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Sinus Medication For Pregnant Women

Common Cold Symptoms During Pregnancy

Treating Pregnancy Symptoms : How to Relieve Sinus Pressure When Pregnant

Generally, a cold will start with a sore or scratchy throat lasting about a day or two, followed by the gradual onset of other symptoms which may include:

  • Sneezing
  • Mild fatigue
  • A runny, then later stuffy nose
  • A dry cough, particularly as the cold is ending which may continue for a week or more after the other symptoms have mostly subsided
  • A low-grade fever typically under 100 degrees Fahrenheit

Cold symptoms usually last between 10 to 14 days. However, if your symptoms persist longer than that time frame or seem to progressively worsen, you should talk to your primary care physician so they can ensure it hasnt turned into something more serious like an infection or the flu.

Why Am I So Congested

Estrogen is one of the hormones of life during pregnancy, which can translate to side effects. The nasal membranes swell when a large amount of estrogen is in the body.

Blood volume is another reason for sinus congestion during pregnancy. There are many tiny blood vessels in the nose, and with blood volume increasing up to 40%, the nose will have more than its share of blood. In addition to the swelling and sinus congestion felt during pregnancy, there could be an increase in nosebleeds, especially in women who have frequent nosebleeds before they are pregnant.

Best Treatment Options For Sinusitis During Pregnancy

Sinusitis occurs when your sinuses become inflamed and swollen, which keeps mucus from draining properly. If you have a sinus infection while youre pregnant, this can make being sick feel even worse. Youll be concerned with finding a way to effectively treat your symptoms without harming your baby.

In this blog, the sinus specialists at DFW Sinus Select will explain the best treatment options for sinusitis during pregnancy.

Recommended Reading: Advil Cold And Sinus Warnings

Sinus Congestion During Pregnancy

Do you have stuffed sinuses? If you do, you are not alone. Nearly every woman will suffer sinus congestion during pregnancy. Sinus congestion during pregnancy is extremely common. Nearly 1/3 of all pregnancies are affected by sinus congestion without any link to nasal allergies or other infections. Some researchers believe this congestion of the nasal membranes is related to the increase in estrogen and blood flow.

Can I Take Cold Medicine While Pregnant Or Breastfeeding

Medications During Pregnancy

There are certain cold medicines that are considered safe to take while you are pregnant or breastfeeding. The safety of using over-the-counter cold medication while pregnant or breastfeeding depends on the specific medicines within the products, how far along you are in your pregnancy, and any other medical conditions you may have. You should only use cold medicines for the shortest time possible to help with your symptoms. Always be sure to check with your health care provider or pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter cold medicines during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

The American Pregnancy Association recommends limiting the amount of over-the-counter cold medicines you take and trying certain home remedies to alleviate symptoms. They promote washing your hands regularly, drinking plenty of fluids, getting ample amounts of rest, eating well, and only using medications to treat the symptoms you are experiencing. As a home remedy for sinus congestion, they recommend using a humidifier, keeping your head elevated on a pillow while resting, and/or using adhesive nasal strips. For sore throat, they recommend sucking on ice chips, drinking warm herbal tea , or gargling warm salt water.1

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Achieve Healthy Sinuses Before And After Pregnancy At Kaplan Sinus Relief

If you or a loved one are planning to get pregnant in the near future, now is the time to address pre-existing sinus problems. Effective treatments like balloon sinuplasty can eliminate sinus issues for years at a time. Similarly, if your sinus issues do not clear up after your pregnancy, it may be time to seek long-term relief.

Whether you are pre-pregnancy, post-pregnancy, or currently pregnant, Kaplan Sinus Relief can help you find true sinus relief right here in Houston. To discover a treatment thats right for you, contact today us to schedule an appointment.


When To See Your Doctor

A sinus infection can resolve itself with home treatment. But there are times when you should see a doctor.

Make an appointment with your doctor if your symptoms dont improve with OTC medications or home remedies, or if your symptoms worsen.

Contact your doctor if you have a fever higher than 101°F , or if you start coughing up green or yellow mucus. Also see your doctor if you have recurrent sinus infections.

Leaving a severe sinus infection untreated increases the risk of complications, such as meningitis. Meningitis is inflammation of the membranes in the brain or spinal cord.

An untreated infection can spread to other parts of the body, such as the bones, eyes, and skin. It can also affect your sense of smell.

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Sinus Arrhythmia During Pregnancy

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Sinus arrhythmia in pregnancy is a violation of the frequency of heart rate contractions. With this deviation, everything happens with a special periodicity. The problem can arise both against the background of serious diseases, and some philological conditions. It can be a meal in large quantities, stress, intense physical activity.

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Tips To Consider Before Taking An Otc Drug

SinuSonic for Congestion During Pregnancy
  • Try nondrug measures. For complaints commonly handled by OTC products, nondrug measures can help alleviate symptoms without the risk. For example, stress busters such as massage, meditation, relaxation exercises, or even a walk around the block, can help with tension headaches. And rest, fluids, and chicken soup are a much safer way for pregnant women to deal with symptoms of a cold than antihistamines and decongestants.
  • Consult your healthcare provider. Don’t take anything without first discussing it with your practitioner. There are trade-offs with OTC products, Mitchell said. You have to balance your need to take something with any possible risks.
  • Avoid combination products. Multi-symptom cold and allergy medications typically contain ingredients from the off-limits list. For example, while Tylenol pain reliever is relatively safe for occasional use during pregnancy, Tylenol Sinus Congestion and Pain and Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom liquid contain the decongestant phenylephrine, which is not.
  • Read labels.Ingredients such as alcohol and caffeine turn up in surprising places. For example, Vicks Nyquil Cold & Flu Liquid contains alcohol. And CVS Aspirin-Free Tension Headache, is indeed, free of aspirin, but still contains caffeine.

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Treatment Of Sinus Tachycardia By Folk Remedies

Phytotherapy, or folk remedies, sinus tachycardia is suitable for reflex or compensatory forms of the disease. Can be used as an add-on to medical therapy. It is important, however, that all methods of treating people’s remedies be coordinated with the treating cardiologist.

  • Herbal fees are mainly prepared from plants that have sedative effects. In particular, it is possible to use the dried roses of valerian, grass of the tortoiseshell, and the fruit of the anise. It is important to remember that cooked dishes should be protected from moisture, light and pests. They are usually used in freshly prepared form.
  • Tinctures and infusions are created on the basis of valerian, melissa, coriander. Plants are taken in dried form and, depending on the recipe, insist on a few hours for up to 10 days . Take medications better than courses, between which is a break in two weeks.
  • Herbal teas are very useful for heart muscle, if cooked from such plants as stingray, hawthorn, rosehip, valerian, mint.

Sinus Infection While Pregnant: Medication And Natural Remedies

Sinus pressure, a stuffy nose, and a sore throat? Welcome to a sinus infection during pregnancy. Sinus infections while pregnant at the same time makes being sick even worse.Sinusitis occurs when there is an infection in the lining of one of the four nasal cavities, which can cause inflammation and a nasal obstruction inhibiting the proper drainage of mucus. This can result in symptoms such as a stuffy nose and painful pressure around your cheeks and eyes. Such infections may be caused by a bacteria, virus, or fungus, although the cold is the most common contributing factor of sinus infections. Learn more about dealing with a cold during pregnancy.If you have a sinus infection during pregnancy, you may be tempted to take some medication for a quick fix. However, while certain medications are safe to use during pregnancy, other commonly used medications may not be safe to take while pregnant. You may also find that some home remedies may be just as effective in alleviating your symptoms and helping you recover.

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Taking Tylenol Cold While Pregnant

18 April, 2017

The common cold causes more than just a little misery. Every winter, it attacks and makes many of us sick with headaches, fever, congestion, runny noses, sinus pressure and more.

Plenty of medications exist to ease the discomfort, but for pregnant women there are doubts about taking anything that might hurt the baby. Tylenol Cold comes in several forms that alleviate symptoms from mild to severe, but it is important to examine the individual ingredients to make an educated decision before taking the medication during pregnancy.

When To Contact Your Doctor:

Medications for Sinus Infection While Pregnant ...
  • If you are coughing up green or yellow mucus
  • If you have a fever above 101° F
  • If you cannot eat or sleep

If your infection is not improving, your doctor may prescribe medication. Your doctor will determine the best medication to take that is safe for you and your baby. While sinus infections are not fun, there are ways you can take care of yourself either through medication or home remedies to alleviate your symptoms and promote your recovery.

Want to Know More?

  • Keep track of your medication by downloading the Fetal Life App for Apple and Android endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association. It features medicine tracking, meal recommendations, kicks counter, blood glucose tracking, and much more.

Compiled using information from the following sources:

1. Harms, R. W. . . Mayo Clinic guide to a healthy pregnancy . New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers Inc.

2. Jordan, R. G., Engstrom, J. L., Marfell, J. A., & Farley, C. L. . . Prenatal and postnatal care: A woman-centered approach. Ames, IA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

3. Larson, D. E. . . Mayo Clinic family health book: The ultimate illustrated home medical reference. New York, NY: William Morrow and Company, Inc.

4. Simkin, P., Whalley, J., & Keppler, A. . Pregnancy, childbirth, and the newborn: The complete guide. Gorham, K. . Deephaven, MN: Meadowbrook Press.

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More Than Just A Stuffy Nose

Pregnancy rhinitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the nose. This causes nasal congestion. Increased blood flow to the nasal passages and enlargement of the nasal veins also play a role.

Symptoms occur during pregnancy. They can last for several weeks. On top of feeling uncomfortable, your sleep may be disrupted. This is because the congestion gets worse when you lie down. This may make you to feel more tired during the day. Long-lasting congestion also can lead to complications. These can include sinusitis and ear infections.

Understanding Pregnancy And Post

Welcoming a tiny new family member into your family can be one of lifes most exciting experiences. At the same time, pregnancy can often take a toll on a womans health. One of the least discussed health challenges that accompany pregnancy is the increased risk of developing post-nasal drip. Post-nasal drip during pregnancy is actually quite common 30% of women suffer from chronic sinus issues during their pregnancy.

Why does pregnancy cause sinus problems? What can you do relieve your symptoms? Get the facts that every mom-to-be needs to know!

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Acetaminophen / Phenylephrine Pregnancy Warnings

This drug should be used during pregnancy only if the benefit outweighs the risk to the fetus.AU TGA pregnancy category: B2US FDA pregnancy category: Not assigned:-There is no data on use in pregnant women to know this drugs risks, including the risk of fetal harm or reproductive effects.-Acetaminophen is commonly used during pregnancy and has been assumed safe recent data questions the safety, especially with routine use or varying genetics. -Routine use of acetaminophen during pregnancy is not advised.-Phenylephrine is a sympathomimetic used in emergencies to treat hypotension and alleviate eye and ear allergic symptoms.-Phenylephrine could cause constriction in uterine vessels , reducing uterine blood flow, potentially causing fetal hypoxia.-Phenylephrine may interact with oxytocic or ergot derivatives to cause persistent maternal hypertension cerebral vessel rupture is possible.-Sympathomimetic amines are teratogenic in some animal models, but are not suspected to cause human teratogenicity.-First trimester exposure to phenylephrine may be linked to fetal abnormalities.-Patients with a preeclampsia history should use phenylephrine with caution due to its vasoconstrictive properties.-Phenylephrine may reduce placental perfusion.

What Can I Take For A Cold

Pregnancy FAQs : How to Treat a Sinus Infection During Pregnancy

Most of the over-the-counter cold medications are safe to use, but its important to take medications that only target specific symptoms and avoid combining medications that could be potentially dangerous.

Theraflu and Robitussin are both good options for helping to relieve cold symptoms. You can also use Vicks or Halls cough drops and vapor rubs to relieve a cough or congestion.

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What Sinus Medicine Is Safe When Pregnant

The Hippocratic Oath takes on a much greater meaning for a pregnant woman: âI will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment I will keep them from harm and injustice.âMost people mistakenly assume it says, âFirst, do no harm,â but whichever way a patient wishes to take it, the pregnant patient is thinking not of herself, but of her baby. Sinus medicine may relieve the womanâs symptoms, but at what cost to the baby?

Surgical Treatment Of Sinus Tachycardia

The disease may acquire a malignant course that can not be corrected by medical treatment. To prevent heart failure due to coronary insufficiency, which occurs during prolonged sinus tachycardia, cardiologists are recommended for surgical treatment of arrhythmia.

The main types of surgical therapy for sinus tachycardia:

  • A complete intervention on the heart, expressed in stenting, bypassing, angioplasty of the narrow arteries, as a result of which normal blood flow through the vessels of the heart is restored.
  • Radiofrequency ablation is a modern method of minimally invasive surgical intervention, which consists in burning pathological focuses in the heart.
  • Implantation of a pacemaker is a short-term operation that helps to avoid life-threatening complications associated with the progression of sinus tachycardia.

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Safe Sinus Treatments For Post

Common sinusitis and post-nasal drip treatments such as decongestants, allergy medications, and antibiotics, may be off-limits during a womans pregnancy. However, relief from sinus symptoms is still obtainable for pregnant women.

  • Avoid Allergens: Taking allergy medications can be dangerous for pregnant women, but that doesnt mean they dont have options. Avoid indoor and outdoor allergies so as not to trigger the immune system. If possible, invest in a HEPA air filter to help keep indoor spaces clean and allergy-free.
  • Stay Active: With a doctors approval, keep up a routine of light exercise. Exercise can help reduce the symptoms of pregnancy rhinitis.
  • Adjust Your Diet: During pregnancy, a womans body is far more likely to experience symptoms of acid reflux, which can worsen post-nasal drip. Avoid acid reflux and the accompanying sinus pain by steering clear of very acidic foods, such as chocolate, fruit juices, or drinks that contain caffeine.

Is Blowing Your Nose Bad When Pregnant

Safe Medications to Take While Pregnant

Pregnancy rhinitis is a common condition that causes nasal congestion. These changes can lead to pregnancy rhinitis, a condition that affects 39 percent of women at some point during their pregnancy. During pregnancy, blood flow to the mucous membranes increases. The nose is full of mucous membranes.

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Home Remedies: How To Alleviate A Congestion Naturally

There are many safe home remedies you can use to alleviate your symptoms and recover from a sinus infection:

  • Drink plenty of fluids such as water, broth, and citrus juice. Staying hydrated is important for helping you fight infection and for clearing a stuffy nose.
  • Use saline nasal irrigation or saline nose drops. You can make your own saline drops by combining 1 cup of warm water with 1/8 tsp salt and a tiny pinch of baking soda.
  • Use a humidifier at night. This will help clear nasal passages. You may also lean over a pan of boiling water taken off the stove, place a towel over your head, and breathe in the steam. This helps open your nasal passages and loosens mucus in your chest.
  • Elevating your head with a couple of pillows while lying down may make breathing easier. Using nasal strips also helps open nasal passages.
  • For a sore throat, gargle salt water , drink a warm liquid or suck on ice. Honey and lemon may also soothe a sore throat.
  • Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep as this will help your immune system fight the infection.
  • During pregnancy, it is common to lose your appetite, and feeling sick may not help. However, even if you dont have an appetite, it is important to eat well. If you lose your appetite, it may help to eat smaller meals throughout the day. Make sure you are eating nutrient-dense foods such as fruits and vegetables. Soup may also be a soothing option.

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