Friday, May 3, 2024

How Do I Cure A Sinus Infection

Throat Irritation And Cough

Ask Dr. Mike: What is a sinus infection and how do I treat it?

As discharge from your sinuses drains down the back of your throat, it can cause irritation, especially over a long period of time. This can lead to a persistent and annoying cough, which can be worse when lying down to sleep or first thing in the morning after getting up from bed.

It can also make sleeping difficult. Sleeping upright or with your head elevated can help reduce the frequency and intensity of your coughing.

Yoga Can Help Drain Mucus From Sinus Passageways

If you are in the midst of a sinus infection, a supported yoga pose where your head is elevated will help you feel better without putting too much pressure on your sinuses, says Leslie Kazadi, a certified yoga therapist who teaches around Los Angeles and online at

One pose Kazadi suggests is Supported Reclined Cobblers Pose.

How to Try Supported Reclined Cobblers Yoga Pose

  • Place a bolster or rolled up blanket under your back and lie on your bed or floor.
  • Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together you can place yoga blocks or rolled towels under your knees to make this more comfortable.
  • Relax your arms out to your sides. Remain here for as long as is comfortable.
  • Come out of the pose by rolling off the bolster or blanket and onto your side, then pressing your hands against the floor to sit up.
  • Try Quercetin A Powerful Herb Youve Likely Never Heard Of

    Quercetin is a natural plant component found in everything from onions and apples to green tea and red wine. Like many plant ingredients, it is an antioxidant. For sinus problems, quercetin has also been found to stabilize the cells in the body that release histamine the chemical that stimulates mucus secretion in the sinuses.

    The Alternative Medicine Review article recommends quercetin as helpful for sinusitis, suggesting a typical oral dose of 400 to 500 mg taken three times per day.

    Recommended Reading: How To Reduce Sinus Mucus

    Runny Nose And Postnasal Drip

    When you have a sinus infection, you may need to blow your nose often because of nasal discharge, which can be cloudy, green, or yellow. This discharge comes from your infected sinuses and drains into your nasal passages.

    The discharge may also bypass your nose and drain down the back of your throat. You may feel a tickle, an itch, or even a sore throat.

    This is called postnasal drip, and it may cause you to cough at night when youre lying down to sleep, and in the morning after getting up. It may also cause your voice to sound hoarse.

    Symptoms Of Nasal Polyps

    How to treat a sinus infection...DIY

    If you have any symptoms, they may include:

    • Stuffy or blocked nose
    • Infections

    The most common symptoms are a runny, stuffy, or blocked nose.

    Many people also have wheezing, sinus infections, and are sensitive to fumes, odors, dust, and chemicals. Itâs less common, but some people with nasal polyps also have a severe allergy to aspirin and reaction to yellow dyes. If you know you have that allergy, ask your doctor to check for nasal polyps.

    Nasal polyps make you more likely to have long-term sinusitis. Large ones can even change the shape of your nose.

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    How To Get Rid Of A Sinus Infection Naturally

    Sinus sufferers who want real relief without pharmaceutical side effects have discovered that natural home remedies for sinus infections are safe and highly effective. These solutions target the underlying inflammation, promote natural sinus drainage, and help prevent additional infections.

    The safest and most effective natural solutions involve the use of water in the form of liquid, vapor, or mist. Water penetrates the blockage allowing mucus to drain naturally so that the sinuses can begin the healing process. These solutions have the added benefit of helping to reduce the intensity and duration of sinus symptoms and improving quality of life.

    How Sinus Infection Is Treated

    The treatment for a sinus infection depends on the type of sinusitis and the source of the inflammation or infection. You might feel better with treatment for your symptoms as your sinus infection resolves.

    Acute viral sinusitis can usually resolve on its own, acute bacterial sinusitis can usually be cured with antibiotics, and anti-fungal medications might be needed for treating fungal sinusitis, Getting treatment for allergies that might be contributing to an acute or chronic sinus infection can help, and endoscopic surgery may be needed in some cases of chronic sinusitis.

    Treatment of chronic sinusitis may complicated, as abnormal tissue blocking the sinus cavities could require surgery.

    Verywell / Tim Liedtke

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    Sore Throat And Hoarse Voice

    Postnasal drip can leave you with a raw and aching throat. Although it may start as an annoying tickle, it can get worse.

    If your infection lasts for a few weeks or more, mucus can irritate and inflame your throat as it drips, resulting in a painful sore throat and hoarse voice. Frequent coughing and throat clearing can make a hoarse voice worse.

    How To Cure A Sinus Infection

    How to cure a sinus infection naturally

    Sinus infections impact the lives of millions of Americans just like you. Together, we spend billions of dollars each year in over-the-counter and prescription medications to treat difficult symptoms. It is responsible for more than 16 million doctor visits that take away valuable time from work, friends, and family. The good news is that you donât have to continue suffering. There are cures for sinusitis that are safe, affordable, and ready for you.

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    Is There A Right Way To Blow Your Nose

    If you have a stuffy nose, trying to force yourself to blow your nose could make it worse. The best thing to do is to blow one side of your nose at a time gently into a tissue. You might want to first use some type of nasal rinse to loosen any material in your nose before blowing. Make sure you dispose of the tissue and then clean your hands with soap and water or an antimicrobial sanitizer.

    What Tests Diagnose The Cause Of Sinus Infections And Sinusitis

    Sinus infection is most often diagnosed based on the history and examination of a doctor. Because plain X-ray studies of the sinuses may be misleading and procedures such as CT and MRI scans, which are much more sensitive in their ability to diagnose a sinus infection, are so expensive and not available in most doctors’ offices, most sinus infections are initially diagnosed and treated based on clinical findings on examination. These physical findings may include:

    • redness and swelling of the nasal passages,
    • purulent drainage from the nasal passages ,
    • tenderness to percussion over the cheeks or forehead region of the sinuses, and
    • swelling about the eyes and cheeks.

    Occasionally, nasal secretions are examined for secreted cells that may help differentiate between infectious and allergic sinusitis. Infectious sinusitis may show specialized cells of infection while allergic sinusitis may show specialized white blood cells of allergy . Physicians prescribe antibiotics if the bacterial infection is suspected. Antibiotics are not effective against viral infections many physicians then treat the symptoms.

    In addition, both rigid and flexible endoscopy has been used to obtain diagnostic material from sinuses. These procedures are usually done by an otolaryngologist under topical and local anesthesia. Occasionally, there may be a need to sedate the patient. Some investigators suggest that endoscopy specimens are comparable to those obtained by needle puncture.

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    Anatomy Of The Paranasal Sinuses

    The paranasal sinuses comprise four pairs of sinuses that surround the nose and drain into the nasal cavity by way of narrow channels called ostia . Mucus leaving the frontal and maxillary sinuses drains through the ethmoid sinuses , so a backup in the ethmoids is likely to clog the other two types of sinuses. The sphenoid sinuses are located deep in the skull, behind the eyes. Sinusitis develops when one or more sinuses become blocked.

    There are millions of bacteria in our noses, and most of the time, they’re harmless. Even when a few creep into the sinuses, they don’t cause trouble, as long as they keep draining into the nose along with mucus. But if sinus drainage is blocked, glands in the sinuses continue to produce mucus, and the resulting pool of backed-up mucus provides what Dr. Metson calls “the perfect culture medium.” The bacteria grow out of control, causing infection, and the immune system kicks off an inflammatory response. The result: swelling, which causes and facial pain mucus buildup, which produces congestion and an influx of white blood cells to fight the bacteria, which thickens the mucus and may tint it yellow or green. Other symptoms include loss of smell or taste, cough, bad breath, fever, toothache, and fullness in the ears.

    What Is The Fastest Way To Get Rid Of A Sinus Infection

    How To Use The Neti Pot To Get Rid Of Sinus Infection And ...

    When you notice the first signs of facial pressure and sinus pain, youre probably desperate for a way to stop the infection before it is debilitating. Instead of burying your head under a pillow and waiting for it to clear up, its important that you are proactive with your treatment plan. Even a small sinus infection can develop severe symptoms when left untreated.

    Whether its your first sinus infection or you have chronic sinusitis, its essential to know your treatment options. Clearing up the infection should be a high priority so you can avoid potential complications of untreated infections.

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    Getting Rid Of A Sinus Infection Without Antibiotics

    How can I get rid of a sinus infection without antibiotics? Here are a few non-antibiotic treatment options you might consider:

  • Over the Counter Remedies: Certain OTC medications can relieve the symptoms, which in turn helps your sinuses to heal. Ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be helpful in managing symptoms during your recovery time. Some people also find it beneficial to use antihistamine medications to reduce congestion and post-nasal drip.
  • Sinus Rinses: If you are experiencing nasal congestion, it can be helpful to clear the sinuses. Not only does this treatment reduce your symptoms, but it changes the sinus environment to reduce the risk of infection development. Sinus rinses can be done with OTC saline solutions or prescription products. Or, you can try an at-home treatment using a neti pot and sterile water.
  • Herbal Remedies: Aromatherapy or herbal tea can be another solution to reduce your symptoms of a sinus infection. Some patients find it soothing to smell eucalyptus or peppermint, which helps to clear the upper respiratory tract. Try adding a few drops of essential oil into your humidifier to spread the scent in the air.
  • If you find that these at-home sinus infections dont work, then it might be time to talk to a doctor for medical treatment.

    What Are The Different Types Of Sinuses Near The Nose And Eyes

    The paranasal sinuses are located in your head near your nose and eyes. They are named after the bones that provide their structure.

    • The ethmoidal sinuses are located between your eyes.
    • The maxillary sinuses are located below your eyes.
    • The sphenoidal sinuses are located behind your eyes.
    • The frontal sinuses are located above your eyes.

    The biggest sinus cavity is the maxillary cavity, and it is one of the cavities that most often becomes infected.

    There are different types of sinusitis:

    • Acute bacterial sinusitis: This term refers to a sudden onset of cold symptoms such as runny nose, stuffy nose, and facial pain that does not go away after 10 days, or symptoms that seem to improve but then return and are worse than the initial symptoms . It responds well to antibiotics and decongestants.
    • Chronic sinusitis: This term refers to a condition defined by nasal congestion, drainage, facial pain/pressure, and decreased sense of smell for at least 12 weeks.
    • Subacute sinusitis: This term is used when the symptoms last four to twelve weeks.
    • Recurrent acute sinusitis: This term is used when the symptoms come back four or more times in one year and last less than two weeks each time.

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    Home Remedies: How To Alleviate A Congestion Naturally

    There are many safe home remedies you can use to alleviate your symptoms and recover from a sinus infection:

    • Drink plenty of fluids such as water, broth, and citrus juice. Staying hydrated is important for helping you fight infection and for clearing a stuffy nose.
    • Use saline nasal irrigation or saline nose drops. You can make your own saline drops by combining 1 cup of warm water with 1/8 tsp salt and a tiny pinch of baking soda.
    • Use a humidifier at night. This will help clear nasal passages. You may also lean over a pan of boiling water taken off the stove, place a towel over your head, and breathe in the steam. This helps open your nasal passages and loosens mucus in your chest.
    • Elevating your head with a couple of pillows while lying down may make breathing easier. Using nasal strips also helps open nasal passages.
    • For a sore throat, gargle salt water , drink a warm liquid or suck on ice. Honey and lemon may also soothe a sore throat.
    • Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep as this will help your immune system fight the infection.
    • During pregnancy, it is common to lose your appetite, and feeling sick may not help. However, even if you dont have an appetite, it is important to eat well. If you lose your appetite, it may help to eat smaller meals throughout the day. Make sure you are eating nutrient-dense foods such as fruits and vegetables. Soup may also be a soothing option.

    For headaches:

    Things Which May Worsen A Sinus Infection

    How to Treat a Sinus Infection Naturally

    Lets take a look at what you can remove or eliminate from your diet and environment to both encourage healing and discourage chronic sinusitis or recurrent infections in the future.

    Monitoring your symptoms is key to making sure you see treatment when and if it is needed. If you think you may have a sinus infection, consult your doctor or visit an urgent care center.

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    Treatment For Nasal Polyps

    Medications: If you need treatment, youâll probably start with a nasal corticosteroid spray. In many cases, that can shrink or even get rid of nasal polyps. But some people need to take corticosteroids such as prednisone by mouth for a week. If that doesn’t work, your doctor may give you a shot of a medicine called dupilumab .

    Unfortunately, nasal polyps tend to come back if the irritation, allergy, or infection continues. So you may need to keep using a corticosteroid spray and get checkups with a nasal endoscope every now and then.

    In general, medications such as antihistamines and arenât great at managing nasal polyps. But you may need antihistamines, to control allergies, or antibiotics, if you have an infection, before you start on steroids.

    Surgery: Sometimes, nasal polyps are so large that medications donât work. In such cases, surgery may be an option.

    The doctor would likely use a small nasal telescope that removes nasal polyps. You can go home the same day as the surgery.

    Surgery helps in most cases. It may be less effective if you have nasal polyps, asthma, and aspirin sensitivity. If thatâs you, medication may be more helpful.

    First Line Of Defense Against Sinusitis: Nasal Irrigation

    One of the simplest, cheapest, and most effective ways to prevent and treat sinus problems is nasal irrigation. Using a homemade solution, you can often relieve sinusitis symptoms, reduce reliance on nasal sprays and antibiotics, and improve your quality of life. At least once a day, follow these steps:

  • Stir ½ teaspoon of non-iodized salt and ½ teaspoon of baking soda into 2 cups of lukewarm distilled or previously boiled water .
  • Fill a small bulb syringe with the saltwater solution.
  • Lean over your bathroom or kitchen sink, insert the tip of the syringe just inside one nostril, and gently squeeze the bulb. The water will run back out the nostril and into the sink. Use at least one full bulb of solution.
  • Repeat the procedure in the other nostril.
  • Thoroughly rinse and dry the bulb syringe or neti pot after each use.
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    Whats Happening In My Body

    Most sinus infections come from colds that start in the nose.

    A lot of sinus infections are caused by coronaviruses.

    These viruses replicate in the nose. Your immune system then kicks off an inflammatory response to help kill the virus. This can cause swelling in the sinuses, leading to your symptoms.

    Unlike bacterial infections, viral infections dont respond to antibiotics and usually just need to run their course. But you dont have to take it lying down!

    What Home Remedies Help Soothe Sinus Infection Or Sinusitis Symptoms

    How to Get Rid of Sinus Infection with Home Remedies

    Sinus infections caused by viruses can use home treatments such as pain and fever medications , decongestants, and mucolytics. In addition, some health care professionals suggest nasal irrigation or a sinus rinse solution to help relieve symptoms of sinus infections, even chronic sinusitis symptoms. This irrigation is accomplished with a “Neti-Pot” or a sinus rinse kit . The last reference of this article shows a video of a sinus rinse procedure. In 2012, the FDA issued a warning about the use of Neti-Pots. The FDA cautions people not to use untreated tap water for rinsing, as contaminated tap water rinses lead to two deaths.

    Bacterial and fungal sinus infections usually require antibiotic or antifungal therapy so home treatments without them are often not successful. However, some authors suggest home treatments may reduce symptoms after medical therapy has begun some healthcare professionals recommend nasal irrigation after sinus surgery.

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