Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Control Sinus Allergies

Colds And Allergies Are The Main Risk Factors For Developing Sinusitis

How to Recognize and Control Nasal Allergies with Dr. Kenneth Babe

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses, commonly caused by bacterial infection following a viral infection such as the common cold. Other risk factors for developing sinusitis include untreated allergies, crooked nasal anatomy, smoking, nasal polyps and overuse of decongestant nasal sprays.

There is no sure-fire way to prevent sinusitis. But there are some things that might help.

  • Donât smoke, and avoid other peopleâs smoke.
  • Wash your hands often, especially during cold and flu season, and try not to touch your face.
  • Stay away from things you know youâre allergic to. Talk to your doctor to see if you need prescription medicines, allergy shots, or other forms of immunotherapy.

If your sinus problems keep coming back, ask your doctor about the pros and cons of surgery to clean and drain the sinuses.

What’s Causing Your Allergies

An allergy is when your immune system reacts to something thats normally harmless to most people. If you come into contact with a substance that your immune system views as a threat, called an allergen, it responds by releasing a chemical called histamine and other substances, says Lakiea Wright, M.D., a Board Certified Physician in Internal Medicine and Allergy and Immunology.

And that’s what feels like trouble to you. Whether your immune system thinks it’s threatened by anything from pollen and mold to animals and food, you might find yourself sneezing, blowing your nose, and rubbing your bloodshot and teary eyes all day long.

If you want some relief in addition to allergy medicationsand in a 2017 survey of allergists, 81 percent said they had patients who did want alternative or natural allergy remediesthere are a few non-drug remedies that may help.

What Are The Differences Between Sinus Infections And Allergies

There are two different kinds of sinus infections, viral and bacterial.

Viral infections are far more commonthey cause nearly all sinus infections. These types of infections can be uncomfortable, but do get better on their own.

Bacterial sinusitis is less common, and generally starts as a viral infection .

Once the sinuses and nasal passages are swollen and inflamed, bacteria can grow and gradually infect the lining of the facial and nasal cavities, leading to more severe and long-standing symptoms.

Allergies can cause a wide spectrum of symptoms.

They occur as a result of the immune system reacting to allergens like pollen, pet dander, dust, and other triggers.

Once the body has a negative reaction, the immune system responds by releasing a chemical called histamine, which causes an allergic reaction.

What causes allergies are specific to the patient, and each allergy sufferer may have slightly different symptoms in response.

While most allergies appear during childhood and adolescence, they can also develop in response to new triggers as an adult.

Indoor and outdoor causes for allergic reactions can include:

  • Pollen from trees, grass, plants, and weeds
  • Pet hair or dander


Sinus Infection

If severe enough, chronic allergies can lead to allergic rhinitis, which is often confused with the common cold.

Symptoms for allergic rhinitis include headaches, sneezing, congestion, fogginess, skin rash, and itchy eyes.

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Engage In Regular Exercise

A small 2018 study found that patients who did regular aerobic exercise for eight weeks saw improvements in allergy symptoms including nasal congestion, sneezing, and itching

If aerobic exercise doesn’t interest you, yoga may also help bring relief. A small 2019 study had a group of allergy patients do an hour of hatha yoga three times a week for eight weeks. The patients who did yoga regularly saw improved allergy symptoms due to reduced nasal blood flow and nasal inflammation.

Additionally, a small 2019 study found that people with allergies who exercised outdoors during the winter had reduced airway inflammation and saw improved allergy symptoms.

Note: When planning to exercise outside during allergy season, check the pollen count in your area and try to go when levels are lowest. Or exercise inside.

A Previous Nasal Fracture

Allergy_Sinus_Pack, preventative maintenance, at home care, natural ...

Nasal bones are the most commonly broken bones in the body. Sometimes they heal well on their own, or they seem as if they did. Over time, you may experience signs or symptoms that the nose didnt heal as well as youd hoped. In fact, your previously fractured nose may have set in a crooked position. Or, the break may have been worse than you knew, leading to fractures deeper in the sinus cavities that didnt heal well.

Anyone who has broken their nose in the past is at higher risk for chronic sinus infections, so make sure to mention your nasal fracture history when you make an appointment with our office.

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Minimise Exposure To Allergens

If you know which allergens trigger your hay fever, reducing your exposure to them may reduce symptoms.

If pollens are causing your hay fever, these tips may help:

  • Stay indoors until after midday, especially when the pollen count is high, its windy or after thunderstorms .
  • Wear sunglasses, carry tissues, shower when you arrive home, and rinse your eyes with water.
  • If your trigger is grass, avoid mowing, playing or walking in grassy areas, and don’t go camping.
  • Keep windows closed at home and in the car, and use recirculating air conditioning in the car.
  • Avoid outdoor picnics during pollen season.
  • Try to plan holidays out of the pollen season, or holiday at the seaside.
  • If gardening at home, research which plants are less likely to trigger hay fever. Remove any weeds or vegetation outside your bedroom window that might trigger symptoms.

How To Spot Symptoms Of Seasonal Allergies And Prevent Them From Becoming Sinus Infections

The start of fall means back-to-school, football and pumpkin-flavored everything. It also brings a higher occurrence of sinus infections.

Sinus infections are very common they affect an estimated one in eight adults each year, and Americans spend more than $1 billion annually on over-the-counter-medications to treat them, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. It can be tricky to identify them, though, because many sinus infection symptoms are also associated with the common cold.

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If symptoms like congestion or post-nasal drip last more than 10 days, its likely a sign you have a bacterial sinus infection and need to see a doctor, said Dr. Tran Locke, an ear, nose and throat specialist at Baylor College of Medicine. Those longer-lasting symptoms can be frustrating to deal with until they clear up, she said.

They will eventually resolve, Locke said. Its just that youre going to be miserable for longer.

The sinuses are cavities in the bones of the face, connected by small channels. They produce a thin mucus that keeps the nose moist, and air passes through them as you breathe.

If they become inflamed a condition known as sinusitis mucus may become trapped and build up, creating a breeding ground for bacteria.

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What Are The Treatment Options

Sinusitis is treated differently based on the cause. Most cases of acute sinusitis, about 98 percent, are caused by a virus, not bacteria, and should not be treated with antibiotics. Acute viral sinusitis may be treated using pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, steroid nasal sprays, or salt water irrigation in the nose. These treatments are also good options for acute bacterial sinusitis. Most people get better naturally from acute bacterial sinusitis, called watchful waiting, but some patients with acute bacterial sinusitis may get better faster with an antibiotic.

Chronic sinusitis is treated differently than acute sinusitis. Because chronic sinusitis is caused more by inflammation than infection, the treatments for chronic sinusitis aim to control the inflammation. Salt water nasal irrigation and/or nasal steroid sprays are the main treatments for the symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Antibiotics may sometimes be helpful but not always.

Other factors, including allergies, nasal polyps, asthma, and problems with the bodys ability to fight infections, can go along with sinusitis and make it worse unless they are also treated.

X-rays or CT scans of the sinuses are not necessary to diagnose uncomplicated sinusitis if you have the symptoms of sinusitis . If your doctor suspects a complication or if you have repeated episodes or prolonged sinus symptoms, a CT scan of your sinuses may be needed.


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Breathe In Steam With Hot Moist Air

Take Back Control from Your Allergies with Nasacort

How to get rid of jaw pain from sinus infection. You could use decongestants that are available over the counter. Sinusitis usually occurs after a viral upper respiratory infection or cold and includes thick, discolored nasal mucus, decreased sense of smell, and pain in one cheek or upper teeth. Through the use of sinus infection cures, you can lower the risk of jaw discomfort and facial pain caused.

Fortunately, youâll get relief as soon as you relieve sinus pressure. Another home remedy that can be quite helpful is a steam vaporizer. The sinuses are linked together, and connected to the.

Theyre lined with mucous membranes that respond to allergens and infection. These usually come in the form of nasal sprays. When you come down with a sinus infection, your doctor may put you on the following treatments:

And also give you medications for pain relief from sinus infection jaw pain. Antibiotics to treat bacterial infections Decongestants reduce the amount of mucus in the sinuses.

Menachof, md, has specialized in conditions around the head, throat, ear, nose, neck and face for over 20 years, and was the first to bring sublingual allergy drops to colorado in 2005. To ease the pain of sinus infection symptoms, there are several home remedies that can help. They may also fill with a green.

But you should limit your use to no more than three days. Sinusitis means infection or inflammation of the sinuses. Home remedies for sinus infection jaw pain.

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Nutritional Medicine Treatment For Sinusitis

Sinus infections, the cause of untold misery, strike hundreds of thousand of Australians each year. The cause of sinus problems is inflammation and blockage of the nasal passageways. Infective material builds up in the sinuses, bacteria colonise and flourish, making the patient feel very unwell.

Nutritional factors, specifically longer duration of breast-feeding and avoidance of early introduction of potentially allergenic foods, appear to reduce the likelihood that an infant will develop allergies. New mothers are advised to breast-feed their infants for at least six months and avoid introducing known allergic foods, such as cows milk, eggs, fish, nuts, corn, wheat, soy, and cocoa, during the first year.

Nutritional medicine assessment for sinusitis begins with taking a thorough medical history in order to identify any allergic triggers. If you are prone to allergies or hay fever, avoid allergic triggers, such as suspect foods, pollen, dust mites, pet dander, mould, and cockroaches.

Chronic sinusitis can be a stubborn problem but there are safe, effective natural treatments available. In reality, how often you get sinusitis and how long the problem lasts is in your hands.

Visit A Sinus Specialist In Detroit

If all else fails, schedule an appointment with your local sinus specialist or ENT doctor. Detroit Sinus Center offers a variety of sinus treatments ranging from prescription medications to non-invasive surgeries. Well help you through allergy season so you can breathe easy once again. Contact us today to schedule your appointment with our sinus specialists in Detroit!

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Options For Sinus Surgery

An ENT specialist may consider sinus surgery if treatment with over-the-counter and prescription medication fails to treat a chronic sinus infection. The goal of sinus surgery is to clean out infected sinuses and open up any blocked passageways so sinuses can drain naturally.

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery involved using a thin tube with a camera is passed into the nasal cavity to perform one of three procedures.

Ethmoidectomy the ethmoid sinuses located between the eyes and bridge of the nose are a common site of infection in children. If the ethmoid sinuses are blocked, the infection can spread to the other sinuses. Any infected tissue and bone that blocks natural drainage is surgically removed.

Maxillary antrostomy unblocks the drainage passageways of the maxillary sinuses located deep to the cheekbones a common site of infection in adults.

If the septum becomes deviated after a direct blow to the face, breathing through the nose is obstructed and sinus infections are more likely. The turbinates usually swell, which obstructs airflow. A septoplasty involves straightening the nasal septum and returning the turbinates to their normal position and function.

Otc Medications For Allergies

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If these natural remedies and lifestyle changes are not cutting it for you, you may want to try over the counterallergy medicines, including antihistamines like Claritin, Xyzal, and Zyrtec. These are what are called second-generation antihistamines, which means they are less likely to cause drowsiness, Mehdizadeh says.

You can also try Benadryl, which is a first-generation antihistamine. Meaning it’s more likely to cause drowsiness and is best to take at night.

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Prescription Treatments For Allergic Rhinitis

If over-the-counter medicines arenât giving you relief, you might need prescription drugs. Prescription treatments for allergic rhinitis include:

Steroid nasal sprays. You already know about the OTC nasal sprays. There are also some versions that need a prescription. âThe great thing about steroid sprays is that with just one medication, you can treat the congestion, the itchiness, and the sneezing,â says Corinna Bowser, MD, an allergist in Pennsylvania. Examples include beclomethasone dipropionate , budesonide , fluticasone propionate , mometasone , and triamcinolone . Budenoside, fluticasone propionate, and triamcinolone are available without a prescription.

If you are concerned about taking a steroid, experts stress that these are very safe drugs. One key advantage of nasal sprays is that they focus the medication on the affected area — in your nose — and deliver with minimal risk instead of circulating it throughout your body.

Prescription antihistamines and decongestants. Your doctor may also recommend a prescription antihistamine pill like desloratadine or levocetirizine . Some prescription antihistamines also contain a decongestant. Azelastine is a nasal spray antihistamine thatâs often used alongside steroid sprays. Antihistamines also come as prescription eye drops.

Get Plenty Of Vitamin C

Antioxidants like vitamin C can help your body fight inflammation and may also ease allergy symptoms.

In one large 2013 study among children in Korea, those with an increased vitamin C intake had fewer allergy symptoms. A small 2020 study also found that allergy sufferers who took daily vitamin C supplements improved their allergy symptoms.

Recommended Reading: Sinus Congestion Vs Sinus Infection

Allergy Experts In Tampa

Our team of board-certified allergy and immunology specialists at Allergy Tampa will work with you to determine the underlying cause of your nasal congestion, as well as put you on the path toward recovery by making an accurate diagnosis of your condition.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment with one of our physicians, call 971-9743 or request an appointment with our online form.

Kaplan Sinus Relief Can Help You Manage Your Allergic Rhinitis Symptoms

Treating allergies: How to control your allergies

Although there may not be a conclusive answer for how to cure allergic rhinitis permanently, you can still work towards finding relief. When it comes to treatment for allergic rhinitis, there are many options that you can choose from. Kaplan Sinus Relief offers our patients a variety of treatment options so that you can choose what may be most comfortable for you.

Call 766-1818 to request a consultation with Dr. Kaplan or schedule an appointment online today.

More Helpful Articles by Kaplan Sinus Relief:

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Inhale Diffused Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil has a strong odor that often helps patients find instant relief from sinusitis. Research has found that cineole, the main ingredient in eucalyptus oil, helps people recover from sinus infections more quickly than those who dont use eucalyptus oil. You can inhale eucalyptus oil through a diffuser, or rub some on your temples and chest to open your breathing passages. You can even use food-grade eucalyptus oil and place a drop on the roof of your mouth.

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When To See A Doctor

You dont necessarily have to see your doctor for your allergies. The exception is if youve never been diagnosed with allergies before or if your allergies seem to be getting worse.

You should also see your doctor if your OTC antihistamines arent working. They might recommend prescription medications instead. If your allergies have you particularly congested, they might also prescribe a .

Since sinus infections are caused by viruses, antibiotics dont generally help. However, if your symptoms worsen or last longer than two weeks, you should see your doctor for some relief.

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Eye Drops And Nasal Sprays

Eye drops and nasal sprays can help relieve itchiness and other allergy-related symptoms for a short time. However, depending on the product, you may need to avoid long-term use.

Like decongestants, overusing certain eye drops and nose drops can also cause a rebound effect.

Corticosteroids can help with inflammation and immune responses. These do not cause a rebound effect. Steroid nasal sprays are commonly recommended as a long-term, useful way to manage allergy symptoms. They are available both over the counter and by prescription.

Talk to your doctor before starting a regimen of any allergy treatment to make sure you are taking the best medications for your symptoms. You doctor can also help you determine which products are made for short-term use and which are designed for long-term management.

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