Saturday, July 27, 2024

Is Allergies And Sinus The Same Thing

What Is Chronic Sinusitis

How to tell the difference between Allergies, Sinus Infections, and COVID-19

Chronic sinusitis is a long-lasting sinus inflammation and infection. It can linger over a period of time, typically longer than 12 weeks. The sinuses are four paired cavities in the head. These spaces are connected by narrow channels. The four spaces are named for the bones they are near: ethmoidal, sphenoidal, frontal and maxillary. The sinuses make thin mucus that drains out of the channels of the nose. This drainage works as a filtration system, keeping the nose clean and free of bacteria.

The sinuses can become infected when they are blocked and filled with fluid. This is called sinusitis. There are several kinds of sinusitis: acute, subacute, chronic and recurrent. Unlike chronic sinusitis,acute sinusitis typically lasts only a few days, but can last up to four weeks, before going away with minimal or no treatment. Chronic sinusitis may require different types of treatment. Surgery is sometimes needed in severe cases of chronic sinusitis that do not respond to other methods.

Chronic sinusitis is different than recurrent sinusitis because chronic sinusitis symptoms never really go away for long periods of time. In recurrent sinusitis, you have 4 or more bouts of sinusitis in one year, but you also have symptom-free periods in between.

Allergy Experts In Tampa

Our team of board-certified allergy and immunology specialists at Allergy Tampa will work with you to determine the underlying cause of your nasal congestion, as well as put you on the path toward recovery by making an accurate diagnosis of your condition.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment with one of our physicians, call 971-9743 or request an appointment with our online form.

What Kind Of Tests Does An Ent Do

ENTs employ a wide variety of tests in helping them determine the causes of a patients ear, nose, and throat discomfort. Visual, tactile examination and endoscopy all provide a baseline from which additional tests like laboratory analysis and imaging can confirm. Appropriate treatment is then provided for the given diagnosis.

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What Is A Cold

Although allergies share many of the same symptoms as colds, colds are different. Cold symptoms occur when a virus gets into your body and your immune system attacks it. This can cause some of the same symptoms such as sneezing and nasal congestion, also seen with allergies.

But there are some key differences. Germs that cause colds are contagious. You can become infected when someone with cold symptoms sneezes, coughs, or touches you.

Luckily, cold symptoms tend to disappear in 7 to 10 days. If cold symptoms last longer than 2 weeks, consider contacting your doctor.

Is Allergies And Sinus The Same Thing

jwangdesignconsultancyltd: Is Allergies And Sinus The Same ...

Is Allergies And Sinus The Same Thing. Once your sinuses are less swollen you might try taking allegra every day during your allergy season and. The pasha snoring and sinus.

Well maybe you are right and maybe not. It can also wash away allergens from your nose and sinuses. Pressure caused by nasal congestion is usually found in the sinus area. You may also have a when things get chronic. Tell your doctor about the allergy and what signs you had.

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Possible Causes Of Post

The main symptom of post-nasal drip is the feeling of having phlegm in the back of your throat. There are several different conditions that can result in the same symptom, and determining the cause is the best way to make sure you receive the best treatment.

There are many causes of post-nasal drip, or phlegm in the throat. They include:

  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Overuse of nasal sprays such as Afrin
  • Hormonal causes such as pregnancy or hypothyroidism

Despite the variety of causes, the symptoms are similar .

How Is Chronic Sinusitis Diagnosed

Chronic sinusitis is diagnosed when symptoms of a sinus infection have continued for more than 12 weeks. In some cases, your doctor may use an endoscope .

A CT scan or MRI could also be used to look for structural issues. Structural problems usually include a deviated nasal septum or polyps .

In very few cases, your provider might order a biopsy to see if the infection has spread. Biopsies involve taking tissue or bone samples to example under the microscope.

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What Are The Treatments For Allergies And Sinus Infections

The treatments for each can be similar. If severe congestion is one of your symptoms, then an over-the-counter or prescription decongestant can help you. Commonly, allergies are treated with antihistamines, and some antihistamine products can have an added decongestant. However, these treatments wont get rid of a sinus infection. To address a viral sinus infection, resting, drinking plenty of fluids, and using a saline spray will help. With that said, sometimes the best way to deal with a viral infection is to wait it out and manage the symptoms. However, sometimes a sinus infection is bacterial, in which case a prescription antibiotic will clear it up quickly. We provide these treatments and more here at Allergy & Asthma Center.

When To Contact An Allergist Vs Ent

Seasonal Allergies or Sinusitis? – SLUCare Health Watch

Its common for people with allergy symptoms to go directly to an ear, nose, and throat doctor for treatment. ENT doctors are surgeons who are experts in resolving structural problems involving the head, face, sinuses, nose, throat and voice box. Allergist/immunologists are expert physicians who manage inflammatory conditions of the nose, sinuses, ears, throat and lungs without surgery. Symptoms such as trouble breathing, sinus pressure, episodic ear discomfort, or a raspy voice can be caused by allergies and may not require surgery.

If youre wondering whether your symptoms require visiting an Allergist or ENT doctor, continue reading to help decide the right course of action for you.

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How Do You Know If It Is A Sinus Infection Or Allergies

Even if you know you have a sinus infection, an allergy test can help determine if allergies are contributing to the symptoms, which helps you make smart choices about changes in your environment that can decrease the odds of repeat infections. A Board-certified Allergist can clarify if allergies are contributing to your symptoms or if nonallergic factors are causing your problem.

Are you wondering if you may be suffering from allergies?

Rhinitis Vs Sinusitis Symptoms And Attributes

Where most people get tied up understanding the difference between rhinitis and sinusitis is when they think about the symptoms. To help clarify this issue, here is a side-by-side comparison of rhinitis vs. sinusitis symptoms and other important attributes.

Onset: Directly after exposure to allergen Onset: 1-2 weeks after exposure to contagious individual, or after 1-2 weeks of continuous congestion
Duration: Symptoms disappear after allergens are no longer present Duration: 4-12 weeks or longer, depending on the severity of the infection

For more information on what to watch out for if you suspect you have a sinus infection, check out our article on Sinus Infection Symptoms.

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Similar Symptoms Different Causes

To understand the difference between a cold and allergies, it is important to know that some cold symptoms are actually the same as some allergy symptoms. Plus, everyone experiences colds and allergies a little differently. Its no wonder why it can be challenging to figure out exactly whats going on.

What Triggers Allergy Night

Is It Sinusitis or Allergic Rhinitis?

There are multiple potential triggers for night-time allergy symptoms. Indoor allergens including dust mites, pet dander, and pollen are a few examples. Dust mites could live in your bedroom. Pet dander, which is skin and not fur, can stick to your clothing or bedding and cause allergy symptoms that way.

The same goes for pollen. It can exist indoors, and if you spend time outside and dont immediately wash your hands and change your clothes and shoes, you could bring even more pollen inside your bedroom.

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Colds And Allergies Are The Main Risk Factors For Developing Sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses, commonly caused by bacterial infection following a viral infection such as the common cold. Other risk factors for developing sinusitis include untreated allergies, crooked nasal anatomy, smoking, nasal polyps and overuse of decongestant nasal sprays.

What Are The Symptoms And Signs Of Sinus Infections And Allergies

Sinus infection

There are many signs and symptoms of sinusitis and sinus infections. The following is a summary of predominant ones that may occur. Most patients have several signs and symptoms at the same time. Others may have some symptoms that are intermittent most do not have all symptoms at once. The signs and symptoms of a sinus infection or sinusitis include the following:


Allergic rhinitis is the correct term used to describe the allergic inflammation of the nasal passages. Rhinitis means “inflammation of the nose” and is a derivative of rhino, meaning nose. Allergic rhinitis that occurs during a specific season is called “seasonal allergic rhinitis.” When it occurs throughout the year, it is called “perennial allergic rhinitis.” Rhinosinusitis is the medical term that refers to inflammation of the nasal lining as well as the lining tissues of the sinuses. This term is sometimes used because the two conditions frequently occur together.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, frequently include

  • nose, eye itching, and
  • excess tear production in the eyes.

Many people with allergies have difficulty with social and physical activities. For example, concentration is often difficult while experiencing allergic rhinitis symptoms.

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Key Difference Sinus Vs Allergies

The exaggerated and inappropriate immune responses that result in tissue damage and death are called the allergies. On the other hand, sinuses are air filled spaces present within some bones around the nasal cavity. From these definitions, you can understand that there is no similarity between these two at all. The key difference between sinus and allergies is that a sinus is an anatomical structure whereas an allergy is a physiological derangement. But in a pathological perspective, they are interconnected because an allergy is capable of inflaming the sinuses causing sinusitis.

How Is Allergic Rhinitis Diagnosed

Dr. Greg Abbas Discussion on Allergies and Sinusitis

If your symptoms interfere with your daily life, see your family doctor. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and medical history and perform a physical exam. Keeping a record of your symptoms over a period of time can help your doctor determine what triggers your allergies.

Your doctor may want to do an allergy skin test to determine what you are allergic to. During an allergy skin test, tiny amounts of allergens are applied to your skin. You will feel tiny pricks to your skin. It is not painful. Your doctor will observe and record the way your skin reacts to each allergen.

Your doctor may also decide to do a blood test, such as the radioallergosorbent test . This test identifies antibodies in your blood that determine what youre allergic to. Once your allergens are identified, you and your doctor can decide the best treatment.

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Complications Of Allergic Rhinitis

If you have allergic rhinitis, there’s a risk you could develop further problems.

A blocked or runny nose can result in difficulty sleeping, drowsiness during the daytime, irritability and problems concentrating. Allergic rhinitis can also make symptoms of asthma worse.

The inflammation associated with allergic rhinitis can also sometimes lead to other conditions, such as nasal polyps, sinusitis and middle ear infections. These are described below.

How Is Sinusitis Diagnosed

Your physician can diagnose sinusitis in three ways: Through a physical exam using a nasal endoscopy, which is a catheter with a tiny video camera on the end or by using a computed tomography scan, which combines X-rays to produce a 3-D image. If your exam or test results show evidence of a sinus infection, your doctor will decide if your symptoms fall into one of two categories based on the cause and how long your symptoms have lasted:

Non-allergic sinusitis: A sinus infection that develops after a cold or virus. There are three main kinds:

  • Acute sinusitis: Inflammation and infection in the sinus cavities lasting fewer than four weeks.
  • Sub-acute sinusitis: Inflammation and infection lasting four to 12 weeks.
  • Chronic sinusitis: Inflammation and infection lasting for more than 12 weeks.
  • Recurrent sinusitis: When a patient experiences four or more episodes a year.

Allergic sinusitis: This occurs when the bodys immune system over-responds to an allergen such as ragweed, tree pollen, mold spores, animal dander, chemicals or medicines. The body overproduces antibodies, triggering the release of a chemical called histamine, which cases an allergic response. There are two kinds of allergic sinusitisseasonal or perennial:

  • Seasonal allergic sinusitis: When the bodys immune system over-reacts to allergens that are prevalent in a particular season, such as ragweed, tree pollen or mold spores.

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What Is Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is the medical term for hay fever or allergies. You have an allergy when your body overreacts to things that dont cause problems for most people. These things are called allergens. Your bodys overreaction to the allergens is what causes symptoms.

There are 2 forms of allergic rhinitis:

  • Seasonal : Caused by an allergy to pollen and/or mold spores in the air. Pollen is the fine powder that comes from flowering plants. It can be carried through the air and is easily inhaled. Symptoms are seasonal and usually occur in spring, late summer, and fall.
  • Perennial: Caused by other allergens such as dust mites, pet hair or dander, or mold. Symptoms occur year-round.

Hay fever is the most common form of allergy. Symptoms of hay fever are seasonal. You will feel worse when the pollens that affect you are at their highest levels.

When To See An Allergist

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Allergists/Immunologists are highly trained specialists that diagnose, treat, and manage allergic inflammation of all types through nonsurgical methods.

Allergies are caused when the immune system decides that an otherwise harmless substance is now a threat . Symptoms can be mild or severe, and in some cases, can lead to a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis when triggered by foods, stinging insects or medications. Allergic reactions to environmental substances are very common and usually cause recurrent nasal congestion, uncomfortable facial pressure, nasal drainage, throat clearing, and/or sneezing. Many people with environmental allergies frequently complain of having chronic sinus headaches or sinus pain.

There is no doubt that allergies can have a major impact on the quality of life for people of all ages. Unfortunately, many people struggling with allergic nasal or sinus problems do not realize their symptoms are due to allergies and believe that their condition is untreatable. Fortunately, these symptoms can usually be effectively managed or even prevented with an Allergists help.

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The Role Of Allergens

Things you are allergic to can cause all sorts of reactions in your body, but the primary reaction is inflammatory. Arizona allergies can be particularly nasty especially in combination with our dry air. Your bodys inflammatory response can result in mucus deposits becoming stagnant and promoting bacterial or viral growth inside your sinuses. This can cause many issues for you if it goes untreated.

Its important to know whether you have allergies or not and specifically what you are allergic to. This is where allergy testing plays an important role. Knowing what youre allergic to will help you find the right medicine , and can also help you avoid irritants in the future. Discovering the specific allergens or dander that causes you trouble plays a pivotal role in treating and preventing further sinus damage and irritation.

Is It A Sinus Infection A Cold Or Allergies

Your nose is stuffed and your head is pounding. Here’s how to tell if a cold, allergies, or a sinus infection is to blame.


A stuffy nose and headache are common symptoms of many illnesses. So how can you tell whether the culprit is a sinus infection, a common cold, or allergies when the symptoms of these three conditions are so similar?

“It can sometimes be difficult even for doctors to differentiate,” says Alan B. Goldsobel, MD, an allergist at Allergy and Asthma Associates of Northern California and an adjunct associate professor at Stanford University Medical Center in Stanford, California. But there are some key differences that can give you some clues. Get to know more about the symptoms of these three conditions to help you pinpoint the cause of your sinus congestion:

A Sinus Infection

A Cold

  • What it feels like: You can expect a stuffy nose, but also some runny, discolored mucus, Goldsobel explains. You may also experience a sore throat, cough, sneezing, headache, or fatigue. Another sign is a rising temperature: Colds often trigger a fever, he says, but sometimes those fevers are so mild that people think they have allergies instead.
  • What triggers it: A virus.
  • How long it lasts: People usually fend off the cold virus within seven to 10 days, Baroody says. But if your symptoms have lingered past that window of time, you might have sinusitis. If you suspect you have a sinus infection, you should talk to your doctor.

An Allergic Reaction

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When To See Your Gp

Visit your GP if the symptoms of allergic rhinitis are disrupting your sleep, preventing you carrying out everyday activities, or adversely affecting your performance at work or school.

A diagnosis of allergic rhinitis will usually be based on your symptoms and any possible triggers you may have noticed. If the cause of your condition is uncertain, you may be referred for allergy testing.

Read more about the complications of allergic rhinitis

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