Monday, April 29, 2024

Sinus Surgery And Nose Job

Functional Rhinoplasty Vs Cosmetic Rhinoplasty

Bulbous Large Nasal Tip Nose Job Rhinoplasty

While functional rhinoplasty is focused almost exclusively on the internal structures, cosmetic rhinoplasty is primarily focused on the external appearance of the nose. When performed by an expert, cosmetic rhinoplasty can resolve functional issues and a functional rhinoplasty can provide minor aesthetic improvement. However, nose surgery should always be approached with function in mind. Studies estimate that 70% of patients who seek a secondary or revision surgery after cosmetic rhinoplasty do so because of breathing problems.

If you are considering rhinoplasty to change the appearance of your nose, it is wise to consult a functional rhinoplasty specialist who is also a Board-Certified ENT. Dr. Kuperan can conduct a thorough examination so that you are aware of any underlying issues in your sinuses or nasal structures before you decide if functional or cosmetic rhinoplasty is right for you.1

Understanding The Cost Of Rhinoplasty

For individuals who are considering rhinoplasty in Chicago, cost is a common concern. Dr. Gary Wiesman and our team understand that, which is why we charge fair and reasonable fees for all of our services. There are a number of factors that will affect the cost of your surgery we can provide you with a quote when you visit us for a consultation. We want to help you afford your treatment, so we will assist you in navigating insurance and other payment options.

How Does The Nose Affect The Voice

The nose is a critical part of vocal resonance. It is because of nasal resonance that we can listen to someones voice and know they are congested or have a cold. Loss of the nasal cavity as a resonator gives the voice a flat, dull sound. Nasal inflammation can also result in postnasal drip and throat clearing, hoarseness, and vocal fatigue.

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The Common Imperfections For Which Patients Seek Rhinoplasty:

  • Bump or Hump: Peak-likein the mid-portion of the nose. May be from injury or heredity. The most common imperfection:
  • Bulbous tip: A round, spherical, ball-like tip or front-most portion of the nose:
  • Droopy tip: The tip of the nose hangs down and may be unsatisfactorily too close to the upper lip:
  • Abnormally wide nostril floor or sill: Describes the unsatisfactory width of the base of the nostril. This is at the top of the upper lip. See correction images from front profile below:
  • Tip depresses with smile : The Depressor Septi muscle when overactive will pull the tip down with smile:

What Should I Expect After Getting Rhinoplasty

Nose Surgery Before &  After Photos Patient 39

Your surgeon will administer a long-acting numbing agent at the end of the procedure, so you should only have mild to moderate pain or discomfort. After surgery, you may have:

  • A small plastic splint to minimize swelling and maintain your noses new shape while it heals. Youll wear the splint for five to 10 days.
  • Cotton gauze inside the nose. You can remove the packing 24 to 48 hours after surgery.
  • Swelling and bruising around your nose and eyes for several weeks. You may experience mild facial swelling, especially in the morning, for up to a year after surgery.

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What Is A Deviated Nasal Septum

A straight septum is the cartilaginous and bony partition between the left and right sides of the breathing passageways inside the nose. It becomes deviated either from congenital reasons or from a traumatic injury. A deviation of the nasal septum can cause obstruction of the nasal passages, usually involving one side but occasionally can involve both sides of the nose.

Can You Combine Rhinoplasty And Sinus Surgery

The nose sits at the center of our face. As such, it is an essential aesthetic focal point, but it is also a vital organ that facilitates our breathing.

For many people in the U.S., their nose can be a source of discomfort, either for aesthetic or functional reasons.

A question that patients frequently ask Dr. Barrera at his San Antonio, TX, practice is if they can fix their noses appearance and function at the same time. Or, in other words, can rhinoplasty be combined with sinus surgery? Here, Dr. Barrera examines this question in detail and helps you decide if combing both surgeries is a good option for you.

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What Is The Difference Between A Primary Rhinoplasty And A Revision Rhinoplasty

A Primary Rhinoplasty is the patients first surgery to change the structure of the nose. When there has been no previous surgery inside the nose and structures are intact, there is a better chance for a successful outcome. A Revision Rhinoplasty is any additional surgery to change the structure of the nose, whether for breathing or appearance.

Learn More About How Rhinoplasty Can Improve Sinus Problems

Rhinoplasty: A Safe, Systematic Approach to Nasal Surgery | Vishad Nabili, MD | UCLAMDChat

When youre suffering from chronic sinus issues, Dr. Kevin Sadati can help improve the appearance of your nose and how it functions. You also will be able to breathe more freely. To learn more about rhinoplasty surgical techniques and if youre a candidate for rhinoplasty for sinus problems, call our Orange County, CA office today to schedule an appointment with board-certified and award-winning Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Kevin Sadati.

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How Soon Will You Feel The Results Of Sinus Surgery

Youll start to breathe easier after your first nose clearing and feel significantly better by week three. However, full recovery can take about eight weeks. Your nose needs time to heal, and the swelling can take that long to go down.

It has now almost been six months. I have been sinus infectionfree and very happy with the appearance of my nose.emccartney16, RealSelf member

Is Getting A Rhinoplasty Worth It

The vast majority of patients who undergo a rhinoplasty are happy with their decision. Not only may they experience health benefits, such as an easier time breathing, but they will also enjoy improved self-confidence. Of course, there are rare individuals who regret undergoing plastic surgery. Typically, that happens when someone partners with an inexperienced or unskilled doctor who is not able to deliver satisfactory results. Dr. Wiesman is double board certified in both otolaryngology and facial plastic surgery. His specialty is performing nose jobs that make his patients not only look better, but also breathe better. Patients tend to rave about their experience with him!

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What Are The Risk Of Rhinoplasty

The mains risks of rhinoplasty are: bleeding, reaction to the anesthesia, persistent nasal obstruction, not be pleased with the cosmetic result, infection, pain and bruising. It is impossible to include all possible outcomes but you can click on the following to learn more about what rare risks include. Following your doctors instructions and asking questions should reduce your likelihood of experiencing these postoperative risks. Having a full understanding of rhinoplasty recovery timeline will aid in the healing process also.

Can Sinus And Breathing Surgery Be Combined With Rhinoplasty

Nose Job: Surgery, Recovery, Cast Removal &  Two Week Post

Yes. Because the recovery periods are the same, no additional time is needed. A form-fitting splint is often placed over the nose for the first week. Insurance may help with sinus and breathing care as well as with traumatic nose injuries, but will never pay for cosmetic surgery.

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What Is The History Of Rhinoplasty

The origins of rhinoplasty are fascinating. Rhinoplasty techniques appear early on in recorded medical history, and nearly every part of the world has contributed to its development. Centuries of evolution account for why rhinoplasty is heralded as one of the safest and effective surgeries today.

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Benefits Of Combining Surgeries

Combining nasal surgeries offers you some benefits. Although the surgery itself will take longer compared to having just a rhinoplasty or just sinus surgery performed, the total time needed will be reduced, since you wont have to schedule two separate procedures. Your surgeon might also be able to use the cartilage removed during septoplasty to increase the size of your nose or correct the nasal tip during rhinoplasty.

Another benefit of combining surgeries is that youll have a shorter overall recovery period. Instead of allowing yourself one week to recover from sinus surgery and another to cover from rhinoplasty, you can recover from both simultaneously. Additionally, since you need less anesthesia for a combined surgery compared to two separate procedures and you need less of the surgeons time, one combined procedure is usually more affordable than two separate procedures.

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How Is The Procedure Performed

Rhinoplasty is usually an outpatient procedure that is performed under IV sedation or general anesthesia.

Dr. Gary Wiesman uses one of two techniques when performing nose surgery. In a closed rhinoplasty, incisions are made within the nostrils. In an open rhinoplasty, the incision is made across the columella, the tissue between the nostrils. During both methods, he gently lifts the soft tissues covering the nose. He sculpts the bone and cartilage to the desired shape. Any additional cartilage needed to enhance the nose can often be taken from the septum.

If the patient has a deviated septum, Dr. Wiesman will adjust the septum and the inner structures of the nose to improve breathing. Then, the tissues are redraped and stitched closed. If the patient desires nostril reshaping, this is done at the final stage of rhinoplasty.

The entire procedure generally lasts one to two hours.

Are You A Sinus Surgery Candidate

Domes Technique for Nasal Tip Rotation in Rhinoplasty

To find how if sinus surgery may be helpful you should be seen by an otolaryngologist who performs sinus surgery. This will allow for a thorough history and physical exam. Your doctor will also be able to exam your nasal cavity looking for possible anatomic causes of your sinus symptoms. This includes determining whether you have nasal polyps, a deviated nasal septum, enlarged turbinates, or enlarged adenoids. It is also important to look for signs of active infection such as pus draining from the sinuses.

A part of this examination may include the placement of a very small endoscope into the nose to further evaluate your nasal anatomy, including the visualization of where the sinuses drain into the nose.

You can see what this endoscopic view of the nasal cavity looks like below:

It usually is not possible to see into the sinuses themselves while in the office. To further evaluate the sinuses your otolaryngologist may order a sinus CT scan. This is a type of radiologic imaging that provides a 3-dimensional view of the sinus and nasal structures.

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What Can You Expect During Sinus Surgery Recovery

Most people can return to school or work after two days of downtime, but some need up to a weekand it can take several weeks to fully recover. During the first 24 hours, you may have to change your nasal drip pad several times an hour, but the frequency should decrease by day two.

You may have symptoms like those of a severe cold or sinus infection, with congestion that can last for several days. Youll also feel a dull, achy pain for the first few days, though your surgeon should prescribe pain medication to keep you comfortable. Youll also take antibiotics and possibly steroids for three or four weeks.

Its normal to have some swelling and tenderness inside your nose after any sinus surgery, and this can last a couple weeks. With nasal endoscopic surgery, there probably wont be visible swelling, bruising, or changes to the shape of the nose , but the nasal skin lining will become swollen after surgery, and it will take time to calm down, says Dr. Thomas Lamperti, a facial plastic surgeon in Seattle, in a RealSelf Q& A. Other sinus surgeries may lead to noticeable swelling, especially between the eyes, and your cheeks might be tender to the touch.

If you had septum repair, you may have splints or light nasal packing in your nose. These will be removed at the first follow-up clinic visit, a week after surgeryunless you have dissolvable nasal packing, which your body would absorb as you heal.

Follow these guidelines to help with your healing:

What Is A Septorhinoplasty

A septorhinoplasty is an operation to improve the appearance of your nose and to improve how you breathe through your nose .

It involves operating on the bones and cartilage that give your nose its shape and structure and making your septum straight. The septum is the cartilage and bone inside your nose that separates your nostrils.

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Is Rhinoplasty Right For You

Following are five things to keep in mind:

  • While health insurance will not cover the cost of rhinoplasty for cosmetic purposes, it may cover the cost of the surgery if the procedure is used to correct a structural problem with the nose. Check with your health insurance carrier for more information.
  • Are there other, non-surgical alternatives that may alleviate your problem? Your ENT physician will be glad to discuss all of your treatment options.
  • Because the nose is one of the most defining characteristics of the face, small changes can make a huge difference in appearance. Even if the surgery is not done for cosmetic purposes, a corrective rhinoplasty may still cause slight changes in the noses appearance. (For more information, and for before and after pictures of a rhinoplasty, visit our website
  • Be sure to speak with your surgeon about what to expect after surgery.
  • Remember that after the operation, patients are seen for several months to monitor progress and document healing.
  • If you think you could benefit from a rhinoplasty, please speak with your physician or contact us for an appointment.

    What Are The Sinuses


    The sinuses are a group of air cavities within the bones of the face the drain into the nasal cavity. The specific sinus cavities include:

    • Frontal sinuses which are located over the brow and forehead region
    • Ethmoid sinuses which are located between the eyes
    • Sphenoid sinuses which are located toward the back of the nasal cavity
    • Maxillary sinuses which overlay each cheek

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    Does Septoplasty Rhinoplasty Or Sinus Surgery Change Your Voice

    Many professional voice users, singers and actors when dealing with voice issues, find themselves considering nasal or sinus surgery. Sometimes, the reasons are valid, when the singer is plagued with nasal and sinus problems that affect the reliability of their singing voices such as chronic sinusitis, nasal obstruction or a deviated nasal septum. Other times, the nose is incorrectly blamed for voice issues when the true cause of voice symptoms is misdiagnosed.

    When considering surgery for voice issues, it is extremely important to be precise about determining the cause of voice symptoms. Unnecessary surgery risks not only leaving the voice condition untreated but causing a problem that wasnt there in the first place. In our office, we have seen this firsthand. A young singer came for a second opinion after having a septoplasty, when her voice symptoms were misdiagnosed as being due to her deviated septum. After her septoplasty, she was still having voice symptoms but now her nose was also bothering her.

    Who Should Perform Your Nose Job

    Dr. Yeung has more than 20 years of experience and is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon as well as an ear, nose, and throat physician. He combines skill and artistry with a patient-centered approach that will ensure that youre comfortable and knowledgeable about your procedure. Hes also experienced in performing rhinoplasties, including revision procedures.

    To make an appointment for an evaluation, contact Houston Sinus Surgery at the Yeung Institute today.

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    Signs Rhinoplasty And Sinus Surgery Are Right For You

    When it comes to treating sinus infections, the first course of action is usually to try less invasive treatments. Your doctor will most likely recommend rinsing your nasal cavities with saline , using pain relievers to reduce the pain and, if the infection is caused by bacteria, taking antibiotics.

    While those treatments do help plenty of people with sinus issues, if your sinus problems persist or are caused by a physical abnormality in your nose, surgery is usually the most effective option. Sinus surgery can help reduce the size of turbinates and nasal polyps. It can also remove any scar tissue that might be affecting the sinuses or eliminate other tissue that might be creating a blockage.

    Since sinus surgery isnt the first course of action for people with sinus problems, your surgeon will usually only recommend it if your sinusitis doesnt resolve with other treatments. Occasionally, people with sinus troubles also have a deviated septum, which can make breathing even more difficult. The septum usually leans to one side or the other and can lean so far over that it limits the amount of air that can get through. If your surgeon finds that you have a deviated septum, he might recommend a surgery called septoplasty to correct it.

    How Long Does A Rhinoplasty Last

    Pinched Narrow Nose Rhinoplasty to Address Nasal Obstruction

    A great thing about rhinoplasty is that unlike some other facial plastic surgery services , it delivers permanent results. It alters the structure of your nose, and there are very few circumstances that could cause it to become misshapen again. For example, if you suffer facial trauma that affects your nose, its appearance may be altered, leading to the need for future facial plastic surgery. Barring such an unfortunate incident, you can expect the results of your nose job to be with you throughout your lifetime.

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    Rhinoplasty + Functional Surgery For Nasal Obstruction

    Dr. Davis can combine rhinoplasty with surgery for nasal obstruction. This common condition does not require sinus surgery but can be corrected with different surgical techniques. It is usually caused by a deviated septum and/or turbinate hypertrophy. Dr. Davis is an expert at correcting these functional problems.

    He is frequently sent referrals from other ENT physicians to address some of the more complicated septal deformities, revision surgeries, septal perforation repairs, or patients requiring repair of nasal valve collapse. If you have trouble breathing and/or sinus problems and are interested in improving the appearance of your nose, Dr. Davis is the surgeon for you.

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