Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Often To Use Saline Nasal Spray For Sinus Infection

How Do Flonase Nasacort And Afrin Work

How To Use Saline Nasal Sprays

Flonase and Nasacort are glucocorticoids that reduce allergy symptoms like:

  • Nasal congestion

  • Sneezing

  • Itchy and runny nose

Its worth noting that Flonase is FDA-approved to help with watery and itchy eyes, while Nasacort is not.

Steroid nasal sprays are especially effective because they block allergic responses from six different types of cells in your nasal area. Allergy pills like or , on the other hand, only block allergic responses in one type of cell. Steroids can be used long-term to prevent allergy symptoms.

Afrin is a decongestant that shrinks blood vessels in the nasal area and helps fluid drain from your nasal passages to improve breathing. Unlike Flonase and Nasacort, Afrin is for temporary relief of symptoms. It can start to work in 15 minutes or less, but its not for long-term use because of potential side effects. More on this below.

Mix The Saline Solution

If you choose a prefilled bottle, skip this step. Otherwise, you can buy a saline solution powder and follow the directions on the label or make your own. Start with 1-2 cups of warm water thatâs distilled, sterile, or that youâve boiled to help prevent infection. Add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of non-iodized salt and a pinch of baking soda.

What Happens If You Use Too Much Nasal Spray

Nasal spray addiction is not a true addiction, but it can lead to tissue damage inside the nose. This can result in swelling and long-term stuffiness that leads to further use and overuse of the spray. In some cases, a person may need to undergo additional treatment, and possibly surgery, to correct any damage.

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What Should I Know About Storage And Disposal Of This Medication

Keep this medication in the container it came in, tightly closed, and out of reach of children. Store it at room temperature and away from excess heat, light, and moisture . Do not freeze the medication.

Unneeded medications should be disposed of in special ways to ensure that pets, children, and other people cannot consume them. However, you should not flush this medication down the toilet. Instead, the best way to dispose of your medication is through a medicine take-back program. Talk to your pharmacist or contact your local garbage/recycling department to learn about take-back programs in your community. See the FDA’s Safe Disposal of Medicines website for more information if you do not have access to a take-back program.

It is important to keep all medication out of sight and reach of children as many containers are not child-resistant and young children can open them easily. To protect young children from poisoning, always lock safety caps and immediately place the medication in a safe location â one that is up and away and out of their sight and reach.

Treat A Sinus Infection

Salex Saline Sinus Rinse Kit

Although saline spray cannot cure a sinus infection, it can help in the healing process. If you have a sinus infection, use saline spray every hour. Spray twice in each nostril while breathing in. After spraying the saline solution up your nostrils, place a warm washcloth over your eyes and nose. This will both moisten and warm the paranasal area, and will work with the saline to maintain proper moisture and reduce any swelling.

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Why Spray Crops After Dark

Herbicide droplets crystallize when they dry and dont penetrate the leaf surface. Translocation of herbicide occurs during photosynthesis, which occurs during the day. However, night spraying can allow better initial penetration so that weed kill is more effective when photosynthesis begins the following day.

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First Line Of Defense Against Sinusitis: Nasal Irrigation

One of the simplest, cheapest, and most effective ways to prevent and treat sinus problems is nasal irrigation. Using a homemade solution, you can often relieve sinusitis symptoms, reduce reliance on nasal sprays and antibiotics, and improve your quality of life. At least once a day, follow these steps:

  • Stir ½ teaspoon of non-iodized salt and ½ teaspoon of baking soda into 2 cups of lukewarm distilled or previously boiled water .
  • Fill a small bulb syringe with the saltwater solution.
  • Lean over your bathroom or kitchen sink, insert the tip of the syringe just inside one nostril, and gently squeeze the bulb. The water will run back out the nostril and into the sink. Use at least one full bulb of solution.
  • Repeat the procedure in the other nostril.
  • Thoroughly rinse and dry the bulb syringe or neti pot after each use.
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    When To See A Doctor

    If your sinus symptoms dont improve after 10 days or they get worse, see a doctor. This could be a sign of a more serious infection that may require a prescription.

    You should also see a doctor if you experience the following symptoms along with sinus congestion, pressure, or irritation:

    • fever of 102°F or higher
    • increased greenish or bloody nasal discharge
    • mucus with a strong odor
    • wheezing

    How To Take Decongestants

    Saline Nasal Rinses – How and When to Use Them

    Always follow the dosage instructions on the label or from your healthcare provider.

    You can use most decongestants three to four times a day. Extended-release versions are used once or twice a day.

    Nasal sprays work faster than oral decongestants. But dont use them for longer than recommended. They can irritate your nasal passages and make congestion worse.

    Some products contain a decongestant and a painkiller. Check the label before taking these with any additional drugs. Thatll keep you from doubling up on medications.

    Your healthcare provider and pharmacist can tell you which drugs can be safely combined.

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    What Are The Six Types Of Sinusitis And Sinus Infections

    Sinusitis may be classified in several ways, based on its duration and the type of inflammation . The term rhinosinusitis is used to imply that both the nose and sinuses are involved and is becoming the preferred term over sinusitis.

    • Acute sinus infection usually lasts less than 3-5 days.
    • Subacute sinus infection lasts one to three months.
    • Chronic sinus infection is greater than three months. Chronic sinusitis may be further sub-classified into chronic sinusitis with or without nasal polyps, or allergic fungal sinusitis.
    • Recurrent sinusitis has several sinusitis attacks every year.

    There is no medical consensus on the above time periods.

    • Infected sinusitis usually is caused by an uncomplicated virus infection. Less frequently, bacterial growth causes sinus infection and fungal sinus infection is very infrequent. Subacute and chronic forms of a sinus infection usually are the result of incomplete treatment of an acute sinus infection.
    • Noninfectious sinusitis is caused by irritants and allergic conditions and follows the same general timeline for acute, subacute, and chronic as infectious sinusitis.

    Causes & Risk Factors

    Any health situation that blocks off the vital drainage channels of your sinuses can cause a sinus infection including:

    • Respiratory infections like the common cold
    • Hay fever or exposure to allergens such as cigarette smoke, dry air and pollutants
    • Obstructions in the nasal or sinus cavities including nasal polyps, deviated septum, or nasal bone spur
    • Non-allergic rhinitis
    • Infections resulting from dental problems
    • Physical injury to the sinuses
    • Bacteria, viruses, and fungi

    The five most common bacteria that can cause sinus infections are: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pyogenes.

    Risk factors for sinus infections include:

    • Having asthma
    • Being in the hospital, especially if the reason you are in the hospital is related to a head injury or you needed a tube inserted into your nose

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    Proper Use Of Nonprescription Nasal Sprays

    W. Steven Pray, PhD, DPhBernhardt Professor, Nonprescription Products and DevicesCollege of Pharmacy

    Edmond, Oklahoma

    US Pharm.

    Nasal sprays are useful dosage forms that yield medical benefits by allowing patients to place medications inside the nasal cavity, directly where they are needed. There are four types of nonprescription nasal sprays in common usecorticosteroids, nasal decongestants, sodium chloride, and cromolyn sodium.

    How Does Saline Nasal Spray Work

    Salex Metered Saline Nasal Spray 30ml

    Saline nasal sprays work in several ways to improve symptoms associated with nasal congestion.

    First, saline nasal sprays help to minimize your risk of getting sick by washing foreign invaders like viruses, irritants, and allergens out of your nasal passages before they have a chance to trigger an immune response.

    Second, saline nasal sprays can help to improve the effectiveness of medicated nasal sprays when the saline spray is used first, as it improves the moisture content in the nasal passages, making them more receptive to medication.

    Third, saline nasal sprays help to clean and hydrate the lining of the nasal passages, which is important in maintaining a strong nasal immune response.

    Finally, and perhaps most importantly when you are feeling sick, saline nasal sprays thin and loosen excess mucus in the nose and sinuses, helping to reduce symptoms of nasal and sinus congestion and feelings of discomfort.

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    Sore Throat And Hoarse Voice

    Postnasal drip can leave you with a raw and aching throat. Although it may start as an annoying tickle, it can get worse.

    If your infection lasts for a few weeks or more, mucus can irritate and inflame your throat as it drips, resulting in a painful sore throat and hoarse voice. Frequent coughing and throat clearing can make a hoarse voice worse.

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    Common Causes Of Sinus Infections

    Some of us get a sinus infection occasionally, while others find they are a chronic problem. According to research conducted by a sinus specialist in Boston, compared to patients with other chronic conditions like heart failure and back pain, those patients that suffer with sinusitis report the highest level of pain, and the lowest level of social function. They have problems working, and it affects both their energy level and mental health.

    The sinus cavity, located between the eyes and nose, acts as a filter for the air we breathe before it reaches the lungs. There is always bacteria in the nose and its mostly harmless, but should the lining of the sinus cavity and nose come in contact with certain bacteria, a virus, or an allergen, they can become swollen, inflamed, and congested. The result is a back-up of mucus and lack of drainage.

    If the nose is too dry and no mucus is flowing, this can also trigger a sinus infection.

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    Causes Of Sinus Infection

    A sinus infection can either be viral or bacterial.When a virus lodges in your nasal cavities, it can cause inflammation which leads to sinus infection. Viral sinus infections usually go away on their own within 10 to 14 days. Since its caused by a virus, antibiotics dont work.A bacterial sinus infection, on the other hand, is usually treated with antibiotics.Other factors that may contribute to sinus infection are:

    • narrow sinus openings
    • nasal bridge deformities

    When To See A Physician For Nasal Congestion

    How to Use a Saline Nasal Spray | Vicks Sinex

    Medical authorities recommend seeing a physician when you have nasal congestion in several circumstances. For instance, medical care is advisable when you also have blurred vision or swelling of the forehead, eyes, side of the nose, or cheek. Medical care is also necessary if you have increased throat pain, white or yellow spots on the tonsils or other parts of the throat, coughing episodes that last longer than 10 days, or a cough that produces yellow-green or gray mucus. Finally, see a doctor if the nasal congestion lasts longer than 2 weeks or significantly impacts your life.Remember, if you have questions, Consult Your Pharmacist.

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    How To Do A Sinus Flush

    The first step is to create a saline solution. Typically, this is done by mixing warm, sterile water with pure salt, known as sodium chloride, to create an isotonic solution.

    While you can create your own saline solution at home, its recommended that you purchase over-the-counter premixed saline packets.

    Its crucial to use sterile water for this step. This is due to the risk of a serious infection with a parasitic amoeba called Naegleria fowleri. Once this amoeba enters the sinuses, it makes its way to the brain and causes a fatal infection.

    You can sterilize your water by boiling it for a minute and then allowing it to cool.

    To clear your sinuses, follow these steps:

  • Stand with your head over a sink or in the shower and tilt your head to one side.
  • Using a squeeze bottle, bulb syringe, or neti pot, pour or squeeze the saline solution slowly into the upper nostril.
  • Allow the solution to pour out your other nostril and into the drain. Breathe through your mouth, not your nose, at this time.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.
  • Try not to let the water go down the back of your throat. You may need to adjust your head position until you find the correct angle.
  • Gently blow your nose into a tissue when youre done to clear out any mucus.
  • If youve recently had sinus surgery, resist the urge to blow your nose for four to seven days following the procedure.

    • severe headache
    • seizures
    • coma
    • stinging in the nose
    • sensation of ear fullness
    • nosebleeds, though this is rare

    Pour In The Saline Solution

    Place the spout of a neti pot or the tip of a syringe or squeeze bottle just inside your nose. The tip should go in no further than a finger’s width. Keeping your mouth open, squeeze the bulb syringe or bottle, or tilt the pot to pour the water into your nostril. Remember to breathe through your mouth, not your nose.

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    Common Nasal Spray Questions Answered

    Dr. Melody Hartzler on June 25, 2021

    Whether its caused by a cold, allergies, or simply dry air, nasal congestion can stop you in your tracks and make your day miserable. There are many different over the counter treatment options that can help relieve symptoms of nasal congestion, but if youre looking to minimize your use of medication, saline nasal spray is a good bet.

    Saline nasal spray is an effective way to temporarily reduce nasal congestion, but how does saline nasal spray work?

    How Do I Do It

    Saline Care

    You can use a nasal cup, also known as a neti pot, and nasal saline salt packs. You can get these at many pharmacies. To use a nasal cup, follow three steps:

    Mix the solution. Follow the directions on the salt package to make salt water using lukewarm water. Put 4 fl oz of the solution in the nasal cup.

  • Position the nasal cup. Lean over the sink so you are looking down into the basin. Turn your head slightly to one side, and gently put the spout of the nasal cup into your upper nostril so that it forms a comfortable seal. Do not press the spout against the middle part of your nose.

  • Pour the solution. Tip the nasal cup so that the solution pours into your upper nostril. Make sure to breathe through your mouth. The solution will soon drain out of your other nostril . When the cup is empty, breathe out through both nostrils to clear out extra salt water and mucus. Gently blow your nose into a tissue. Then, repeat the process in the other nostril.

  • A variety of squirt and spray bottles are also available for nasal irrigation.

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    Should I Use A Nasal Spray For A Sinus Infection

    Nasal sprays are often used to soothe symptoms caused by a sinus infection or acute sinusitis. Symptoms of a sinus infection can include inflammation in the nose, congestion, postnasal drip, runny nose with green or yellow mucus, cough, sinus pain and more. There are four main types of nasal sprays: corticosteroids, nasal decongestants, sodium chloride, and cromolyn sodium.

    Corticosteroid and sodium chloride nasal sprays are used to help soothe allergy symptoms such as a stuffy nose. Nasal decongestants relieve nasal congestion in the upper respiratory tract. Cromolyn sodium is an anti-inflammatory medication helpful in treating sinus infections caused by allergies. One of our allergists can determine which spray will best treat your symptoms.

    How To Wean Yourself Off Nasal Spray

    Afrin, Oxymetazoline, Neo-Synephrine, Phenylephrine, and other over-the-counter decongestant sprays are common short-term remedies against nasal blockages, colds, sinusitis, and allergies. Afrin and other related decongestant nasal sprays These are popular over-the-counter nasal sprays that treat nasal congestion and nasal blockages caused by sinusitis, upper respiratory tract infections, or allergies. Sources: 3, 7

    Nasal spray types Nasal spray is a type of drug that is inhaled through the nose. Nasal sprays containing phenylephrine, neo-synephrine, oxymetazoline, or xylometazoline are considered decongestant nasal sprays. These sprays contain an effective vasoconstricting agent that essentially reduces blood flow to a persons nose when the spray is used, resulting in a reduction in edema of the nasal mucosa. Sources: 7, 8

    Nasal sprays contain corticosteroids to reduce swelling in the nasal passages. Saline sprays act like mucus to flush out irritating substances before they cause inflammation. If the nose is irritated by dry winter air, salt sprays can add healing moisture. Sources: 8

    Some patients succeed by replacing the nasal spray with an oral decongestant, and they can wean themselves off the spray in a few days or weeks. Others try weaning by reducing the strength of the spray or diluting it with a saline solution. Prescription steroid pills or sprays may be helpful in some situations but should be used under the supervision of a doctor. Sources: 9

    Cited Sources

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    What Are The Differences Between Decongestants And Antihistamines

    are most commonly used to treat nasal or sinus congestion, while antihistamines are often used for the treatment of allergies and can also reduce drainage associated with a runny nose, postnasal drip, or watery, itchy eyes.

    While decongestants are generally considered safe, there are a few side effects that you should be aware of:

    • Patients with heart problems or high blood pressure may not be able to safely use decongestants, as they can cause your blood pressure to increase. Make sure to talk to your doctor before using a decongestant if you have pre-existing heart conditions or high blood pressure.

    Antihistamines are commonly used for the treatment of allergies, but they may also be useful when you have a cold. Antihistamines are a type of medication that blocks the action of a chemical produced by the body called histamine, which is typically produced in response to the presence of an allergen.

    Histamine causes the tissues inside the nasal passages to swell and itch, causing you to start sneezing and developing a runny nose. While histamine typically is not considered responsible for causing a runny nose and sneezing if youre sick with a virus or illness like the common cold, use of antihistamine nasal sprays or pills may help reduce congestion nonetheless.

    Antihistamines are commonly used and can be purchased over the counter or with a prescription, but they are associated with a few side effects, including:

    • Drowsiness

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