Monday, September 16, 2024

Is Sinus Congestion A Sign Of Pregnancy

For Those Who Are Charting

Sinusitis & Sinus Problems During Pregnancy

If you have been charting your cycles while trying to conceive, you will have further indications of your fertility and your possible pregnancy. If you are serious about becoming pregnant, you should consider purchasing a basal body thermometer and taking your temperature every morning at the same time. Your basal temperature is taken when you are at rest and have been sleeping for at least three hours. Your temperature should be taken before you speak or rise in the morning. Temperatures can be taken either orally or vaginally.

If you have been charting your fertility, you probably have a good idea of how basal temperature taking works, but I will cover the subject in brief:

How Do I Get Rid Of Pregnancy Rhinitis

You wont be able to make the rhinitis go away on its own, so the best thing to do is address the symptoms. Nasal irrigation and nasal strips can open your passageways and help you breathe easier. Do not use nasal decongestants, though, as they are not safe to use when pregnant.

Drinking lots of water can help. Running a humidifier can help make the air in your home, and thus your nasal cavities, moist. Hot showers can help with this, too.

Try to avoid anything that might aggravate your nose further, like cigarette smoke. If you have allergies, try to avoid whatever triggers them.

Elevating your head at night might help you breathe easier and thus get a full, restful night of sleep.

Fortunately, pregnancy rhinitis symptoms usually disappear within two weeks of your babys birth. Instead of concentrating on pregnancy and a stuffy nose, you can spend your time focusing on the new love of your life.

This blog is forinformational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consultyour physician. Are you looking for an ENT doctor for you or any members of your family? Call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.

What Are The Causes For Nasal Congestion

Congestion happens when your nose gets clogged up and inflamed. Most common causes of congestion are minor illnesses. Stuffy noses can be caused by a cold, the flu or sinus infections. Most illness-related congestion improves in one week. Its usually a sign of a more serious health problem if it lasts for longer than a week. There are several possible causes for persistent nasal congestion.

  • Allergies
  • A long-lasting sinus infection is known as chronic Sinitis
  • A deviated Septum

Nasal congestion can also occur during pregnancy. This is usually at the end of the 1st trimester. This can be caused by hormonal fluctuations or increased blood supply during pregnancy. These changes can cause the nasal membranes to become inflamed or dry and bleed.

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Early Signs Of A Potential Pregnancy

Whether you are excited about the possibility or fearful of being pregnant, sometimes you want to know as early as possible if you are actually pregnant. How can you tell if you might be pregnant?

Here are some signs and symptoms that a woman may experience early on that indicate that she may be pregnant:

Many of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy, especially early on, can easily be confused with symptoms that can occur because of other illnesses or physical issues. Each woman is different and experiences different symptoms during pregnancy.

Taking a pregnancy test is the next step in determining whether you are pregnant or not. At the Resource Center, we offerfree, confidential pregnancy tests for any woman who suspects that she may be pregnant. We also offer free pre-abortion screenings and private options evaluations with trained advocates and medical professionals.

Blood And Urine Tests

Nasal Congestion: Causes, Picture, Symptoms, and Treatment

check for the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin . A person might take an over-the-counter test at home, or they might visit a clinic and provide a urine or blood sample for testing.

The body produces hCG after implantation. Some rare conditions and diseases can also raise levels of this hormone. It is a good idea for anyone who has received a positive test result to have this confirmed by a healthcare professional.

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What Can I Take For Indigestion And Heartburn

Tums, Maalox and Mylanta are all recommended options to help relieve indigestion and heartburn caused by the increase in progesterone and pressure from your uterus. You can also try eating smaller, more frequent meals and avoid eating 2-3 hours before bed to help stop indigestion or heartburn. If it continues, talk to your doctor about possible prescription medications you might be able to take.

The Most Common Causes Of Nasal Congestion Are:

  • a stuffy, runny nose
  • mucus buildup
  • swollen nasal tissue

Home made remedies are a good solution to relieve nasal congestion, caused by the common flu. If you have persistent congestion, medical attention may be necessary. Otherwise, you can buy a lot of natural remedies online, or simply you can ask your grandma for a home made recipe.

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Obstetric Care In Northern And Central New Jersey

It should be noted, however, that many of the above signs and symptoms do not necessarily mean you are pregnant. They may simply indicate that your period is about to start. Also, you may not experience many of these symptoms and still be pregnant.

So, how do you know for sure? You could take a home pregnancy test and, if it is positive, confirm your pregnancy with one of our board-certified obstetricians at NJ Best OB/GYN, so you can start your prenatal care right away.

At NJ Best OB/GYN, we will be with you every step of the wayfrom the first trimester of your pregnancy all the way through your postpartum phaseto help ensure you have a healthy, safe journey with zero or minimal complications.

To learn more about our obstetric services or to schedule an appointment with one of our providers, contact us today at 221-3122, or you can also use our online appointment request form.

Pain Due To Headaches Or Sore Throat

Sinus Relief During Pregnancy | Relieving Nasal Congestion Druring Pregnancy


Acetaminophen is a first-choice medication for pain relief in pregnant people. Some researchers suggest that taking acetaminophen during pregnancy might not be as safe as previously thought. But ACOG still recommends it as one of the only safe pain relievers expectant mothers can take.

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Is It A Cold Or The Flu

The best way to tell the difference between a cold and the flu is to take account of the typical symptoms.

  • A cold is milder than the flu. Its symptoms come on gradually and typically you only run a low-grade to no fever. It generally starts off with a sore throat that goes away after a day or two, a cold ends with the main symptoms of a runny nose and cough.
  • Influenza, commonly called the flu, is more severe and the onset is more sudden than a cold. Symptoms include a high fever , headache, chills, a sore throat that typically worsens by the second or third day, intense muscle soreness, and a general feeling of weakness and fatigue. These symptoms, along with sneezing and a cough, can last a couple of weeks or longer.

More Than Just A Stuffy Nose

Pregnancy rhinitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the nose. This causes nasal congestion. Increased blood flow to the nasal passages and enlargement of the nasal veins also play a role.

Symptoms occur during pregnancy. They can last for several weeks. On top of feeling uncomfortable, your sleep may be disrupted. This is because the congestion gets worse when you lie down. This may make you to feel more tired during the day. Long-lasting congestion also can lead to complications. These can include sinusitis and ear infections.

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What Is Pregnancy Rhinitis

The condition of nasal congestion during pregnancy actually has a name. Pregnancy rhinitis is the result of estrogen causing the lining of nasal passages to swell. It also causes the blood vessels in your nose to swell, resulting in more congestion. According to Healthline, the condition is fairly common as it can affect up to 42% of pregnant women. It can start early in the first trimester and usually gets worse as the pregnancy progresses. It will eventually disappear after giving birth.

How Are Pregnancy And Stuffy Nose Related

How To Relieve Your Babyâs Nasal Congestion

What youre experiencing is called pregnancy rhinitis, a condition that can affect more than 40 percent of pregnant women. Symptoms include sneezing, congestion, and a runny nose. While women can get it any time during their pregnancy, pregnancy rhinitis most often manifests itself either very early or very late in the pregnancy.

There are several possible reasons pregnancy might make breathing difficult. First, increased blood flow might cause the blood vessels in your nose swell. Second, your increased estrogen levels can cause your nasal passage linings to swell.

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Causes Of A Congested Nose While Pregnant

Pregnancy rhinitis is thought to be caused by hormonal changes. Increases in hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, and placental growth hormone can cause the lining of the nasal passage to swell, which increases mucus production. This theory is further backed up by the fact that some people report congestion symptoms during their menstrual cycles or with the use of birth control pills.

Some other potential causes are:

  • More blood circulates through the body during pregnancy. This can cause the blood vessels in the nose to swell, which can lead to nasal congestion.
  • Blood flow to the mucous membranes increases, which can produce excess mucus and feelings of congestion.
  • Sometimes the cause is a natural enlargement of the nasal veins, which can occur during pregnancy.
  • People who have allergies pre-pregnancy are more likely to experience allergy symptoms during their pregnancy as well.

When Do Congestion And Nosebleeds Generally Start During Pregnancy

Nasal congestion is a classic sign of pregnancy so dont be surprised if you develop a case of stuffiness and even a few nosebleeds around week 16. In fact, stopped-up noses are so commonplace that congestion affected a whopping 65 percent of pregnant women enrolled in one study.

And if you think youll get a break from the dripping and blowing in a later trimester, thats usually not the case. Congestion during pregnancy tends to stick with you to the very end. Remember keep the tissues or a few hankies handy!

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What Treatments Are Available

The first step toward relief is a visit with your doctor to rule out infection, such as COVID-19, influenza, or sinusitis. We may also recommend testing for concerns such as sinusitis or pregnancy tumor â a non-cancerous growth of blood vessels that may appear during pregnancy.

From there, your doctor and Ob/Gyn may suggest:

  • Getting regular exercise: Working out has been shown to significantly help relieve nasal congestion and regulate the sleep cycle. All the more reason to bust a move during pregnancy!
  • Elevating your mattress: Try positioning the mattress so your whole body is situated at a 45-degree angle. While not widely studied, patients have reported that this helps clear the nasal passages enough to sleep.
  • Using a humidifier: Adding a little moisture to the air can help alleviate nasal irritation. Many patients use them at night to wake up feeling less stuffy.
  • Trying a sinus wash: Nasal saline sprays or sinus irrigation systems such as a neti pot can help clear the sinuses. Make sure to use distilled or boiled water â using water straight from the tap is not recommended.

In general, pregnant patients can take decongestants that include pseudoephedrine as directed. However, we always recommend talking with your Ob/Gyn first, especially if you have high blood pressure.

To talk with a doctor about nasal symptoms during pregnancy, call orrequest an appointment online.

Food Cravings And Aversions

Is it normal to have nosebleeds and congestion during pregnancy?

These are common throughout pregnancy, and they may result from hormonal and physical changes, rather than shifting nutritional requirements.

The underlying cause of food cravings and aversions is still unclear. Different people seek out and avoid different foods.

Regardless, it is important to take in the right amounts of nutrients and calories.

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Is A Stuffy Nose An Early Sign Of Pregnancy

Most women don’t know that a stuffy nose is a symptom of pregnancy, but it can be! According to the Association of Otolaryngologists of India, the rise of hormones can lead to an increase in blood supply, which leads to the swelling of the nasal passages. It also increases the thickness of mucus. Nasal discharge and blockage worsens during the third trimester due to an increase in plasma and fluid moving to extravascular spaces. Keep in mind, however, that a stuffy nose can also be a sign of allergies or illness and needs to be considered in conjunction with other symptoms.

Why Am I So Congested

Estrogen is one of the hormones of life during pregnancy, which can translate to side effects. The nasal membranes swell when a large amount of estrogen is in the body.

Blood volume is another reason for sinus congestion during pregnancy. There are many tiny blood vessels in the nose, and with blood volume increasing up to 40%, the nose will have more than its share of blood. In addition to the swelling and sinus congestion felt during pregnancy, there could be an increase in nosebleeds, especially in women who have frequent nosebleeds before they are pregnant.

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Are You Experiencing Pregnancy Rhinitis

You may have pregnancy rhinitis if you only experience congestion and a runny nose. You may also experience other symptoms, such as:

  • Allergic rhinoitis. You will almost always experience sneezing, itching, and/or swelling in your eyes, nose, and throat if allergies are the reason for your stuffy nose. Preexisting allergies can change during pregnancy, so be aware that they may get worse or better. It is possible to develop allergies during pregnancy for the first-time.
  • Flu or cold. Its more likely that you have a flu or pregnancy rhinitis.
  • Sinusitis. Bacterial and viral infections can cause stuffy noses, which can lead to sinusitis. a sinus infection. Sinusitis can cause other symptoms than stuffiness, such as fever, headache and green or yellow mucus.
  • COVID-19. Youre more likely than others to get pregnant congestion from COVID-19. You may also experience fatigue, a cough, and fever. However, research shows that pregnant women are less likely to develop COVID-19 symptoms even though they are at higher risk for severe COVID-19 complications. Bottom line: Even though it is unlikely that you might have COVID-19 symptoms if your congestion is mild, it can still be a problem. If you are concerned, you should get tested.

You wont always know what is causing your congestion in pregnancy. Its also possible there could be more than one reason. You could also have allergies or pregnancy rhinitis.

Sinus Infection While Pregnant

Rhinitis Of Pregnancy How Early

Pregnancy comes with its own set of challenges that can make dealing with a sinus infection much harder than normal. For one, you are more likely to get sick, as pregnancy suppresses the immune system.

These natural changes in immunity exist to strike a balance between the mothers health and to protect the baby from disease. Additionally, certain parts of the immune system are suppressed to prevent the body from rejecting the fetus as something foreign.

While these are all natural functions, they unfortunately make sinusitis a pervasive threat, particularly for those who have been susceptible to infections in the past. Additionally, several conventional sinusitis treatments are unsafe for pregnant women, so it is important to know what you can and cannot use to treat your sinus infection while pregnant.

The good news is that, despite these challenges, a sinus infection will most likely not affect your unborn child. The first step is to determine whether or not you have sinusitis.

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Sinus Congestion During Pregnancy

Do you have stuffed sinuses? If you do, you are not alone. Nearly every woman will suffer sinus congestion during pregnancy. Sinus congestion during pregnancy is extremely common. Nearly 1/3 of all pregnancies are affected by sinus congestion without any link to nasal allergies or other infections. Some researchers believe this congestion of the nasal membranes is related to the increase in estrogen and blood flow.

How Long Does Nasal Congestion Last During Pregnancy

As with many conditions of pregnancy, youll have to get mentally prepared to live with nasal congestion and nosebleeds for a while. Chances are, your case of pregnancy rhinitis will probably get progressively worse as you go through the nine months and your nose won’t know relief until after delivery. For most women, congestion usually clears up in the first week postpartum.

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Does Pregnancy Make You More Susceptible To Colds

To top off those runny nose feelings, I also feel like Ive had this cold my entire pregnancy. Apparently I’m not alone. Your hormones cause you to produce more mucus when you are pregnant, Glory Guerrero, also a nurse practitioner with Planned Parenthood of South, East and North Florida, explains. Everyone is different some women produce more mucus than others. It depends on your immune system and hormone levels. The amount of mucus produced will vary from one woman to the next.

She also tells Romper that it can happen any time during your pregnancy, but its usually early on. The hormones in your body are now producing extra saliva, affects the amount and thickness of mucus in your membranes, so you may experience more congestion. Not to mention, when youre pregnant your immune system overall is weaker, making you more susceptible to a cold or flu.

All in all, the lesson here is cold or flu-like symptoms are not necessarily a confirmation of a positive pregnancy test or a negative one, Wohlman says. If you experience these symptoms, either wait to see if you miss your period or if the discomfort is too high, go see your medical provider.


Sarah Wohlman, certified midwife and nurse practitioner with Planned Parenthood of South, East, and North Florida

Dr. Jamil Abdur-Rahman, OB-GYN and medical travel writer for TwinDoctorsTV

Dr. Alice Sutton, M.D., FACOG, assistant clinical professor of OB-GYN and reproductive science at UC San Diego

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