Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Help Sinus Drainage In Throat

When To See A Healthcare Provider

How to stop sinus drainage in throat naturally and immediately Home remedies for post nasal dri

Home remedies may help provide some relief from the uncomfortable symptoms of post-nasal drip. While they may offer relief in mild cases, call your healthcare provider if:

  • You have trouble breathing because you’re congested.
  • You have new symptoms, or your symptoms are worsening.
  • You have a fever, severe sinus pain, or other signs of an infection .

While post-nasal drip is sometimes temporary, if you experience symptoms regularly, be sure to talk with your healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause.

What Causes Sinus Drainage

One of the main causes of sinus drainage is simply being alive. Every day the human body produces several liters of sinus fluid and mucus, and all of that natural liquid must go somewhere. In the case of sinus drainage, fluid from the nasal passages and sinuses drains into the back of the throat, where it is swallowed several times a minute. Eventually, most normal drainage is eliminated through the kidneys as part of a person’s urine. Abnormal types of drainage, however, can be caused by factors such as bacterial infections, viral infections, allergens, acid reflux disease, irritating fumes or dehydration.

Some people may experience sinus drainage in the form of a runny nose after eating spicy foods or inhaling an irritating odor. Mucus-producing glands in the nasal area react to such irritants by increasing their production of a watery liquid similar to saliva in texture. By flooding the affected area, the body hopes to wash away the irritants and reduce the inflammation they trigger. This type of drainage is generally thin and clear, and flows freely down the back of the throat or out of the nasal passages. Once the irritant is gone, the drainage generally returns to normal.

How Do You Diagnose Lpr/gerd

LPR/GERD may be diagnosed by carefully listening to the symptoms the patient reports along with a thorough examination of the head and neck. There are also a number of diagnostic tests available to help establish and monitor a diagnosis of LPR/GERD:

  • pH monitoring: A small tube is put into the esophagus that will stay there for 24 hours. While you go about your normal activities, it measures when and how much acid refluxes into your esophagus. Manometry can also be performed using the same probe. This detects pressure changes and is a more sensitive technique than measuring pH alone.
  • Barium swallow: You drink a solution and then several x-rays are taken to help spot abnormalities such as a hiatal hernia or narrowing of the esophagus.
  • Upper endoscopy: The doctor will spray your throat to numb it and then slide down a thin, flexible tube called an endoscope. A tiny camera in the endoscope allows the doctor to see the esophagus and to look for abnormalities.
  • Nasal endoscopy: Many ENT doctors will apply a topical nasal decongestant and numbing medicine to the lining of the nose by a nasal spray prior to endoscopy. Often, the examination can be completed without any special medicines at all. A rigid or flexible scope may be used to see around corners – much like a child’s toy periscope. Nasal endoscopy provides a detailed examination of the nasal cavity, sinuses, and voice box.

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Aromatherapy Humidity Nasal Sprays & Steam

The tried and true remedy of using a humidifier or a steamy shower can also help provide temporary relief from sinusitis symptoms such as sore throat. Essential oils such as peppermint or eucalyptus may also help to open up your sinuses and relieve some of the blockage thats indirectly causing your sore throat. Finally, flushing out your mucus with a neti pot or a saline nasal spray can also provide temporary relief.

What Is The Connection Between A Sinus Infection And Sore Throat

Pin on Sinus Relief

The trouble is that a sore or scratchy throat can be attributed to a number of different causes. For clarification, sinusitis presents symptoms that are often easy to identify, including nasal pain and inflammation. Other signs linked to sinusitis include:

  • Teeth pain
  • Face tenderness, including near the eyes and ears
  • Sinus pressure
  • Thick yellow or green mucus
  • Redness or swelling in the face and nasal passages
  • Itchy ears and throat

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Natural Remedies For Sinus Drainage

If sinus drainage is irritating, but not severe, home remedies can usually relieve the discomfort.

Treating underlying causes, by eliminating contact with allergens, for example, can also improve symptoms and prevent them from returning.

The following can help relieve annoying symptoms of sinus drainage:

What About Prescription Treatments

If these approaches aren’t effective, prescription treatments may be the next best steps, including:

  • A nasal steroid spray
  • Ipratropium nasal spray which inhibits secretions

Other treatments depend on the cause of the post-nasal drip. Antibiotics are not usually helpful, so they aren’t usually prescribed for post-nasal drip . For allergies, dusting and vacuuming often, covering your mattresses and pillowcases, and special air filter can help reduce exposure to allergy triggers.

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Does Flonase Help Post

Nasal steroid sprays are effective at treating postnasal drip because they reduce the amount of mucus that causes coughing, sinus pressure, and sore throats. Flonase and Rhinocort are examples of nasal sprays that are used to treat allergic rhinitis, which is a recurring postnasal drip due to allergies.

Home Remedies For Sinus Drainage Sore Throat

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Techniques for Sinus and Ear Infections, Cold & Flu Season and Allergies
  • Take lots of fluids, including hot tea with honey, soup, and water. You should however stay away from sugary and sweetened fluids.
  • Use a humidifier in your bedroom to increase humidity levels.
  • Gargle warm, salty water at least 3 times every day until the symptoms have receded. A ratio of ½ teaspoon salt: 1 cup warm water is generally recommended.
  • Avoid exposure to potentially offensive allergens and irritants such as pollen, molds, animal dander, chemicals, and smoke among others. This is especially important for sinus drainage and thus sore throat that is attributed to exposure to allergens
  • Lean over a basin of hot water while draping yourself with a towel and inhale the steam coming up. Alternatively, take a hot shower and breathe in the warm, moist vapor. This not only helps to drain mucus from your sinuses and throat, but also relieve you of pain.
  • Apply a warm compress on your face, paying close attention to the nose, cheeks and eyes. This helps to decongest the sinuses and alleviate symptoms of sinus drainage.
  • Sleep with your head propped up against extra pillows or with small blocks of woods stashed below the front legs of your head to enhance sinus drainage and prevent buildup of mucus at the back of throat under gravity while you sleep.

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Where Does All That Drainage Go

An excessive amount of drainage can be cause for concern. Normally, the drainage harmlessly passes down your throat and into your stomach. Sometimes, when the drainage is thicker or excessive, it can cause irritation in your throat, coughing, and discomfort.Many people fear the drainage could end up in your lungs. Normally that would be prevented by the epiglottis, the little flap in your airway that automatically covers the entrance to your lungs when something other than air is in your throat.However, when you lie flat on your back at night post nasal drip can actually seep around the epiglottis, exposing your lungs to the bacteria in the mucus. Pneumonia and bronchitis could develop.

How Do You Get Rid Of Sinus Drainage In Your Throat

Now that you know where sinus drainage goes, youre probably wondering how to get rid of post-nasal drip. What helpful home remedies? And how do doctors drain sinuses?

If you have a cold or allergies, you may have luck with the following methods:

  • Maintaining proper hydration helps thin the mucus back down to normal consistency and makes it easier for your body to recover from illness.
  • Use a Neti pot to flush out excess mucus
  • Take care to make your home into an allergen-free sanctuary

If you struggle with chronic post-nasal drip and/or frequent sinus infections, speak with your doctor about the following options:

  • Medication can help provide short-term relief from post-nasal drip symptoms. Used incorrectly, however, they can actually make issues like post-nasal drip worse.
  • Theres a chance that your noses anatomy is contributing to your chronic post-nasal drip and/or sinus infections. If this is the case, your doctor will be able to recommend which procedure from deviated septum repair to balloon sinuplasty can best resolve your sinus drainage issues.

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What Is The Fastest Way To Dry Up Sinus Drainage

However, there are effective remedies, from chicken soup to compresses, that you can use to alleviate the pain and discomfort of sinus issues.

  • Water, water everywhere. Drink fluids and run a humidifier or vaporizer.
  • Nasal irrigation.
  • Discreetly getting rid of phlegm.
  • Using a saline nasal spray or rinse.
  • Gargling with salt water.
  • I Have Chronic Sinus Infections And Thus A Chronic Post


    When you are suffering from chronic sinus infections, chances are that you are also regularly dealing with a slew of sinusitis symptoms, including post-nasal drip and sore throat. And if your sinus infections havent responded to regular treatment, you may feel out of options. Fortunately, thats not the case.

    Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive new sinus treatment that helps restore proper drainage. During the procedure, your sinus doctor uses a tiny endoscopic balloon to widen your nasal passages and open up your blocked sinuses. The procedure takes less than 30 minutes, can be performed in-office, requires very little recovery time, and provides long-term relief. It is a wonderful alternative to traditional sinus surgery, which often necessitates the cutting of bone or tissue.

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    How To Stop Post

    Technically, this isnt something you want to stop entirely, given that post-nasal drip helps clear out your sinuses. But, if its particularly intense, there are a few things you can do to lighten the flow:

    Figure out the source.

    Identify what is triggering it and treat the trigger, Dr. Parikh says. So, if its seasonal allergies, visit an allergist and figure out whats causing your symptoms and the best course of treatment. If you suspect you have a sinus infection, talk to your doctor to ensure a proper diagnosis.

    Then, consider OTC medications.


    If allergies are the issue, nasal steroids like Flonase or Nasacort and long-acting antihistamines like Allegra, Claritin, Zyrtec, or Xyzal can help, Dr. Parikh says. If you think reflux may be an issue, consider trying OTC stomach acid reducers, like TUMS or Pepcid, when heartburn flares up.

    Make some lifestyle changes.

    If you suspect acid reflux is behind your issue, Dr. Scangas also recommends doing your best to avoid spicy foods , eat at least two to three hours before bed, and sleep with your head elevated.

    However, if these changes do not help or OTC meds dont offer relief, talk to your doctor, who may be able to offer prescription medications if you have a severe form of reflux, known as gastroesophageal reflux disease .

    Use a saline nasal rinse.

    Post-nasal drip starts in your sinuses, and clearing those out with a sinus rinse can help ease up the onslaught, Dr. Parikh says.

    Saline Spray And Sinus Rinses

    Using a saline solution, rinse your nose and sinuses with a neti pot or other irrigation system.

    You can buy saline solution over the counter or make your own at home with distilled water and saline packets. Saline spray also comes in small bottles that you can spray directly into your nose.

    Sinus rinses like these work by flushing mucus out of the nose and sinuses to keep things flowing freely.

    Saline also has a natural decongesting effect, meaning it shrinks your swollen nasal tissues and makes it easier for you to breathe through your nose!

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    See What Life Is Like *post* Post

    As you can see, knowing the answer to the question, Where does sinus drainage go? is the first in a series of steps towards eradicating post-nasal drip from your life. And for many, the final step in this journal is balloon sinuplasty.

    Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally-invasive, in-office procedure that can provide long-lasting relief from chronic sinus issues in less than 20 minutes. Kaplan Sinus Reliefs Dr. Michael Kaplan is a pioneer of the procedure and has used the technique helped thousands of Houstonians breathe freely again.

    Ready to see what life is like *post* post-nasal drip? Call Kaplan Sinus Relief at 713-766-1818 or contact us online to request an appointment today.

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    Is It Time To See Your Ent

    Solving Nasal Drainage Issues

    Whether a patients chronic sinus drainage issues manifest as chronic runny nose, chronic post-nasal drip, chronic sinus headaches, or chronic congestion, they all visit us for the same reason: their chronic desire to feel better.

    Enough is enough. At Sinus Solutions of South Florida, well help you learn what exactly is causing your chronic sinus drainage issues. We can assist you in getting the treatment you need to take back control of your wellbeing. Call us at 561-790-7744 or request an appointment online today.

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    Keep Fluid Intake High

    Thick mucus is more likely to be uncomfortable and disrupt your breathing. Thinning it out can help to reduce blockages, reducing your risk of sinus or ear infections. An easy method to thin your mucus is to drink an adequate amount of fluids each day.

    The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that women take in about 9 cups of fluid per day, and that men drink about 12.5 cups. By checking the color of your urine, it’s easy to tell whether you’re adequately hydrated. Urine should be a pale yellow color. Urine that is darker can be a sign of dehydration.

    It is estimated that almost 33% of American adults are inadequately hydrated.

    Nasal Saline Washes And Topical Nasal Corticosteroids

    Additional treatment options include nasal saline washes, which help move thick secretions from the nasal passages, and topical nasal corticosteroid sprays that reverse inflammation and swelling. The latter also effectively shrink and prevent nasal polyps. Corticosteroid sprays do not get absorbed into the bloodstream and can be used for extended periods without the risk of dependency.

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    Drinking Plenty Of Water

    Drinking plenty of water and increasing intake of fluids helps cure such conditions owing to allergies and environmental factors. Proper hydration can thin out your mucus secretions, which can help get rid of the problem fast. You can drink plenty of fluids except for dehydrating ones like alcohol and caffeine.

    Three Ways To Lower The Odds

    Over The Counter Med To Dry Up Sinus Drainage

    You can take these steps to avoid getting hooked.

    Try other decongestants. Oral antihistamines and decongestants — which you take by mouth — have a different mix of chemical ingredients and donât all bring the same risks. Some are unsafe for people with high blood pressure, though.

    Switch methods. Use a nasal saline .They can flush out stuffy airways.

    Cut the cord. Donât use a spray more than once every 12 hours, or longer than 3 days.

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    Can Balloon Sinuplasty Help Your Chronic Sinus Drainage Issues

    From chronic sinusitis surgery to the Clarifix procedure, and from septoplasty to nasal polyp removal, there are a wide variety of treatments to treat the underlying cause of your chronic sinus drainage issues.

    One treatment, however, has become increasingly popular in the ENT field. Balloon sinuplasty differs from most other types of chronic sinusitis procedures in that it is minimally invasive and can be performed in-office. The procedure involves the inflation of a balloon that has been endoscopically inserted into the sinus cavity, opening the sinus passageways and restoring proper drainage in less than 20 minutes.

    Also unlike traditional sinusitis surgery, balloon sinuplasty aftercare is easy, with patients often return to work within 24 hours. The procedure has provided thousands of patients nation-wide with long-lasting results and sinus relief.

    What Else We Recommend

    • Ricola Original Herb : While Ricola products do the trick, the herbaceous taste and fragrance can be off-putting. These are worth a try if you dont mind an earthy, medicinal taste .
    • Halls Cough Drops : Halls products use cooling menthol to soothe your throat and nasal passages. These are widely available products and very affordable.

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    Similar To But Different From A Common Cold

    Its quite easy to confuse the symptoms of sinusitis with a cold they are almost mirror images of each other. But sinusitis tends to persist longer than an average cold. In addition, when left untreated, sinusitis can lead to further complications. In extreme cases, patients may lose their sense of smell or even experience reduced vision. It is therefore important to recognize the symptoms of sinusitis and be prepared to seek treatment if they dont soon improve.

    How Do You Sleep With Mucus In Your Throat

    Baby Ear, Nose & Throat Health : How to Treat Sinus Congestion & Cough in Children

    Elevate your head and neck.Sleeping flat on your back or on your side can cause mucus to accumulate in your throat, which can trigger a cough. To avoid this, stack a couple of pillows or use a wedge to lift your head and neck slightly. Avoid elevating your head too much, as this could lead to neck pain and discomfort.

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