Tuesday, April 30, 2024

How To Relieve Head Pressure From Sinus Infection

Is It Necessary To Go To The Dentist When Feeling Sinus Pressure

Sinus & Head Cold Advice : How to Relieve Sinus Pressure in the Face

If you arent too sure of the primary cause of your toothache, its best to visit your dentist. It is also best to go to the doctor if the symptoms persist after using expectorants and other prescribed drugs. The dentist will check to see the cause of the pain by x-raying the teeth to check for abscesses and cavities. If the teeth in question look healthy and do not show any signs of dental infections/problems, you most likely have sinus pressure or infection.

When To See A Doctor

You should see a doctor if you consistently have to take pain medication for head pressure more than two times per week. Make an appointment with your doctor if your head pressure is long term , severe, or unusual for you. Headaches that disrupt your day-to-day activities warrant medical treatment.

If you dont already have a primary care provider, you can browse doctors in your area through the Healthline FindCare tool.

Seeking treatment for an underlying condition, such as sinusitis or an ear infection, can also help relieve head pressure. Depending on your condition, your doctor might refer you to a specialist such as a neurologist or an ear, nose, and throat specialist.

When the source of your head pressure isnt clear or symptoms suggest a more serious condition, the doctor might order a CT scan or an MRI scan. Both of these diagnostic procedures produce a detailed image of your brain that your doctor will use to learn more about what is causing your head pressure.

Treatment depends on the underlying cause of head pressure.

Tension headaches are treated with a combination of OTC and prescription medications.

Some medications treat tension headache pain when it occurs. These include OTC pain relievers such as aspirin or ibuprofen, and combination drugs, which combine two or more pain medications with either caffeine or a drug to help you relax.

Fight Head Congestion With Sudafed

Consider taking SUDAFED PE® Head Congestion+Pain. With Ibuprofen and phenylephrine , this coated tablet can help provide relief from your head cold symptoms and combat pesky nasal congestion and swelling, sinus pressure, headache, fever, and body aches. Always read and follow the label carefully, and make sure the product is right for you.

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What Home Remedies Help Soothe Sinus Headache Symptoms

There are a number of self-care measures available to help decrease sinus congestion and promote drainage of the sinuses, providing relief for sinus headache.

  • Drink plenty of fluids to help you stay hydrated.
  • Breathe humidified air.
  • OTC pain medicationssuch as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can help control pain.
  • such as pseudoephedrine may be useful in promoting drainage of the sinuses. People with high blood pressure or heart conditions should check with their healthcare practitioner before using these medications. A number of over-the-counter decongestant medications are available, either singly or in combination with antihistamines, pain relievers, and/or anti-inflammatory medications.
  • are also available that contain decongestant medications, but these should not be used for more than three days, due to the possibility of rebound inflammation, a worsening of the condition once use of the spray has stopped.
  • Inhaled steroid preparations are sometimes prescribed to treat allergic sinusitis, and bacterial infections of the sinuses are treated with antibiotics.
  • Antihistamines may be useful if allergies such as hay fever are the cause of congestion.

Sinus Pressure Points On The Feet

What area of the face would you massage to relieve sinus ...

There are also pressure points on the feet that may improve sinus pressure. Much like your fingernails, the toenails also have pressure points.

The areas, youll find, are almost identical to your fingernails with a few minor differences. Toenail pressure points are located at the base of the nail where it meets the skin.

  • Big toe: inside and outside corner
  • Every other toe : the outside bottom corner

Press each of these points lightly, and you may notice some sinus pressure relief.

Also, like your fingers, your toe tips have pressure points that may be useful in clearing sinus pressure. Use the same method as you would for fingertips.

Massaging the balls of your feet may also offer an answer to relieving sinus pressure. You can do it yourself, but its probably better to get someone else to do it. Who couldnt use a foot massage?

As youve seen, there are pressure points you can access from head to toe that may help relieve sinus pressure. Go through and test them all to see which might work for you.

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Drink Lots Of Water And Get Adequate Rest

“I recommend drinking a lot of water because it thins the mucus,” Abi Hachem says. While there’s no evidence about the most effective quantity, he recommends drinking at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water each day.

You can also try drinking hot liquids like tea or soup to temporarily help relieve your symptoms. But you should avoid drinking alcohol, as it’s dehydrating and can worsen your congestion. If you’re taking an antibiotic for your sinus infection, drinking alcohol could increase side effects like upset stomach and drowsiness.

It’s also important to get about seven to nine hours of sleep each night to help your body rest and recover. “You want to get enough sleep and follow a normal sleep cycle so that all the hormones in your body are maxing out your immune system function,” Abi Hachem says.

Because getting a good night’s sleep can be difficult due to the pain and congestion, you can do the following to help you get more rest:

  • Use a neti pot before going to bed to help clear your nasal passages.
  • Sleep with your head raised by an extra pillow to help prevent mucus from pooling in your sinuses.

Warm Or Cool Moist Air

Dry air can make sinus pain worse, but moist air can help relieve sinus congestion. Do NOT hold your head over a steaming pot of boiling water or soup. As tempting as it may be when you feel bad, the hot steam can actually burn your skin and eyes. To be safe, inhale steam from your morning shower, either while youre showering or sitting in a steamy bathroom.

At night, you can use a humidifier or vaporizer to help keep your sinuses open and your nasal passages moist. Just be sure to clean the machines as directed so you dont introduce more bacteria into the air and into your airways.

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How Are Sinus Headaches Prevented

If you have reoccurring sinus headaches as a symptom of sinusitis or seasonal allergies, you may need to consider prescription medication to manage the condition.

Lifestyle changes to reduce congestion, such as avoiding allergens and incorporating aerobic exercise into your routine, might decrease how many headaches you get.

In cases of chronic sinusitis, a nasal surgery such as a balloon sinuplasty might be the only way to stop getting more sinus headaches.

Key Differentiators Between Migraines And Sinus Headaches

Self-Massage to Relieve Sinus Pressure | Head Massage

So, how can you tell whats causing your headache? If youre struggling to identify whether your headache is a migraine or is caused by sinus pressure, the best thing you can do is to seek medical counsel.

However, the two clearest differences are the location of the headache and whether or not youre congested. If you experience the headache pain primarily on one side of your head, you may be more likely to have a migraine.

If youre not congested and have an extremely painful headache, you likely have a migraine. If you are congested and have an extremely painful headache, you may have either a migraine OR a sinus headache.

Another potential indicator is the color of your mucus. Is it clear? If so, you most likely have a migraine. Is it yellowish? If so, your headache is likely caused by sinus pressure.

To learn more about the differences between sinus headaches and migraines, check out our article: How Do I Know if I Have a Sinus Headache?

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Sinus Pressure Points To Relieve Sinus Pressure Congestion And Pain

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

Sinus pain and pressure can be unbearable at times, which is why its good to be aware of the various sinus pressure points that can help relieve sinus pain.

This recurring and frustrating source of pain often becomes more noticeable during allergy season. The pressure is frequently a result of blocked nasal passages, which can lead to inflammation in the face and head.

Aside from seasonal allergies, sinus pressure is also a potential symptom of the common cold.

Pressure builds in these areas because of the construction of the sinuses. They are paired and found in the following four facial regions:

  • Frontal
  • Ethmoid
  • Maxillary
  • Sphenoid

When Should I Seek Medical A Care For A Sinus Headache

  • Sinus headaches and infections may sometimes be successfully treated at home .
  • However, you should seek medical care if you are not sure what is causing your symptoms or if you have signs of a severe infection including high fever, symptoms that do not resolve with time, or if over-the-counter pain relievers are not effective in controlling the pain.
  • You should also seek care if you notice swelling in the face that accompanies the pain, swelling around your eye or changes in vision, since this could be a sign of an abscess.

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Can A Sinus Headache Be Prevented

  • Good handwashing and hygienic practices can help prevent colds and upper respiratory infections.
  • Smoking cessation can also decrease your risk of airway infections.
  • For people with allergies, avoid allergic triggers to help prevent sinus infections.
  • Keep the body well hydrated and humidify the air since these can help promote efficient drainage of fluids from the sinuses.

What Causes Sinus Headaches

How to clean your sinuses in seconds

Sinus infections cause sinus headaches. Anything that makes mucus buildup in the sinuses can lead to a sinus infection, such as:

  • The common cold is most often to blame.
  • Seasonal allergies trigger mucus production.
  • Nasal polyps, abnormal growths in the nose or sinuses. Nasal polyps can block mucus from draining.
  • Deviated septum, which is when the line of cartilage and bone down the center of the nose isnt straight. A deviated septum can prevent mucus from properly draining.

Too much mucus gives germs an opportunity to grow. As germs build up, they irritate the sinuses. In response, sinus tissue swells, blocking the passage of mucus. Swollen, irritated sinuses filled with liquid make your face feel tender and achy.

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What To Do For Sinus Pressure And Pain At Home

Here are the top 10 at-hometreatments to help ease your sinus pain and inflammation to get rid of your sinus infection faster.

  • Flush. Use a Neti pot, a therapy that uses a salt and water solution, to flush your nasal passages. Nasal irrigation using the Neti pot has been a tried-and-true sinus treatment method for centuries. I have patients who swear by Neti pots and use them daily or weekly to keep their sinuses flowing well. Remember to use distilled water only.
  • Spray. Use an over-the-counter nasal decongestant spray that contains salt water to help keep your nasal passages moist, unblock congestion and treat inflammation. Some sprays, like Afrin®, can only be used for a maximum of three days. If you exceed three days, you will get “rebound” or worse nasal congestion. Other nasal sprays, like fluticasone, are more effective the longer you use them.
  • Hydrate. Drink a lot of fluidswater and/or juiceto help thin your mucus. Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, which can cause dehydration.
  • Rest. Get plenty of rest to help your body fight infection and speed up recovery. While you sleep, prop yourself up with a couple of pillows. Staying elevated can help you breathe more comfortably.
  • Steam. Breathe in steam from a pot or bowl of warm water or take a hot shower. You also can place a warm, wet towel on your face, followed by a cool towel. to help ease sinus pain and open your nasal passages.
  • Cleaning The Nose With Salt Water

    A 2019 review found some indication that saltwater solutions can treat sinusitis. However, the researchers state that there was not enough evidence to confirm it helps or the best delivery method.

    People can purchase nasal rinsing kits with premixed saltwater solutions. Alternatively, they can make the solution at home. To do this:

  • Purchase 1 pint of distilled or sterile water. Alternatively, boil regular water from a faucet for
  • Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 tsp of baking soda into the water.
  • Wash the hands with soap and water.
  • Stand over a sink and pour a small amount into a cupped palm. Sniff the water into one nostril, or use a nasal irrigation device, such as a neti pot.
  • Repeat in the other nostril. Allow as much water to flush out of the nose as possible. If it runs down the back of the throat, spit it out.
  • People should dispose of any leftover salt water, and make a fresh solution if using this technique repeatedly. A person should also clean any nasal irrigation devices thoroughly after each use. People should not use nasal rinses in children unless instructed by a doctor.

    Also Check: Nose And Sinus Institute Of Boca Raton

    Where Are Your Sinusesand What Is Sinus Pressure

    When it comes to sinus pressure, it’s essentially swelling in your sinuses in response to three different scenarios: a pressure change between the air inside your sinuses and the air outside your sinuses , when irritants invade your sinuses , or when you have an anatomical issue .

    Unfortunately, you can’t cater your sinus pain treatments to what’s causing itbut the good news is that most available remedies can work to reduce inflammation and swelling in your sinuses regardless of what’s causing it. Here’s a guide, according to doctors, on the best ways to treat sinus pain so you can start feeling better ASAP.

    RELATED: What Does It Mean to Have a Chronic Sinus Infection?

    Can Sinus Headaches Be Prevented

    Headache Treatments : How to Relieve a Sinus Pressure Headache

    Sinus headaches are due to inflammation of the sinuses and their ability to drain to the back of the nose.

    • Avoid smoking, secondhand smoke, and other allergens because they may decrease the risk of developing sinusitis and a sinus headache. Smoking reduces the ability of the sinuses to clear mucous and fluid.
    • Avoid colds and other respiratory infections because it may decrease the risk of sinus inflammation, for example, frequent hand washing, and avoiding people who are sick.
    • Flying is not recommended if you have a cold, sinus infection, or an upper respiratory infection because of the pressure changes in the face that occur with flying.
    • Maintaining adequate hydration and breathing humidified air at home and work will allow the normal mucus that is produced in the sinuses to drain more easily.

    Read Also: How To Clean Out A Sinus Infection

    Do You Have Sinus Pressure But No Congestion Contact Kaplan Sinus Relief Today

    To reiterate: Can you have sinus pressure but no congestion? Its highly unlikely to experience sinus pressure without mucus buildup and congestion.

    But that isnt the end of the story. Treatments for sinus pressure and migraines differ. If you self-diagnose incorrectly and take sinus pressure treatments for a migraine, you could actually make your situation worse. And if youve ever had a migraine before, this you know just how unappealing this sounds.

    If you do have sinus pressure, we can help you figure out the root cause of this pressure and provide you with various treatment options. These treatments could include decongestants, antibiotics, or in some situations, balloon sinuplasty.

    Balloon sinuplasty in Houston has the ability to restore your sinuses natural drainage pathways and can help you find relief from sinus headaches and other underlying issues .

    For more information on balloon sinuplasty or to schedule a checkup today, give us a call at 713-766-1818 or request an appointment online today!

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    Get Ahead Of Cold Symptoms

    Though theres no promise youll escape cold and flu season without a runny nose or sore throat, there are some steps you can take to increase your chances of staying healthy.

    • Wash your hands frequently to help prevent coming into contact with or spreading harmful germs.
    • Disinfect your environment and frequently clean commonly touched surfaces such as sink handles, doorknobs and handrails.
    • Avoid sharing personal items, especially those that come in contact with your eyes, nose or mouth like utensils, washcloths or cups.
    • Do not come in close contact with people who have colds or other upper respiratory infections.

    Overall, pursue a healthy lifestyle to boost immunity by eating nutritious food, sleeping eight hours, drinking water, exercising and managing stress.

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    Sinus Headache Vs Migraine

    According to the American Migraine Foundation, 50 percent of migraine misdiagnoses start with a person thinking they have a sinus headache. The Mayo Clinic points out that 90 percent of people who go to the doctor for a sinus headache find out they have a migraine instead.

    If you dont have any of the symptoms that come specifically with a sinus headache, you may be experiencing a migraine. Migraines are treated differently from sinus headaches. If you experience symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, or sensitivity to light, youre likely having a migraine and not a sinus headache.

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