Thursday, July 25, 2024

Best Way To Sleep With Sinus Congestion

Keep Your Bedroom Cool And Dark

The Best Sleeping Position ð? for Sinus Congestion! Dr. Mandell

When youre sick, small things can keep you from getting much-needed sleep. For example, you might feel more sensitive to fluctuations in light or temperature.

Keep the temperature in your bedroom cool and opt for light covers. Use blackout curtains to ensure outside light doesnt affect your sleep.

More Tips To Get Rid Of A Stuffy Nose

Avoiding a stuffy nose at night can begin with prevention during the day. In general, to clear a stuffy nose, the overall best daily practices include:

  • Use medications. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, talk to your doctor about using a nasal spray or oral allergy medication. While oral medications can be used daily, you shouldn’t use a spray decongestant more than three days in a row, Kim warns. “This may cause rebound congestion.”
  • Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated will reduce irritation in your nose, and keep your mucus runny, which makes it easier to clear by blowing your nose. Wondering how much water you should drink each day? Men should aim for 125 ounces, while women should aim for 91.
  • Use saline spray. When you are feeling congested, use a saline spray to keep the nose moist. You can also use a neti pot once or twice a day, including before bed, to clear congestion.
  • Pay attention to humidity. Keep the humidity in your house between 40% to 50%, Kim recommends. A small digital hygrometer is cheap to purchase and can measure humidity in your home. If you need to increase humidity, run a cool-mist humidifier.
  • Track your triggers. If you frequently experience stuffiness, begin tracking your triggers. “It’s common for people to experience a stuffy nose from a variety of environmental and dietary triggers,” Kim says. Anything from scent to spice can cause stuffiness, and identifying what causes it for you can help you avoid it in the future.
  • Why Are My Sinuses Worse At Night

    Weve all been there: you think your sinus problems are getting better, but the minute you lay down, your nose gets stuffy, and youre stuck staring at the ceiling. Ultimately, you find yourself wondering, Why are my sinuses worse at night?

    The answer to this question why are my sinuses worse at night? isnt always straightforward, and it can differ from person to person. What holds true for everyone, however, is that if your nose is blocked at night on one side or both, or if you are struggling with any other sinus-related issue, your sleep is going to suffer.

    What follows is a list of common conditions or circumstances that might make your sinuses worse at night, along with some potential remedies.

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    How To Get Better Sleep With A Cough

    Elevate Your Head

    There are multiple reasons sleeping with your head elevated is useful for reducing a nighttime cough. It helps to:

    • Discourage breathing through the mouth, which can dry out your mucosal passages and irritate the lining of your throat. It also reduces the oxygen intake of your lungs and can making snoring or apnea problems worse. When you lie flat, it is more likely that gravity will encourage your mouth to open and aggravate this problem.
    • Stop post-nasal drip. Post-nasal drip sufferers often experience night-time coughing due to the tickling sensation it creates on the back of the throat. Its important to sleep with your head slightly raised so that the drip is not aimed at such a bothersome angle.
    • Relieve symptoms of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease . During particularly bad COPD flair-ups it can seem impossible to breathe at all, let alone sleep. COPD is an umbrella term for chronic conditions like bronchitis and emphysema, which flatten the diaphragm and make breathing difficult. Sleeping on an incline makes it easier for the muscles of the neck and chest walls to help carry oxygen to the lungs.
    • Alleviate congestion. If you have a cold or sinus issues, there is an added pressure in your airways which can make lit difficult to sleep with a cough, much like those with COPD. And similar to nasal drip, having your head above your body assists in mucus drainage so it doesnt collect and cause you problems, like easing the urge to cough.

    How Does A Cold Affect Your Sleep

    How to Sleep with a Stuffy Nose Naturally

    Over 40% of people report that sleeping more than normal helps as they deal with a cold, yet it is natural to have trouble sleeping when you have a cold. In a survey conducted across several countries, 46% of people reported that having a cold or the flu disrupts their ability to receive good sleep. Additionally, 94% reported that when sick with a cold or flu, symptoms wake them up at night.

    Although a cough is the symptom that is most likely to wake you up at night when you have a cold, other cold symptoms such as aches and pains, a sore throat, runny nose, and the need to sneeze might also disturb your sleep. People experiencing a fever may have fever dreams. These unusual, negative dreams could also make sleeping more difficult while you are sick.

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    Daytime Effects Of Sinus & Allergy Induced Insomnia

    Sinus and allergy issues can both lead to difficulty sleeping, which has serious side effects on a persons life during the day. Without restful sleep during the night the body is unable to recharge and recuperate. While in the short term this isnt always a problem, having insomnia or sleeping issues for an extended time can negatively affect everything in your daily life from your energy and motivation, to your mental and physical health.

    Your body relies on the hours of being shut down to convert calories into energy and refresh the brain. When allergies or sinusitis get in the way of good sleep, you can wind up feeling stressed, flustered, foggy and exhausted. It can be harder to get things done and to enjoy the usual activities because your mind isnt processing at full capacity. You may not even realize that lack of quality sleep is the underlying reason for stress or tension in your life and body. Being continually stressed or tense as a result of poor sleep can lead to serious health risks like high blood pressure.

    Apply An Essential Oil Chest Rub

    Essential oils are thought to help improve cold symptoms and promote sleep. Although there isnt much research on their effectiveness, theyre generally safe.

    You can use essential oils to make your own chest rub. Eucalyptus, peppermint, and are a few examples of essential oils believed to have cold-fighting properties. Make sure you dilute your essential oil mix with a carrier oil to prevent skin irritation.

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    Test Out Saline Spray

    Dr. Steven Olmos advises that saline nasal spray with xylitol is a quick way to reduce inflammation and rehydrate the swollen nasal tissue. When the spray contains the antimicrobial xylitol, it may be able to kill sinusitis-causing bacteria.

    For immediate relief throughout the day, he recommends spritzing saline nasal spray in each nostril. Please follow the recommended dosing instructions on the packaging and do not use the product for longer than recommended.

    Catch Some Zs Again When You See The Glatz Group Of Valley Ent

    How to solve nasal congestion when using CPAP

    If your sinuses do not go away after trying the approaches mentioned above, you are welcome to set up an appointment with us where you can either have your symptoms addressed online through our telemedicine services or via phone call if you are in need of a procedure done in our office.

    We will continue to keep our office a safe, clean space for our patients and staff members alike amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    Best Sleeping Positions For Sinus Drainage

    If you are in a constant battle with your sinuses and find that the issues only worsen at night, make sure you try the above remedies. One of the most important things you want to change is the position that youre sleeping in. It may be as simple as switching that up, and your sinuses may be just fine.

    So, what position is best to sleep in to keep your sinuses clear?

    You want to sleep with your head propped up. This allows gravity to do its work and naturally drains your sinuses. You may need to bring an extra pillow or two into the mix so that you can elevate your head above your heart. This helps to decrease your blood flow from pooling in your nose and instead allows it to drain.

    The more flat you lay, the greater your chances of mucus building up, which can lead to a stuffed nose which means issues with breathing, which equates to a bad nights sleep.

    Try propping your head up for a few nights and see how it helps. It may take some time to get used to having your head at a new angle, but its worth a try to see if your sinus drainage improves.

    If you try that and find that you still have issues, it is time to head to an otolaryngologist. You may have something more severe than just clogged sinuses, and you need to sort out the problem early on so that you can find the remedy as soon as possible.

    When To Talk To Your Doctor

    The common cold and its associated symptoms, such as a cough, typically last for about seven to 10 days. If your cough or cold symptoms persist beyond this timeframe or feel particularly severe, make an appointment with your doctor. Although many people recover from a cold easily, those with a compromised immune system or certain illnesses are at risk of the cold developing into a more serious infection, such as pneumonia or bronchitis.

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    Prop Yourself Up With Pillows

    According to Dr. Leann Poston of Invigor Medical, Elevating your head before bed can increase drainage and decrease congestion. Thats why the best position to sleep with a stuffy nose is on your back with different types of pillows elevating your head and neck.

    By choosing the pillow sizes that make you feel comfortable and lifted, you may be able to breathe better throughout the night. Just make sure to learn how to wash pillows to remove those pesky dust mites.

    Use A Heated Humidifier

    Not everyone wants to buy medicine when they have a stuffy nose. These ...

    The biggest problem with using your CPAP machine while sick is the buildup of phlegm, dryness, and swollen membranes in your nose. One way to deal with this is by using a heated humidifier.

    A heated humidifier pumps warm, moist air through your CPAP, helping you restore the moisture levels to your nasal passages. This will make it easier for you to sleep comfortably and to continue using your CPAP machine.

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    Potential Causes Of Increased Congestion And Sinus Issues At Night

    When it comes to determining what makes your sinuses worse at night, a good place to begin is to ask yourself which sinus-related issues or household circumstances you go through.

    It is worth noting, however, that your sinus problems may worsen at night since youre less distracted and paying more attention to how you feel.

    While this might be true to a certain extent, paying attention doesnt lead to sinus symptoms. Sinus issues create sinus symptoms. Here are some potential factors to consider:

    Eat Healthy Nighttime Snacks

    When youre having trouble sleeping, chances are youll get hungry at some point. Runny nose or not, going to bed with a rumbling stomach can make it difficult to fall asleep. To curb those cravings, try munching on some healthy late-night snacks.

    Nutritious options like popcorn, bell peppers, dark chocolate, and cereal can satisfy your hunger while providing your body with the nourishment it needs to fight off illness.

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    What Is The Best Sleeping Position For Sinusitis Or Congestion

    Many experts recommend the following adjustments to your sleep routine, which include sleep position modifications, to improve your quality of sleep, reduce snoring, and improve sinus health:

    • Position your head so that you are propped up while sleeping
    • Do not lie down flat on your back, as it can cause congestion
    • Consider taking antihistamines before bed, and speak with an ear, nose, and throat doctor to determine if specific medications and treatments would help you sleep better
    • Avoid allergens, like dust mites or pets, in the bedroom

    Disinfect Your Supplies With A Cpap Sanitizer

    How to Sleep With a Stuffy Nose

    Using a CPAP with congestion can be a vicious cycle when caused by a cold or the flu virus. After your body works all day to fight the sickness, you end up putting your germ infected mask back on that night and reintroducing yourself to the problem.

    There are three different automated CPAP sanitizers that kill 99% of germs and bacteria and require no handwashing, soap or water. The SoClean, VirtuClean, or Lumin are all great sanitizing options, while sick, and also act as a fantastic preventative measure to ensure that that you dont get sick in the first place.

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    Sleep In An Elevated Position

    Often, CPAP users that are also back sleepers have the most trouble dealing with a cold. Nasal congestion is often much more uncomfortable for back sleepers which makes it difficult to utilize your CPAP machine.

    One way around this is to sleep in an elevated position. By simply putting a few pillows under your neck, youll decrease the amount of mucus buildup. If this doesnt help, you could also try sleeping on your side.

    Getting Sleep With Chronic Sinusitis & Sleep Apnea

    If you have chronic sinusitis, getting a good nights sleep is a crucial part of your recovery. Thats why having chronic sinusitis and sleep apnea is such an exhausting predicament.

    Whether your sleep apnea is brought on by a nasal obstruction worsened or caused by sinusitis, or you struggle with sleep apnea even when your sinuses are under control, these tips and treatments may help you find some relief.

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    What Is The Best Position To Sleep In With A Stuffy Nose

    When sleeping with a stuffy nose, always prop up the head and neck so that your nasal passageways can drain properly. When lying flat without an incline, your nasal passages can clog, causing snoring and infections in some cases. Many notice that sleeping on one side may cause sinus clogging in the sinuses closest to the bed. To avoid this, try lying on your back with pillows under your head. Under the guidance of your ear, nose, and throat doctor, you can also try taking allergy medications or decongestants before bed when appropriate.

    For Children The Nih Offers Some Of The Following Home Care Tips:

    How To Sleep With Sinusitis
    • Place a pillow under the head of your childs mattress or find another way to raise the head of your childs bed so that their head is elevated while they sleep.
    • Consider adding a cool-mist vaporizer to your childs room, though you should take care to avoid adding too much extra moisture to the air. The vaporizer should be cleaned and disinfected every day.
    • Use your shower to steam up the bathroom before your child goes to bed. Bring them in there to breathe the warm, moist air for a little bit to help add moisture to their nasal passages before they go to sleep.
    • Encourage your older children to drink extra sugar-free fluids during the day.
    • Use gentle saline nasal drops or sprays. You can find these products at drugstores or make them at home with common household ingredients like water, salt, and baking soda.
    • Try nasal suctioning with a bulb syringe for infants, which works well for babies under a year old.

    Getting a good nights sleep is one ingredient to leading a happy, healthy life. By finding the cause of the nighttime congestion affecting you or your child and taking steps to fix it, you are inviting more restful sleep back into your life. You cannot always avoid a stuffy nose around bedtime, but, with the steps above, you should be able to alleviate your symptoms enough to sleep through the night.

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    Written byCatherine Poslusny

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    Try Cold And Flu Medicines

    Using cold and flu medicines with decongestant and other ingredients can make it easier to breathe. They may also help with other symptoms, such as achy muscles and headaches.

    People should be careful to avoid non-drowsy daytime products before bed, as these may make it harder to sleep. Conversely, it is generally best to avoid nighttime products when a person needs to be awake, because these will likely cause drowsiness.

    Avoid combining multiple medicines, and do not give babies or children decongestants unless a doctor recommends it.

    When To See Your Doctor

    A stuffy nose typically isnt cause for alarm. Its usually caused by seasonal allergies or temporary bouts of the common cold, flu, and sinusitis.

    Although most people can treat a stuffy nose at home, certain groups should see their doctor for diagnosis. This includes:

    • infants
    • adults age 65 and older
    • people who have a compromised immune system

    Even if youre not in one of these groups, you should see your doctor if your symptoms last for more than a week or get progressively worse.

    You should also see your doctor if you experience:

    • difficulty breathing

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