Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Home Remedies For Ear And Sinus Infection

Sinus Rinse & Neti Pots

Episode 17 â Swimming with ear infection, sinus home remedies and clogged ears.

The use of over-the-counter Sinus Rinse and Neti Pot products are growing in popularity as sinus suffers are finding that they bring real relief to symptoms as well as underlying sinus issues. These products vary in style and type, but all basically work to clean out the sinuses, allowing the newly unclogged sinus cavities to work as intended.

If you find yourself using a Sinus Rinse or Neti Pot, be very careful to follow all instructions so that the product can be safely used as designed. The FDA warns against the use of tap water for any Sinus Rinse products as tap water is not treated or filtered to the safe enough standard often contains microscopic organisms such as bacteria and protozoa. Tap water, and even bottled water, may also contain chemicals and/or minerals. Tap water and bottled water that is safe to drink is not safe to introduce to the sinuses. Users should always use âdistilledâ or âsterileâ water or water that has been boiled for 3-5 minutes before being sufficiently cooled. It is also critical to be sure that both the inside and outside of the Sinus Rinse or Neti Pot container is completely clean and sterile before it is filled with water.

It is also possible that in the case of a severe sinus infection with major blockage, a Sinus Rinse or Neti Pot may not be able to get through your system and the sinus rinse may become additional fluid that collects in the sinus cavity, adding to the underlying problem.

Middle And External Ear Infections

A middle ear infection can cause ear congestion, as well as dizziness, ear pain, and occasionally fluid drainage. Theyre usually caused by colds or other respiratory problems that travel to the middle ear through the Eustachian tube.

External ear infections, also known as swimmers ear, are usually caused by water that remains in your ear after swimming or bathing, providing an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. You may experience pain, itching, redness, and clear fluid drainage or a discharge of pus.

Ear infections often resolve without treatment. Over-the-counter ear drops and pain medication can help relieve your symptoms. If your symptoms are severe or last more than two days, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

Inhale Menthol And Camphor

Another inhaled odor that can help open up sinus passages is menthol, which is an ingredient in popular ointments that are used specifically to treat a stuffy nose. These ointments also contain eucalyptus oil and camphor, which combine with menthol to create a powerful scent that immediately relieves sinus pressure. This ointment can be rubbed on your chest and under your nose to deliver its soothing benefits. Unlike eucalyptus oil, this ointment should not be placed in the mouth.

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What Types Of Treatments Are Available For Ear Infections

Many children recover from ear infections without medical intervention. However, your doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics depending on the cause and extent of your childs infection. Usually, treatment includes several days of amoxicillin, azithromycin, or augmentin. You may also need to treat a ruptured eardrum with antibiotic or anti-inflammatory eardrops.

If your child is experience severe ear pain, your doctor may suggest using an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to manage discomfort and aid in sleep. If pain continues, prescription eardrops may be available to anesthetize the eardrum so long as there is no drainage from the ear.

Some parents find that home remedies are effective for alleviating discomfort during an ear infection. Examples include applying a warm compress to your childs ear or putting a few drops of warm olive oil into the ear canal. However, you should never place anything inside your childs ear without first consulting his or her doctor.

Which Home Remedies And Otc Medications Soothe Sinus Infections And Sinusitis Symptoms And Headache Pain

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Home care can help relieve sinus infection or sinusitis symptoms, open the sinuses, and alleviate dryness.

Home Remedies to Promote Drainage

  • Drink plenty of water and hydrating beverages such as hot tea.
  • Inhale steam two to four times per day by leaning over a bowl of hot water or using a steam vaporizer. Inhale the steam for about 10 minutes. Taking a hot, steamy shower may also work. Mentholated preparations, such as Vicks Vapo-Rub, can be added to the water or vaporizer to aid in opening the passageways.

OTC Medications to Thin Mucus

Expectorants are medications that help expel mucus from the lungs and respiratory passages. They help thin mucous secretions, enhancing drainage from the sinuses. The most common is guaifenesin . OTC sinus medications also can combine decongestants and cough suppressants to reduce symptoms and eliminate the need for the use of many prescription medications. Read label ingredients to find the right combination of ingredients or ask the pharmacist.

OTC Medications to Relieve Pain

Pain medication such as ibuprofen and naproxen can reduce pain and inflammation. These medications help to open the airways by reducing swelling. Acetaminophen can be used for pain and fever but does not help with inflammation.

Nasal Saline Irrigation

There are several methods of nasal irrigation, and a popular sinus remedy is the Neti-pot, a ceramic pot that looks like a cross between a small teapot and Aladdin’s magic lamp.

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Is Digital Imaging Necessary For Sinus Infection Diagnosis

In most cases, the examination and conversation with a doctor are sufficient to diagnose the infection and put together a treatment plan. For cases of acute sinus infection, it usually isnt necessary to have digital imaging.

But if the infections are recurring, the ENT will want to see what is happening with the structure within your sinuses. In this situation, you will likely need to have a digital scan, such as sinus x-rays or computerized tomography .

Primary care physicians can provide basic diagnostics and treatments for sinus infections. Patients are usually referred to an ENT for help with chronic or recurring sinus infections. If you need fluid samples for a lab culture, an endoscopy, or digital imaging, then our team of ENT specialists can offer these services in our office.

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How Do Doctors Diagnose Sinus Infections

Unfortunately, no matter the approach, diagnosing sinusitis can be difficult for doctors. This complication stems from the fact that not all sinus infections result from bacteria. Some sinus infections are the consequence of fungi or viruses. Other times, a sinus problem can be the product of nasal polyps, a deviated septum, allergies, or other medical conditions unrelated to bacterial intrusion. If he or she is unable to distinguish between bacterial, viral, and other causes, a doctor may end up misdiagnosing the ailment. When this misdiagnosis combines with patient expectations, doctors could end up prescribing medications that offer no benefits for the patients condition. Moreover, these improperly prescribed medications could worsen the patients situation.

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Herbal Remedies For Allergic Rhinitis

We get a lot of questions from patients inquiring about ideas of natural solutions for treating their allergy symptoms. We are devoting this blog to explaining two common types of allergies we most often see at our office in Arizona and share some natural herbal which may help.

Please keep in mind, that we are not giving medical advice in this blog. We cannot properly treat your unique condition or allergy without seeing you or conducting one of our comprehensive allergy tests. We suggest you talk to your doctor.

What Your Doctor Needs To Know

Apple Cider Vinegar Home Remedy for Ear and Sinus Infection

To find out if youâve got more than a bad cold, you need to learn the cause of your symptoms. Your doctor can help you figure out whether you have sinusitis or something else.

Tell your doctor how long youâve had sinus symptoms, and whether theyâve gotten worse or stayed the same. If youâve had them for less than 10 days and theyâre not getting worse, you probably have a viral infection. It will likely go away on its own.

Over-the-counter treatments like saline sprays, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen may help ease symptoms along the way. might reduce the swelling and inflammation temporarily. If you use them, read the directions carefully and only use as directed. Using nasal decongestant sprays for more than a few days could make the congestion worse.

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Bonus Tip For Alleviating Sinus Pressure In The Ears:

Avoid exposure to tobacco smoke, air travel,

Trying one or a combination of these remedies for sinus pressure in the ear should help bring you some relief. These simple sinus remedies can help alleviate the pain and pressure you experience in your ears. Just be aware that this could develop into a sinus infection.

If there is a persistent problem with sinus pressure in your ears, call to make an appointment today with the ear nose, and throat doctor.

Home Remedies And Lifestyle

At-home remedies can greatly reduce sinus infection symptoms, although they do not treat the infection.

Saltwater nasal irrigation is one of the treatments of choice for the symptoms of chronic sinusitis in adults, though studies show no benefit for children.Nasal irrigation is easy to do at home using a neti pot or other sinus rinse methods.

Using a steam vaporizer or a warm or cool mist humidifier may help keep your mucus thin. Inhalation of steam mixed with eucalyptus, chamomile, or peppermint may also help. While there’s no scientific research that these additives improve symptoms, you may find them soothing.

Hot vaporizers are a burn hazard and should not be used near your face or around children.

Other helpful tips:

  • A hot shower may relieve pain, promote drainage, and open up the sinus cavities.
  • Reduce facial pain and swelling by applying a warm compress to your face.
  • Drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest.

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Homeopathic Earache Relief Ear Drops

Homeopathic earache relief drops with herbal extracts, such as Similasan, are popular for earache treatment and have been in use for decades. Similasan earache relief dropsactive ingredients include:

  • Chamomilla 10X for sensitivity to drafts, soothing
  • Mercurius solubilis 15X relieves fullness, sensitivity to cold
  • Sulphur 12X reduces itchiness, sensitivity to water

Do You Need Antibiotics For A Sinus Infection

Sinus infections

A viral sinus infection will likely resolve itself on its own, but it can take a few weeks to do so. If the sinus infection is caused by bacteria, it is likely to need antibiotics in order to resolve. But antibiotics arent a cure-all. They will not cure a sinus infection that was caused by a virus or an irritant in the air.

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Natural Remedies For Sinus Infections

1. Top Foods & Beverages for Sinus Infections

  • Water Adequate hydration is the key to flushing out the virus from your system. Try to drink at least 8 ounces every 2 hours.
  • Chicken broth with vegetables This traditional remedy of bone broth helps soothe the nasal cavities and respiratory system, along with providing important minerals.
  • Horseradish Anyone who has accidentally eaten too much horseradish has experienced its potent ability to clear nasal passages. Mix some horseradish with lemon to make it even more potent.
  • Ginger Make a ginger tea and add raw honey to aid in recovery.
  • Garlic and onions Both of these vegetables help boost immune function.
  • Vitamin C rich foods Consuming foods high in vitamin C can boost the immune system and speed recovery from sinusitis.
  • 2. Foods & Beverages to Avoid

  • Sugar Decreases white blood cells that help fight off infection.
  • Fruit juices Although orange juice contains some vitamin C, it is not as high in vitamin C as whole fruits or vegetables. If you want to drink juice, dilute it.
  • Dairy products Milk and other dairy products are mucus producing so it is best to avoid them.
  • Refined flour and grains All refined grains can cause more mucus production.
  • Salt Without adequate water intake, salt can be dehydrating and slow healing of the inflammation of the sinuses.
  • 3. Oil of Oregano

    4. Grapefruit seed extract

    5. Vitamin C

    6. Garlic

    7. Echinacea

    8. Neti Pot

    9. Add Moisture

    10. Essential Oils

    How Can A Sinus Infection Cause An Ear Infection

    Does a sinus infection cause an ear infection? Or is it the other way around? Actually, sinus and ear infections stem from the same root causes: viral infections and bacterial infections. Once an infection takes root in the sinuses, its easy for it to spread to the middle ear and cause an ear infection. Having these two infections at the same time means youve signed up for all the symptoms of a sinus infection, plus the additional symptoms of ear pain and/or clogged ears.

    While these common causes can make diagnosing your ailment more difficult, they also make treating one infection akin to treating the other. Awareness of the common causes of sinus infections and ear infections, then, can make you less susceptible to getting both infections at once. Lets examine these causes now.

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    Causes & Risk Factors

    Any health situation that blocks off the vital drainage channels of your sinuses can cause a sinus infection including:

    • Respiratory infections like the common cold
    • Hay fever or exposure to allergens such as cigarette smoke, dry air and pollutants
    • Obstructions in the nasal or sinus cavities including nasal polyps, deviated septum, or nasal bone spur
    • Non-allergic rhinitis
    • Changes in air pressure
    • Infections resulting from dental problems
    • Physical injury to the sinuses
    • Bacteria, viruses, and fungi

    The five most common bacteria that can cause sinus infections are: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pyogenes.

    Risk factors for sinus infections include:

    • Having asthma
    • Being in the hospital, especially if the reason you are in the hospital is related to a head injury or you needed a tube inserted into your nose

    My Favorite Home Remedy For Ear Pain Warm Compresses

    Ear & Sinus Problems : Remedies for a Sinus Infection

    When I was a little girl, I remember having an ear infection accompanied by one very sore ear. To help me feel better, my mom took a small throw pillow and warmed it up in the oven. She left it in a bit too long, though, and it started to singe. She put the fire out, and I rested my head on one slightly charred pillow and the pain went away.

    Nowadays most houses have microwaves, which make it easier to heat up a warm compress for earache treatment. You can buy or make a compress.

    We recommend hot packs from Core Products, a small business located in western Wisconsin. They make soft covered hot/cold packs that we use as foot warmers at night and for treating headaches and earaches.

    To make a simple warm compress for ear pain relief, place popcorn or rice into an old sock or small pouch. Seal the end and heat in short bursts until warm. Hot water bottles are a great option if you don’t have a microwave just make sure you don’t get the water too hot.

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    Can Sinus Infections Lead To Ear Infections

    Yes. A sinus infection can cause fluid to be trapped in the ear behind the eardrum. Bacteria and viruses can grow and can cause an ear infection. Its especially important to get to the doctor if youre feeling pain or pressure in the ear.

    When you have a sinus issue, its important to understand that the nose and sinuses are a unit. This means you could be dealing with rhinosinusitis, which is inflammation of the nasal and sinus cavities. Sinusitis refers to an infection of the sinuses only.

    There are many reasons why the nose and sinuses become inflamed it can be an anatomical issue or an infectious one. A former injury or birth defect, as well as sensitivities to allergens can cause some of the physiological impairments that lead to sinus issues.

    Next Steps & Resources:

    • To make an appointment with Dr. Winarsky or another physicians, call or visit our website

    Treatment For A Throat Infection

    You can treat many throats infections at home, but if your condition doesnt improve in 1-2 weeks, you should contact a physician. The common cause of throat infections, viral infections, usually only last five to seven days and dont require medical treatment. A course of antibiotics is usually prescribed by a physician if your throat infection is caused by a viral infection. Home treatment options include:

    • Gargling with warm salt water
    • Drinking plenty of warm fluids
    • Avoiding allergens and irritants
    • Reducing inflammation with ibuprofen or acetaminophen

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    Alternate Warm And Cold Compresses

    Rotating warm and cold compresses on your sinuses is another remedy worth exploring, says Dr. Probst.

    When you put a hot compress on your sinuses, it helps warm the nasal passage and loosens secretions, he says. Alternating warm and cold compresses relieve sinus pain and sinus pressure.

    Start by laying a warm compresssuch as a washcloth soaked in warm water, then wrung outon your face for 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Follow by applying a cold compress for 30 seconds. Repeat three or four times. You can try this process several times a day.

    Tips To Prevent The Clogged Ear:

    Sinus Infection Treatment: 10 Home Remedies
    • Avoid placing extreme temperatures on the ear.
    • A warm shower for 15 minutes can provide relief from blocked ears.
    • Scuba diving or diving needs to be done slowly so the ears get used to the pressure. Do not do it if you are suffering from respiratory infections like asthma, cold, bronchitis, sinus, etc.
    • Consumption of foods like garlic, onions, radish, jalapeno, pepper, chilies, etc. helps to provide relief from congestion.
    • Warm soups soften the mucus to prevent the clogged ear. You can also have broths, tea or coffee, etc.
    • Inhaling and exhaling gently through closed mouth and nostrils will help you unplug the ears.
    • Yawning also helps to unblock the ears if it is caused due to pressure.
    • When flying, suck a sweet or chew a chewing gum. Chewing gum opens up the Eustachian tubes and relieves the excess pressure in the ears and opens up the clogged ears.
    • Never use waterpik or any other mechanized water jet on the ear.
    • Never scratch your ear drum with a finger nail to unclog it, as it will damage the ear drum.
    • Make sure to consult your doctor if there is a foreign object in the ear while removing the wax.

    Did you find this article helpful? Do you have any other methods that works better than the mentioned above. Share your experience, suggestions and queries in the comments section below.

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