Friday, July 26, 2024

Why Is My Sinus Clogged

How Do You Clear A Stuffy Nose

Why Does Your Nose Get Stuffy One Nostril At A Time?

Here are ways you can clear nasal congestion:

  • Drink lots of water and clear fluids. Fluids help thin mucus and ease congestion.
  • Use a saline nasal spray or wash to flush out mucus.
  • Apply adhesive strips to your nose to open nasal passages.
  • Use humidifiers to moisten the air at your home and/or workplace.
  • Ask your healthcare provider to recommend over-the-counter medication that treats nasal congestion. Be sure they know about all medications you take so they can recommend medications that wont interact with your existing medications.
  • If nasal congestion keeps your baby from nursing or taking a bottle, use a nasal bulb syringe to clear mucus from their nose.

Could Nasal Polyps Be The Cause Of Your Stuffy Nose

Are you blaming your stuffy nose on seasonal allergies or a cold? If these symptoms dont go away, they may be tied to something more serious like nasal polyps. These noncancerous growths can cause nasal congestion, runny nose, sinus pressure and other symptoms that arent unique to this condition. Johns Hopkins otolaryngologist Jean Kim, M.D., Ph.D., answers important questions about nasal polyps to help you understand what they are and how to get rid of them.

Bacterial Sinus Infections: When To Suspect

  • Yellow or green nasal discharge is seen with both viral and bacterial sinus infections. Suspect a bacterial infection if the discharge becomes thick . But, it also needs one or more of these symptoms:
  • Sinus Pain, not just normal sinus congestion. Pain occurs mainly behind the cheekbone or eye or
  • Swelling or redness of the skin over any sinus or
  • Fever lasts more than 3 days or
  • Fever returns after it’s been gone for over 24 hours or
  • Nasal discharge and post-nasal drip lasts over 14 days without improvement

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Sinus Surgery And Balloon Sinuplasty

For these reasons, propping up your head while sleeping might not be enough you will likely also need to tackle the sinus infection itself. What is the fastest way to get rid of a sinus infection? Many sinus infections will go away with OTC medication and rest, but chronic sinus infections often demand further treatment.

If you have chronic sinus infections that disturb your sleep, you may need to meet with your doctor to discuss different types of sinus surgery. We especially encourage you to ask your doctor about balloon sinuplasty, a minimally-invasive, in-office procedure that takes less than 20 minutes and provides long-lasting sinus relief.

Poor Air Quality Where You Sleep

Runny and Stuffy Nose

If your bedroom has poor air quality, it can cause you to have a stuffy nose at night. Toxic allergens such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander and mold can be present where you sleep.2,3 These allergens can exist on your bed sheets, under your bed, in and under your dressers, on your curtains and in your carpet.3

The mucus in your nose helps trap allergens.4 If your nasal passage becomes irritated, the tissue will become inflamed and may produce more mucus than usual.4,5 The excess mucus might flow to the front of your nose instead of the back of your throat like it usually does.4 The nasal swelling and excess mucus that builds up in your nasal passage is why your nose feels stuffy.4,5

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Blocked Nose In Infants

Nasal congestion in infants has more severe effects because it could interfere with feeding and causing breathing problems. Chronic and poorly managed cases of blocked nose all the time in infants can culminate in developmental delays, as well as speech and hearing abnormalities.

If your baby is suffering from nasal blockage, it is strongly recommended to consult a pediatrician on emergent basis so that a complete physical examination can be performed.

Why Is My Nose Clogged When I Lay Down

| January 2, 2022 |

A clogged nose can make sleeping almost impossible. You might feel like you are choking or that you cant get into a deep sleep. For those who suffer from allergies or sinus conditions, this can be a common problem that can negatively impact their sleep on a daily basis. While there are medications that might treat this condition, you might want to know why your nose is clogged in the first place.

There are a few reasons that this issue could be happening to you and you will want to work with a doctor to find out if your symptoms are serious enough to require treatment. There are many reasons that you might have been experiencing a stuffed orclogged nose and you will want to look at solutions for this discomfort once you have a correct diagnosis.

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Your Normal Nasal Cycle

According to Dr. Cornetta, the body naturally undergoes something called the “nasal cycle” in which congestion alternates between your two nostrils. This happens when the nasal turbinate, a small structure in the nose that cleans and humidifies the air you breathe, gets clogged.

“The inferior turbinate is the one that causes limited airflow when congested,” Dr. Cornetta says. “The turbinate can also be swollen on one side more than the other from allergies.” To correct the issue, he recommends a nasal steroid or nasal antihistamine spray. If the problem persists and interferes with your quality of life, it’s time to see a doctor.

Youre Congested Because: Theres A Structural Problem

Why Is Only Half of My Nose Working?

If you were just clocked in the nose and all of a sudden couldnt breathe through one side, the culprit might be a deviated septum . However, trauma isnt the only reason: You could have been born with a deviated septum. If its not bothering you , then you dont need it repaired, otherwise, the best way to correct the problem is with surgery, particularly if medications are not giving you enough relief for your chronic nasal congestion, says Dr. Roditi.

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Use A Humidifier Or Air Purifier To Improve Air Quality

Improving the air quality in your bedroom can loosen nasal congestion before you go to bed at night. Dry air will dry out the mucus that is used to trap allergens and irritants that you breathe.6Using a humidifier can moisten the dry air thats irritating your nasal passages.1 The added moisture will help keep the mucus in your nose loose.1

You can reduce the allergens in your bedroom by using an air purifier.1 The filters in purifiers can trap dust, pollen and pet dander that are floating in the air.1

Air purifiers might not trap the allergens that are present in other areas of your bedroom. Wash your pillowcases and bed sheets to limit the allergens that are present where you lay your head.3 Dust the surfaces of furniture in your bedroom such as dressers, headboards and television stands.3 Mop your hardwood floors and vacuum your carpet to limit allergens the air purifier might not catch.3

Stuffy Nose At Night Why Do I Get Congested Before Bed

As the weather and air quality change throughout the year, you might experience symptoms of allergies or illnesses at different times of the day. These symptoms, such as coughing, sneezing and a stuffy nose, might worsen at night. A stuffy nose, or nasal congestion, occurs when the inside of your nose becomes inflamed or when its clogged with mucus. Keep reading to find out whats causing you to have a stuffy nose at night and how you can relieve it before you go to bed.

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Youre Congested Because: You Have A Sinus Infection

As far as infections go, viral infections are one of the most frequent causes of irritation in the nose, which makes tissues swollen and inflamed, says Dr. Roditi. However, the source can also be fungal or bacterial. Many people mistake their sinus infection symptoms for allergies or a cold or flu, reported a survey from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Because a chronic episode can last more than 12 weeks, you shouldnt wait long to seek help. If your symptoms and congestion are lingering and you dont feel like youre getting better in seven to 10 daysparticularly if youre getting high fevers or serious head pain, see your doctor. Your body can fight off a lot of infections. Not everyone will need a medication or an antibiotic, but you want to get checked out if its not going away, says Dr. Roditi. These are the symptoms of a sinus infection you should recognize.

Why Are My Sinuses Worse At Night

Chronic Headache After Sinus Surgery #FATshionistas

Weve all been there: you think your sinus problems are getting better, but the minute you lay down, your nose gets stuffy, and youre stuck staring at the ceiling. Ultimately, you find yourself wondering, Why are my sinuses worse at night?

The answer to this question why are my sinuses worse at night? isnt always straightforward, and it can differ from person to person. What holds true for everyone, however, is that if your nose is blocked at night on one side or both, or if you are struggling with any other sinus-related issue, your sleep is going to suffer.

What follows is a list of common conditions or circumstances that might make your sinuses worse at night, along with some potential remedies.

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How To Treat A Sinus Infection At Home

Many sinus infections go away on their own. You can try some of these treatments at home to help you manage your symptoms and feel more comfortable.

  • Press a warm, moist towel to your face for 5-10 minutes every day. This can help reduce swelling and pain.
  • Drink lots of water and other fluids. This can help thin your mucus and reduce congestion.
  • Breathe in warm, humid air. Using a humidifier helps, or you can take a hot shower or bath.
  • Try clearing your nasal passages with a saline solution . A saline wash helps clear your nasal packages and reduces congestion. You can buy saline drops at your local pharmacy or make your own saline solution at home.
  • Over-the-counter pain medicine like Tylenol and Advil can help reduce pain and manage other symptoms, like a fever or headaches.

What Are The Treatment Options For Nasal Polyps

Depending on the number and size of the nasal polyps, your doctor may prescribe medication, surgery or both.

  • Medication typically includes nasal or oral corticosteroids designed to shrink the nasal polyps or remove them.
  • Surgery may be necessary in some cases to extract nasal polyps. Endoscopic surgery is typically conducted through the nose so that no incision on the skin of the face is needed.

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Do I Need Any Tests If I Have Blocked Nose All The Time

Generally, there is no specific test to be done. It is safe to say that the diagnosis for blocked nose is usually clinical and a physician can identify the condition by taking a persons medical history and symptoms. If necessary, a thorough nasal examination can be performed to confirm the source of infection/ inflammation.

  • Medications will be prescribed to treat your symptoms. Your response to treatment can help confirm the diagnosis. Your physician may also conduct a skin prick allergy test, to identify the exact cause/ specific allergen which is causing blocked nose all the time.
  • In cases where polyps or tumors are suspected inside the nasal cavity, an X-ray or other scans can be performed.

Corticosteroid Drops Or Sprays

Why does your nose get stuffy during massage?

Corticosteroids, also known as steroids, are a group of medications that can help to reduce inflammation.

If you have persistent symptoms of sinusitis, your GP may prescribe steroid nasal drops or sprays to help reduce the swelling in your sinuses. These may need to be used for several months.

Possible side effects include nasal irritation, a sore throat and nosebleeds.

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What Causes Your Stuffy Nose At Night

If youre feeling fine throughout the day but have a stuffy nose at night, your nasal congestion might be caused by something other than a typical cold or flu. A stuffy nose might become worse at night when the temperatures are cooler or when you lie down to sleep. Your nasal congestion could be caused by environmental or biological factors. Some of these factors are:

How Does Nasal Congestion Affect My Body

A stuffy nose is nothing to sneeze at. If your nose is congested or stuffy, you may:

  • Have trouble breathing through your nose.
  • Have mucus flowing from your nose, also known as a runny nose.
  • Start breathing through your mouth because you cant take in air through your nose. This is mouth breathing.
  • Babies who have nasal congestion may have trouble nursing or taking a bottle.

Sometimes, nasal congestion is the first sign your body is fighting a viral or bacterial infection. Rarely, a tumor or polyp in your nose may make your nose feel congested.

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Treating Chronic Nasal Congestion

Proper diagnosis is the first step toward managing a chronic stuffy nose. Dr. Ziegner will rule out other causes such as a deviated septum.

To diagnose allergies, Dr. Ziegner uses insight gleaned from your symptoms, medical history, and relevant tests and then makes a customized treatment plan for you.

If youre struggling with nasal allergies, congestion, sinusitis or nasal polyps, we can help you get relief. To get started, call our Redondo Beach, California, office at 310-504-3242 to schedule a visit with Dr. Ziegner.

When Healthy Sinuses Become Blocked

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While sinus anatomy can be likened to a house, sinus function runs more like a car. With an automobile, you know there’s a lot of firing and whirring going on under the hood, but as long as the car runs OK, you tend not to think about it. Then, after months or years without any problems, you start to hear a strange knocking sound. You hope it will go away, but instead the engine conks out on the highway, stranding you on your way to work.

Similarly, when your sinuses are healthy, you breathe in and out easily, and you never contemplate all the mucus production and air-conditioning occurring inside your nasal cavity. Then you notice you’re congested, and after several days or weeks, you start to feel sinus pressure in your face or forehead. You hope it will go away, but instead you eventually find yourself so stuffed up or in so much pain you need to call your doctor.

I can’t tell you how to keep your car on the road, but I can help you understand the chain of events that leads to sinusitis. In this chapter, we’ll look at the causes of sinusitis and the resulting symptoms.

The Direct Cause: It’s the OMC

Although there are many root causes of sinusitis, they all fall into one of three broad categories: anatomical, genetic, and environmental .

That’s when the real trouble begins. Glands within the sinuses continue to produce mucus, which cannot drain. Soon the blocked sinus fills up with mucus.

¡TABLE 3.1 Root Causes of Sinusitis


f Trapped mucus

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Treatment Of Sinus Congestion

  • Viral Sinus Infection. Nasal washes with saline. Antibiotics are not helpful.
  • Bacterial Sinus Infection. Antibiotics by mouth.
  • Allergic Sinus Reaction. Treatment of the nasal allergy with allergy medicines also often helps the sinus symptoms.
  • All Thick Nasal Drainage. Nasal secretions need treatment with nasal saline when they block the nose. Also, treat if they make breathing through the nose hard. If breathing is noisy, it may mean the dried mucus is farther back. Nasal saline rinses can remove it.

Cleaning Inside Your Nose

You can clean the inside of your nose using either a home-made salt water solution or a solution made with sachets of ingredients bought from a pharmacy.

To make the solution at home, mix a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda into a pint of boiled water that has been left to cool. To rinse your nose:

  • wash and dry your hands
  • stand over a sink, cup the palm of one hand and pour a small amount of the solution into it
  • sniff the water into one nostril at a time

Repeat these steps until your nose feels more comfortable . You should make a fresh solution each day. Don’t re-use a solution made the day before.

Special devices you can use instead of your hand are also available for pharmacies. If you choose to use one of these, make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions about using and cleaning it.

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Throat Irritation And Cough

As discharge from your sinuses drains down the back of your throat, it can cause irritation, especially over a long period of time. This can lead to a persistent and annoying cough, which can be worse when lying down to sleep or first thing in the morning after getting up from bed.

It can also make sleeping difficult. Sleeping upright or with your head elevated can help reduce the frequency and intensity of your coughing.

Acute Versus Chronic Sinusitis

Why Does Nasal Congestion Switch From One Side to the Other?

Inflammation of the tissues that line the nasal cavity causes a stuffy nose. In some cases, a stuffy nose will go away on its own, for instance, if a common cold is causing the inflammation, the swelling resolves once the cold has gone away. A persistently stuffy nose might inhibit sinus drainage and lead to inflammation of the sinuses, called sinusitis. An acute sinusitis resolves within less than 8 weeks. Chronic sinusitis lasts much longer than acute sinusitis, by definition more than 8 weeks.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis include:

  • Thick nasal drainage
  • Problems breathing through the nose
  • Diminished or even loss of sense of smell and taste
  • Pain around the cheeks, eyes, and forehead

If you have a stuffy nose that lasts more than a couple of weeks, its best to see a doctor. You should also visit a doctor if you have recurring bouts of sinusitis.

The ongoing inflammation caused by unaddressed allergies can lead to persistent nasal congestion. You may assume that you keep catching colds, or that you have a cold that wont go away when indeed you are dealing with chronic sinusitis.

Dr. Ziegner can help you get to the root of your stuffy nose, so you can get much-needed treatment and relief.

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