Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can A Cpap Machine Cause Sinus Infections

Try A Nasal Aid Or Other Decongestant

CPAP & Infections: Dr. Tiffany Braley explains her research proposal

Nasal decongestants are a good way to combat nighttime stuffiness. For instance, Nasal Aid is a strip that goes over the bridge of the nose and helps expand your nasal passages during sleep. This makes it easier to utilize a nasal or nasal pillow mask.

Users can also take advantage of over-the-counter nasal spray or antihistamines sprays.

Using Cpap Can Cure Sleep Apnea

False. CPAP relieves the symptoms of sleep apnea: snoring, airway blockage, gasping and awakening from sleep. Because of this therapy, patients may feel they are cured. But if they stop using CPAP, the symptoms will return. If obese patients lose weight, the severity of their sleep apnea may decrease.

A new sleep study and consultation with a sleep medicine professional will be needed to determine if CPAP use can be discontinued.

Description Of The Devices

These devices are used to provide breathing assistance. Specifically:

  • A bilevel positive airway pressure machine pumps air under pressure into the airway of the lungs. BiPAP machines have a higher pressure when you breathe in and lower pressure when you breathe out.
  • A continuous positive airway pressure machine keeps your airway open by providing a continuous stream of air through a mask. CPAP machines are devices prescribed to people with obstructive sleep apnea to keep their airways open during sleep.
  • A continuous ventilator device is intended to mechanically control or assist patient breathing by delivering a predetermined percentage of oxygen in the breathing gas.

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Discomfort And Skin Irritation

For some CPAP users, the CPAP mask can cause discomfort. Improperly fitting masks can create sores, rashes, and pressure ulcers on the cheeks or nose. CPAP users sometimes report that mask use interferes with a hairstyle or leaves unwanted imprints on the face.

CPAP masks can also contribute to dermatitis, a condition in which the skin becomes inflamed after coming into contact with certain substances. People who have dry skin prior to using CPAP have a greater likelihood of developing dermatitis.

Materials in the mask, such as silicone, can cause a reaction called allergic dermatitis. Common side effects of allergic dermatitis include redness and itching. In extreme cases, people with allergic dermatitis may experience blistering on the skin.

How To Avoid Cpap Infections

CPAP Con Spotlight: Sinus infections, rainout, gassiness, facial marks

Although regular CPAP machine use does not link to increased respiratory infections, there have been cases of infections due to contaminated or improperly maintained CPAP devices.

Be sure to follow the manufacturers cleaning and maintenance instructions, and regularly clean all the parts of your machine, including the mask, water chamber, and flexible tubing. Bacteria can grow on all these surfaces.

Its also important to regularly change the water that adds hydration to your CPAP machine. All sorts of organisms can live in water, and a 2017 case report showed that Legionnaires disease was associated with using a contaminated CPAP machine.

Additionally, take measures to maintain your overall respiratory health, especially with underlying respiratory conditions like obstructive sleep apnea. This can include taking steps such as:

  • wearing a mask when possible
  • avoiding close physical contact with people who are sick

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Cpap Con Spotlight: Sinus Infections Rainout Gassiness Facial Marks

Sleep specialists generally speak about CPAP in a very positive light, and with good reason.

For hundreds of thousands of people, CPAP is a life-saving therapy for controlling obstructive sleep apnea .

However, while for some, CPAP is a perfect fit from the very first night, others need time to adjust, and they commonly experience side effects from the PAP therapy that give them discomfort.

There’s no need to gloss over any of these common problems with using CPAP therapy they all have explanations as well as solutions.

In this CPAP Con Spotlight, we’ll take a look at 4 common concerns.

Rare Cpap Side Effects

  • Pneumocephaly this is a case where the air coming from CPAP device accumulates intracranially, or within the skull. This can have terrible neurological effects and intense headaches.
  • Pulmonary barotrauma the CPAP device can cause the air pressure to rise to dangerous levels in just a matter of seconds. The result of this can be pulmonary, or lung barotrauma, and it can have serious effects on a patients respiratory system and inspiratory flow.
  • Intraocular hypertension even though rare, this often occurs in glaucomatous patients. The CPAP therapy increases the pressure inside the eye so that the intraocular pressure is higher than normal. This can cause pressure build-up in the eye, as the front of the eye doesnt drain fluid properly.
  • Subcutaneous emphysema this side effect refers to air being trapped within the tissues under the skin. This is an unusual complication that can be sometimes caused by CPAP therapy. It is usually solved by having CPAP therapy discontinued.

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Bloating And Gas From Swallowing Cpap Air

While not exclusive to CPAP, another side effect that can occur during therapy is Aerophagia, which is the discomfort, gas, or bloating thats caused by the accidental swallowing of air. While not overly common, CPAP Aerophagia can be a very uncomfortable experience. Here are a few things that may be causing it:

  • Your Pressure Needs Adjusting: CPAP Aerophagia can be caused by either therapy pressure that is too high or too low. Its easy to accidentally ingest too much air when your pressure is too high, but if its too low to adequately treat your apneas, you may end up just swallowing air in gulps when trying to breathe normally.
  • Mouth Breathing: If you wear a nasal or nasal pillow mask but dont use a chinstrap, your mouth may be falling open while you sleep. This lets air pressure escape through your mouth, which can cause you to begin unconsciously gasping for air and swallowing some in the process. This can be remedied by wearing a CPAP chinstrap.
  • Exhalation Pressure Is Too High: If youre having difficulty exhaling against your therapy pressure, it may cause an anxious choking episode where you begin to hyperventilate, which is when you begin quickly swallowing air. Most machines have a feature that may be referred to as Expiratory Pressure Relief , which reduces the incoming pressure during exhalation for a more natural breathing pattern. Consult your user manual to see if this is an option for your machine.

Why A Cpap May Not Work

Home CPAP & Infections

There are two main reasons why CPAP may not work for an individual patient.

1. Mild sleep apnea Patients diagnosed with mild sleep apnea typically cannot tolerate CPAP. This is simply because the cumbersome nature of the treatment causes more sleep disruption than the actual sleep apnea does. These patients are better treated with procedural therapy or possibly an oral appliance. Frequently, there is a better option for these patients. A simple 15 minute advanced balloon sinuplasty procedure in our office, possibly combined with soft palate stiffening, can open the airway and may cure the sleep apnea!

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You May Need A New Pressure

If youve gone through recent lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking or drinking, weight gain or loss, or changes to your underlying medical condition , some of the original symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea may reappear, due to residual sleep disorderd breathing. These changes to your lifestyle or medical condition may require a new pressure setting for your CPAP or BiPAP. With advances in technology, an FDA cleared OSA test that can be done in your home, with the results interpreted by a certified physician, remotely.

Can You Get Sick From Using Your Cpap Humidifier

Yes! Its possible to get sick from using a CPAP humidifier. This is because of the bacteria that can grow in it, especially if you dont clean it regularly. If theres mold or mildew growing inside then this will make your CPAP machine harder to breathe through and might even cause pneumonia-like symptoms.

Another reason for getting sick from using a dirty CPAP humidifier is the allergens that can build up inside. People with asthma are more likely to get sick because of the dust mites, animal dander, and pollen. This is especially true if theyre using a humidifier each night with their CPAP machine.

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Common Cpap Side Effects

Although CPAP therapy is one of the most successful methods for treating and reducing the symptoms of sleep apnea, there are a host of CPAP side effects that may follow after constant use of sleep apnea equipment. If you wear a CPAP mask and use a CPAP machine, these issues might sound familiar to you.

Recommendations For Health Care Providers And Facilities

Coronavirus Oxygen Supplementation 101
  • Follow the recommendations above for the affected devices used in health care settings.
  • Review the recommendations above with patients who use the affected devices.
  • Service affected devices and evaluate for any evidence of foam degradation.
  • If there is evidence of foam degradation, such as black debris in the device, stop use of the device, if possible, and report any problems with a device through the FDAs MedWatch Voluntary Reporting Form.

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Why Is My Face Breaking Out Around My Nose

You may notice acne or pimples along the area where your mask is wornespecially if your skin is prone to breakoutsdue to your facial oils building up under your mask. You can minimize this reaction by washing your face each evening before applying your mask and by wiping down your mask each morning. If you are still experiencing breakouts, you may want to consider a nasal pillow mask since the design makes less direct contact with your skin. If you cant wear a nasal pillow mask due to mouth breathing, try to add a CPAP chin strap to your CPAP setup to encourage nasal breathing.

We also recommend keeping your mask clean, which may reduce or eliminate breakouts, with the following:

While uncommon, a silicone allergy may be contributing to your breakouts, so it may be worth having your healthcare provider test you for a silicone allergy. A gel or cloth mask may help you reduce acne from your CPAP mask if making a change to your cleaning routine doesnt fix things for you.

Fungal And Mold Risks

The CPAP has some “creature features” to make it more comfortable to use. In particular, the heated humidifier and heated tubing may make the air more warm and moist. This decreases mouth and nose dryness.

However, there are organisms that also love a warm, humid environment. In particular, fungus, yeast, and mold would love to hang out in such a place. Dangerous molds could also establish themselves in the equipment. These organisms could potentially be harmful to you.

This may lead to irritation of the airways and lungs, contributing to cough or possibly even an infection like bronchitis, pneumonia, or inflammation of the lungs called pneumonitis. The air pressure may blow these organisms directly into your lungs. It sounds scary!

If your CPAP is not kept clean and excess moisture is allowed to sit in the tubing or humidifier, you might be at risk of developing a fungal or yeast colonization.

Take a deep breath. Large studies have not been performed, and cases of this occurring have not been reported in the literature. The risk is likely extremely low. The use of a humidifier and adequate hygiene seems to reduce these risks.

If water is left in the device for an extended period of time without use, mold is more likely to form. Therefore, the device should not be stored with water left in it, especially in an environment that might promote such growth .

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CPAP therapy is considered the gold standard in treating obstructive sleep apnea because it is safe, non-invasive, and- most importantly- effective. CPAP infection symptoms include sinus and respiratory infections, allergic reactions , pneumonia , or bronchitis. These are all undesirable to say the least when it comes to your health! No one wants to get sick, especially if you have a chronic illness. Thankfully, most infections can be prevented with basic hygiene practices and keeping your CPAP cleaner properly sanitized.

A dirty CPAP machine, especially the tubing, can become a hot-bed for various dangerous microbes. Cleaning your CPAP machine regularly will help you and your machine stay away from these hazards. These microbes include bacteria, fungi, protozoa and even some viruses, and all of these can cause infections. Therefore, there are some CPAP infection symptoms and signs that you should watch out for, even if youre taking all the necessary precautions. Here we will discuss the top 5 CPAP infection symptoms to keep on your radar.

Is Your Cpap Machine Making You Sick

𤧠CPAP Side Effects & Common Problems – Frequent Causes & Solutions
Submitted by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Sun 09/26/2021 – 09:00

Are you using a CPAP machine to treat your sleep apnea? Are you aware of the risks and possible side effects that come with using a CPAP machine?

In this post, Dr. Ivan Stein and Dr. Allen Stein of New Jersey Sleep Apnea Solutions discuss the various ways your CPAP machine may be making you sick.

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Dont Let Chronic Sinusitis And Sleep Apnea Ruin Another Nights Sleep

If you think youre having breathing difficulty during the night, or if a partner has said that you wake up choking and gasping, it could be time to consider balloon sinuplasty. Dont ignore potential sinusitis and sleep apnea the complications of sleep apnea and chronic snoring are no laughing matter.

Dr. Bequer, a leading West Palm Beach and Tampa sinus doctor, is one of Floridas premier balloon sinuplasty physicians. Stop sleep apnea in its tracks by calling Sinus Solutions of South Florida at to request a consultation today.

Related Resources for Sinus Problems:

A Cpap Machine Is Addictive

False. While the machine itself is not addictive, patients become addicted to the results of regular CPAP use. These results include getting better sleep and feeling more energize and focused. If they stop using CPAP, their sleep apnea symptoms will return, along with drowsiness and lack of concentration.

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Can Your Cpap Make You Sick

I keep hearing radio ads about high-tech cleaners for continuous positive airway pressure machines, which are used to treat sleep apnea. Bacteria and mold can accumulate in different parts of the device. Just the touch of a button, say the ads, and all undesirable organisms lurking in the CPAP pump, tube, and mask will be zapped into oblivion. Your CPAP system will be sanitized and ready for use while you sleep.

But can a CPAP system really lead to illness? And if so, do we need space-age technology to clean a CPAP machine?

Causes Of Sleep Apnea

Doctodd GI CPAP Machine for anti sleep snoring personal care with nasal ...

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when a persons breathing frequently pauses during their sleep. This pause during breathing often wakes up the patient with sleep apnea resulting in an unrestful night of sleep.

Sleep apnea and snoring are often conflated. The two sleep disorders result from very similar causes, and snoring is the main symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. However, with sleep apnea, the patient stops breathing altogether .

This phenomenon occurs because the sleepers throat muscles have either collapsed too much or are obstructed by oversized organs. These interruptions can occur as many as 30 times during just one hour of sleep.

Can sleep apnea be caused by congestion? In fact, congestion is the main link between chronic sinusitis and sleep apnea. The following additional conditions can contribute to your sinus problems and snoring and can increase the severity of your snoring and sleep apnea:

  • Getting up frequently to urinate during the night
  • Increased likelihood of heart disease and stroke

People who struggle with both sinusitis and sleep apnea are very likely to have sinus sleep problems, problems that extend beyond chronic sinusitis fatigue. The sleep time of a sleep apnea patients bed partner is often disturbed, too, and sleep partners may share some of the same symptoms.

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Tips For Preventing Cpap Side Effects

Unwanted CPAP side effects can be discouraging, but dont give up on your sleep apnea treatment just yet. The following recommendations may reduce or eliminate some of the issues youre experiencing:

  • Ensure You Have the Proper Mask Fit
  • Double-Check That Your Headgear Straps Are Secured
  • Clean Your CPAP Equipment Regularly
  • Avoid Using Oil-Based Cleaning Products
  • Add Humidification or Mask Liners
  • Consider Sinus Medication or Heated Tubing
  • Use Water-Soluble Saline Gel on Nostrils

You may also find it helpful to wear your CPAP mask during the day while fully awake to get more comfortable wearing it. You should use this time to also make any adjustments to your mask fit and seal quality to reduce the overall irritation and the number of sores you may experience.

Infections Of The Sinus That Result After Using Cpap

This mostly results from bad cleaning and poor maintenance of your CPAP system. Sinus infections are also caused by the CPAP filters not being disposed of and replaced every month. The interior and fixed filters should also be managed regularly.

Also, the chances of breeding molds, bacteria, or other microorganisms could be increased by keeping your humidity chamber, mask, or tube unclean.

To avoid this, keep your equipment clean and keep your DME clean on a regular basis to check your machine if theres any internal mold growth.

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