Wednesday, September 4, 2024

What To Take For Stuffy Nose And Sinus Pressure

How To Drain Your Sinuses In Seconds

How to Clear a Stuffy Nose & Relieve Sinus Pressure Immediately

First, you place your right thumb underneath your left cheekbone. You push in and then out. With your other hand, youll grab the lower part of the same side ear and pull it straight out. Hold that for 10 seconds. While doing this youll feel the left sinus open up throughout those 10 seconds and your life will begin to change for the better.

Then you take your left thumb and put it under the right cheekbone. You firmly push in and out. With your right hand, you grab the lower portion of your right ear and pull out. Again, you will hold this for 10 glorious seconds as your right sinus releases and your feel that sweet wave of sinus relief.

If those steps are followed, a person should feel nearly immediate drippage as the sinuses begin to release. Relief is on the way. Now we move on to clearing a stuffy nose.

Which Allergy Drugs Are Ok With High Blood Pressure

11 Fast Facts About Your Childâs Allergies I Have High Blood Pressure. Are Allergy Drugs OK? First things first: Always check with your doctor or pharmacist before you start to take any medication â for allergies , high blood pressure , or anything else. Thatâs true for herbs and supplements , too. Antihistamines are the most common medication for allergies . Most of them seem to be safe if you have high blood pressure â but again, ask to make sure. Donât take decongestants unless your doctor tells you otherwise. They may raise your blood pressure . They also keep some high blood pressure drugs from working the way they should. Watch out for combination medications for allergies that include decongestant ingredients. That includes allergy drugs as well as many remedies for cold, flu , and sinus problems. Ask your pharmacist to check the ingredients for you. WebMD Medical Reference Reviewed by Suzanne R. Steinbaum, MD on December 14, 2016 American Heart Association: âOver-the-Counter Medications.â Harvard Medical School: âDonât Let Decongestants Squeeze Your Heart.â UpToDate: âDefinition, risk factors, and evaluation of resistant hypertension,ââDiphenhydramine.âContinue reading > >

The Right Way To Use A Humidifier For Sinusitis

On the one hand, there are quite a few factors that cause sinusitis:

  • Allergies

On the other hand, there is an extensive list of symptoms of a nasal infection:

  • runny nose
  • toothache
  • loss of taste and smell

When the air you breathe is too dry, the mucus in your nose and sinuses does not flow properly and your sinuses will not empty as well as they should. Congestion can then lead to sinus pain and sinusitis. Sinusitis experts agree that adding moisture to the air with a humidifier is usually good for sinus health.

Humidifiers can help with nasal congestion by providing more moisture to the air that you breathe. The nose is supposed to provide moisture to the air it takes in, while also heating and cleaning it.Forced heating systems in homes and workplaces often overly dry the nasal passages, aggravating allergies and sinusitis.

How can a humidifier provide relief from all these troubles? Mist helps to moisten the sinuses. Use drops of eucalyptus or menthol if your humidifier doubles as an aromatherapy diffuser. Humidifiers have an important impact on both the health and the home environment. At a preventive level, they limit the appearance of respiratory complications and infectious diseases. They also preserve a healthy moisture in the ambient, essential for healthy skin. Last, but very important, humidifiers maintain in good condition books, houseplants, furniture and appliances which can suffer from dry air.

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What Are The Treatment Options

If you take your child to an ENT specialist, or otolaryngologist, they will examine your childs ears, nose, and throat. A thorough history and examination usually leads to the correct diagnosis. The doctor may also look for factors that make your child more likely to get a sinus infection, including structural changes, allergies, and problems with the immune system.

Occasionally, special instruments will be used to look into the nose during the office visit. Imaging of the sinuses, such as a CT scan, are not recommended in acute sinusitis unless there are complications from the infection. Radiation safety concerns may limit imaging scans, especially in children younger than six-years-old.2

Acute sinusitisWhen bacterial sinusitis is present, most children respond very well to antibiotic therapy. Nasal steroid sprays or nasal saline drops or gentle sprays may also be prescribed for short-term relief of stuffiness. Over-the-counter decongestants and antihistamines are generally not effective for viral upper respiratory infections in children, and should not be given to children younger than two-years-old.

Chronic sinusitisIf your child suffers from two or more symptoms of sinusitis for at least 12 weeks and has signs of sinus pressure, he or she may have chronic sinusitis.3 Chronic sinusitis or more than four to six episodes of acute sinusitis per year indicates that you should see an ENT specialist, who can recommend appropriate medical or surgical treatment.

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The Lowdown On Stressed Sinuses

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A flare-up of seasonal allergies, called hay fever, causes stuffy noses and irritated sinuses. But allergy sufferers will notice mainly that they have a runny nose with clear output and itchy, watery eyes. Their symptoms are also often tied to certain times of year and specific allergens like animal dander, dust, pollen or mold.

If youre plugged up with thick mucus thats green or yellow, you could have an infection. Sinus infectionswhether caused by bacteria or a viruscan also bring along other symptoms like mild headache, fatigue, weakness or a cough. Viruses are far more likely to be the cause of sinus infections. Certain symptoms increase the probably of bacterial sinusitis:

  • Persistent sinusitis symptoms for longer than 10 days, especially with double worsening. This means symptoms start to improve and then get worse a few days later.
  • A fever, especially a high one over 102 .
  • Asymmetric pain in one or more sinus areas. These include under or above the eyes and above the bridge of the nose.

Teladoc gives you best-in-class care from doctors from wherever you are. Access our doctors by phone or video to diagnose, treat and even prescribe medicine if needed for common conditions like allergies, cough, flu, pink eye, rashes, sinus infections, sore throats, stomach bugs, UTI and more. Schedule a visit now to talk to a doctor 24/7 for non-emergency conditions.

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Prescription Medications May Be Recommended:

  • Intranasal steroids reduce inflammation in thenose.
  • Antihistmines .
  • Oral steroids reduce inflammation .
  • Leukotrience inhibitory is used for treating allergies.
  • Antibiotics are used for bacterial infections.

Surgery may be recommended for structural problems such as a deviated septum or nasal polyps and for chronic sinus infections or chronically swollen membranes that dont improve with medications.

Antihistamines And Decongestants: Which Should You Take For A Stuffy Nose

Most, if not all of us, have had a stuffy nose and received varied forms of advice from people around us. One family member might offer a decongestant, while another might suggest that simply eating an orange can ease it due to the antihistamine effects an orange has. While both arent wrong, its important to understand which will work best and when to take them.

Antihistamines and decongestants are common forms of medication that you can consume for a stuffy nose. With nasal congestion causing the same, tiresome symptoms, its easy sometimes to want to reach for the closest solution. But the big question is, which best suits your needs?

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How To Treat Nasal Congestion

Phenylephrine, found in Contac® Cold + Flu, helps reduce the swelling in your nasal passages and ease the stuffiness and sinus pressure, while acetaminophen can help ease the pain caused by sinus pressure.

Although people think that dry air or nasal sprays might help clear up a relentlessly runny nose, they can actually have the opposite effect. Drying out the membranes will eventually irritate them more.

Nasal Aspirator And Saline Drops

How To RELIEVE Sinus Pressure & Unblock A Clogged Stuffy Nose Fast (Home Remedy Demo)

For toddlers who have yet to learn how to blow their noses, a bulb syringe can help clear the nasal passages. A bulb syringe, or nasal aspirator, has a blunt tip attached to a flexible bulb.

Pair it with saline, or saltwater, drops for maximum effectiveness. These are available over the counter, or can be made at home by mixing a 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 8 ounces of warm water. Make a fresh batch each day. Heres how to do it:

  • Gently lay your child down on their back over a towel roll to help keep their head back.
  • Apply two to three drops of the saline solution into each nostril. This will help thin the mucus causing the congestion. If possible, try to keep your child still for about a minute after applying the drops.
  • Next, sit them up. Squeeze the bulb portion of the syringe. Gently insert the rubber tip into one nostril, being careful not to press it in too deeply. For better suction, use your finger to gently press the other nostril closed.
  • Begin slowly releasing the bulb to draw in the saline drops and mucus. Remove the tip of the syringe and squeeze it into a tissue to eject the contents. Then wipe it off and repeat with the other nostril.
  • Be sure to properly clean the bulb syringe after using it.
  • Saline drops shouldnt be used for longer than a few days in a row. They can dry out your childs nose, making them more uncomfortable. Avoid using a bulb syringe more than several times in a single day so you dont irritate the sensitive lining in your childs nose.

    Don’t Miss: How Can A Doctor Diagnose A Sinus Infection

    Antihistamines For A Stuffy Nose

    Antihistamines work by blocking histamines a chemical found in the body cells, which causes swelling and irritation in your nasal tissues. This chemical also causes nose swelling, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and even itching.

    While antihistamines cant block every allergy symptom, theyre particularly effective at preventing nasal congestion and helping some of those uncomfortable symptoms ebb away.

    Treatment For A Stuffy Nose: Antihistamines Or Decongestants

    Antihistamines and decongestants are both over-the-counter drugs that can relieve nasal congestion.

    They come in various forms, including tablets, nasal sprays, oral liquids and eye drops. Both have advantages and disadvantages, but more importantly, they work very differently and may tend to your needs differently.

    If you have fallen victim to uncontrollable sleepiness after taking one of those drowsy pills for your stuffy nose, you likely took an antihistamine. Mostly found in tablet and liquid form, antihistamines are good at relieving and preventing the symptoms of allergies, runny noses, itches and hay fever.

    If you have taken one of those nasal sprays that are somewhat uncomfortable but seem to work in an instant, you likely took a decongestant. Decongestants are good at providing instantaneous relief, freeing up a constricted nose.

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    Dry Air Drying You Out Just Add Water

    Another potential remedy for a stuffy nose is salt water, which eases congestion by moistening and clearing the nasal passages. Dry air can increase mucus production and thicken the mucus so that it accumulates in the sinuses, explains Auth. Other irritants that buildup in nasal passages can also lead to nasal inflammation if they arent flushed out.

    The nose loves salt water, says Seidman. A home remedy I tell people about is to mix 1 quart of sterilized water, 1 teaspoon of kosher salt, and ¼ teaspoon , and then run it up your nose.

    Neti pots are nasal rinsing devices that have been around for thousands of years. While they’re generally considered safe, the FDA cautions that they must be used and cleaned properly to avoid the risk of infection. The FDA recommends using purchased distilled or sterile water, boiled and cooled tap water, or water passed through one of its recommended filters in any of these devices to reduce the risk of infection.

    Engle says saline nasal sprays are a convenient option to moisten and help drain a stuffy nose because the contents are premixed and sterile, which reduces the potential for infection if used properly. For people squeamish about rinsing out their nose, experts say simply moistening the air around you can help.

    A humidifier is a good thing for young children and people who dont want to use drugs, says Engle. Cool mist humidifiers are recommended in childrens bedrooms to reduce the risk of burns from warm mist versions.

    How Decongestants And Ibuprofen Work

    DIY How to Clear Your Sinuses in Seconds Using Nothing But ...

    Treatment Options

    To understand how decongestants and ibuprofen work, it helps to understand what causes the symptoms of a cold or flu. Nasal congestion is often a result of swelling in the nasal and sinus tissue caused by inflammation, not necessarily excess mucus. Therefore, its important to treat the whole problem with a decongestant and a pain reliever, like ibuprofen.

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    Untreated Sinus Infection Risks

    Sinus infections often start to improve on their own after about 10 days. If your symptoms last longer without improving or if they worsen, a doctor may need to treat the underlying cause of the infection.

    If a sinus infection affects a sinus cavity close to the brain, it can spread to the brain if left untreated. Though rare, an infection can also pass into the eye socket and cause vision changes or blindness. These types of infections are more common in kids.

    While uncommon, a serious fungal sinus infection left untreated may pass into the bones.

    Make an appointment with a doctor if you have severe symptoms, or if the following symptoms last longer than 10 days or keep coming back:

    • fever
    • congestion
    • facial pain

    Because the cause of your sinus infection can affect your treatment options, its important to see a doctor for a diagnosis. The Healthline FindCare tool can provide options in your area if youre looking for a doctor.

    If you believe you have chronic or recurring sinusitis, consider asking for a referral to an otolaryngologist, also known as an ear, nose, and throat specialist. You may need imaging and other tests to determine the cause of your symptoms.

    An ENT specialist can take a culture of nose drainage to better understand the cause of an infection. The ENT specialist can also examine the sinuses more closely and look for any problem in the structure of the nasal passages that could lead to chronic sinus problems.

    Other Causes Of Nasal Congestion

    Swollen adenoid glands may cause nasal congestion, particularly in children. Adenoid glands are fleshy bits of tissue which hang down from the back of the nose. If they shrink naturally, often nothing needs to be done. However, if they are causing problems they can be removed by an operation. For more details, see the leaflet called What do tonsils do?

    If the dividing tissue between your two nostrils is not straight , this can cause nasal congestion. It can be the result of injury or just the shape into which your nose has grown since you were born.

    Children may get objects such as beads or peas stuck up their noses. Rarely, a tumour in the airways around the nose or sinuses may cause congestion.

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    Prescription Status And Restrictions

    In most states, Sudafed is available over the counter . However, some locations in the United States require a prescription. The states of Oregon and Mississippi, as well as some cities in Missouri and Tennessee, all require a prescription for Sudafed.

    The reason for these prescription requirements is that PSE, the main ingredient in Sudafed, is used to make illegal methamphetamine. Also called crystal meth, methamphetamine is a highly addictive drug. These requirements help prevent people from buying Sudafed to make this drug.

    Efforts to prevent people from using PSE to make methamphetamine also restrict the sale of Sudafed. A piece of legislation called the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act was passed in 2006. It requires you to present a photo ID to buy products that contain pseudoephedrine. It also limits the amount of these products you can buy.

    In addition, it requires pharmacies to sell any products that contain PSE behind the counter. That means you cant buy Sudafed on the shelf at your local drugstore like other OTC medications. You have to get Sudafed from the pharmacy. You also have to show your photo ID to the pharmacist, who is required to track your purchases of products that contain PSE.

    Pregnant And Breastfeeding Women

    Drain Sinus & Clear Stuffy Nose in 1 Move | Created by Dr. Mandell

    It’s not clear whether it’s safe to take any type of decongestant if you’re pregnant, so you should only use them if told to by a healthcare professional.

    Some decongestants that come as nose sprays or drops are safe to use if you’re breastfeeding, but check with a pharmacist or GP first before using them.

    The patient information leaflet that comes with your medicine will say who should not use it and who should get advice before using it.

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    How Can I Prevent Sinusitis

    Some of the home remedies used to treat sinus infections symptoms may help prevent sinusitis. These include rinsing your nose out with salt water and using medications that your provider might suggest, such as allergy medications or steroid nasal sprays.

    You should avoid things you are allergic to, like dust, pollen or smoke, and try to avoid sick people. Wash your hands to reduce your chance of getting a cold or flu.

    Sinus Trouble: Consider The Causes

    Not only can seasonal allergies or chronic allergies impact the sinuses, but humid air can cause a clogged or stuffy feeling in the nose. An infectioneither brief or long-lastingcan also take hold.

    Sinusitis ailments are not only a burden for allergy sufferers, they can be a challenge for doctors, too, especially as patients and doctors alike are on high alert for warning signs of a possible COVID-19 infection. Three of the most common causes of sinus symptoms are allergies, viral infections and bacterial infections. But these can be tough to tell apart because of overlapping symptoms.

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