Why Does It Cause Tooth Pain
Sinus pressure causes tooth pain because the roots of your upper teeth and jawbone are near your sinuses. Sometimes the discomfort or pain spreads to your lower teeth as well.When they become aggravated, the tissue that lines your sinus cavities can become blocked by fluid. This ultimately leads to congestion and pressure that often causes toothache simply because your sinus cavities share the same confined space with the roots of your upper teeth.
Releasing Your Sinus Pressure Using Home Treatments
Sinus Pressure Points On The Feet
There are also pressure points on the feet that may improve sinus pressure. Much like your fingernails, the toenails also have pressure points.
The areas, youll find, are almost identical to your fingernails with a few minor differences. Toenail pressure points are located at the base of the nail where it meets the skin.
- Big toe: inside and outside corner
- Every other toe : the outside bottom corner
Press each of these points lightly, and you may notice some sinus pressure relief.
Also, like your fingers, your toe tips have pressure points that may be useful in clearing sinus pressure. Use the same method as you would for fingertips.
Massaging the balls of your feet may also offer an answer to relieving sinus pressure. You can do it yourself, but its probably better to get someone else to do it. Who couldnt use a foot massage?
As youve seen, there are pressure points you can access from head to toe that may help relieve sinus pressure. Go through and test them all to see which might work for you.
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How To Relieve Sinus Pressure Without Nasal Decongestants
Everyone goes through bouts of increased sinus pressure from time to time, some more than the others. Your paranasal sinus system essentially comprises four pairs of sinuses located in different areas of the face, namely:
- Frontal sinuses in the forehead
- Ethmoid sinuses between the nose and eyes
- Maxillary sinuses below the cheeks, above the teeth, and on the sides of the nose
- Sphenoid sinuses on either side of the nasal cavity, behind your eyes, and along the back of your head
These sinuses are lined with mucous membranes and minute, finger-like outgrowths called cilia, which serve as the first line of defense against airborne irritants. The membrane, which is made up of soft, pink tissue, secretes mucus, which helps filter the air we breathe by trapping dust and other respiratory allergens. Most of the sinuses empty into the nose through a small drainage channel called the middle meatus. The cilia help move the mucus along with the trapped particles into the nose and out of the sinuses for good.
How Do You Know If Youre Experiencing Sinus Pressure
Before we get into the weeds of answering the question, Can you have sinus pressure but no congestion? its important that we review the basics of sinus pressure.
A sinus headache is a symptom of built-up pressure in the sinus cavities typically causing maxillary sinus pain. This buildup occurs when your nasal passages mucus can no longer drain properly. In other words, sinus pressure and the sinus sinus headaches it causes are linked to congestion.Since pressure buildup can get intense, many people have confused sinus pressure for a migraine and vice versa. However, sinus pressure is typically accompanied with other symptoms and frequently occurs in tandem with certain conditions.
If youre experiencing any of the following situations, you may be feeling the effects of sinus pressure instead of a migriane:
- You are feeling throbbing around your eyes, forehead, and nose. You may also be feeling this throbbing in your cheeks, jaw, ears, teeth, or back of the head.
- You are currently suffering from allergies or have a sinus infection.
- You have thick mucus.
- You feel the majority of the pain in the morning.
Keep in mind that if you do have sinus pressure, this doesnt necessarily mean you have a sinus infection. Everyday, non-serious issues, including allergies and the common cold can lead to sinus pressure and sinus headaches.
If you are experiencing congestion, here are a few quick tips on how to get rid of sinus congestion.
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How You Can Treat Sinusitis Yourself
You can often treat mild sinusitis without seeing a GP by:
- getting plenty of rest
- taking painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen
- avoiding allergic triggers and not smoking
- cleaning your nose with a salt water solution to ease congestion
You do not need to use all of the solution, but make a fresh solution each time you clean your nose.
Sinus Relief The Natural Way
Sinus pressure and pain can be mild or quite severe. The cause of these symptoms is often a cold, allergies, or sinusitis . Regardless of what causes your symptoms, relief may be closer than you think.
In the following slides, learn how to treat sinus problems with natural remedies and home remedies. We provide a variety of strategies to combat nasal congestion, from neti pots and saline nasal sprays to hydration and avoiding irritants, starting with humidifying your air.
Breathe Moist Air
You may be wondering how to relieve sinus pressure. For sinus pressure relief that lasts for hours, try keeping a humidifier on in your bedroom or other rooms where you spend a lot of time. Dry air can irritate your sinuses, but keeping air moist can help reduce congestion. Inhaling steam two to four times a day may help, too. Sit in the bathroom with the door closed and the shower running. Make sure the water is hot.
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How Are Sinus Headaches Diagnosed
Most of the time when people diagnose themselves with a sinus headache, its really a migraine. So, its important to see your healthcare provider to get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Your healthcare provider will perform a physical exam and ask about your symptoms. If your symptoms are severe or ongoing, you may also need imaging tests. A magnetic resonance imaging test can rule out serious brain conditions. Multiple imaging tests can reveal sinus blockages and include:
- X-rays.
- Computed tomography scan.
- Nasal endoscopy .
Is It Necessary To Go To The Dentist When Feeling Sinus Pressure
If you arent too sure of the primary cause of your toothache, its best to visit your dentist. It is also best to go to the doctor if the symptoms persist after using expectorants and other prescribed drugs. The dentist will check to see the cause of the pain by x-raying the teeth to check for abscesses and cavities. If the teeth in question look healthy and do not show any signs of dental infections/problems, you most likely have sinus pressure or infection.
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Warm Or Cool Moist Air
Dry air can make sinus pain worse, but moist air can help relieve sinus congestion. Do NOT hold your head over a steaming pot of boiling water or soup. As tempting as it may be when you feel bad, the hot steam can actually burn your skin and eyes. To be safe, inhale steam from your morning shower, either while youre showering or sitting in a steamy bathroom.
At night, you can use a humidifier or vaporizer to help keep your sinuses open and your nasal passages moist. Just be sure to clean the machines as directed so you dont introduce more bacteria into the air and into your airways.
Sinus Headache Or Migraine
About 80% of “sinus headaches” are actually migraines with nasal symptoms. If you get frequent headaches, consult your healthcare provider or a headache specialist, since there are medications and prevention strategies specifically for migraines.
If you have intense sinus pain and pressure that gets worse when you are diving, flying in an airplane, driving up a steep mountain, or participating in other activities that involve steep altitude changes, it could be a condition called sinus barotrauma.
Although the pain will usually subside when these activities are discontinued, sinus barotrauma is a sign of an underlying sinus problem that needs to be evaluated by an otolaryngologist, a healthcare provider that specializes in conditions of the ear, nose, and throat.
Sinus barotrauma can also be accompanied by ear barotrauma, which can cause a ruptured eardrum.
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Sphenoid And Ethmoid Sinus Massage
Your sphenoid sinuses are located behind your nose and right between your eyes, while the ethmoid sinuses are in the bone that divides your nasal cavity from your brain, so these two are quite close together. Heres how to properly massage both your sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses to open up your sinuses, breathe better, and reduce sinus headaches in a pinch:
- Take your index fingers and place them on the sides of your nose bridge.
- Feel around for the area right between the corners of your eyes and your nasal bone.
- Put slightly firm pressure on that spot with your index fingers for around 15 seconds.
- Next, make a slow downward stroke down the side of your nose bridge.
- Repeat steps three and four once or twice.
Do You Have Sinus Pressure But No Congestion Contact Kaplan Sinus Relief Today
To reiterate: Can you have sinus pressure but no congestion? Its highly unlikely to experience sinus pressure without mucus buildup and congestion.
But that isnt the end of the story. Treatments for sinus pressure and migraines differ. If you self-diagnose incorrectly and take sinus pressure treatments for a migraine, you could actually make your situation worse. And if youve ever had a migraine before, this you know just how unappealing this sounds.
If you do have sinus pressure, we can help you figure out the root cause of this pressure and provide you with various treatment options. These treatments could include decongestants, antibiotics, or in some situations, balloon sinuplasty.
Balloon sinuplasty in Houston has the ability to restore your sinuses natural drainage pathways and can help you find relief from sinus headaches and other underlying issues .
For more information on balloon sinuplasty or to schedule a checkup today, give us a call at 713-766-1818 or request an appointment online today!
More Helpful Articles by Kaplan Sinus Relief:
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Can Sinus Headaches Be Prevented
Sinus headaches are due to inflammation of the sinuses and their ability to drain to the back of the nose.
- Avoid smoking, secondhand smoke, and other allergens because they may decrease the risk of developing sinusitis and a sinus headache. Smoking reduces the ability of the sinuses to clear mucous and fluid.
- Avoid colds and other respiratory infections because it may decrease the risk of sinus inflammation, for example, frequent hand washing, and avoiding people who are sick.
- Flying is not recommended if you have a cold, sinus infection, or an upper respiratory infection because of the pressure changes in the face that occur with flying.
- Maintaining adequate hydration and breathing humidified air at home and work will allow the normal mucus that is produced in the sinuses to drain more easily.
Will Surgery Cure Sinus Infections And Inflammation
If the sinus headache persists, and repeated courses of treatment fail to relieve the sinusitis, surgery may be an option. Otorhinolaryngologists may be able to widen the openings that allow the sinuses to drain and decrease the risk of recurrent inflammation that may obstruct the sinuses from draining.
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Use Some Steambut Don’t Expect A Long
Steamwhether from a humidifier or a hot showercan provide some symptomatic comfort, but isnt really a long-term solution, Mas Takashima, M.D., chair of otolaryngology at Houston Methodist Hospital, tells Health.
Certain areas are moist anyway and you can cause an overgrowth of mold , he explains. But for people who feel dry air or excessively dry sinuses are contributing to their pain, steam can be helpful.
A Night Of Good Sleep To Get Relief From Sinus Pressure
Allow the body to get a good nights sleep for 8-9 hours to reduce the sinus pressure and speed up the recovery.
When you are asleep, the body is able to produce more white blood cells that can fight off the infection.
Avoid activities or beverages that can over-stimulate just before going off to sleep. Hence, it is essential that you sleep for the whole night to get relief from sinus pressure.
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Where Are The Sinuses
The sinuses are hollow spaces or cavities in the bones around the nose. Your sinuses make mucus or fluid. The mucus drains into your nasal cavity and down the back of your throat. This keeps your nose moist and gets rid of dust, allergens, and germs.
There are four pairs of sinuses connected to your nose:
- in the cheekbones on each side of your nose
- above your eyes near the forehead
- between the eyes and the bridge of your nose
- behind your eyes
Signs And Symptoms Of A Sinus Infection Or Sinusitis
- If there is an infection, fever, chills, feeling poorly, or achy muscles occur.
- Opaque or greenish-yellow nasal drainage.
- Postnasal drainage, in which secretions drip down to the back of the throat. This can cause a cough and sometimes people have signs like coughing up yellow sputum. However, they may actually be coughing up the drainage that has dripped down from the sinuses instead of coughing up phlegm from the lungs.
- Swollen lymph nodes may occur in the neck if an infection is present, which is no different than the swelling of lymph nodes that accompanies an acute sore throat or ear infection .
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How To Relieve Sinus Pressure With Facial Reflexology
Healthista Expert
Healthista Expert
Need a facial that helps relieve sinus pressure and headaches and reduce wrinkles? The Bergman Method by reflexologist Michele Stevens could be the solution
Did you know that any tension in your feet, your hands and your face could affect whats going on in other areas of your body? Your body is made up of bone, tissues, nerves, tendons, muscles and nerve endings are found all over the body.
Whether it be aches and pains, built up tension or even sleeping problems, reflexologist Michele Stevens will guide you through self massage techniques to tackle some of the most frequent issues we all struggle with.
What is reflexology?
Reflexology is more than just a foot/hand or face massage. Michele calls reflexology the reboot button for the body, similar to turning the computer on and off. It allows you the time and space to let the body heal and relax.
Reflexology is an ancient therapy that has been practised for over 5000 years. Its based on the theory that different points on the feet, face and hands correspond with different areas of the body and that working on these reflex points stimulates the nervous system, opening up energy pathways that may be blocked or congested.
Facial reflexology, or the Bergman Method created by Ziggie Bergman, is unlike any facial youve received before. It doesnt just help your health, but will make you look better, younger and have a healthy glow on the outside.
More reflexology content from Michele
What Causes Sinus Pressure And Headaches
Bacteria or viral infectionSinus pressure and headaches are often caused by inflammation from a bacterial or viral infection. The lining of your sinuses begin to swell, which traps mucus and pus in your sinus cavities causing pressure in the face, over the cheeks or forehead, or between or behind the eyes.
Weather change
For people with sinus problems or allergies, a shift in weatherespecially from summer to fallcan cause sinus headaches. Sinus pressure from weather is more prevalent in Houston and other coastal cities where high pressure and low pressure systems meet.
Stress-induced sinus pressure can also occur because stress weakens your bodys immune system, making you more vulnerable to the effects of allergens, as well as germs, bacteria, viruses, infections.
Injury or genetics
A deviated septum or narrow sinuses dont cause sinus pressure but can make it easier to get congested and more likely to have chronic sinus infections.
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