Friday, July 26, 2024

Can Bactrim Be Used For Sinus Infection

What Is The Most Important Information I Should Know About Bactrim

Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim (Bactrim, Septra): Uses, Coverage, Dosage, UTI Treatment, Etc.

You should not use this medicine if you are allergic to sulfamethoxazole or trimethoprim, or if you have:

  • severe liver disease
  • kidney disease that is not being treated or monitored
  • anemia caused by folic acid deficiency
  • a history of low blood platelets after taking trimethoprim or any sulfa drug or
  • if you take dofetilide.

May cause birth defects. Do not use if you are pregnant. Tell your doctor if you become pregnant.

Do not breastfeed.

This medicine should not be given to a child younger than 2 months old.

Tell your doctor if you have ever had:

  • kidney or liver disease
  • a folate deficiency
  • asthma or severe allergies
  • an electrolyte imbalance
  • porphyria, or glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency or
  • if you use a blood thinner and you have routine “INR” or prothrombin time tests.

When Antibiotics Are Needed

Historically, sinus infections, also called sinusitis, were often treated with antibiotics. But today, many allergists warn against the random use of antibiotics for a sinus infection.

Antibiotics can help eliminate bacterial sinus infections. But when a sinus infection is caused by allergies, a virus, or other causes such as a structural defect of the sinuses, an antibiotic will not help to alleviate symptoms.

The overuse of antibiotics is when they are prescribed for reasons other than when they are needed. Because of the common overprescribing of antibiotics for the type of sinus infections that do not warrant such treatment, many people have developed whats commonly referred to as antibiotic resistance.

How To Use Bactrim Ds

Take this medication through the mouth, as directed by your doctor, with a full glass of water . If a stomach upset arises, take it with food or milk. Drink enough fluids while taking this medication to lower the unlikely risk of kidney stones forming, unless your doctor directs you otherwise. Dosage is based on your medical condition and response to the treatment going on.

For the best effective results, take this antibiotic at evenly spaced timings. To help you remember, take this medication at the same time each day.

Continue to take this medication until the full prescribed medicine is finished, even if symptoms completely disappear after a few days. Stopping it too early may let bacteria continue to grow and multiply, which may result in a worsening of the infection.

Tell your doctor if your condition continues or gets even worse.

Also Check: Best Probiotic For Sinus Infection

What Are The Side Effects Of Levofloxacin

Levofloxacin is a powerful antibiotic that may cause some side effects. However, people who follow a healthcare professionals medical advice and report any concerns immediately are unlikely to experience serious side effects. Levofloxacins most common side effects include the following:

  • Trouble sleeping

These types of side effects frequently appear on labels for a wide variety of medications. But, unfortunately, other side effects are possible. In the past few years, levofloxacin has been under the media microscope for some of its rarer, more severe side effects.

What Antibiotics Help Sinus Infections

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Antibiotics are prescribed to help actively kill bacteria so your body can more easily handle the effects of infection and create a more effective immune response. There are a variety of antibiotics that doctors can prescribe for sinusitis. Each type of antibiotic kills bacteria and affects the body differently. Your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic based on your symptoms and medical history.

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How Long Does It Take To Get Over A Sinus Infection With Antibiotics

Antibiotic treatment is successful in most cases of short-term sinusitis when it is caused by bacteria. You should notice improvement within 3 to 4 days after you begin taking an antibiotic. Chronic sinusitis may last 12 weeks or longer and usually requires 3 to 4 weeks of antibiotic treatment.


When To Use And Avoid Antibiotics And Other Treatments To Try

A sinus infection can be treated with antibiotics when it is caused by bacteria. Sinus infections that have other causes, such as allergies or viruses, won’t benefit from antibiotics.

Most sinus infections don’t need antibiotics and will start to get better without treatment. Healthcare providers typically only prescribe antibiotics for sinus infections that don’t clear up on their own.

This article looks at what types of sinus infections can be treated with antibiotics. It also discusses over-the-counter treatments and home remedies.

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List Of Types And Dosages

Although antibiotics can help clear a tooth infection, it is important to use the appropriate antibiotic in each situation.

The type of antibiotic a dentist recommends will vary depending on the bacteria causing the infection. This is because different antibiotics work in different ways to eliminate different strains of bacteria.

As a study in the Dentistry Journal notes, there are over 150 different strains of bacteria that occur in the mouth. Many of these bacteria have the potential to grow and cause an infection.

Treatment may change depending on the bacteria causing the infection, though much of the time, dentists simply recommend an antibiotic that works against many types.

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Are Antibiotics Effective In Curing Sinusitis

Sinus Infection (Sinusitis): 2 Natural Remedies

According to a clinical review published in the New England Journal of Medicine, patients suffering from acute sinusitis were reviewed for four weeks. The discerning fact that emerged was most sinus infections will improve or clears on their own with antibiotics.

However, antibiotic resistance is a significant issue who regularly consumes antibiotics. Several bacteria carry a gene for antibiotic resistance that turns on when it comes in contact with an antibiotic. After a course of 4-7 days of antibiotics, the person may stop responding to the antibiotics. In such cases, it is imperative to meet an ENT specialist.

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Sulfamethoxazole And Trimethoprim Proper Use

While having sever tooth pain. I went to the hospital emergency room. Ultimately to obtaining something to fight the infection causing the pain. That is until I could afford the dentist. Not having any insurance it was my only course of action. Due to allergies to penicillin the doctor prescribed my 60 yr old lady friend started the first dose of sulfamethhoxazole tmp ds today and this evening she is unusually sleepy and feel as if she is going to vomit. She feels to have a high fever . She.

SMZ-TMP DS 800 is a drug composed of two antibiotics: sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim . This prescription medication is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. This drug is branded as Bactrim, Bethaprim, Cotrim or Septra. Uses A doctor may prescribe SMZ-TMP DS to treat a range of a bacterial infections such as middle.Read More.. Hello My Dr. Diagnosed me with a urinary tract infection and perscribed this medication smz/tmp DS 800-160. My concern when i picked them up from the pharmacy there are only 6 pills. Is this normal am read mor Is smz tmp ds used in the treatment of e. coli infection ? Download Here Free HealthCareMagic App to Ask a Doctor All the information, content and live chat provided on the site is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice

What Is Sinus Infection

Medically known as rhinosinusitis, Sinus infection or Sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses. Healthy sinuses are filled with air. But when they become blocked and filled with fluid, germs can grow and cause an infection. It occurs when your nasal cavities become infected, swollen, and inflamed. Sinusitis is usually caused by a virus and often persists even after other upper respiratory symptoms are gone. In some cases, bacteria, or rarely fungus, may cause a sinus infection.

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Why Are Antibiotics Important

Antibiotics are one of the most common classifications of drugs used to treat bacterial infections. Since their introduction to the world of medicine, they have helped treat countless people, especially those with infectious diseases.

Antibiotics are very crucial during surgeries and are used to prevent patients from getting any infections from the cut. Without antibiotics, there is a higher chance of blood poisoning and the more complicated surgeries would not be possible to perform.

Antibiotic Treatment For Sinusitis

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Antibiotics are labeled as narrow-spectrum drugs when they work against only a few types of bacteria. On the other hand, broad-spectrum antibiotics are more effective by attacking a wide range of bacteria, but are more likely to promote antibiotic resistance. For that reason, your ear, nose, and throat specialist will most likely prescribe narrow-spectrum antibiotics, which often cost less. He/she may recommend broad-spectrum antibiotics for infections that do not respond to treatment with narrow-spectrum drugs.

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What Tests Diagnose The Cause Of Sinus Infections And Sinusitis

Sinus infection is most often diagnosed based on the history and examination of a doctor. Because plain X-ray studies of the sinuses may be misleading and procedures such as CT and MRI scans, which are much more sensitive in their ability to diagnose a sinus infection, are so expensive and not available in most doctors’ offices, most sinus infections are initially diagnosed and treated based on clinical findings on examination. These physical findings may include

  • redness and swelling of the nasal passages,
  • purulent drainage from the nasal passages ,
  • tenderness to percussion over the cheeks or forehead region of the sinuses, and
  • swelling about the eyes and cheeks.

Occasionally, nasal secretions are examined for secreted cells that may help differentiate between infectious and allergic sinusitis. Infectious sinusitis may show specialized cells of infection while allergic sinusitis may show specialized white blood cells of allergy . Physicians prescribe antibiotics if a bacterial infection is suspected. Antibiotics are not effective against viral infections many physicians then treat the symptoms.

In addition, both rigid and flexible endoscopy has been used to obtain diagnostic material from sinuses. These procedures are usually done by an otolaryngologist under topical and local anesthesia. Occasionally, there may be a need to sedate the patient. Some investigators suggest that endoscopy specimens are comparable to those obtained by needle puncture.

Who Should Avoid Taking It

Bactrim is not suitable for children’s use under the age of two due to its risk of side effects. Bactrim is also not used for the treatment of viral diseases such as the common cold or flu. If used unnecessarily or taken more than the prescribed dosage by the doctor, it can cause a decline in its effectiveness.

Bactrim should not also be consumed by those who are allergic to its primary components, which are sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. If you are unsure about your allergies, speak with your doctor so that he or she can advise you about your condition.

Older patients who are on multiple drug prescriptions need to be careful when they are taking Bactrim. Before administering any Bactrim medication to the elderly, a careful analysis of their health and medication history must be made by the doctor.

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What Are The Best Antibiotics For Sinus Infection Do Doctors Prescribe For You

There are many antibiotics that your doctor or physician may prescribe to help treat your sinus infection. Some of these may even be familiar to you.

  • Ciprofloxacin This drug is used to treat conditions including urinary tract infections, specific types of infectious diarrhea, bone and joint infections, respiratory tract infections, typhoid, and other forms of bacterial infection.
  • Trimethoprim This drug is the brand name for a medication that is a combination of two antibiotics: trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole that is used to treat bacterial infections. Bactrim works by preventing the growth of bacteria.
  • These antibiotics are effective in treating sinus infection, however, these drugs do carry side effects. You should only be taken according to what your doctor or physician has prescribed. Always follow their instructions to achieve the best results.

    Serious Side Effects And Complications

    Treatment for sinus infections

    Levaquin use has been linked to tendinitis as well as bruising, tearing, and rupture, most commonly in the Achilles tendon, at the back of the ankle. Patients with a history of tendinitis, injury, or other tendon problems should be especially cautious about taking Levaquin.

    Theres also a chance that Levaquin can cause nerve damage in the arms, legs, hands, and feet, which manifests as pain, weakness, burning, tingling, or numbness. Central nervous system effects like seizures, lightheadedness, tremors, confusion, hallucinations, and other mental health problems are possible too.

    Levaquin can catalyze heart problems like increased heart rate, abnormal heart rhythm, and aortic aneurysms or tears. The latter can result in sudden chest, stomach, and back pain. Additionally, low or high blood sugar is a possibility, so people with diabetes should be extra cautious.

    Some people who take Levaquin may also experience a greater sensitivity to sunlight, leading to severe sunburn, blisters, and skin rashes after just a short exposure without sunscreen. While taking Levaquin, avoid the sun if possible. If you are in the sun for a short period of time, wear sunscreen and a hat and clothes that cover the skin.

    Others might experience liver problems characterized by yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, dark urine, vomiting, stomach pain, and light-colored stools.

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    Are Antibiotics Right For You

    While you have many options for antibiotics to treat your sinusitis, your doctor will be the final say in what is prescribed. Your doctor will take into account all your healthcare considerations and prescribe a medicine that will fight infection and can be tolerated well. In many cases, the infection may be viral or secondary to a separate disorder. In some cases it can be caused by allergies which will require different courses of treatment. If you notice symptoms of sinusitis lasting more than ten days, talk to your doctor to see if an antibiotic is needed to manage your symptoms.

    Are Doxycycline And Bactrim Safe To Use While Pregnant Or Breastfeeding


    Tetracycline antibiotics, such as doxycycline, can have toxic effects on development of bone in the fetus. Therefore, tetracyclines are not recommended during pregnancy unless there is no other appropriate antibiotic.

    Doxycycline is secreted into breast milk but the extent of absorption by the breastfed infant is not known. Since tetracyclines can cause toxic effects on bone, the use of tetracyclines in nursing mothers is of concern. The physician must decide whether to recommend that a nursing mother discontinue nursing during treatment with tetracyclines or change to a different antibiotic.


    Use of sulfonamides may cause bilirubin to be displaced from proteins in the infants blood. Displacement of bilirubin can lead to jaundice and a dangerous condition called kernicterus in the infant. For this reason, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim should not be used near term among women.

    Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim should not be used by nursing mothers because sulfamethoxazole is excreted in milk and can cause kernicterus.

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    How To Prevent Sinus Infections

    Here are the top 10 tips that can help in prevention sinusitis in the future-

    • Wash hands regularly to prevent frequently-touched objects such as doorknobs, switches, etc, from getting contaminated.
    • Avoid coughing in the open air or into your hands.
    • Stay indoors till the symptoms dont go away.
    • Keep the infected persons drinking glasses, utensils, water bottles, or food separate.
    • Using a new toothbrush after the tonsillitis patient has recovered.
    • Keep the shared living spaces clean and disinfected regularly.

    If you are suffering from sinusitis for very long and not responded to the antibiotics, get in touch with a Pristyn Care ENT doctor who can prescribe other treatment options including surgery.

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    Can Bactrim Be Used For A Sinus Infection

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    Bactrim For Sinus Infections

    Sinus infections are one of the most common types of infections around the world, and as such, there are a number of treatment options one can look into when afflicted with a sinus infection, otherwise known as sinusitis.

    In this article we’ll be looking at the effectiveness of Bactrim , an oral antibiotic, in treating a sinus infection.

    Common symptoms of a sinus infection include a runny nose, a negatively affected sense of smell, painful pressure in the sinuses, watery eyes and a fever. There are over the counter medications that are effective at treating these symptoms individually, but in order to treat the infection itself, an antibiotic is usually prescribed by a medical professional.

    Antibiotic treatment is generally a safe option with a high success rate, and a majority of patients who treat infections with antibiotics generally overcome their infections and recover within a few days, depending on the severity of the infection, of course. Usually, doctors tend to prescribe the most popular antibiotic, Amoxicillin, to fight sinus infections.

    There can, however be complications when using Amoxicillin some people are allergic to it, and may experience a negative reaction and potentially severe side effects. Also, it may not be particularly effective against certain strains of bacteria. If either of these scenarios comes up, then a doctor may prescribe Bactrim.

    What Are The Sinuses How Many Do We Have

    A sinus is a hollow, air-filled cavity. For the purposes of this article, a sinus will refer to those hollow cavities that are in the skull and connected to the nasal airway by a narrow hole in the bone . Normally all sinuses are open to the nasal airway through an ostium. Humans have four pairs of these cavities each referred to as the

  • frontal sinus ,
  • maxillary sinus ,
  • ethmoid sinuses , and
  • sphenoid sinus .
  • The four pairs of sinuses are often described as a unit and termed the “paranasal sinuses.” The cells of the inner lining of each sinus are mucus-secreting cells, epithelial cells, and some cells that are part of the immune system .

    Functions of the sinuses include humidifying and warming inspired air, insulation of surrounding structures , increasing voice resonance, and as buffers against facial trauma. The sinuses decrease the weight of the skull. If the inflammation hinders the clearance of mucous or blocks the natural ostium, the inflammation may progress into a bacterial infection.

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