Thursday, September 5, 2024

What Is Chronic Sinus Disease

Definition Of Chronic Rhinosinusitis

What are clinical signs of chronic sinus disease?

In 1996, the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery multidisciplinary Rhinosinusitis Task Force defined adult rhinosinusitis diagnostic criteria. Major factors included facial pain or pressure, nasal obstruction or blockage, nasal discharge or purulence or discolored postnasal discharge, hyposmia or anosmia, purulence in nasal cavity, and fever. In 2003, the RTFs definition was amended to require confirmatory radiographic or nasal endoscopic or physical examination findings in addition to suggestive history.

Disorders Of The Paranasal Sinuses And Adjacent Structures

The paranasal sinuses are air-filled, bony cavities that lie within the facial bones of the skull, adjacent to the nasal passages. They develop through a gradual enlargement of pneumatized cells that evaginate from the nasal cavity. This process occurs over the course of childhood and adolescence there is a wide normal range in the duration of this process and in the ultimate size of the sinuses and their ostia . In infancy, the ethmoid and maxillary sinuses are partially pneumatized, but they are small and not readily demonstrable on radiographs . Therefore radiographs are of little diagnostic value until after the first 2 years of life. The sphenoid sinus is not evident until about 5 to 6 years old, and the frontal sinuses are not well developed until after 7 to 8 years old .


Stacy L. Pineles, Laura J. Balcer, in, 2019

Sphenoid Sinusitis: Causes Symptoms Treatment And Prevention

Written byBel Marra HealthPublished onNovember 2, 2017

Sphenoid sinusitis is an inflammation-related condition that can create uncomfortable symptoms and headache pain. Here, we explore what causes sphenoid sinusitis and how to deal with it.

Our sinus is a cavity filled with air on both sides of our nasal structure. The cavities filter the air we inhale with the assistance of the lining of mucus our nasal cavity contains. There are actually four sinuses around the nasal cavity and at the back of the head right behind our eye is the sphenoid sinus.

Having sphenoid sinusitis means that you have inflammation in sphenoid sinuses.

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Are There Any Complications From Chronic Sinusitis

Living with untreated chronic sinusitis can be unpleasant with the persistent symptoms but serious complications are uncommon. A sinus infection may spread to nearby areas, such as around an eye, into adjoining bones, into the blood, or into the brain. Children are more prone than adults are to complications. Swelling or redness of an eyelid or cheek in a child with sinusitis should be reported to a doctor urgently.

Say Goodbye To Chronic Sinusitis Today

Chronic Sinusitis Symptoms and Treatments

Are you ready to get rid of sinusitis once and for all? Do you live in Scottsdale or Phoenix areas?

If so, we’re here to help at the Sinus and Allergy Center of Northern Scottsdale. Contact us today to request an appointment — we’ll figure out what’s causing your sinusitis and you get you on your way to feeling more like your old self!

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Fatigue Depression And Chronic Sinusitis

Many individuals with sinusitis will stress to you chronic sinusitis is no minor thing at all. It’s long-term symptoms can lead to fatigue with possible depression or can worsen depression in a few ways:

  • As weeks of symptoms continue to drag on, the discomfort can really take a toll. If you already struggle with depression, the added stress the symptoms bring on can make it worse.

  • Sleep issues are common in individuals with chronic sinusitis and not obtaining quality sleep could hurt your mood even more.

  • Many individuals with this condition have allergies and studies show a possible link between allergies and depression, probably due to the inflammation-promoting immune substances an allergy attack releases.

Once you feel depressed, you may find life to be bleeker and more difficult to manage, including your sinus symptoms. Research has shown depression can enhance sinus-related issues in various ways:

When you’re experiencing both full-blown depression and chronic sinusitis, they can fuel one another and make your symptoms worse. Therefore, treating just one of these conditions might not provide you with total relief. You might have to obtain a professional diagnosis and receive treatment for both of these conditions to feel your best.

What You Should Know About Sinus Disease And Disorders

Nasal congestion is a very common complaint and can have many different causes, including inflammation inside the nose due to allergies, or structural abnormalities such as a deviated nasal septum, turbinate blockage, or nasal polyps. Primary symptoms of rhinosinusitis, commonly known as sinusitis, may include:

  • Runny nose
  • Facial pressure or pain
  • Dental pain
  • Thick yellow/green mucus
  • Sinus headache
  • Whole-body ache is less common in sinus disease, particularly for those suffering from chronic sinusitis

If nasal congestion is affecting your quality of life and you are not responding to typical medical management with saline and corticosteroid nasal sprays or allergy treatment, it is recommended that you see an ENT specialist.

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Chronic Sinusitis: More Than A Stuffy Nose

The uncomfortable, plugged feeling of a stuffy nose is common with colds and allergies. For most people, this type of nasal congestion is just an annoyance and inconvenience. It decreases their sense of smell, changes the way that foods taste and causes facial pain, and it can be accompanied by a running or dripping nose. However, it improves after the cold or allergies are gone.

Some people’s stuffy noses don’t resolve after other symptoms are gone. This long-lasting stuffy nose is called chronic rhinosinusitis. This happens when your sinuses are swollen and inflamed for three months or longer, despite treatment.

Here are some answers to common questions about sinusitis:

What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis occurs when the hollow spaces inside your nose and head your sinuses are swollen and inflamed. Typically, sinuses have a thin lining that produces small amounts of mucus. Healthy sinuses are filled with air. In sinusitis, the lining gets inflamed and makes more mucus. The swelling of the lining also interferes with the way mucus normally drains, making your nose stuffy. Sinusitis can be brought on by an infection growths in the sinuses, such as nasal polyps or swelling of the lining of your sinuses due to conditions such as allergies.

Common signs and symptoms of sinusitis include:
Other less common symptoms can include:
  • Cough or frequent throat clearing
  • Fatigue
  • Voice hoarseness

What is chronic sinusitis?

When should you see an ear, nose and throat specialist?

What Is Chronic Sinusitis Chronic Sinusitis Causes

Causes, Symptoms & Treatments – Chronic Rhinosinusitis

The means for how to treat chronic sinusitis often depends on whats causing the infection. The following are common chronic sinusitis causes.

  • Allergies: sinusitis can be caused by allergens, air pollutants, and other irritants.
  • Viral infections: a viral sinus infection is the most common type of sinus infection.
  • Bacterial or fungal infections: while less common than a viral sinus infection, bacterial infections and fungal infections do occur.
  • Other causes: other causes of sinusitis include other medical conditions, such as asthma and cystic fibrosis, nasal polyps, and deviated septum.

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Tips For Treating Chronic Sinus Infections

No matter the season, having a cold is never convenient. Its even worse when your cold turns into a sinus infection. A sinus infection will stick around long after symptoms of an upper respiratory infection are gone. You might even know its a sinus infection because you get sinus infections frequently. Perhaps your doctor diagnosed your sinus infection after you just couldnt seem to get better. After all, since almost 30 million Americans suffer from sinusitis, your doctor likely treats them a lot.

The question is, when do you need to see a specialist? If your sinus infection just isnt going away, or if you seem to get recurrent sinus infections, it may be time to see an ear, nose, and throat specialist.

Eicosanoids In Chronic Rhinosinusitis

Eicosanoid biosynthesis is altered in paranasal sinus diseases, especially in CRSwNP and, more prominently, in Aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease . The imbalance is mainly characterized by the overexpression of proinflammatory, namely leukotrienes, and a deficit in anti-inflammatory . Cysteinyl leukotrienes are strong inducers of airways inflammation . Concentrations of these mediators, of the enzymes involved in their biosynthesis , as well as their receptors, are significantly increased in CRSwNP/AERD when compared to CRSsNP and control subjects and positively correlate with the number of activated eosinophils as well as ECP, IL-5, and IL-5Rα concentrations . Furthermore, nasal polyp tissue has a diminished capacity to produce PGE2 and to upregulate cyclooxygenase -1, COX-2, and prostaglandin E receptor EP2 under proinflammatory conditions . Transcriptional expression of prostaglandin E receptors EP1 and EP3 is downregulated with EP2 and EP4 receptors being upregulated . With concentrations of PGE2 being decreased, the synthesis of leukotrienes is no longer suppressed, causing excessive eosinophil and cys-LTs levels in the tissue . Moreover, nasal polyp fibroblasts have a reduced capacity to produce COX-1/COX-2- derived PGE2 after stimulation and that can have important consequences in the regulation of vascular dilatation , mucin secretion and hence nasal polyp development.

Noshir R. Mehta, … Egilius L.H. Spierings, in, 2014

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Treatment Of Sphenoid Sinusitis

Sphenoid sinusitis can be treated in one of two ways: surgical and non-surgical.

  • Non-surgical treatment antibiotics and intranasal corticosteroid, nasal sprays, nasal decongestants, steam inhalation, and analgesics .
  • Surgical treatment procedures that reduce blockage of the sinus and help drain secretions. Drainage can be conducted with endoscopy, which is a small, metal telescope inserted into the nostril. It does not require incisions in the face or mouth. Surgery is more likely in cases of chronic sinusitis.

It is important to keep in mind that overuse of antibiotics can be common in cases of sinusitis and this can lead to other health complications, such as upsetting gut flora and antibiotic resistance. When someone is prescribed an antibiotic, it is usually for a specific period.

Many doctors will monitor a patients response to antibiotic treatment three to five days after initial administration to determine if there are any improvements. There are situations where a combination of antibiotics and intranasal corticosteroids is more effective in addressing the infection.

If you think you might be suffering from sphenoid sinusitis, the quicker you receive treatment, the higher the chance you will have of recovering quickly.

When Should I Call My Healthcare Provider About Chronic Sinusitis

What is a Sinus Infection or Sinusitis and How to Cure it

Remember, your health is your business. You do not have to put up with feeling ill for long periods of time. Pay attention to how long you have sinus symptoms because this is something that your care provider will ask you. Keep track of things that you have done to make yourself feel better. If medications are prescribed, make sure you store them and take them as instructed.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 06/04/2020.


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Types Of Sinus Disease

Sinus disease is not just one entity but many. Overall infectious or inflammatory sinus disease can be broken up into acute or chronic . Acute sinusitis is the most common form of sinusitis and is typically treated with a combination of antibiotics and agents to decrease inflammation in the nose. This type of infection typically resolves quickly over the course of a week or two. Surgery is typically not performed in this setting unless the patient has a complication of sinusitis , or occasionally for patients that get multiple infections due to a structural abnormality.

Chronic sinusitis is more of a structural and inflammatory problem where the patient suffers over most of the year with sinus symptoms. Typically for this problem patients are given an aggressive long-term course of antibiotics combined with a nasal steroid and/or an oral steroid combined with other medications. Failure of symptoms and CT findings to resolve with this treatment strategy are an indication for endoscopic sinus surgery.

Otolaryngologists from our group have extensive experience in treating both medical and surgical sinus issues and if you or one of your patients has sinus problems you wish to be evaluated please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Natural Remedies To Cure Chronic Sinusitis Permanently

If the symptoms of chronic sinusitis are troubling you a lot, you can use the following remedies to get relief for the time being-

  • Drinking plenty of liquids
  • Take a hot shower
  • Get enough rest

However, permanently eliminating sinusitis may not be possible. If you have a strong immune system and are following a healthy lifestyle, you may be able to prevent sinusitis and its recurrence for a long period of time.

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When To Seek Medical Care

See a doctor if you have:

  • Severe symptoms, such as severe headache or facial pain.
  • Symptoms that get worse after initially improving.
  • Symptoms lasting more than 10 days without improvement.
  • Fever longer than 3-4 days.

You should also seek medical care if you have had multiple sinus infections in the past year.

This list is not all-inclusive. Please see a doctor for any symptom that is severe or concerning.

Other conditions can cause symptoms similar to a sinus infection, including:

  • Seasonal allergies
  • Colds

Signs You Suffer From Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic Sinusitis

Common signs of chronic sinusitis include:

  • Congestion or fullness in the face
  • Blockage in one or both nasal passages
  • Fever
  • Bad breath
  • Suffering from two or more of these symptoms typically indicates you have chronic sinusitis.

    Chronic sinusitis and acute sinusitis are often confused because they share similar signs and symptoms. The main difference is that acute sinusitis is temporary and often associated with a cold. If you suffer from chronic sinusitis, the signs and symptoms listed above could potentially last at least 12 weeks.

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    Common Causes Of Chronic Sinusitis

    • Nasal polyps: These tissue growths can block the nasal passages or sinuses.
    • Deviated nasal septum: A disfigured septum may restrict sinus passages
    • Certain medical conditions: The complications of conditions such as cystic fibrosis, HIV and other immune system-related diseases.
    • Respiratory tract infections: Infections in your respiratory tract can inflame and thicken your sinus membranes and block mucus drainage.
    • Allergies: Inflammation may persist due to allergies.

    How Can I Prevent A Sinus Infection

    One of the best ways to prevent chronic sinusitis is to avoid the initial infection. Follow these tips:

    • Wash your hands often with soap and water for a least 20 seconds, especially when coming into contact with commonly used surfaces. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer.
    • Avoid anyone with a cold, flu or other respiratory illness.
    • Stop smoking or avoid secondhand smoke.

    If you have a sinus infection, stay home, if you can. Remember to practice the following safety measure so that you avoid making others sick:

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    Avoidance Of Things That May Make Your Symptoms Worse

    If you have chronic sinusitis and you are a smoker, you may find that if you stop smoking your symptoms improve. This may especially be the case if you have allergies as well. You should also practise good dental hygiene if you are prone to chronic sinusitis, as it can be caused by a dental infection.

    Scuba divers with nasal or sinus problems should be aware of the possible serious consequences of sinus barotrauma. Recurrent barotrauma to sinuses can cause knock-on complications, such as serious infection and damage to nerves in the face and eye. If you have had chronic sinusitis and wish to dive, you should seek advice from your doctor.

    Flying in an aeroplane may cause an increase in pain if there is blockage of the sinus drainage channel. With the change in air pressure in an aeroplane, the pressure does not equalise between the sinus and outside, due to the blockage. Pain tends to be worse when the aeroplane is descending to land.

    How Is Chronic Sinusitis Diagnosed

    Sinusitis â Dr. Yasir Unani Herbal Hospital &  Research Center

    Chronic sinusitis is diagnosed when symptoms of a sinus infection have continued for more than 12 weeks. In some cases, your doctor may use an endoscope .

    A CT scan or MRI could also be used to look for structural issues. Structural problems usually include a deviated nasal septum or polyps .

    In very few cases, your provider might order a biopsy to see if the infection has spread. Biopsies involve taking tissue or bone samples to example under the microscope.

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    Chronic Sinusitis Complications: Meningitis And Brain Abscess

    The remaining untreated sinusitis complications are not common experiences, but they do crop up. When these complications do arise, patients are exposed to extreme risks to their health.

    If chronic sinusitis goes untreated for a length of time, it is possible the infection can spread to vital parts of your body, including to the bones, spinal fluid, and the brain. These complications, meningitis and brain abscesses, are life-threatening and require immediate emergency surgery.

    What Types Of Treatments Are Available For Non

    Many over the counter treatments for sinus congestion and drainage are helpful and available, but not all OTC treatments are good to put inside the nose. Nasal steroid sprays, oral antihistamines and decongestants, saline rinses, and menthol vapor or steam can help with allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and/or itchy throat. Systemic steroids might be given for patients with chronic sinusitis or severe allergic rhinitis. However, nasal decongestant sprays are temporary therapies that should be limited to less than one week of use, as they can become addictive and cause worsening nasal congestion.

    Treatment options may vary depending on how long the symptoms have been present or how severe they are. Other conditions that can be confused with chronic rhinosinusitis , lasting three months or longer, can include:

    • Perennial allergic rhinitis

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