Thursday, July 25, 2024

Dry Eyes And Sinus Pressure

Understanding Your Natural Tears

Relieve eye strain, puffiness, dry eyes & sinus pressure

Tears are comprised of three layers. The mucus layer coats the cornea, the eyes clear outer window, forming a foundation so the tear film can adhere to the eye. The middle aqueous layer provides moisture and supplies oxygen and other important nutrients to the cornea. This layer is made of 98 percent water along with small amounts of salt, proteins and other compounds. The outer lipid layer is an oily film that seals the tear film on the eye and helps to prevent evaporation.

Tears are formed in several glands around the eye. The water layer is produced in the lacrimal gland, located under the upper eyelid. Several smaller glands in the lids make the oil and mucus layers. With each blink, the eyelids spread the tears over the eye. Excess tears flow into two tiny drainage ducts in the corner of the eye by the nose. These ducts lead to tiny canals that connect to the nasal passage. The connection between the tear ducts and the nasal passage is the reason that crying causes a runny nose.

In addition to lubricating the eye, tears are also produced as a reflex response to outside stimuli such as an injury or emotion. However, reflex tears do little to soothe a dry eye, which is why someone with watery eyes may still complain of irritation.

Increase Your Fluid Intake

Drinking more fluids, specifically water, may help to thin out mucus. This may reduce the stuffed or clogged feeling in your nose and sinuses. It may also be helpful to limit alcohol, which can dehydrate you and dry you out even more.

Try to drink more water during the summertime, when temperatures rise, and when you engage in physical activity. If plain water isn’t appealing to you, try adding a lemon to your water, drink flavored water, or try an electrolyte beverage.

Sleeping with a humidifier, a machine that adds moisture to the air, may help:

  • Keep your mucous membranes moist
  • Ease some breathing issues

Most humidifiers need distilled water or frequent cleaning in order to keep bacteria from growing in the system. You can also consider purchasing a more expensive self-cleaning humidifier.

Humidifiers can be added to your heating/cooling system. This is the most expensive option, but it allows you to control the humidity levels in your home year round.

How To Relieve Sinus Pressure And Pain

Now that you know what causes sinus congestion, you can determine how to relieve sinus pain. Here are a few tips and tricks for easing sinus pain. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

Chill Out Your Sinuses

Anything you can do to cool your head can ease sinus pain symptoms. An ice mask, bag of ice or a cold compress can help.

Massage and Relax

Stress often makes your sinus symptoms feel worse. Gently massaging your neck and shoulders, while not linked to your sinuses, can help you relax, giving you relief.

Try SUDAFED® to Relieve Sinus Pressure and Pain

For a treatment that works to relieve sinus symptoms day and night, try SUDAFED PE® Sinus Congestion Day + Night for powerful congestion relief.

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Potential Causes Of Pressure Or Pain Behind The Eyes

Eye pressure and eye pain go together in many conditions, but they are different sensations. Pressure will feel like something is pushing on your eye from the back. In contrast, pain can be described as gritty, dull, a shooting sensation, or feeling like something is stuck in your eye.

There are many common causes of pressure or pain behind the eyes.

Warning Signs And Symptoms Of A Dangerous Sinus Infection


Sinusitis describes inflammation of one or more of the paranasal sinuses, the air-filled spaces in the facial bones that open into the nasal cavity. This condition often occurs because of infection. Although infectious sinusitis is certainly uncomfortable, it usually does not pose a serious health threat. However, rare complications of infectious sinusitis can be dangerous and potentially life threatening if not diagnosed and treated promptly. These complications involve spread of the infection to the structures around the eye, the facial bones and/or the nervous system. Although rare, itâs important watch for warning signs and symptoms that might signal a potentially serious infectious sinusitis complication.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

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Pressure Or Pain Behind The Eyes: A Symptom Indicating Several Problems

Many people experience eye pain or pressure at some point because of an infection, headache, allergies, or a similar cause. Often, temporary pain does not mean anything serious.

If you experience frequent or constant pressure or pain behind your eyes, there may be a bigger health issue. Visiting an optometrist or ophthalmologist can help, but you may also need to see a physician or a specialist to determine the underlying cause.

Eye strain is a common problem in the modern world. This is because more workers than ever before use computers and other screens. Chronic and untreated allergies, viruses and bacteria, corneal damage, inflammation of various parts of the eye, and even tumors can be underlying causes of pain or pressure behind the eyes, which need different approaches to treatment.

Reviewing information on symptoms and treatments can help you understand a little of what is happening with your eyes, but it is best to work with medical professionals if you are concerned.

Why Do Patients Feel Pressure Inside Of The Eyes

Pressure inside of the eyes is part of a disease process called glaucoma. Glaucoma is when the pressure builds up in the eye and that causes gradual decline in the patients vision.

When patients have pressure in their eyes, its very rare that it would actually be pressure inside the eye. More typically that has to do with pressure around the eyes.

Let us explain.

The eyes are surrounded by a bony structure called the orbit, and surrounding the orbit is the sinuses. You have sinuses below your eyes and above your eyes. So when people feel pressure in their eyes, it is typically pressure in the sinuses surrounding the eyes.

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Are There Any Sjogren’s Syndrome Complications

Sjogrens can take a toll on multiple organs throughout the body, including the lungs, liver, and kidneys. You might develop a persistent cough or come down with recurrent bronchitis, for example.

The worst complication is obviously lymphoma, Dr. Akpek notes.

Lymphoma is a type of cancer that begins in the affects the bodys infection-fighting white blood cells, called lymphocytes. In Sjogrens, these are the cells that attack the bodys moisture-producing glands. Why these cells become cancerous is unclear. But people with Sjogrens are much more likely to develop lymphoma than folks in the general population.

Reasons Pressure Builds Up Behind Your Eyes

Sinus Pressure: The Fastest Way to Drain Your Sinuses

21 November, 2018 by Myopia Institute

Certain eye discomforts are minor and can be fixed simply by cleaning the eyes or taking a break from visual activities. In other words, nothing to worry about. That said, you should pay attention to certain eye discomforts, especially if they involve pressure building up behind your eyes.

Todays article from vision correction center Myopia Institute aims to shed light on the five leading reasons you feel this kind of pain.

  • Headaches

  • Pressure around the eyes is one of the primary discomforts accompanying headaches. According to the American Migraine Foundation, most headaches can be classified as tension-type migraines and are not caused by eye strain and other conditions related to eye fatigue. Other migraine symptoms include nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.

  • Sinus Infection

  • Sinus infections are a nuisance at the very least. Sinuses are the hollow spaces on your skull positioned above, below, behind, and between the eyes. Sinus infection or sinusitis is caused by a virus, resulting in swollen nasal cavities. This inflammation is what causes discomfort and pressure around the eye area. Luckily, a sinus infection isnt something that warrants an eye exam, but you should consult a doctor if over-the-counter relief medication doesnt work for you.

  • Graves Disease

  • Optic Neuritis

  • Face Injury

  • Reviews

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    How To Tell The Difference Between Covid

    Allergy and sinus symptoms can be similar to COVID-19 symptoms. An otolaryngologist explains how to tell them apart and when you should seek treatment.

    Allergy season has become more complicated since the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have allergies or sinus problems, you may not be sure how to tell the difference between those symptoms and COVID-19 symptoms. Jessica Southwood, MD, otolaryngologist, offers expert guidance to help you better understand these three conditions.

    Since sinus and allergy symptoms and COVID-19 symptoms can seem similar and have some overlap, it is important to familiarize yourself with the differences. That way, you and your provider can manage your health care appropriately.

    Causes And Treatments Of Pressure Behind Your Eye

    Pressure behind the eye can be an uncomfortable and worrisome situation. However, eye pressure is a common side effect of many conditions and is usually very easy to treat.

    Several conditions can result in pressure behind the eye, so proper diagnosis is essential to seeking the appropriate course of treatment.

    Heres a list of the most common causes for pressure behind the eyes, symptoms, and treatments.

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    How Are Dry Sinuses Diagnosed

    Diagnosing dry sinuses is fairly easy. Doctors are quickly able to notice irritation with a minor examination, and the symptoms you describe will say a lot about your condition. However, the more difficult diagnosis is often finding the underlying cause of your dry nasal passages. Symptoms can be a helpful clue to determine the source of your issues.

    To diagnose allergies as the source of your dryness issues, doctors will perform a simple allergy test either in the office or from the comfort of your home. The allergy test will bring to light exactly what you are allergic to, and how severely, allowing you to either avoid these allergens or find the best form of relief with help from an ENT specialist.

    To diagnose other sinus or nasal issues such as deviated septum, nasal polyps, doctors may complete an endoscopy, where the nasal and sinus cavities are inspected using a long skinny tube with a light or camera attached to the end.

    Diagnosing Sjögren syndrome can take more time, but doctors will once again begin with assessing your symptoms. A Salivary flow or blood test may be conducted to determine if you have the antibodies that typically indicate this condition.

    Vaginal Dryness And Infections


    When you have Sjogrens, it gets dry down there, too. And when vaginal secretions dry up, problems begin to surface. You might come down with yeast infections or have vaginal pain, burning, or itching.

    The normal flora is disturbed and abnormal germs take over, Dr. Akpek explains.

    Vaginal dryness, of course, in common during menopause. Unfortunately, Sjogrens can makes things even worse for you, causing pain during sex, for example.

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    Get Immediate Medical Assistance To Protect Yourself From Vision Loss

    As it is cleared that chronic sinusitis can lead a patient to vision issues, so if one does not get right medication or treatment on time, then it can encourage blindness for sure. If you dont want to get this loss, then do consult a doctor to eradicate chronic sinusitis from your life as early as possible. Using OTC medicines or homemade remedies, chronic sinusitis can definitely be managed.

    The Complaint Of Pressure Behind The Eyes Has Many Causes And Some Can Be Sight

    A feeling of pressure behind your eyes isnt necessarily caused by a condition inside your eye. It often starts in a different part of your head or face.

    Feelings of eye pressure should always be taken seriously and be reported to your doctor.

    Eye pain is usually described as stabbing, searing, or stinging and requires immediate medical attention as it could be caused by glaucoma or various contagious eye infections.

    Here are the most common causes of pressure felt behind the eye.

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    Sleeping Pills Antidepressants & Parkinsons Medication

    While sleeping pills, antidepressants, and Parkinsons medication might not seem like they have a lot in common, they all work by blocking signals between nerve cells. This can be helpful in treating insomnia, depression, anxiety, and neurological conditions like Parkinsons.

    However, these types of medications can also block the signals that tell your eyes its time to produce more tears. If you are experiencing dry eye as a side effect of a medication, you can talk to your doctor about adjusting your dose. Your optometrist may also be able to recommend a dry eye therapy option like medicated eye drops to provide you with relief.

    Does High Eye Pressure Always Require Treatment

    Can persistent Sinusitis lead to blocked vision? – Dr. Satish Babu K

    Many people with high IOP do not need treatment. Regular monitoring ensures that your eyes are healthy and vision issues are addressed.

    A 2021 study in JAMA Ophthalmology revealed that high eye pressure does not necessarily require treatment. Among study participants, those who delayed treatment did not experience significantly different outcomes than those who did not.

    Another long-term study examining almost 3,300 subjects with elevated IOP, all between the ages of 40 and 80, looked at treating high eye pressure before glaucoma versus waiting. Researchers found that, over decades, there was not much difference between the patients who received treatment immediately and those who did not. The study concluded that monitoring eye pressure meant intervention came sooner, and more people kept their sight.

    Ultimately, the best treatment approach and timeline will depend on a variety of personal factors. Discuss these with your doctor to best determine how to proceed.

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    What To Do For Dry Nose And Sinuses

    Having dry nasal and sinus passageways can lead to other problems. These may include feeling stuffed up as you breathe, thick mucus, and frequent bloody noses. It’s important to maintain a proper amount of moisture in your nose and sinuses to keep them healthy.

    This article explores the causes and symptoms of dry nose and sinuses. It will also explain the fastest ways to unblock and moisten them.

    Verywell / Nez Riaz

    Chemical And Environmental Irritants

    Many chemicals and products for cleaning, home repair, and more can irritate your nasal passages and sinuses. This can cause you to have dry sinuses, sore throat, dry nose, nosebleeds, or other symptoms similar to allergies. Some chemicals and products that can irritate your sinuses include:

    • household cleaning products
    • industrial irritants
    • paint or varnish fumes

    There are many ways you can treat dry sinuses at home to alleviate discomfort caused by seasonal allergies, irritation from chemicals, or drying from medications or dry air. To get relief, you can:

    • place a humidifier in your bedroom at night to keep the air from getting too dry
    • stop taking drying medications, such as antihistamines
    • drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
    • get some fresh air if the air in your house is stale or stagnant
    • remove as many allergens and irritants from your environment as possible
    • irrigate your sinuses with sterile saline using a neti pot or similar product
    • use nasal spray to hydrate and lubricate your nasal passages and sinuses
    • take a hot shower and inhale the steam

    In some cases, your doctor might need to recommend treatment for your dry sinuses. Make an appointment with your doctor if you:

    • have an autoimmune disorder like Sjögren syndrome
    • are taking prescription medication that causes dry sinuses
    • think you might have a sinus infection

    Your doctor may:

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    Dry Skin Rashes And Sores

    Sometimes people with Sjogrens can develop dry or thinning skin. Or their skin can break out in a rash, often as a result of sun exposure. It can also lead to non-healing skin sores, a condition known as vasculitis.

    In a recent report, doctors in Chicago describe a 29-year-old Sjogrens patient who developed a rash on her legs and right upper arm that lasted for 6 months. Initially, her rash consisted of petechiae, or pinprick-sized dots, which are typically red or purple in color. As her condition worsened, the dots formed scattered purplish patches on her skin.

    When To See A Doctor About Dry Sinuses


    Dry sinus symptoms can often be treated or mitigated with home and lifestyle changes, but its important to see a doctor when dryness becomes problematic or severe. If your sinus issues and dry airways dont improve with home and over the counter treatments, you should consult with an ear, nose and throat specialist. This is the best way to find out the underlying cause of your sinus issues.

    If dry sinuses arent addressed properly, they often build up thick mucus and bacteria which can lead to a sinus infection . You should see a doctor if you have you experience symptoms of sinusitis such as:

    • green nasal discharge
    • tenderness or pain in the face
    • headaches toward the front or sides of the head
    • teeth or jaw pain
    • fever
    • fatigue

    Not all sinus infections are able to be treated with antibiotics, but a doctor will be able to quickly determine whether your infection is viral or bacterial and then guide you on the right path for treatment. If chronic sinusitis continues to occur, doctors may recommend a balloon sinuplasty to increase airflow and reduce irritation long term.

    It is also a good idea to see a doctor if you have an autoimmune condition like Sjögren syndrome, or if you are taking any prescription medications that can cause dryness. Sjögren syndrome is often treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , corticosteroids, or immunosuppressants to relieve symptoms.

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