Saturday, September 7, 2024

Can Sinus Infection Cause Toothache

Is It A Toothache Or A Sinus Infection

Can Sinus Infection cause toothache? – Dr. Sangeeta Honnur

If youre like the 28 million adults who suffer from sinus infections, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you know how painful they can be. The addition of sinus infection tooth pain caused by pressure in your nasal cavity can be all the more distressing if youre unaware of this side effect.

Its important to determine whether a sinus infection is the cause of your toothache, though. Reach out to your doctor if you have a cold turned sinus infection, or contact your dentist if the pain originated in your teeth.

The American Rhinologic Society defines sinusitis as the inflammation of your nasal passage lining, and a cold that persists longer than two weeks can develop into an acute sinus infection. This begins in your maxillary sinuses, located just above your molar teeth roots, and can swell with the buildup of bacterial or viral mucus. The pressure it puts on dental nerve endings can cause a painful sensation on one or more of your teeth.

If you have a sinus infection, the best way to get rid of your tooth pain is to target the backlog of mucus. Try these five tips for relieving sinus infection tooth pain:

  • Drink Fluids and Use SteamWater helps hydrate the mucus membranes and decreases mucus buildup. So, have fluids on hand to stay hydrated.
  • Add a steamy shower or a peppermint steam solution to your daily care, as well. Peppermint and steam both help cut decongestion and pain .

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    Can An Infected Tooth Affect Your Hearing

    How Oral Health Can Affect Your Hearing. Most of us have had a dentist scold us during a teeth cleaning for forgetting to floss, and they have a point. Besides increasing the risk for infections, gum disease, tooth decay, and more, poor oral health also can contribute to the development of a hearing loss.

    How Can I Relieve The Pressure In My Teeth

  • Cold compresses should be applied.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken.
  • Put salt water on the carpet after it has been cleaned.
  • Make sure you use a hot pack.
  • You can use acupressure to help you relax.
  • Tea bags made of peppermint should be used.
  • Garlic is a great way to start the day.
  • Use a guava mouthwash to rinse off the excess liquid.
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    Root Canals Do Not Cause Sinus Infections But May Cause Similar Symptoms

    Most commonly, when a patient thinks they have a sinus infection after a root canal, itâs something else entirely. The sinus lining is extremely close to the upper teeth. When your dentist was cleaning the roots of your teeth, they could have accidentally punctured the thin sinus lining, leaving a hole.

    This is known as sinus communication and produces the following symptoms which are very similar to sinusitis:

    • The sensation of air moving across your tooth when breathing
    • The sensation of fluid in your nose when you drink

    Luckily, symptoms are usually mild and only last for a few days and then resolve themselves. In some cases, however, if the hole is larger than 4 mm, you will need to get it treated to seal the hole. Signs that the hole is large include persistent and severe pain or pain that gradually worsens.â

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    Oral Health Problems Causing Sinus Infections

    Pain In Nose And Front Teeth

    A sinus infection and toothache doesnt just go hand in hand, but also other oral health problems. There are also instances where poor oral health may cause a sinus infection instead. The bacteria in an infected tooth can penetrate the bone and eventually into your sinuses. This is also common in patients who do not clean their dentures at night. The same bacteria under your dentures can penetrate your sinuses and cause a sinus infection. Sinus infections also have many overlapping symptoms with TMJ. If your doctor tells you that you dont have a sinus infection but youre still suffering from certain symptoms like a toothache and frequent headaches, it might be TMJ instead. We can help you treat TMJ.

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    Is It Sinus Pressure Or A Toothache

    Did you know that sinus pressure can cause symptoms that closely mimic a regular toothache? Sinus congestion and infections can cause your upper teeth to hurt as if you had a cavity or even an abscess. In this blog post, youll learn why sinus pressure can cause a toothache, how to tell if a toothache is related to sinus pressure, and what to expect if you go to the dentist with possible sinus pressure issues.

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    Overlapping Symptoms With Sinus And Tooth Infection

    It can be hard to distinguish between the symptoms of a sinus infection and a tooth infection. With a sinus infection, you might commonly experience:

    • Pain in the face or behind the eyes
    • Discharge from tooth or gums
    • Foul taste in the mouth or persistent bad breath
    • Pimple-like sore on gums
    • Discolored tooth

    In addition, more symptoms might cross over. A sinus infection can put pressure on your tooth, leading to a toothache. Infections can also spread from your tooth to your sinuses.

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    Is Your Sinus Infection Really A Tooth Infection

    This time of year, many people develop sinus infections as a side effect of colds or flus. Often, they will pass without much special care. However, some persist, lasting for weeks or increasing in intensity, which can drive you to a doctor. Sometimes, this will help, but other times it doesnt. If typical treatments arent helping with your sinus infection, it might be time to consider that your infection might not be a sinus infection after all. It could be an infected tooth, which requires special care to treat.

    Root Canals Will Not Cause Sinusitis Unless The Treatment Fails

    How To Figure Out if Your Patient Has a Toothache or Sinus Infection

    So, can a root canal cause a sinus infection? The answer is no. A root canal will never be the primary cause of a sinus infection. During the root canal process, the interior of your tooth is cleaned and sterilized to kill bacteria, so this actually reduces your risk of developing sinusitis due to your tooth infection.

    There is an exception, though. If the root canal treatment fails and there are still bacteria in the treated tooth, they may continue to multiply. The tooth infection will come back, and it could cause a sinus infection if it spreads through your sinuses.

    So if youre experiencing the symptoms of a sinus infection and your tooth is still hurting after root canal therapy, you should see your dentist for a follow-up right away. You may need further treatment to eliminate the tooth infection.

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    Crown Doesnt Fit Properly

    The purpose of a temporary crown is to protect the sensitive inner layers of your tooth while your permanent dental crown is being made.

    Temporary crowns dont usually fit your tooth precisely. A crown thats too high may result in increased pain and pressure when you bite down.

    If your bite doesnt feel right, you might adjust your jaw position to compensate, which could cause further pain and bite issues.

    Is It Sinus Or Tooth Pain

    Its springthat beautiful time of year when everything is in bloom. But for allergy sufferers, spring may forecast a season of struggle and discomfort. Spring allergens can cause nasal inflammation and lead to sinus infections.

    What does all of this have to do with your teeth? Plenty. On top of everything else a sinus infection brings, it can also cause tooth pain. How do you know if the pain youre feeling is from a sinus infection or a tooth that needs attention? Read on to find out.

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    Sinus Treatments Wont Solve The Problem

    Patients with sinus trouble may go to their doctor or ear, nose, and throat specialist for treatment of sinus symptoms for years without ever realizing the problem comes from an infected tooth. Antibiotics can temporarily relieve the symptoms, but they wont do anything to shut down the bacteria factory inside the tooth because there is no longer blood flow inside it. Eventually, that bacteria will come back, and the symptoms along with them.

    Teeth Can Cause Sinus Infections

    Sinusitis and Toothache 101: How are they related to each other?

    While sinus infections can cause teeth to to hurt, hopefully this post has helped you see that infections from the upper back teeth can easily make their way into the sinuses and cause sinus infections.

    It is important to remember that unhealthy teeth are just one cause of sinus infections, and that there are several other causes. If you suspect your sinus infection is caused by a tooth, you should see your dentist to confirm this.

    Do you have any questions, concerns, or comments? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below. Thanks for reading!

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    How Do You Know What Kind Of Toothache You Have

    In most cases, the symptoms of a sinus toothache are very similar to those of a regular toothache so it can be difficult to distinguish between the two. Both types of toothache can cause considerable pain and discomfort. A toothache that is related to a sinus infection or sinus inflammation is usually felt in the upper molars. Usually, discomfort can be felt in more than one tooth.

    If your toothache is caused by an oral health concern, the pain is likely to affect just one tooth and may feel more intense than a sinus toothache. Certain movements may exacerbate the pain of a sinus toothache because sinus pressure can move with the movement of your body.

    What Helps Tooth Pain Caused By Sinus Infection

    The key to completely resolving tooth pain from sinus infection is to clear up the sinus infection. Once the inflammation of your maxillary sinuses goes down, the pressure on the nerves to the maxillary teeth should subside as well, ending the sinus-related toothache. In the meantime, pain relief measures used to manage the pressure from your sinus infection may also help with the discomfort, including the use of:

    • Over-the-counter pain relief medications,
    • Nasal sprays, and
    • Over-the-counter decongestants.

    If your sinus infection is actually caused by a dental issue, only resolving the dental issue will resolve your sinus pain and toothache long-term.

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    Can A Root Canal Cause A Sinus Infection Learn Everything You Need To Know

    If you have symptoms of a sinus infection after a root canal in Port Orange, you may be wondering if your sinus infection is related to your recent treatment. Is it possible for a root canal to cause these symptoms? The team at Smillie Dental is happy to discuss the details about whether or not root canals can cause sinus infections.

    Why Do Sinus Infections Cause Tooth Pain

    How to Treat a Sinus Toothache

    The sinuses rest just behind the facial bones around your eyes, forehead, and cheeks. There are four of these air-filled pockets. Their role is to help warm the air that you breathe. They also help to filter out potential pathogens and debris.

    Mucus is produced in your sinuses. It is meant to drain through your nose. Occasionally, something happens that stops this process. Colds and allergies are the most common reason for the sinuses to become clogged.

    Filled and inflamed sinuses produce pressure in the mouth. These tend to press on the nerves that supply feeling to the top back teeth.

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    How To Relieve Tooth Pain From Sinus Pressure

    Try these tips to relieve tooth pain from sinus pressure at home:

    • Use a warm compress on your nose and forehead
    • Drink plenty of water to help thin out the mucus in your sinuses
    • Use a decongestant or saline nasal spray in limited amounts
    • Breathe in steam from boiling water or a hot shower to open up your sinuses

    How Can You Tell If A Blocked Sinus Is Causing Your Toothache

    Theres one MAIN way to know if your tooth pain is due to blocked sinus.

    Try bending over. Does the pain increase? If so, your tooth pain is caused by a sinus problem. The pressure shifts in your sinus when you bend over, causing pain in your teeth.

    If you experience more pain when you bend over, your toothache is caused by a sinus infection. The pain might also increase right after you have a cold or flu, or when you are on an airplane.

    If you have tooth pain related to a blocked sinus, you will experience certain symptoms. One of the main symptoms is that your face, jaw and nasal area will feel tender and sore. Many people describe the pain as a constant dull ache, rather than a sharp pain.

    If you feel a sharp and increasing pain, you might have an abscess in your mouth. If you have an abscess, you need to seek treatment right away.

    While most people feel their blocked sinus pain in their upper teeth, the ache can spread to the lower teeth as well. This is called referred pain, and it is very common in the mouth. Your dentist or doctor can help to determine what is going on with your teeth and sinuses. Even if you feel pain in an unrelated tooth, theyll be able to determine the real problem.

    If any of these sound familiar, it is time to head to the doctor. An acute maxillary sinus infection can go unnoticed for a long time. It can be easily confused with chronic nasal congestion. Your doctor can tell you exactly what is wrong and help you to end the pain.

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    Can Allergies Make Your Bottom Teeth Hurt

    It is not common, but the amount of pressure and swelling that occurs from sinus congestion can press against facial nerves, causing toothaches of the lower teeth. Sometimes patients will report that their discomfort seems to move if they move their head from side to side or bend over. If you are experiencing visible swelling of the lower jaw or a sharp, intense toothache, this is typically not related to sinus problems and should be evaluated by an emergency dental clinic in Lincoln, NE as soon as possible.

    Toothache Treatment In Prescott

    Can Sinus Infection Cause a Toothache?

    If you suspect that your tooth pain is the result of a dental problem, it could be an emergency. Schedule an urgent appointment with Prescott Dentistry in Arizonawell identify the problem and discuss your treatment options. Letting dental issues like tooth decay and gum disease go untreated will only lead to further pain and more severe problems like dental abscesses, root canals, or tooth extractions. If you have tooth pain, dont delay! Call today to make an appointment.

    Images used under creative commons license commercial use. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

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    How Do You Treat A Sinus Toothache

    Treating a Sinus ToothacheWarm drinks can be especially helpful. Steam can also help to open up your sinuses and allow them to drain, so you might want to steam your face or take a hot shower. Another solution is to rinse out your sinuses using a nasal spray, a Neti pot or a nasal irrigation system.

    Symptoms Of Sinus Infections

    As we mentioned, pain is among the most common symptoms of sinus infection. The pressure in your nasal cavity caused by a sinus infection and mucus drainage can be rather annoying and can lead to serious headaches. The pain is concentrated around your nose, forehead, between your eyes, and in your upper jaws and teeth.

    Other well-known sinus tooth pain symptoms also include:

    • Nasal congestions
    • Facial pressure and sinus headaches
    • Slime dripping down your throat
    • Sore throat and hoarse voice
    • Bad breath, dry mouth, and constant cough

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    Sinus Infection Complications Affecting The Eye

    The sinuses are located above, below, behind, and between the eyes, so it is possible for a sinus infection to spread to the eye socket, but this is a very rareand very seriouscomplication, potentially leading to permanent vision damage or blindness. Pain around the eye, or even behind it, isnt necessarily a sign of a sinus infection that has moved to the eye. Because of the location of the sinuses, its normal to feel pressure and discomfort around the eyes.

    If you have or have had a sinus infection, and you experience any of the following symptoms, it could be a sign the infection has spread to the eye:

    • Sudden, blurry vision
    • Swelling around the eyes.

    If you have any of these symptoms, its a good idea to contact a doctor right away, as emergency IV antibiotics may be needed, in addition to other treatments.

    Are Sinus Infections And Toothaches Related

    How to Treat a Sinus Toothache

    Sinus infections create lots of pressure and pain in several areas of the face. The sides of the nose, the temples, and, yes, even pressure and pain surrounding your teeth and gums. However, the bottom line is, what youre experiencing during a toothache is usually not an actual toothache. A real toothache that needs dental attention is usually due to infection. Bacteria enter the teeth through a cavity or crack in the tooth or through old dental work. Sinus infections will not directly affect your teeth or be the cause of a tooth infection.

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    Sinus Pressure Vs Toothache: How To Tell The Difference

    Sometimes you can tell the difference between sinus pressure and toothache by the type of painif its a constant ache that affects more than one tooth, its probably sinus pressure. On the other hand, if its a sharp or throbbing pain that seems localized to one tooth, its probably a toothache.

    Sinusitis and toothaches have some symptoms in common, including headaches, fever, and bad breath. If you have a sinus infection or toothache, it may be difficult to tell where the pain is coming from. However, each condition has some unusual symptoms.

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