Thursday, July 25, 2024

Sinus Pressure In Head When Bending Over

Researchers Are Still Trying To Pinpoint Why Bending Over Makes Covid Headaches Worse

Sinus & Head Cold Advice : How to Relieve Sinus Pressure in the Face

Seema Sarin, MD, director of lifestyle medicine at EHE Health, says that though the exact reason a COVID headache may feel worse when bending over is not yet known, there is one theory that could explain this phenomenon. “It may be related to virus cells attacking nerve endings in the nasal cavity that cause swelling, congestion, and a feeling of pressure in your face. When you bend over, that pressure can increase,” Sarin explains.

However, Chris Bodle, MD, a board certified emergency medicine physician, also offered up two possible COVID-related theories when writing for K Health: dehydration and coughing. The coronavirus can cause dehydration, which can then result in a dehydration headache that increases in pain when you bend over. But the virus can also produce a cough, which could turn into a cough headache that is triggered by coughing and other forms of straining, like bending over. And for more up-to-date information, .

Prolonged Nasal Blockage Or Discharge

If youve been dealing with a runny or stuffy nose for an unusually long period, its likely not due to a cold. Instead, it is commonly a sign of a more substantial sinus issue, such as sinusitis. Infection can often cause your sinuses to swell, making you congested. In contrast, it can also produce a cloudy, green, or yellow nasal discharge that may even bypass your nasal passage and travel down your throat, also known as postnasal drip.

Why Do I Feel Pressure In My Face When I Bend Over

Sinus Headaches

If you are experiencing a fullness/pressure and pain in your cheeks, brow or forehead area, you could be suffering from a sinus headache. The symptoms above are usually accompanied by a stuffy nose, worsening pain when you bend forward or lie down, fatigue and an achy feeling in your upper teeth.

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Strange Sinus Pressure Or Tingling When I Tilt My Head Forward Or Bend Over

Sunshine over a year ago

Ever since I moved from the humid East Coast to the dry air of Calgary, Canada I’ve been experiencing this weird pressure/tingling at the base of my nose, where it connects to my face. It happens when I bend over to tie my shoes or even when I just tilt my head forward to read a book or something. I do a lot of yoga and it doesn’t seem to happen on the mat which makes me think that it’s just when I’m not focused on my breathing. Even on this rainy day I can feel the sinus pressure sitting straight up and of course it worsens when I tilt my head forward. I should also mention that I have yellow bogies in my tissue which isn’t typical. Do I have a sinus infection? I’ve never had any sinus issues in the past and I’m in great shape… it’s just annoying. Thanks.


When Should You Worry About A Headache

Headache Pressure When Bending Over

The following headache symptoms mean you should get medical help right away: A sudden, new, severe headache that comes with: Weakness, dizziness, sudden loss of balance or falling, numbness or tingling, or cant move your body. Trouble with speech, confusion, seizures, personality changes, or inappropriate behavior.

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Your Sinus Headache May Not Be What You Think

Nearly everyone experiences a headache at some point, and the pain can range from mild to debilitating.

Sometimes, headaches are accompanied by pain and pressure in your brow and forehead, and cause nasal symptoms. Many people associate sinus and nasal symptoms with a sinus infection, also called sinusitis, or with an upper respiratory infection, a cold. They may say that they are experiencing a sinus headache. But sinus and nasal symptoms often can signal something else: a migraine headache.

The term “sinus headache” is not an actual medical diagnosis. Studies show that 90% of people with symptoms of a sinus headache are experiencing migraine headaches.

Sinusitis or migraine?

Migraines and headaches from sinusitis are easy to confuse because the signs and symptoms of the two types of headaches may overlap. Also, migraine headaches affect people differently and symptoms can change over time. This is why many who have had migraine headaches in the past are surprised when they begin having sinus and nasal symptoms with a migraine headache.

Sinusitis, however, usually isn’t associated with nausea or vomiting, nor is it aggravated by noise or bright light all common features of migraines.

Previous misdiagnosis

These are a few ways you can tell whether your sinus and nasal symptoms are part of a sinus infection or part of a migraine headache:

Risk factors

Proper diagnosis

  • Confusion or trouble understanding speech
  • Fainting

How Is A Sinus Headache Diagnosed

Most sinus headaches are caused by allergens, environmental irritant, or infections, especially viral infections, like the common cold. In order to determine the cause of your sinus headache, your healthcare provider may conduct a few tests.

The first thing your healthcare provider will do is examine your sinuses. Your practitioner may use her finger to tap on your sinuses to determine if they are tender. She might also use a small light to look inside your sinuses through your nose for swelling and drainage.

If your doctor suspects a sinus infection, she may take a sample of your mucus in order to test it for bacteria or rarely, a fungus. A sinus infection that is caused by a bacteria will typically be treated with antibiotics, while an infection caused by a virus does not require antibiotics. If you suffer from chronic sinus headaches, your healthcare provider may also send you for a CT or MRI of the sinuses.

If a sinus infection is ruled out, your practitioner may wish to examine you for other symptoms. Sometimes it’s discovered that a tension headache is the likely culprit, especially if a person also has a feeling of tightness around their head. A migraine can also cause sinus-type symptoms, but tends to be more intense and occur with other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.

Finally, other mimickers of sinus headache are:

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When Should I Worry About A Headache

A headache typically causes pain in your head, face, or neck area. Get urgent medical attention if you have severe, unusual pain or other signs and symptoms. Your headache may be a sign of an underlying illness or health condition.

What Is Pressure For People How Do They Describe It

How to manage headache while coughing and bending down? – Dr. Satish Babu K
  • pain that is more of a pressure,
  • bordering with brain fog, lack motivation, difficulty thinking, anxiety
  • making simple decisions can be overwhelming
  • visual symptoms visual aura visual snow colored stars dots that sometimes flash
  • often accompanied by stiff neck and jaw
  • tingling in the head, above ears
  • sound of an ocean when describing pressure in head
  • ringing tinnitus
  • “zaps”, or waves after it went through the area – sensitivity changes, sometimes reflected in the different body part, say leg or hand.
  • people are very scared that these symptoms can be caused by tumor in the brain.
  • zaps, tingling, pressure, ringing, numbness. It’s weird and unusual. Nobody around seems to have these.
  • feels as stretched under the skin
  • difference in level of sensitivity on the left and right sides – face, neck, head, back, front, lower body.
  • “turns one side ever so slightly”
  • “one side feels heavier, more sensitive to motion like nodding and turning”
  • “difficult to watch TV or driving without one side of head feeling just “OFF”
  • feeling “out-of-it”

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What Does It Mean When You Bend Down And Your Head Hurts

Dehydration headaches are a secondary headache disorder caused by dehydration, a condition during which you lose more fluids than you take in. If youre dehydrated, youll likely experience head pain that increases when you move your body, particularly when you walk, bend over, or move your head from side to side.

How K Health Can Help

Headaches may be painful but they are treatable. Did you know you can get affordable primary care with the K Health app? , explore conditions and treatments, and if needed text with a doctor in minutes. K Healths AI-powered app is HIPAA compliant and based on 20 years of clinical data.

K Health articles are all written and reviewed by MDs, PhDs, NPs, or PharmDs and are for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute and should not be relied on for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

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What Questions Should I Ask My Doctor

  • I get frequent sinus headaches. Is this the same thing as having a migraine or tension headache?
  • If I also have trouble breathing and have a heavy discharge from my nose, what does that mean?
  • Are migraines a symptom of a potentially bigger problem? Should I get an MRI or see a neurologist?
  • Ive tried over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen and acetaminophen, but they dont always work. Are there other prescription medications I could use instead?
  • How Are Headaches Treated

    Epilepsy, headache and facial pain

    One of the most crucial aspect of treating headaches is figuring out your triggers. Learning what those are typically by keeping a headache log can reduce the number of headaches you have.

    Once you know your triggers, your healthcare provider can tailor treatment to you. For example, you may get headaches when youre tense or worried. Counseling and stress management techniques can help you handle this trigger better. By lowering your stress level, you can avoid stress-induced headaches.

    Not every headache requires medication. A range of treatments is available. Depending on your headache type, frequency and cause, treatment options include:

    Stress management

    Stress management teaches you ways to cope with stressful situations. Relaxation techniques are helpful in managing stress. You use deep breathing, muscle relaxation, mental images and music to ease your tension.


    Biofeedback teaches you to recognize when tension is building in your body. You learn how your body responds to stressful situations and ways to settle it down. During biofeedback, sensors are connected to your body. They monitor your involuntary physical responses to headaches, which include increases in:

    • Breathing rate.
    • Brain activity.


    Occasional tension headaches usually respond well to over-the-counter pain relievers. But be aware that using these medications too often can lead to a long-term daily headache.

    Recommended Reading: Vitamins To Prevent Sinus Infections

    Ingredients In Sinuvil Sinus Formula

    Sinuvil Sinus Formula contains natural ingredients from plants, trees or herbs.Sinuvil’s gentle herbal formula helps stimulate the immune system and activate natural killer cells enabling the body’s own defense mechanism.*

    PELARGONIUM SIDOIDES is a medical plant native to Africa. Clinical studies show that it’s effective for supporting the respiratory tract..* .
    N-ACETYLCYSTEINE is a special form of amino acid cysteine found in egg whites, red pepper or garlic. NAC is widely used in Europe for sinus and lung support. Several clinical studies have found that NAC is highly effective \ . It thins out mucus, draining it out of sinuses and the lungs . NAC protects your cells through its antioxidant activity .*
    QUERCETIN is a flavonoid present in apples, citrus fruits and strawberries. It is the secret behind the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Quercetin has amazing anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting effects. All these activities are caused by the strong antioxidant action of quercetin. Studies have shown improved respiratory function for people who consume plenty of apples . . It not only reduces inflammation ,but also helps compensate for the negative effects of pollution. *
    BUTTERBUR is a plant that grows in northern parts of Europe and Russia. For many centuries, it has been used as an herbal remedy for respiratory health maintenance. A clinical study showed that Butterbur helps improve lung ventilation . *

    Do Tension Headaches Hurt When You Bend Over

    Sinus headache

    Sinus headaches are characterized by pain, fullness, or pressure in your face, nasal congestion or stuffy nose, fatigue, and an achy feeling in your upper teeth. You may feel the pressure, pain, or headache gets worse when bending over or lying down.

    Read Also: How To Cure Chronic Sinus Infection

    Other Signs And Symptoms Of A Brain Tumour

    Other features of headaches have been identified as “red flags,” which may suggest a brain tumour. These include:

    • a change in previous headache pattern
    • if your headaches are associated with:
    • any new muscle weakness, sensory symptoms , or visual symptoms, especially on one side of the body
    • a change in memory, personality, or thinking
    • seizures this does not have to be a full convulsive seizure, but could be a twitching of the hand, arm or leg, or an ‘absence’.

    It is important to remember that all these symptoms can frequently occur in harmless headaches.

    What People Are Being Told The Issue Is

    The Best Way To Relieve Sinus Pressure
    • sinus infection sinusitis
    • some are diagnosed with otosclerosis
    • constriction at the back of the neck can cause/add to these symptoms
    • advised to see neurologist when there’s dizziness and pressure
    • many doctors refer to stress and anxiety as a cause for pressure, dizziness, tingling, numbness, ringing, etc
    • some tell that if there’s jaw pain with ear discomfort and jaw makes a popping noise it can be a dental issue? TMD
    • thyroid issues
    • GAS linked to depleted adrenals

    Read Also: What Can Cure A Sinus Infection

    When To Seek Medical Care

    For people with known allergic triggers to sinus headaches, management is often possible without routine medical care simply by relieving symptoms with over-the-counter medications and, when possible, avoiding what causes the allergies.Call your doctor if:

    • You have head pain over your sinus and develop a fever, or you have a problem with your immune system.
    • You symptoms are worsening in ways not experienced before.
    • You develop new symptoms not typical of prior headache.
    • A particularly severe headache occurs.
    • Alteration or loss of consciousness occurs.
    • Headache persists longer than 56 days, particularly with symptoms that are worsening.
    • Current therapies/treatments are not working.
    • Fever and neck pain or stiffness are present.
    • Headache symptoms interfere with activities of daily living .
    • You suspect an infection.

    Ok But What Can I Do If My Sinus Headache Wont Go Away

    The best treatment for bacterial sinus infections and headaches caused by bacterial sinusitis is a full round of antibiotics. However, there are several steps you can take at home to ease the discomfort of a sinus headache that wont go away. These remedies include:

    • OTC pain medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen
    • OTC antihistamines, decongestants, or saline sprays
    • Taking a hot bath or shower
    • Using a humidifier

    If you have chronic sinus infections, though, there are treatments that can provide a more long-term solution. Of these options, balloon sinuplasty is currently the most minimally-invasive treatment available.

    Balloon sinuplasty is an in-office procedure that can provide lasting sinus relief in under twenty minutes. During the procedure, your ENT inflates a small balloon inside your sinus cavities, expanding them enough to restore proper drainage. Unlike other sinus surgeries, balloon sinuplasty does not involve the cutting of any bone or tissue, reducing both recovery time and complications. The procedure has an extremely high success rate .

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    Treatment Options For Sinus Headaches

    Inflamed sinuses are commonly the cause of these sinus headaches. To find the right treatment, it is important to diagnose whats causing the inflammation does it result from allergies, an infection, or other issues?

    Antihistamines and Decongestants

    If you are experiencing allergies, you may be prescribed antihistamines and/or a decongestant to resolve the issue.

    Home Remedies

    Simple, traditional home remedies can ease the pain by reducing the inflammation and unblocking your nose. Drinking plenty of water, using a dehumidifier, or applying a warm towel to your face can provide relief for a sinus headache.


    A bacterial infection is a more severe case of sinusitis, and this may require antibiotics. We work with families in Alpharetta, Cumming, Duluth, Roswell, Johns Creek and beyond to find a sinus headache treatment solution that works best.


    While surgery is a less common solution, there are instances where it could be the best option. Recurring sinus problems and issues with drainage may require a simple surgical procedure to repair sinus tissue.

    Why Do I Feel Extremely Tired After Sinus Infection

    23 Powerful Home Remedies For Sinus Headaches

    Although sinus infections are very common and some people experience chronic or recurring sinus infections, it still takes a lot of work on the bodys part to deal with a sinus infection.

    A common side effect both during and following a sinus infection is fatigue, as the body expends energy fighting the infection. Additionally, many of the symptoms which cause discomfort during a sinus infection can make it difficult to sleep, causing you to feel more tired during the day.

    Studies have long shown a connection between chronic sinus infections and chronic fatigue syndrome, which is a condition in which no amount of sleep seems to relieve your fatigue. Although the connection has been observed medically, no causal relationship between the conditions is yet known.

    If you have persistent sinus infections causing you discomfort, contact us today to see how we can help.

    Schedule An Appointment Today!

    Considered the best sinus surgeon in Los Angeles, Dr. Alen Cohen is an expert at successfully treating patients through the use of minimally invasive techniques for the surgical management of nasal and sinus disorders.


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