Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is Good For Sinus Headache

Hot And Cold Compress

What to Diffuse When You Have a Sinus Headache

One of the best home remedies for sinus headache is an alternate hot and cold compress. When moist moderate heat is applied on the sinus region it eases the pressure and loosens the thick mucus. Whereas when cold compress is applied, it provides relief from the pain by constricting the blood vessels in the sinus region.

  • Take some water and heat it. Make sure the temperature is warm enough such that your facial skin can handle it without any burns or other discomfort.
  • Soak a wash cloth or face towel in this water and wring out the excess.
  • Fold and place the towel on your face covering the sinus region .
  • Leave it for 3 minutes.
  • Remove the face towel and soak it in cold water.
  • Wring out the excess, fold and place on forehead for 30 seconds.
  • Close your eyes and relax.
  • Repeat the process 2 â 4 times in a day.

Why Is Hydration Important When You Have Sinusitis

Keeping hydrated is important for your overall health and should not be taken lightly. In fact, the body is mostly composed by water.

Dehydration is associated with a number of mild and serious conditions. These include:

  • Disc problems. The discs of the spine contain water. When you have dehydration, your discs can shrink and press on the sciatic nerve, leading to back pain arising from your spine. In severe case, chronic dehydration may lead to herniated and bulging discs.
  • Headache, heaviness in the head, dizziness, or blurred vision because the blood doesnt effectively circulate to the brain.
  • Heat injury. Dehydration may cause heat injury from mild to serious . The risk of heat injury increases when youre exercising vigorously and you dont drink enough water.
  • Kidney disease. Keeping hydrated can help make your kidneys work more easily. Chronic dehydration is linked to increased risk of kidney disease, such as kidney failure.
  • Severe dehydration may contribute to cause cerebral edema , seizures, coma, or even death.
  • You also need plenty of fluid to help keep the nasal cavities moist and lubricate your mucus membranes. In other words, good hydration is important to keep your mucus thin and loose this is particularly important when you have sinus problem such as sinus infection.

    Can A Sinus Infection Be Treated With An Ice Pack

    Over-the-counter medications are often enough to clear it up, but the pressure, pain, and other symptoms can be harsh. There is, however, another effective sinusitis treatment heat. Believe it or not, heat is a natural nasal decongestant. Cold from an ice pack can cause mucus in your sinuses to thicken, making your symptoms worse.

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    Hum Your Way To Sinus Pain Relief

    “Some people report that humming for one hour improves sinus pain,” says Das. Researchers in Sweden have found that humming can keep your sinuses clear. How could that be possible? Humming may increase both airflow through your sinuses and the level of nitric oxide in your sinuses. The combination of nitric oxide and airflow may reduce your risk of sinusitis. So if you have a common cold or allergies, want to prevent a sinus infection, and know a happy tune that you don’t mind hearing for an hour, you may want to try a little humming.

    Can You Use Both Cold And Warm Compress

    Sinus headache

    When it comes to treating sinus headaches and relieving congestion, you dont really need to choose between cold and warm compress. In fact, its better to use both alternately.

    Alternating between hot and cold compresses is known as contrast therapy, which has numerous benefits for physical therapy. For sinus pain, this treatment can relieve a lot of the pain youre experiencing and should be done repeatedly in a day.

    Heres how to do it:

  • First, youll want to heat some water just shy of boiling temperature. Set this aside, as this is where youll be dipping your washcloth.
  • Prepare an ice pack by wrapping it in a washcloth.
  • Youll then want to soak your washcloth in the warm water, squeezing out the excess. After folding this to a manageable size, youll want to recline and lay this cloth over your upper nose and lower forehead for 3 minutes. The heat should loosen some of the mucus, relieve inflammation, and make it easier to breathe.
  • After those 3 minutes are up, replace the hot washcloth with the ice pack. Leave this on the same area for about 30 seconds.
  • After the 30 seconds are up, soak the hot washcloth in the warm water, again squeezing it to remove excess water. Replace the ice pack with this washcloth for another 3 minutes, repeating this process about two or three times.
  • You can repeat this process four or five times a day, especially when the sinus pain returns.
  • Also Check: Does A Sinus Infection Heal On Its Own

    Effective Essential Oil Blends You Can Make At Home

    If you ever wanted to make your own essential oil blends, here are a few combinations that are guaranteed to help with congestion, inflammation, and cough. These can be used for steam inhalation, diffusion, or direct inhalation. Also, if mixed with your choice of carrier oil, each of these blends works marvelously as a massage oil that can be applied often, as many times per day as needed.

    What Are The Side Effects Of Inhaled Steroids

    Inhaled steroids have few side effects, especially at lower doses. Thrush and hoarseness may occur, although this is rare. Rinsing the mouth, gargling after using the asthma inhaler, and using a spacer device with metered dose inhalers can help prevent these side effects. Thrush is easily treated with a prescription antifungal lozenge or rinse.

    Inhaled steroids are safe for adults and children. Side effects with these anti-inflammatory asthma inhalers are minimal. Your doctor will prescribe the lowest dose that effectively controls your childâs or your asthma.

    On a side note, many parents are concerned about giving their children âsteroids.â Inhaled steroids are not the same as anabolic steroids that some athletes take to build muscle. These steroids are anti-inflammatory drugs, the cornerstone of asthma therapy. There are many benefits of using anti-inflammatory asthma inhalers to manage asthma.

    To learn more about using inhaled steroids in children, see WebMDâs article on Childhood Asthma.

    Read Also: How Did I Get A Sinus Infection

    Treatment Options For Sinusitis

    Most of the treatment options for sinusitis and sinus headaches are intended to give temporary relief from the symptoms when they occur:

    • Painkillers
    • Mediation to reduce the inflammation
    • Using a humidifier or nasal spray
    • Drinking plenty of fluids

    Although these treatments can help, they arent always effective for chronic sinusitis and they wont prevent your symptoms from coming back. If you often suffer from sinus infections or sinus headaches, you might be looking for a more permanent treatment.

    Permanent cures for chronic sinusitis and sinus headaches are sometimes possible, but it can depend on the reasons why you are affected.

    • If your sinusitis is linked to allergies, then you can try allergy testing to find out the cause and then take steps to avoid the trigger. Although this wont always be enough to prevent your symptoms from coming back, it can make a big difference.
    • If your symptoms are linked to infections, then simple steps such as washing hands regularly and getting a flu shot can reduce the chances youll be affected again.
    • If there is a physical reason why you are more susceptible to sinusitis, it may be possible to correct it surgically and prevent sinus problems in the future.

    What Causes Sinus Pain

    Natural Antibiotics for Sinus Infection Sinusitis Works! See US GOV Proof on Website

    Sinus pain results from an inflammation of the sinus cavities, a condition we all know as sinusitis.

    When your sinuses are inflamed, it swells up and blocks your airways. Aside from interfering with normal mucus drainage, it also causes a build-up of pressure in your sinus cavities. This intense pressure causes the pain you feel and the muscles in your face to become swollen and tender.

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    What Are The Treatment Options

    Your primary care provider, or a neurologist, can provide recommendations for treating your headaches based on their severity and frequency, and can rule out more serious causes of your headache. Treatment for migraines includes both over-the-counter and prescription medications and preventative medications for patients with severe or frequent headaches, or if headaches are present for more than 15 days per month.

    Over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can also be associated with rebound headaches or medication-overuse headaches if taken too often. Tell your doctor how often you take pain medications for headaches. Avoid triggers, and talk to your doctor about your sleep habits. Keep a headache diary to record your headache symptoms, triggers, and treatments.

    Sinus headaches caused by migraines or tension headaches should not be treated with antibiotics. Because there are similar symptoms between acute sinusitis and migraine headaches with nasal and sinus symptoms, it can be difficult to tell if your symptoms are truly a sinus infection. Sinus pain and pressure without discolored nasal discharge is most likely not a sinus infection. If you have been diagnosed with frequent sinus infections and have been treated with repeated episodes of antibiotics without improvement, migraines or tension headaches could be causing your sinus pain and pressure.

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    Irrigate To Relieve Sinus Pressure

    “Salt water irrigation is the best way to cleanse the nose and sinuses this can help prevent or relieve sinus pain. You can use an over-the-counter saline nasal spray, but I recommend using a sinus rinse bottle, neti pot, or bulb syringe irrigation kit that you can get at the drugstore,” advises Das.

    Try this commonly-used, easy-to-make nasal irrigation solution with your own sinus irrigation kit: Fill a clean 8-ounce glass with distilled or sterilized lukewarm water. Do not use tap water unless it has been boiled for at least 1 minute . Add 1/2 teaspoon of non-iodized salt and a pinch of baking soda. And be sure to clean all equipment and make a fresh batch of solution each time you use your kit.

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    Where Are The Sinuses Located

    The sinuses are named according to their location in the skull bones:

    • The frontal sinuses are located over the forehead, above the eyes on both sides.
    • The maxillary sinuses are located over the cheek area, in the bone known as the maxilla, located under the eyes on both sides of the face.
    • The ethmoid sinuses are located in the bone that divides the eyes and nose.
    • The sphenoid sinuses are located in the sphenoid bone at the center of the skull, behind the eyes.

    The sinuses are lined by mucous membranes that secrete fluid and are connected to the nasal cavity by small channels or ducts. The sinuses are sometimes collectively referred to as the paranasal sinuses because of their proximity to the nose.

    Inflammation due to any cause can cause a buildup of fluid and increased sinus pressure, causing the typical symptoms of a sinus headache.

    What Causes A Sinus Headache

    Sinus Headache Symptoms, Treatment, Causes and Cures

    Inflammation of the tissues lining the sinuses is the primary cause of a sinus headache. The inflamed tissues swell and produce secretions that clog the normal drainage system of the sinuses, causing a build-up of fluid and secretions. The pressure of this fluid build-up causes the pain of a sinus headache. Inflammation of the sinuses is known as sinusitis. The inflammation may arise due to an

    Most commonly, infectious sinusitis is due to a viral infection, but bacterial and fungal infections of the sinuses can also occur. Since the maxillary sinuses are located in the cheekbone, infections of the upper teeth can spread into these sinuses. In very rare cases, benign or malignant tumors can invade and block drainage in the sinuses and lead to a sinus headache.


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    Is Ibuprofen Right For A Sinus Headache

    Sometimes when you suffer from allergy or sinus congestion, you also have a headache that manifests as pain and pressure in your eyes, nose, cheeks and forehead. The pain may get worse upon bending over or lying down, and you may have additional symptoms including: runny nose, sore throat, cough and fatigue.

    A sinus headache can be relentless and keep you from doing the things you need to do. So usually when people experience one, they seek relief as soon as they can. Often that relief comes in the form of ibuprofen, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug . WebMD explains, It works by blocking your bodys production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation. This effect helps to decrease swelling, pain or fever.

    You can purchase generic and name-brand ibuprofen , but you can also find it in a number of medications used for treating a variety of ailments, allergy and sinus-related and otherwise. For an extensive list of medications that contain ibuprofen, visit this page on

    There are also a high number of risks associated with using ibuprofen. Some of the minor side effects include:

    • Constipation
    • Nervousness
    • Sun sensitivity

    If you experience any of these reactions severely and/or prolonged, stop taking the ibuprofen and seek immediate medical attention.

    Equally important, Everyday Health alerts users to the two black-box warnings on the ibuprofen bottle:

    However, at CT Sinus Center, we offer a different solution.

    Citrus Fruits Such As Strawberries Oranges

    The citrus fruits, such as strawberries and oranges, contain the right amount of vitamin C.

    Vitamin C is a type of antioxidant that alleviates the symptoms of sinus infection and also counteracts histamine.

    Thus, it helps in reducing inflammation, sneezing, runny nose, and other related symptoms.

    A recent study revealed that taking vitamin C rich foods would reduce chronic inflammation and allergic responses.

    What are good sources of vitamin C?

    Citrus fruits such as orange, strawberries, lemon, guava, kiwi, and grapefruit are good vitamin C sources.

    Moreover, some vegetables such as broccoli, capsicums, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts are rich in vitamin C.

    Also Check: Vitamins To Prevent Sinus Infections

    How Do You Get Rid Of A Sinus Infection

    Sinusitis can clear on its own without treatment however you may want to use medication to ease your symptoms or try some home remedies as a method of sinus pain relief. You can use painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen to help reduce the swelling in your sinuses and relieve symptoms such as a sinus headache and sinus pain. You can also use aspirin however children under the age of 16 should not be given aspirin.

    You can also buy such as olbas oil or vapour rubsfrom your local pharmacy, these can give relief from blocked noses, helping to clear your airways to make breathing easier. Brands like Sudafed has formulated an array of products that specifically target the symptoms of sinusitis, including headaches, pain around the eyes and congestion.


    How To Cure Chronic Sinusitis And Sinus Headaches Permanently

    When to Apply Essential Oils: Relieve Sinus Headaches

    Chronic sinusitis and sinus headaches can have a significant impact on your health and wellbeing. It can be difficult to get on with your usual routine when youre in pain or suffering from serious congestion. You can also feel very upset and hopeless when it seems that the problem keeps coming back. What can you do to cure sinus problems permanently?

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    How To Do A Nasal Rinse

    Nasal saline rinses are a good way to treat discomfort and congestion. They can help flush out mucus, debris, and irritants, and soothe nasal passages.

    A neti pot can be used to do this. You fill a pot with a saline rinse that you can buy.

    • Place the spout of the pot against one nostril.
    • Tilt your head to the side.
    • The saline will pour out of the lower nostrilthanks to gravity.
    • Repeat steps with the other nostril.

    What Are The Best Sinus Headache Treatments

    If youre suffering from headaches, they could have several different causes, including congestion in your sinuses. You may feel pain and pressure in your face due to sinusitis , and the first step toward effective treatment is an accurate diagnosis.

    In this blog, board-certified ear, nose, and throat specialist Dr. Cecil Yeung will explain more about these types of headaches as well as sinus headache treatment.

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    Ways To Relieve Sinus Pain

    A cold makes it hard to breathe. When your sinuses get blocked, you might hurt too, especially around your forehead, eyes, cheeks, and nose. The pain might get worse when you touch your face or hold your head down.

    You don’t need a doctor to deal with sinus pain caused by colds. It tends to get better along with your other cold symptoms. Sometimes, though, bacteria in blocked sinuses can lead to an infection known as bacterial sinusitis. Sinusitis from a bacterial infection might cause pain longer than the week of a typical cold. Your doctor may give you antibiotics and other medications to help you feel better.

    Whether your sinus pain is caused by a cold or a bacterial infection, here’s how you can relieve it:

  • Try a saline nose spray. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to suggest a plain saline spray. Saline mist will ease sinus swelling and help break up the mucus that’s clogging your nose. You can use it up to six times a day without worrying about side effects. You can also make your own saline nasal spray. Ask your doctor or pharmacist how, and be sure that the water you use is distilled or has been boiled, not straight from a tap.
  • Use a humidifier. Stuffy sinuses respond well to moist air. Using a humidifier, especially when you sleep at night, will help keep your sinuses open and relieve the pressure. You can also try sitting in a steamy bathroom after a hot shower or inhaling the steam from a pan of hot water for faster relief.
  • WebMD Medical Reference

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