Saturday, July 27, 2024

Over The Counter Antibiotics For Sinus Infection

Which Specialties Of Doctors Treat Sinus Infections And Sinusitis

OTC Sinus Meds
  • Sinusitis is often first diagnosed by a general practitioner, primary care physician, or internal medicine physician. A pediatrician may diagnose sinus infections in children.
  • If sinusitis is chronic or severe, you may be referred to an otolaryngologist, also called an ear, nose, and throat specialist . If your sinusitis is caused by allergies, you may be referred to an allergist.
  • If you experience an emergency due to your sinusitis, go to the Emergency Department at the nearest hospital.

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Which Types Of Doctors Treat Sinusitis And Sinus Infections

  • Many sinus infections can be treated by your primary care physician or an Internal Medicine doctor.
  • However, it is not unusual to consult an ENT specialist,
  • Infectious disease specialist,
  • Allergist or Immunologist.
  • With some complex sinus infections, a surgeon who specializes in sinus surgery may be necessary to consult.
  • Otc Medicine For Sinus Congestion

    When your sinuses become inflamed and congested, this means that the tiny, air-filled spaces that are connected to your nasal cavity have been blocked or are unable to drain normally. This buildup of mucus then causes a feeling of pressure or fullness in your forehead, eyes, or jaw. Luckily, OTC medications, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can alleviate pain caused by the pressure buildup.

    Here are the most common types of OTC medication for sinus congestion:

    1. Decongestant: Nasal decongestants are available in tablets, liquids, and nasal sprays and work by reducing blood flow to the sinuses, ultimately reducing nasal swelling and inflammation. Popular nasal decongestants include:

    • Phenylephrine with brand names Sudafed PE, Vicks Sinex, and Pretz-D.
    • Pseudoephedrine with brand names Sudafed, Dimetapp Decongestant, and 12 Hour Cold Maximum Strength.

    2. Pain reliever: There are two main categories of pain relievers:

    3. Antihistamines: Antihistamines are commonly used to treat allergies, but they can be used to treat stomach problems and the common cold among other ailments. Antihistamines work by blocking the effects of histamine, which your immune system releases to protect against foreign invasions. Histamines cause symptoms like inflammation, congestion, a runny nose, and sneezing. So antihistamines are designed to alleviate those symptoms. Popular antihistamines include cetirizine and fexofenadine .

    Don’t Miss: Advil Cold And Sinus Pregnant

    Why Might Your Doctor Recommend Antibiotics For Sinusitis

    You doctor may recommend antibiotics if:

    • You have symptoms of a bacterial infection and you have not gotten better after 10 days, even with home treatment.
    • Your symptoms are severe, or you have other problems, such as pus forming in your sinus cavities.
    • You have had sinusitis for 12 weeks or longer .

    When Are They Necessary


    Antibiotic eye drops are used to treat bacterial eye infections. Other types of medication are used to treat viral, fungal, and allergic infections.

    Your doctor may prescribe you antibiotic eye drops if you have:

    Bacterial Conjunctivitis

    Bacterial conjunctivitis is very contagious. This is why infections like pink eye spread so quickly among young children in schools and daycare.

    Contact Lens Infections

    Its also important to kill bacteria causing a contact-lens infection. Sleeping in contact lenses is one of the most common causes of bacterial eye infections.


    Styes cause inflammation at the edge of the eyelid. They are red and painful. Staphylococcus bacteria cause styes, which occur when bacteria build up in an oil gland near the base of an eyelash.


    Chalazion, which are similar to styes, are cysts deep in the eyelid. Inflammation from blocked meibomian glands causes chalazion. This blockage can lead to staphylococcus bacteria entering the gland opening.

    Antibiotic treatments only treat bacterial eye infections. They wont help with viral infections or fungal infections or if you have an allergic reaction. For eye problems in these categories, youll need antihistamines or antiviral medications.


    Antibacterial eye drops treat eye infections such as bacterial conjunctivitis, contact lens infections, styes, and chalazion. They do not work against viruses, fungi, or allergic reactions.

    Recommended Reading: Will A Bacterial Sinus Infection Go Away

    What Is The Best Medication For A Sinus Infection

    The best medication for sinus infection treatment is determined by your doctor and varies by case. Below, you can see a comparison of the most common sinus infection medications to learn what to expect.

    Best medications for sinus infections
    Drug name
    Expectorant Oral 1, 1200 mg tablet every 12 hours no more than 2 tablets in 24 hours do not chew or crush. Take with a full glass of water. Headache, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness

    Dosage is determined by your doctor based on your medical condition, response to treatment, age, and weight. Other possible side effects exist. This is not a complete list.

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    Tips To Help You Feel Better Now

    With respiratory symptoms, there are some things you can do to start getting some immediate relief, according to Dr. Buzzard.

    The first tip I have is to take make sure you are getting an adequate amount of rest, as well as fluids. Secondly, over-the-counter medicines for cold symptoms can be helpful for symptoms like sore throat, fever, congestion, and cough. Check with your doctor if you have questions about what is safe and effective, says Dr. Buzzard. My third tip is if you are smoking, stop. Smoking will make your symptoms worse and can increase your risk of secondary infections like sinus infections or pneumonia. Finally, if you are getting worse or youve gone longer than a week without feeling better, come in to see us.

    If you think you might have a COVID-19, a sinus infection, or another respiratory illness, a visit to one of Physicians Immediate Cares convenient locations in Illinois, Indianaand Wisconsin couldprovide the relief you need. In addition to caring physicians and staff who have been serving patients for more than 30 years, Physicians Immediate Care also offers evening and weekend hours, and no appointment is needed.

    If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, please let us know before you arrive so we can keep you safe with our enhanced health and safety protocols.

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    How Is Sinusitis Diagnosed

    If you are experiencing pain and pressure that doesnt clear up within a week to 10 days, it may be time to schedule a doctors appointment. You can visit your primary care physician to be evaluated for a sinus infection.

    A sinus infection is usually diagnosed empirically without need for imaging or cultures, explains Lindsey Elmore, Pharm.D., BCPS. A simple medical exam and review of your symptoms should be enough for your doctor to identify a sinus infection. Your doctor will likely check your nose with a light to look for inflammation. He or she also may ask you about any pain youre feeling to see if it traces back to the sinus cavities.

    In rare cases, or if you get frequent infections, your doctor may perform other tests to rule out other conditions like a fungal infection. This may include allergy testing, a nasal endoscopy to visually inspect the sinuses, swabbing your nose for a culture of nasal drainage, or lab imagery to scan for abnormalities.

    Symptoms may be acute or chronic , and you should seek a doctors help if you have symptoms that last more than 10 days, or are unresolved with over the counter agents as this may be an indication that you have a bacterial sinus infection, says Dr. Elmore.

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    How Does A Sinus Infection Affect Your Body

    Treating sinusitis | Consumer Reports

    You can also have headaches, tooth pain, coughing from the post nasal drip, fever, fatigue, a bad smell in your nose or a bad taste in your mouth and bad breath. Symptoms such as a fever that won’t go away, a change in your eyesight, severe headaches and neck stiffness need immediate medical attention.

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    Is It Safe To Take Sinus Decongestants While Pregnant

    It depends on the active ingredient. OTC pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine should only be used during pregnancy under your doctors supervision. They should not be used during the first trimester, only after, and even then, only with your doctors recommendation.

    Talk with your doctor before using drugs containing these ingredients if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Research in animals has shown adverse effects on the fetus when the mother takes these drugs. There havent been enough studies with humans to be certain how the drug might affect the fetus. These drugs should only be used if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk.

    Natural Treatment For Sinus Infection #2 Apple Cidervinegar

    Apple cider vinegar is another outstanding remedyfor a sinus infection. It contains some powerful antimicrobial properties, whichmeans it helps to kill off any bad bacteria and destructive microbes that maybe lurking in your gut and nasal passages. At the same time, it also boosts andreplenishes the supply of much needed good bacteria in these areas as well. Thevinegar in ACV also helps to break up congested mucous and provides excellent relieffrom a blocked stuffy nose, while the rich potassium content helps to dry up arunny nose. So you actually get the best of both worlds!

    How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Sinusitis

    Now, when you go out and purchase your apple cidervinegar, make sure you only ever purchase the raw, unfiltered ACV that stillcontains the mother apple. This is extremely important as all other applecider vinegars are processed rubbish and will not benefit you at all. Mix up 1-2tablespoons of ACV with 1 teaspoon of Manuka honey in around 8 ounces of warm,filtered water. Drink this concoction 3 times daily 10-20 minutes before food. Youcan also mix 2 teaspoons of ACV in 6 ounces of warm water and using a neti potor eye dropper, pour directly into the nasal passages. This may sting a bit fora few seconds, but its guaranteed to drain and clear your sinuses!

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    Nasal Saline Sprays: Non

    Nasal saline is an invaluable addition to the list of over-the-counter medications. It is ideal for all types of nasal problems. The added moisture produced by the saline reduces thick secretions and assists in the removal of infectious agents. There is no risk of becoming âaddictedâ to nasal saline. It should be applied as a mist to the nose up to six times per day. Nasal saline can also be made at home: contact your otolaryngologist for details.

    Best Medicines For Chest Congestion 2020

    Tylenol Sinus Pain Relief Medicine

    Congestion throughout the sinus is one thing, but congestion in the chest is a completely different problem. Giving you a heavy feeling when you breathe and a chesty quality to your cough, chest congestion can make anyone feel weak. However, for as difficult and tiring as chest congestion might feel, it is one of the most common symptoms of the common cold and flu.

    Luckily, no one has to suffer through the pains of chest congestion, especially these days when affordable and accessible remedies are available. Of course, it is easy to be able to simply walk into a drugstore and ask for the best medicine for chest congestion, but choosing can be difficult with so many options available. How do you know which is the right one?

    Find out how to choose the best chest decongestant by taking cues from this helpful buying guide.

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    What Causes Sinusitis

    Paranasal sinuses make mucous that drains out through your nose. Sometimes the lining of the sinuses become inflamed or infected. This usually happens after youve had an infection of your upper airways such as a cold, or when you’ve had hay fever or another allergy. Some people get sinusitis after every cold, while others get it rarely. Viral sinusitis is the most common cause for sinusitis. Bacterial or fungal infection is a much less common cause. Only 0.5% to 2% of cases are estimated to be complicated by a bacterial rhinosinusitis .

    Other things that can increase your risk of getting sinusitis include:

    • deviated nasal septum
    • changes in air pressure such as during an airplane flight or scuba diving
    • conditions that weaken your immune system such as chemotherapy treatment
    • ciliary dysmotility such as with cystic fibrosis or Kartageners syndrome.

    Are There Any Over

    A few common human medications may be helpful for treating your dogs nasal congestion. For example, some vets recommend oxymetazoline for dogs suffering from congestion.

    However, other common medications humans use can be toxic to pets.

    Accordingly, you should never give your dog an over-the-counter medication for nasal congestion without first consulting your vet. Then, if your vet gives you the green light, administer the medication in exactly the dosage and manner prescribed by your vet.

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    Is A Sore Throat A Covid Symptom

    Yes, a sore throat is one of the common symptoms of COVID-19. However, there are a lot of other illnesses, big and small, that cause a sore throat as well, including the common cold, the flu, strep throat, mono, GERD, as well as allergies, and dry air. If youre worried your sore throat is a sign of the coronavirus, the best way to confirm is to take a rapid COVID test or molecular lab test at a local facility or via an at-home COVID test.

    How Long Will It Take To Feel Better

    Ear & Sinus Problems : Remedies for a Sinus Infection

    Sinus infections are usually caused by viruses and typically will get better over five to seven days, Dr. McCormick says. If the symptoms persist for longer or the symptoms get better but quickly return, patients should see a doctor to determine if they need antibiotics or if there is another cause for their symptoms, he adds.

    While these medications will help you feel better, they wont necessarily wipe out your symptoms completely. And, because sinus infections are usually caused by a virus, you just kind of have to ride it out. Dr. McCormick also recommends doing saline irrigations with a nasal spray or neti pot to help you feel more comfortable while you wait.

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    Sinus Infection Medication For Viral Causes

    Viral sinus infections are usually a symptom of the common cold or other viruses. When these viruses take a toll on your body, they sometimes spread to your sinuses and cause inflammation over time.

    While you may be able to fend off a full-blown sinus infection with over-the-counter solutions, once youre at a certain point of inflammation, you might require stronger meds that only a doctor can prescribe.

    Vicks Personal Steam Inhaler

    Steam inhalers are fabulous drug-free alternative treatments to the best medicine for sinus congestion.

    Have you ever noticed that you normally feel much better after a steamy shower?

    Steam inhalers provide similar high level relief from nasal congestion caused by sinus infection, colds, and even flu.

    So, why not get this inhaler instead of first going for the best over the counter medicine for sinus infection?

    You will find it nice-smelling, very effective, travel-ready and designed to be used for many years.

    • The inhaler is very small so Highly portable
    • Its overall design makes it very comfortable to use


    • It is not kids friendly


    This vicks personal steam inhaler does well to restore moisture to your lungs and respiratory tract.

    Its contoured to have your face breath in comfortably will normally deliver results within 5- to 15-minutes.

    This compact inhaler could be all you need to make your cavities feel clearer

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    On Average How Long Does A Sinus Infection Last

    Expect your sinusitis to last about one week. Its not always the same for everyone, though: some people will have a shorter time of symptoms than others, or they may feel well enough after just a few days. However, if your symptoms last longer than one week, its worth talking to your doctor. They can help you out with more information on what to do next and how long it might take for your symptoms to go away.

    Best For Essential Oils: Xlear Sinus Infection Over The Counter Medicine

    Equate Maximum Strength Day &  Night Sinus Caplets, 20 Ct

    We would, of course, be remiss if we didnt mention Xlear Sinus Infection Over The Counter Medicine for daily purpose. The xlear sinus infection overthe counter medicine has cleansing benefits, plus it is the patented, natural saline spray containing xylitolan ingredient which cleanses and moisturizes. Now you can naturally promote upper respiratory health while alleviating congestion with xlear saline nasal spray with xylitol. The pump by holding the sinus rinse bottle upright and pumping one or more times until the saline solution is dispensed.

    Most importantly, the xlear sinusinfection over the countermedicine is great for sinus rinses and it helps clear.

    Most buyers opine that the medicine has helped prevent it from happening. And, they also found that the medicine will clear your nose of congestion. Moreover, a few also found that this spray works well, but must be used well in advance of a flare up. In conclusion, buyers found this to be one of the best medicines for daily purposes.

    Top Customer Quotes:

    • This is suitable for nasal cleansing, is consistent and it is perfect for the cold season.
    • This is good for temporary relief of nasal congestion.
    • This is great for post nasal drip and sinuses.
    • It is made in the USA in Utah.

    Read Also: Saline Spray For Sinus Infection

    Help For Sinus When I Have High Blood Pressure

    Many people suffer from sinus trouble, whether it is a temporary sinus problem or chronic sinusitis. Sinus congestion can cause breathing difficulties, and the extreme congestion leads to sinus headache. Prolonged sinus congestion can lead to sinus infections. There are treatments for congested sinuses, but if you have high blood pressure you must be careful about which treatments you use, as some may actually raise blood pressure.

    If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

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