Friday, July 26, 2024

Can Acupuncture Help With Sinus Problems

Acupuncture For Nasal Congestion Or Nasal Block

Acupuncture : Acupuncture for a Sinus Infection

An acupuncture treatment will use both distal points on the limbs, hands, and feet as well as local points on the face and around the nose. For acute cases, receiving 2-3 treatments per week for at least 2 weeks is the most effective. For chronic cases, 2 treatments per week for at least 5 weeks is necessary.Whether you have acute nasal congestion from a cold or a more serious nasal problem, seeing an Acupuncture Practitioner as soon as possible will significantly reduce your recovery time and help you get back to normal life. If you or a loved one are experiencing nasal congestion or nasal block, please do not hesitate to contact an acupuncturist to find out if/how Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can benefit you.

Effectiveness Of Acupuncture Treatment

People use acupuncture since it is one of the best remedies that helps to treat a variety of sinus issues, including headaches, pressure, pain and nasal congestion. This treatment is meant to focus on the present congestion while strengthening your system and cause less reaction in the future. Acupuncture is said to have some advantages over antihistamines and helps in providing treatments without surgery as well.According to traditional Chinese medicine , a persons health depends on the flow of qi in your body. This energy travels along specific hidden pathways, referred to as meridians. These are found throughout your body. Hence acupuncture is considered as a permanent treatment for sinus allergy and sinus congestion. In general, acupuncture is believed to provide relief by stimulating the nervous system and causes the release of neurochemical messenger molecules. It provides remedy using the biochemical changes that tend to influence the body’s homeostatic mechanisms, hence promoting physical and emotional well-being. The best way to relieve sinus allergy and sinus congestion is by stimulating certain acupuncture points that affect areas of the brain which is a best treatment to stop stress and reduce sensitivity to pain. It is considered as the best surgery alternative to cure sinus.

Acupuncture Treatment For Sinusitis

There are four pairs of sinuses and the ones which are most prone to infection and inflammation are located between the eyes and either side of the nose.

The condition of sinusitis broadly corresponds to an old Chinese medical category called Bi Yuan which literally means nose pool.

The main symptoms of sinusitis are a purulent, yellow nasal discharge from the front and back of the nose , a stuffed nose, a frontal headache, facial pain and a feeling of muzziness and heaviness of the head. The sinuses may be tender to touch.

Long term sinusitis is often caused by repeated infections by the common cold or influenza viruses. Part of the problem with this condition is anatomical. The openings into the nasal cavity are narrow and so if there is already inflammation, then further infection and inflammation makes the cavities prone to blockage. This results in stagnation of fluids in the nose and sinuses.

Within Chinese medicine, repeated invasions of common cold & influenza viruses occur because the Lung energy is weakened. In addition, these infections interfere with the movement of Lung energy which in turn causes the fluids in the nose and sinuses to collect.

Diet can also play an important factor in the development of chronic sinusitis. Food items which are difficult to digest and are consumed on a regular basis will lead to the development and retention of Phlegm which will predispose one to sinusitis.

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You Can Breathe With Your Nose Now

All of the symptoms are clearly diagnosed by the modern technology: treat the patients using various method of own medical system. We do not pursue just healing process, or goal of treatment is 90% of radical cure for the chronic ones, for the allergic ones 80% of radical cure. Our alternative medicine is for boosting immune system, balancing the body to prevent the reoccurrence.

Food Allergies & Intolerances

9 Pressure Points for Sinus Issues

You might not realize this, but many people get sinus congestion from food allergies or intolerances. Foods like gluten, dairy, eggs, refined sugars, alcohol, and others can trigger a general inflammatory response where the sinuses become inflamed because of increased levels of histamine in the body. These reactions often come with bloating, sneezing, or itchy feelings, but not necessarily.

If you find that your sinus inflammation is worse after eating certain foods, it might be time to try an elimination diet. The most basic way to do this is to remove the most common inflammatory foods from your diet for 30 days and then slowly introduce them back into your life one at a time. If the inflammation comes back, it is easy to identify which foods are your triggers and that you should avoid those foods in the future.

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Can I Massage While Sick With Flu

A massage is meant to relieve any tension and boost the immune system. But, when the body is already having trouble with an infection or a virus , it is not a good idea to get a massage. The pressure you apply can feel incredibly heavy and make you dizzy. This is not something you need when you are sick.

If you really need a massage while sick, try acupuncture. A lot of people wonder can acupuncture help sinus pressure? The truth is, many rely on acupuncture for blocked sinuses. Plus, it can relieve the symptoms of the flu, like headaches, fever, chills, cough, or sore throat.

But, most importantly, it can help get your runny nose in check and soothe the congestion. These are all benefits that can come in handy when dealing with sinus problems.

What To Expect In An Acupuncture Session

Acupuncture for ear blockages is likely performed in several sessions, spread out over a week or two. Your practitioner can choose the same points, or select different points during each session, depending on your presenting symptoms. The first session can last longer than an hour, but subsequent sessions are usually an hour or less. Additional techniques, such as the burning of medicinal herbs on a needle, electrical stimulation and massage, may also be employed during your treatment session to improve results.

  • Acupuncture for ear blockages is likely performed in several sessions, spread out over a week or two.

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Tips On Pressure Points For Sinuses And Nasal Congestion

If youre pregnant or trying to get pregnant, talk to your doctor before trying acupressure points. Some pressure points can lead to labor.

Using acupressure can sometimes help ease pain and other symptoms right away. You may feel the pressure lifting slightly as you apply pressure on the specific points.

You may need to continue the acupressure treatment for several days before you feel anything. Pressure shouldnt be painful or bruise the area.

Acupressure And Acupuncture For Sinuses

Acupuncture for Sinus and Allergy

Acupuncture is used to treat chronic sinus pressure and other symptoms.

Research from 2006 found that about 99 percent of acupuncturists in the United States treat sinus problems. Similarly, the Cleveland Clinic recommends using acupressure to relieve sinus pressure due to allergies.

While more research is needed on using acupressure to treat sinus symptoms, this practice may help improve blood flow, relax muscles, and help mucus drain from the sinuses.

You can do acupressure for sinus symptoms on yourself. It only takes a few minutes.

  • Use a mirror to help you find the points on your face.
  • Apply firm but gentle pressure on the points for at least 3 minutes each. You can use your fingers, thumbs, or a thin, blunt object, like the eraser tip of a pencil.
  • Repeat throughout the day for several days.
  • You can press on the acupressure points or gently rub or rotate your fingers in a circular motion over the area.

    You can also get professional acupressure treatment from a certified acupuncturist. Some massage therapists may also use acupressure points.

    Here are the main acupressure points for sinus relief and how to find them:

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    Acupressure Points For Sinus Problems

    Large intestine 20. This point is located at the base of your nose. Place your fingers on either side of the bottom of your nose where it meets your cheeks. This point helps with facial swelling, sinus congestion, and respiratory disorders. â

    Large intestine 4. This point is located in the web between your thumb and first finger. It’s at the highest point of the muscle that bulges when your thumb and index finger are pressed together. This pressure point can be stimulated to help with headaches and jaw pain. â

    Bladder 2. This point is located at the top of the inner eyebrow right underneath the orbital bone on each eye. It’s in the area where your eyebrow meets your nose. This point can be stimulated to help with facial pain and frontal headaches.

    Gallbladder 20. This point is located at the back of the skull where the ear bone meets the neck. Stimulation of this point helps with midline headache and neck pain.â

    Liver 3. This point is located on your foot about two finger widths above where the big toe and second toe meet. You can stimulate this point to help with headaches and irritability.

    Types Of Smell And Taste Disorders

    According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, there are different types of loss of smell and taste based on how your senses are affected.

    • Anosmia: Loss of sense of smell
    • Ageusia: Loss of sense of taste
    • Hyposmia: Reduced ability to smell
    • Hypogeusia: Reduced ability to taste sweet, sour, bitter, or salty things
    • Parosmia: A change in the normal perception of smell

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    Treating Sinusitis With Acupuncture

    Getting over your sinus woes is not as easy as it sounds! While sinus issues might have been your constant companion for a long period of time, some non-conventional approaches like acupuncture treatment for sinusitis are known to be wonderfully successful in a large number of people. Read on to understand more about the condition and how acupuncture can help to lessen the symptoms as well as provide long term relief for sinusitis related to chronic inflammation and allergies, even after surgery. Clinical evidence shows that people who cannot breathe through their nose to get sufficient oxygen tend to develop depression and anxiety.

    Understanding Sinusitis

    Sinusitis is defined as the inflammation of the nose and sinus cavities resulting from various allergic reactions to dust, chemical irritants, or even bacterial or viral infections. Medically, the problem is divided into different subtypes, namely, acute, chronic, allergic, or infectious sinusitis. A range of symptoms like nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, sinus pain, and headaches, fever, difficulty sleeping, etc. are commonly observed among patients.

    Why acupuncture and how does it help?

    Where Are They Located

    Can Acupuncture Help with Sinus Problems  For Your ...

    As the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists note, the main pressure points that may help with sinus congestion or pain are in the face.

    The following table lists the names, locations, and benefits of each point. Note that the measurement cun refers to what acupuncturists also call a persons body inch the distance between the two joints of the middle finger.

    Point name
    in the middle of the gap between the eyebrows sinus problems, frontal headaches

    Another point, GV23, may also help with general headaches. It is located in the center of the forehead, 1 cun behind the hairline.

    In acupressure, a person stimulates specific pressure points using self-massage. The University of California, Los Angeles recommend these steps for beginners:

  • Relax in a comfortable position, close the eyes, and breathe deeply.
  • Choose a pressure point and press it firmly with a finger.
  • Move the finger in circles, or up and down, for several minutes.
  • Use deep, firm pressure.
  • Repeat this as often as needed.
  • A person can also ask another person to massage the pressure points for them. Practicing the technique consistently may lead to better results.

    UCLA recommend using acupressure with the supervision of a doctor. Pressure point stimulation should not hurt. If it does, reduce the pressure or stop the massage.

    There is limited research into the effectiveness of acupressure for sinus conditions. Many of the studies in this area focus on traditional acupuncture instead.

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    Treat Nasal Congestion Or Nasal Block Without Surgery

    This is quite a common procedure, where a bent nasal septum is corrected. It is a day treatment under a short general anaesthesia. Antibiotics are prescribed postoperatively to prevent infection or bleeding. Patients hate having packs removed from the nose after surgery. We do away with this by using laser techniques on the turbinates . The nose tends to swell up a bit inside for about 1 week post-op.All these side effects will be avoided while treating Nasal congestion or nasal block with the Acupuncture. Acupuncture is the best and safe treatment which has no side effects and helps heal in the natural way.

    Acupuncture For Sinus Allergies

    So, how can acupuncture treat sinus allergies? We place the needles in your sphenopalatine ganglion acupoint. The sphenopalatine is a group of nerve cells located behind your nose that carries sensory information from your nose, mouth, and throat.

    These nerves are also autonomic nerves, which are nerves that control functions you dont think about, like breathing. In addition to sensations, your sphenopalatine ganglion plays a role in controlling nasal congestion.

    According to a systematic review and meta-analysis published in the September 2020 issue of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, acupuncture provides significant relief from sinus allergy symptoms in people who fail to respond to traditional treatment.

    Acupuncture for sinus allergies is safe and effective, especially for those who continue to suffer from their symptoms while taking allergy medications and people who cant tolerate the side effects from allergy medications.

    In addition to your sinus problems, acupuncture may boost your energy and mood and give you a general sense of well-being. Let us help you breathe easy with our acupuncture treatment.

    Make an appointment today by most convenient to you in Plano or Addison, Texas or clicking the book online button.

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    Is Sinusitis Something I Should Be Worried About

    Most cases of sinusitis get better on their own and self-care techniques are usually all you need to ease symptoms. Sinusitis can be very uncomfortable and irritable and will maintain until it starts to clear up. Sinusitis isnt a major concern or something individuals should stress about, but in some cases, such as chronic sinusitis, it can be an underlying issue to something else, such as an allergy you have but were unaware of or a deviated septum. A doctor can help assist and identify the main cause of sinusitis. See a doctor if sinus pain or pressure lasts longer than three weeks.

    Although sinusitis resolves as a result of the bodys immune response, in some cases this doesnt occur and the infection lingers on. Doctors recommend seeking advice after seven to ten days of ongoing sinusitis symptoms that are getting worse rather than better. Viral infections, such like the common cold usually heals itself, but some sinusitis can occur due to a bacterial infection in the body. If you are not getting better, thats when doctors realise there is a bacterial component and will prescribe antibiotics. If sinusitis from a bacterial infection origin isnt resolved, other health problems may arise such as inner ear infection, vertigo, dental issues and possibility chronic sinusitis.

    Research On Acupuncture For Sinus Infection

    Acupressure for Sinus Problems Video

    While there are not many studies regarding the benefits of acupuncture for resolving sinus problems, the majority of established and published studies relate to the benefits of acupuncture for treating allergic rhinitis.

    Allergic rhinitis is a condition characterized by the inflammation of your nasal mucous membranes, which can lead to an array of sinus-related issues such as:

    • Pressure in your face
    • Postnasal drip

    As per a 2014 review of randomized controlled trials, acupuncture has the potential to provide symptomatic relief from allergy, though more evidence is required. Another 2014 study revealed similar findings.

    In 2015, a review found that acupuncture has some benefits over antihistamines however, more evidence and research are required to support their conclusions.

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    Best Acupressure Points To Relieve Sinus Pain

    With temperatures dropping, winter is in full swing and with it comes cold and flu season. For anyone suffering from sinus problems, this can be one of the most frustrating times of year. The sinuses – or the hollow cavities surrounding the nose – can create stuffy noses, sore throats, and headaches that send people running for over the counter medications that leave them feeling even more tired or drained.

    Many people would welcome alternative methods to relieve sinus pressure and pain in a more natural manner. Fortunately, acupressure can help serve as an organic alternative to taking over the counter medications. Acupressure is a type of traditional Chinese medicine that utilizes pressure points in the body to provide relief for a variety of symptoms. There are many different acupressure points that can be used to help provide relief for sinus issues. Lets take a look at their location and how to activate them.

  • Edge of the Lower Nose
  • Known as the Ying Xiang pressure point, which translates as Welcome Fragrance. This pressure point is excellent for opening clogged sinuses and nasal passages, one of the most common complaints associated with cold and flu season.

    This is also one of the easiest acupressure points to locate. It resides on both sides of the base of the nose where your nose attaches to your cheeks. This is also one of the easiest acupressure points to trigger.

  • Between the Eyebrows
  • Interior of the Clavicle
  • Wrist, Below the Thumb
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