forehead, the maxillary sinuses behind the check bones, the ethmoid sinuses between the eyes, and the sphenoid sinuses behind the eyes. The sinuses are normally filled with air but can become blocked and filled with fluid and germs, causing infection. Sinuses are covered with a protective mucous layer and small hairs or cilia that repel bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Nevertheless, germs can evade this protective layer, causing blockage, fluid buildup and infection.
What Are The Types Of Sinusitis
There are two types of sinusitis.
Acute sinusitis is a temporary inflammation of the sinuses. The mucous membranes of your nose, sinuses and throat swell. This could happen when you have a cold or allergies. Swelling blocks the sinus openings and prevents normal mucus drainage. This causes mucus and pressure to build up.
Chronic sinusitis occurs when symptoms become more frequent or worse. Sinus infections may cause chronic sinus inflammation and symptoms. If you have more than three sinus infections in a year or have symptoms longer than 12 weeks, you could have chronic sinusitis. More than 50 percent of people with moderate to severe asthma also have chronic sinusitis.
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Ward Off Sinus Infections
A trip south may not be in the cards, but you can recreate at least some of the atmosphere with an inexpensive humidifier. Breathing moist air can ward off sinus infections.
Prevent congestion by building your resilience. A healthy diet is essential, and so is sleep.
Even when youre feeling well, make rest a priority as a preventative measure. If you dont sleep well, again, you may be low in magnesium.
When Antibiotics Are In Order
The main reason to prescribe antibiotics is for patient comfort, Dr. Sindwani says. The medical field used to be more convinced than it is today than untreated sinusitis would inevitably become a chronic issue, he says.
We dont think that way as much, he says. We dont know that an untreated acute sinusitis, if left untreated, will grumble along and cause people to have a chronic sinus infection.
Some people think thats two separate things, with chronic sinusitis more likely due to underlying issues like allergies or immune problems.
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Managing Sinus Pressure And Pain At Home
Below are the top methods for the at-home treatment and management of sinus pain and inflammation. These tips can also aid in recovering from a sinus infection more quickly.
If the sinus infection symptoms do not improve using the above at-home treatments, or in the event the symptoms are lasting for more than seven to 10 days, you should schedule an appointment with a doctor. In addition, patients who experience frequent or reoccurring sinus infections should follow up with an ear, nose and throat doctor to discuss possible long-term treatment options.
Causes And Symptoms Of A Sinus Infection
Sinus inflammation, also known as sinusitis, is a condition where the nasal passageway becomes inflamed due to an infection or allergies. There are two different types of sinus infections: acute sinus infection and a chronic sinus infection. Acute sinus inflammation can be caused by another condition or infection, such as the common cold or allergies. A chronic sinus infection has a much more complicated diagnosis and almost always requires medical assistance to keep under control.
The two leading causes of an acute infection are either a bacterial infection or a viral infection. While they are similar, bacterial infections have a different treatment procedure than a viral infection, which is why it is essential to get the diagnosis right. Bacterial infections that cause sinusitis are far less frequent than a viral infection.
Depending on the severity of the sinus infection, as well as the cause and type of sinus infection, the symptoms differ. Nevertheless, several more common symptoms apply to almost every case of sinus infections, these include:
- Nasal congestion
- Cough
- Sinus pressure
The very first symptoms that you may experience with a sinus infection are nasal congestion and runny nose. You may need more advanced treatment that can only be prescribed by a medical professional.
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When Should You Talk To An Ent About A Sinus Infection
You should schedule a consultation with an ear, nose, and throat doctor if you are experiencing these sinus infection symptoms:
- An infection that lasts longer than 10 days
- Chronic, recurring sinus infections
- Sinus pain and pressure that is disrupting your daily activities
- At-home remedies dont work to relieve your symptoms
- Increase in pain
Family doctors or primary care physicians can help with basic sinus infection treatment by prescribing antibiotics and prescription-strength decongestants. But recurring sinus infections or chronic issues should be addressed by an ear, nose, and throat specialist also known as an otolaryngologist. Depending on your insurance coverage, you might need a referral from your primary care physician before visiting an ENT.
Sinus Infection Or Allergies
Sinusitis Symptoms , Allergies, and Common Cold are almost identical.
How can you tell which one is responsible for your misery?
Well, apparently a bacterial sinus infection lasts longer than the common cold. The mucus tends to thicken and discolor, and pressure and pain are involved in the horror story too.
Allergy Signs and Symptoms:
- Sneezing & stuffy or runny nostrils
- Clear or whitish nasal drip
- Itchy watery eyes
- Pain in the upper teeth
- Pressure or pain in upper cheeks, top of the nose, between eyes or forehead
- Stuffed nose, mucus is thick and yellow, greenish or grayish
- Symptoms last more than 10-14 days
But whatever it is, the following remedies can help either.
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How Do You Treat Chronic Sinusitis
Whether it is seasonal allergies that return every year like clockwork, or naturally small nasal passages that do not drain readily, some people find that chronic sinusitis is a part of life. In these cases, proactive treatment with decongestants and antihistamines can help to stave off the sinus congestion that can give rise to an infection.
Changes to your home environment such as eliminating dust and mold where possible and using a humidifier can all help provide relief as well. Many people who have recurring or chronic sinusitis also make use of steam therapy or neti pots to keep their sinus passages hydrated when symptoms begin. In extreme cases, having a doctor who knows your symptoms and knows when to give prescription medications may be necessary.