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Antibiotics For Sinus Infection While Breastfeeding

Have A Healthier Pregnancy By Treating Your Sinus Infection With The Glatz Group Of Valley Ent

Pregnancy FAQs : How to Treat a Sinus Infection During Pregnancy

Getting sick is already a drag on its own, but getting sick during pregnancy can be especially tough, as you may not be able to take your average OTC medications.

In some cases, a doctor can provide medication with little risk to the developing fetus.

If the following home remedies do not help resolve your sinusitis symptoms, you may wish to consider setting up an appointment with us. We want to make sure your pregnancy is a healthy one for you and your baby.

Sinus Infection During Breastfeeding: Causes Signs & Treatment

A womans body is in the recovery phase post-delivery. During this time, her immune system is weak and susceptible to all kinds of infections. One of the most common types of infections that can affect women during this phase of their lives is a sinus infection. Although sinusitis is treatable to a great extent, it becomes all the more troublesome when a woman gets the infection while she is breastfeeding. In this article, we shall speak about what a sinus infection is, its causes, symptoms, treatment, and tips to deal with a sinus infection while breastfeeding.

Medication: How To Alleviate Sinus Congestion While Pregnant:

Medications used to treat acute sinus infections include cefprozil and amoxicillin-clavulanate. Acetaminophen is also regarded as safe to use during pregnancy for pain relief and/or headaches. Additionally, short-term use of decongestants, antihistamines, expectorants, and cough suppressants for upper-respiratory infections are generally regarded as safe during pregnancy in limited amounts.However, you will need to avoid aspirin, and ibuprofen . You may want to talk with your doctor for specific information on which medications pose the least risk for you and your baby. Overall, while there are some safe medications to take during pregnancy, it is best to limit your use of medication while pregnant and opt for other safer remedies.

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Tips To Consider Before Taking An Otc Drug

  • Try nondrug measures. For complaints commonly handled by OTC products, nondrug measures can help alleviate symptoms without the risk. For example, stress busters such as massage, meditation, relaxation exercises, or even a walk around the block, can help with tension headaches. And rest, fluids, and chicken soup are a much safer way for pregnant women to deal with symptoms of a cold than antihistamines and decongestants.
  • Consult your healthcare provider. Dont take anything without first discussing it with your practitioner. There are trade-offs with OTC products, Mitchell said. You have to balance your need to take something with any possible risks.
  • Avoid combination products. Multi-symptom cold and allergy medications typically contain ingredients from the off-limits list. For example, while Tylenol pain reliever is relatively safe for occasional use during pregnancy, Tylenol Sinus Congestion and Pain and Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom liquid contain the decongestant phenylephrine, which is not.
  • Read labels.Ingredients such as alcohol and caffeine turn up in surprising places. For example, Vicks Nyquil Cold & Flu Liquid contains alcohol. And CVS Aspirin-Free Tension Headache, is indeed, free of aspirin, but still contains caffeine.

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What Causes Sinusitis In Pregnancy

Drugs for pregnancy and breastfeeding

Both sinusitis AND rhinitis are caused by the bodys overproduction of oestrogen and the pregnancy hormone progesterone.

Progesterone dilates the nasal passages, causing them to swell and partially block the airways, while oestrogen affects mucus production.

Its also thought that the increased blood supply in your body affects the mucus membranes in your nose.

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Home Remedies: How To Alleviate A Congestion Naturally

There are many safe home remedies you can use to alleviate your symptoms and recover from a sinus infection:

  • Drink plenty of fluids such as water, broth, and citrus juice. Staying hydrated is important for helping you fight infection and for clearing a stuffy nose.
  • Use saline nasal irrigation or saline nose drops. You can make your own saline drops by combining 1 cup of warm water with 1/8 tsp salt and a tiny pinch of baking soda.
  • Use a humidifier at night. This will help clear nasal passages. You may also lean over a pan of boiling water taken off the stove, place a towel over your head, and breathe in the steam. This helps open your nasal passages and loosens mucus in your chest.
  • Elevating your head with a couple of pillows while lying down may make breathing easier. Using nasal strips also helps open nasal passages.
  • For a sore throat, gargle salt water , drink a warm liquid or suck on ice. Honey and lemon may also soothe a sore throat.
  • Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep as this will help your immune system fight the infection.
  • During pregnancy, it is common to lose your appetite, and feeling sick may not help. However, even if you dont have an appetite, it is important to eat well. If you lose your appetite, it may help to eat smaller meals throughout the day. Make sure you are eating nutrient-dense foods such as fruits and vegetables. Soup may also be a soothing option.

For headaches:

What Can I Take For Allergies & Sinus Congestion While Breastfeeding

Diphenhydramine : Antihistamine. Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine that is often used in cough, cold, sinus, and allergy formulations. It is also the main component in many sleep aids, including nighttime versions of cold medications, as well as motion sickness pills. Although the levels are low in breastmilk, this medication can cause sedation and therefore is not ideal in breastfeeding mothers. If you are taking a sedating medication, be sure to have support in caring for your infant. There are many non-sedating antihistamines on the market, which are likely a better choice. These include cetirizine , loratadine , and fexofenadine . There is some anecdotal evidence that diphenhydramine can suppress milk production, but this pattern is not supported by the medical literature. Common trade names: Benadryl, Tylenol PM.

Chlorpheniramine and Brompheniramine : Antihistamine. These medicines are similar to diphenhydramine, but they have fewer studies about breast milk safety. They are heavily sedating and not recommended. If you are taking a sedating medication, be sure to have support in caring for your infant. The non-sedating antihistamines mentioned above are still better choices. Common trade names: Aller-Chlor, C.P.M., Chlor-Phen, Chlor-Trimeton Allergy, Teldrin HBP.

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Sinus Infection While Pregnant: When To Call A Doctor

Jillian Stenzel

Jillian Stenzel

A Nevada-bred traveler & food nerd who dances & eats spinach, sometimes simultaneously. She writes from wherever her curiosity demands, and is passionate about spreading the wisdom of better health.

Ken Cosby M.D.

Ken Cosby M.D.

Dr. Ken Cosby received his medical degree from Howard University College of Medicine and completed his research post-doc work at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health including the National Heart Lung Blood Institute and the National Cancer Institute.

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Can I Take Tylenol Sinus While Breastfeeding

Tetracyclines Pharmacology Mnemonic for Nursing (NCLEX) | Antibiotics Side Effects

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Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

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Stomach Upset And Fussiness In Babies

Sometimes moms report that their babies have an upset stomach after they take antibiotics. This may be because antibiotics may deplete the good bacteria in your babys gut.

Keep in mind that this effect is usually short lived, not harmful, and not a given. Also, keep in mind that breast milk is great for your babys gut health, so its important to continue breastfeeding.

You can consider giving your baby probiotics to remedy this problem, but its important that you consult your babys medical provider before doing so.

Medications For Sinus Infection While Breastfeeding

The doctor is likely to prescribe the following medicines for sinus infections.

  • Oral decongestants like pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine are usually prescribed for sinusitis. But these medicines have exhibited a reduction in breast milk production . However, it is a temporary change, and the quantity becomes normal once the medicine is discontinued.
  • Saline nasal sprays are safe and effective in treating sinusitis. The doctor could prescribe an over-the-counter nasal decongestant spray to relieve the congestion. They are generally considered safe when used as per a doctors prescription .
  • Pain medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen are usually considered safe for pain relief in a sinus infection .
  • Antihistamines such as cetirizine or fexofenadine are considered to be safe during breastfeeding to get relief from nasal congestion . Antihistamines that cause drowsiness in mothers may cause drowsiness in the babies too, and are not usually prescribed.
  • The doctor will suggest the timing and dosage of the medicine in a way that the concentration of the drug in breast milk is minimal. Therefore, only have the medicines as per doctors prescription.

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    Remedies That Are Safe To Use For Treating A Sinus Infection While Pregnant

    Youll be happy to know that you are allowed to use some over the counter medications to help relieve the intensity of the symptoms. As long as you follow the instructions labeled properly and you listen to your doctors advice.

    The main OTC medication is acetaminophen also known as Tylenol, a common pain reliever thatll help lessen those nasty sinus headaches and relieve a sore throat.

    The other remedies depend on your situation and how well your body reacts to some of them.

    These other remedies are:

    • cough suppressants
    • various nasal sprays

    Again, dont go around trying every remedy youre aware of as thatll only make matters worse.

    Use caution until youre properly diagnosed and prescribed the correct remedy because you are only capable of guessing when it comes to figuring out the source of your sinus infection and you have a little one to think about too.

    The use of a humidifierduring a bout of sinusitis is bound to help clear your nasal passages and help alleviate throat soreness in many cases, accelerating the healing process.

    The importance of nasal irrigation should also not be undervalued as nasal sprays are lifesavers in many of these cases. They are great in helping clear up a blocked up nose so you dont have to breathe through your mouth.

    Vitamin C, while normally recommended, wont do you much good when youre already infected, but its good as a prevention method.

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    When To Contact Your Doctor:

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    • If you are coughing up green or yellow mucus
    • If you have a fever above 101° F
    • If you cannot eat or sleep

    If your infection is not improving, your doctor may prescribe medication. Your doctor will determine the best medication to take that is safe for you and your baby. While sinus infections are not fun, there are ways you can take care of yourself either through medication or home remedies to alleviate your symptoms and promote your recovery.

    Want to Know More?

    • Keep track of your medication by downloading the Fetal Life App for Apple and Android endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association. It features medicine tracking, meal recommendations, kicks counter, blood glucose tracking, and much more.

    Compiled using information from the following sources:

    1. Harms, R. W. . . Mayo Clinic guide to a healthy pregnancy . New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers Inc.

    2. Jordan, R. G., Engstrom, J. L., Marfell, J. A., & Farley, C. L. . . Prenatal and postnatal care: A woman-centered approach. Ames, IA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    3. Larson, D. E. . . Mayo Clinic family health book: The ultimate illustrated home medical reference. New York, NY: William Morrow and Company, Inc.

    4. Simkin, P., Whalley, J., & Keppler, A. . Pregnancy, childbirth, and the newborn: The complete guide. Gorham, K. . Deephaven, MN: Meadowbrook Press.

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    Sneezing Runny Nose And Watery Eyes

    These symptoms are the result of histamine release, which isan immune response to an invading virus. Chlorpheniramine, such as TriaminicAllergy, and diphenhydramine, such as Benadryl, are safe to take duringpregnancy. However, both can cause drowsiness, so these are best taken atbedtime. The maximum dosage for chlorpheniramine is 32 mg in 24 hours.

    When compared to placebos, antihistamines have the most successful resultswithin the first couple days of treatment. Patients didnt report any relief ofsymptoms between days three and 10. Newer antihistamines, such as loratadine, are approved for allergies, not colds, so there isnt informationabout how well they work for cold symptoms.

    What Can I Take For Congestion While Pregnant

    Decongestant medications reduce stuffiness and sinus pressure by constricting the blood vessels in your nose, which reduces swelling. Pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine are available over the counter as Sudafed and are safe for many women to use during pregnancy.

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    Taking Tylenol Cold While Pregnant

    18 April, 2017

    The common cold causes more than just a little misery. Every winter, it attacks and makes many of us sick with headaches, fever, congestion, runny noses, sinus pressure and more.

    Plenty of medications exist to ease the discomfort, but for pregnant women there are doubts about taking anything that might hurt the baby. Tylenol Cold comes in several forms that alleviate symptoms from mild to severe, but it is important to examine the individual ingredients to make an educated decision before taking the medication during pregnancy.

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    What Are Some Home Remedies For Sinus Infection

    Pharmacology – Sulfonamides & Levofloxacin Antibiotics nursing RN PN NCLEX

    You can consider observing some simple remedies at home. The following home remedies might help significantly reduce the intensity of infection .

    • Rest well and try to sleep whenever your baby sleeps.
    • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking several glasses of water throughout the day.
    • Use a cool-mist humidifier in your room for optimum moisture in the air.
    • Boil some water and inhale the steam for relief.
    • Avoid any fragrances or allergens that can trigger your sinusitis symptoms.
    • Put a warm compress over your head and nose to help relieve sinus pressure.
    • Use a nasal saline spray.
    • Inhale steam from a solution of a few drops of eucalyptus oil mixed in two cups of water.
    • Consume warm soup and warm caffeine-free drinks for relief from the symptoms.
    • Keep your pillow elevated so that you can breathe better.
    • You might have reduced appetite, but still, eat the foods you can to have optimal breast milk production.
    • Ask family or friends to help you out with the baby for a few days if your symptoms are very severe.

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    What Can I Take For Cough & Chest Congestion While Breastfeeding

    Benzocaine : Numbing Agent. Temporarily relieves pain associated with itching, sore throat. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies or case reports in breastfeeding women. Due to its low oral absorption after application, maternal blood concentrations are probably too low to produce any significant clinical effects in the breastfed infant. Benzocaine cough drops or lozenges are an excellent choice for cough relief in breastfeeding mothers. Common trade names: Cepacol.

    Menthol : Numbing Agent. Commonly used for topical analgesics and sore throat relief. Only minimal amounts of Menthol would be transferred into breast milk. Adverse effects to infants from breastfeeding are unlikely due to low relative dose and first-pass metabolism. There are no adequate and well controlled studies in breastfeeding women. Menthol cough drops, lozenges, and/or chest rub are an excellent choice for cough relief in breastfeeding mothers. Common trade names: Halls, Ricola, Ludens, Vicks

    Guaifenesin : This is an expectorant used to loosen respiratory tract secretions. It does not suppress coughing. The poor efficacy of expectorants in general would suggest that they do not provide enough justification for use in breastfeeding mothers. However, untoward effects to the infants have not been described. Common trade names: Robitussin, Mucinex

    Can I Take Dayquil While Pregnant

    Medications to avoid during pregnancy

    Decongestants like Sudafed and DayQuil are generally cautioned against after the first trimester and only in a limited amount. Avoid non-steroidal nasal sprays containing oxymetazoline. Dont take supplemental vitamins or herbal remedies without medical approval.

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    Do I Need Antibiotics

    Antibiotics are seldom needed to treat sinusitis because sinusitis is mostly caused by viruses . Antibiotics only work against bacteria but not viruses. Using antibiotics when they are not needed can lead to antibiotic resistance. This is when overuse of antibiotics encourages the growth of bacteria that cant be controlled easily with drugs. That makes you more at risk of antibiotic-resistant infections in the future and makes antibiotics less effective for everyone.

    • Antibiotics are considered when symptoms last longer than 10 days, start to improve but then worsen again, or are very severe such as a fever over 39°C, extreme pain and tenderness over your sinuses, or signs of a skin infection, such as a hot, red rash that spreads quickly.
    • If you are given antibiotics, finish the full course.
    • Read more about antibiotics for sinusitis Choosing Wisely, NZ

    Is It Safe To Take Antibiotics Or Painkillers For Sinusitis While Pregnant

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    As if sinusitis wasnt frustrating enough, during pregnancy it can be even more irritating as you cant necessarily treat it with the medicines and tablets you might be used to.

    Its ethically wrong to test most medicines on pregnant women and babies, so because we really dont know the problems they could cause, its best to avoid them, explains Lorraine.

    She recommends avoiding any medicines during the first 3 months of pregnancy, although after 12 weeks, some medication such as paracetamol can be taken.

    Wed also advise that you always pop down to see your GP for a chat before you take anything, though.

    I started to have sinus congestion at 15th week, says forum member dg0209. I tried to cope with it without any medication but the headaches were unbearable. My GP told me to take paracetamol 4×2 p/d and prescribed a nasal spray.

    Many health professionals also feel that antibiotics such as Amoxicillin are perfectly safe to take during pregnancy, but again, speak to your doctor as it totally depends on your own personal situation.

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