Friday, July 26, 2024

Ear Infection Vs Sinus Infection

What Types Of Treatments Are Available For Ear Infections

Episode 4 Differences between a cold and allergies, sinus infections and children ear infections.

Many children recover from ear infections without medical intervention. However, your doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics depending on the cause and extent of your childs infection. Usually, treatment includes several days of amoxicillin, azithromycin, or augmentin. You may also need to treat a ruptured eardrum with antibiotic or anti-inflammatory eardrops.

If your child is experience severe ear pain, your doctor may suggest using an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to manage discomfort and aid in sleep. If pain continues, prescription eardrops may be available to anesthetize the eardrum so long as there is no drainage from the ear.

Some parents find that home remedies are effective for alleviating discomfort during an ear infection. Examples include applying a warm compress to your childs ear or putting a few drops of warm olive oil into the ear canal. However, you should never place anything inside your childs ear without first consulting his or her doctor.

How Is A Middle

Your health care provider will take a medical history and do a physicalexam. He or she will look at the outer ear and eardrum with an otoscope.The otoscope is a lighted tool that lets your provider see inside the ear.A pneumatic otoscope blows a puff of air into the ear to check how wellyour eardrum moves. If you eardrum doesnt move well, it may mean you havefluid behind it.

Your provider may also do a test called tympanometry. This test tells howwell the middle ear is working. It can find any changes in pressure in themiddle ear. Your provider may test your hearing with a tuning fork.

Whats The Main Difference Between Sinus Infection And Covid

The main difference between COVID and a sinus infection is what causes them. A sinus infection is caused by inflammation of the sinuses and often follows a cold or allergy flare-up. COVID-19 is only caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The information in this article is current as of the date listed, which means newer information may be available when you read this. For the most recent updates on COVID-19, visit our coronavirus news page.

Recommended Reading: Best Allergy Medication For Sinus Pressure

How To Distinguish Infections

So, with so much overlap, how can you tell the difference between the two types of infections? First, you can look at the most distinguishing symptoms. Look for a discolored tooth or a sore on the gums near the affected tooth.

You can also see how your condition responds to treatment. Antibiotics often work well to control sinus infections. However, they at best will only temporarily impact a tooth infection. If repeated courses of antibiotics dont work on your infection, or if an infection seems to clear up then return repeatedly, you should consider that you might have an infected tooth.

If you have reason to suspect a tooth infection or are just tired of ineffective treatments for your sinus infection, its time to talk to a dentist. A dentist can evaluate your teeth more closely to determine whether one of them is the source of your infection. Then he can recommend appropriate treatment, such as root canal therapy if the tooth can be saved. If the tooth cant be saved, extraction plus replacement with a dental bridge or implant is usually best.

What Is The Link Between The Sinuses And The Ears

Sinusitis Symptoms Ear Pain Headaches Hay Symptoms Fever  ATHENEUM EAR ...

Sinus pressure in ear: Congestion of the sinuses often leads to a feeling of pressure in the ear, as a result of an accumulation of fluid in the ear canals. This occurs despite the absence of a direct connection between the sinuses and the ear. The Eustachian tube, which is a narrow passage connecting the ear and throat, drains the middle ear into the part of the throat that is behind the nose called the nasopharynx.

Eric L. Winarsky, M.D. contributes to topics such as Otolaryngology.

Cold and flu season isnt quite over yet. If you have congestion that includes sinus pressure, you may have a coldor it could be a sinus infection. How can you be sure that its one or the other, and when is it time to make an appointment with your doctor?

Eric L. Winarsky, M.D., an otolaryngologist and surgeon with Hackensack Meridian Health Medical Group, helps answer the 5 most Googled questions about nasal inflammation and sinus infections.

  • What are signs of a sinus infection?
  • If you feel pressure behind your eyes and cheeks, have a worsening headache, cough, fever, bad breath, fatigue, decreased sense of smell or taste, nose bleeds, clogged ears and/or postnasal drip, you may have a sinus infection and nasal inflammationand not just a cold.

  • Whats the best way to get sinus pressure relief?
  • As such, there is no silver bullet or one pill to take that can alleviate all the symptoms.

  • Are sinus infections viral?
  • Do you need antibiotics for a sinus infection?
  • Recommended Reading: Severe Headache From Sinus Pressure

    Ear And Sinus Infection

    Ear and sinus infection occurring together is a painful condition. All the while, you experience a congested and heavy feeling which is very bothersome. Read this article to understand how a sinus infection gives rise to an ear infection along with the treatment options for the same.

    Ear and sinus infection occurring together is a painful condition. All the while, you experience a congested and heavy feeling which is very bothersome. Read this article to understand how a sinus infection gives rise to an ear infection along with the treatment options for the same.

    A sinus infection, also known as sinusitis, is caused due to inflammation of the sinuses. This condition is mostly triggered by common cold virus, bacterial attack on upper respiratory tract or an allergen attack. The sinuses produce mucus to trap dirt or pathogens that enter through the nasal passage. When these foreign invaders irritate the sinus lining, it increases the production of mucus to eliminate maximum number of germs or allergens.

    In this condition, the sinus cavities get blocked and normal mucus drainage gets affected, which results in nasal congestion. This moist environment is an ideal condition for growth of harmful germs that aggravate the infection further. If a sinus infection is left undiagnosed for some time, then it often leads to an ear infection.

    When My Minor Symptoms Became Not

    On day six, I woke up with a severe headache one like Iâd never had before, which was scary. It lasted the whole weekend. When I got to work on Monday, I told my doctor about my headache, and he mentioned I could have a sinus infection. But, as a person who hates taking antibiotics unless I really need to, I decided to just wait to see if my symptoms got worse.

    Things never really got much worse for me. Just a few days later, I was left with only lingering symptoms a headache and some strange nasal congestion that wasnât really even congestion. About a week and a half after my symptoms had started, I was finally feeling like I was on the mend.

    My symptoms started long before COVID-19 was spreading in the community, so I didnt think twice about it being more than just allergies. Plus, I didnt really have any of the most common COVID-19 symptoms. I never had a fever and my cough was slight and infrequent. Looking back, I may have had a little bit of chest pain here and there, but only when Iâd cough which, in itself, was rare.

    But, then I got some news.

    Also Check: Best Home Remedies For Cold And Sinus

    Ear Throat And Sinus Infections

    Your ears, nose, and throat are all part of your upper respiratory system. They share anatomy and have similar mucus membrane linings, which means they are able to get similar infections. Understanding the anatomy of your ears, nose, and throat will help you know how to keep them in good health and free of infections.

    Below youll find information regarding common ear, throat and sinus infections and how they can be treated at Windermere Medical Center.

    How Long Will It Take For My Child To Recover From An Ear Infection In

    Sinus Infection / Double Ear Infection / Thrush (7/30/18)

    Ear infections heal in stages. Antibiotics are administered to help kill bacteria in the middle ear usually within a few days. Most symptoms of fever and discomfort resolve during this time. However, fluid may linger for several weeks and continue to interfere with hearing. It is important to follow up with your childs doctor within a months time to ensure the fluid is beginning to drain from the ear. If it lingers longer than normal, your doctor may become concerned about the potential for recurrent sinus infections, chronic colds, or allergies.

    A Few Things to Keep in Mind:

    It is important to see a doctor if your child begins to display the signs of ear infection. An accurate diagnosis is essential for successful treatment especially since some children can exhibit the symptoms of ear infection in association with a different condition, such as teething.

    Blood and pus draining from your childs ear may be frightening, but they are nothing to be overly concerned about. This is a normal symptom of ear infection and may occur if your childs eardrum has ruptured. Most children heal and recover from this condition with no complications.

    It is important to completely finish an entire course of prescribed antibiotics as instructed. Stopping early could allow the infection to return.

    Don’t Miss: Can I Get A Fever With A Sinus Infection

    Relieving Sinus Pressure Inside The Ear

    Internal ear pressure is very uncomfortable. When fluid is present, a person can feel mild pain, experience muffled sound, or feel like that have water inside their ear. Without eliminating the sinus pressure, these symptoms can be disruptive to your everyday lifestyle. Fortunately, there are a few different ways to find relief.

    Whats The Best Way To Get Sinus Pressure Relief

    Over-the-counter options include nasal decongestants and nasal steroid sprays. Some people try saline spray and nasal irrigation to find relief. Others stick with over-the-counter pain relievers to manage pain and fever symptoms. Drinking plenty of fluids, applying warm compresses to the sinus area, light facial massage and vaporizer use can also keep congestion moving on the way out.

    This is a very complex problem and depending on the severity and the level of inflammation there are a host of diagnostic exams and tests to be performed before a true diagnosis can be made so that a treatment plan can be formulated, Winarsky says.

    As such, there is no silver bullet or one pill to take that can alleviate all the symptoms.

    While a sinus infection can go away on its own, it is a good idea to make an appointment with your doctorespecially if you seem to be getting a lot of sinus infections. Also, nasal discharge, fever, congestion or pain that lasts more than 10 days warrants a trip to see your physician.

    Recommended Reading: How Much Amoxicillin For A Sinus Infection

    How Do You Treat Chronic Sinusitis

    If these symptoms persist for longer than 3 weeks and/or pop up at least 4 times a year, then you could have chronic sinusitis. Treatments for chronic sinusitis are more extensive than antibiotics, but they treat the source of the problem.

    For example, you may have a deviated septum causing chronic sinusitis. Once the deviated septum is fixed, the sinusitis length and frequency will reduce. And thats just one example of an underlying condition.

    At the Ear, Nose and Throat Institute, our experts will diagnose and treat with the most up-to-date technology. One of those technologies is balloon sinuplasty, a non-invasive procedure that opens up the sinus passages, allowing for better mucus flow. Watch the video below to learn more.

    If youre seeing these signs of a sinus infection in your experience, maybe its time to get it taken care of for good. To schedule an appointment, call 770-740-1860 or fill out the form at the top of the page.

    How Sinusitis Affects Your Hearing

    Is it a Cold or a Sinus Infection?

    by Victoria ENT | Jul 16, 2019 | News |

    Sinusitis is an infection in some part of the sinuses. A few of the symptoms associated with sinusitis are sore throat, fever, facial soreness, dizziness, pain and pressure on your cheeks and forehead, and a stuffed nasal passage. As if these symptoms are not bothersome enough, some people also experience hearing loss.

    What Happen When You Have Sinusitis When you have an infection in your sinuses, they become swollen and inflamed. All the empty spaces that can be found in your bones become inflamed, and your glands begin developing more mucus than usual. All the swelling and inflammation makes it difficult to drain the mucus, which contributes to the pressure and stuffy feelings. Breathing can be tough when you are suffering from a sinus infection, and people may overmedicate before consulting with a doctor.

    Your sinuses are located close to your ear canal, and when they become congested, swollen, and clogged, these issues can affect your ears hearing function. Your Eustachian tubes, which connect the middle of your ear to your throat, will become clogged, preventing fluid from moving through. Some symptoms to watch out for are:

    How to Cope Addressing your concerns with an ENT specialist is important. There are also things you can do at home to help you cope. A few include:

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    Runny Nose And Postnasal Drip

    When you have a sinus infection, you may need to blow your nose often because of nasal discharge, which can be cloudy, green, or yellow. This discharge comes from your infected sinuses and drains into your nasal passages.

    The discharge may also bypass your nose and drain down the back of your throat. You may feel a tickle, an itch, or even a sore throat.

    This is called postnasal drip, and it may cause you to cough at night when youre lying down to sleep, and in the morning after getting up. It may also cause your voice to sound hoarse.

    Ear Infection Or Sinus Infection Treating Your Symptoms Quickly

    By raphael, January 2, 2019

    Sometimes its hard to know whether you are experiencing an ear infection or a sinus infection because of the similarities in symptoms. Both diagnoses involve significant pressure or pain in the head/neck area and both infections may trigger a fever response in your body.

    So, why is it important to know whether youre suffering from a sinus infection or an ear infection? Because the treatment option selected will only be effective if you have the right diagnosis.

    Heres how to decide whether youre experiencing a sinus infection or an ear infection and how your ear, nose, and throat doctor can help along the way.

    Also Check: Breathe Now Natural Sinus Relief

    Pain Or Pressure In Your Sinuses

    Facial pain is a common symptom of sinusitis. You have several different sinuses above and below your eyes, as well as behind your nose. Any of these air-filled cavities can hurt when you have a sinus infection.

    Inflammation and swelling can cause your sinuses to ache with dull pressure. This is because inflammation may alter the typical path of mucus from the nose to the back of the throat.

    You may feel pain in:

    • your forehead
    • on either side of your nose
    • in your upper jaws and teeth
    • between your eyes

    This may lead to a headache. Headaches caused by sinus infections can occur where the sinuses are or in other places.

    Understanding Ears Nose And Throat Infections

    How to prevent ear infections and sinus infections by using the neti pot

    Infections happen when germs get inside your body and make you sick.

    • Germs are found all over the world, in all kinds of places.
    • Sometimes germs give us an infection and make us sick.
    • You can get an infection in any part of your body.

    Anyone can get ear, nose, and throat infections, but you are at extra risk if:

    • You spend time around others who are sick
    • You live with other people and they get sick
    • You smoke cigarettes or spend time around others who smoke

    Some people may get ear infections more often or easier than others:

    • People with diabetes
    • People with HIV or other immune disorders

    What is an ear infection?

    • Your ears are connected to your throat by a tube.
    • Harmful germs can get trapped in this tube and cause an infection.

    You should see your doctor if you:

    • Feel pain in your ear
    • Feel itching inside your ear
    • Have trouble hearing

    What is a nose infection?

    • Germs can get into your nose and cause swelling.
    • Nose infections are sometimes called nasal or sinus infections.
    • Sinuses are spaces filled with air behind your nose, eyes, and cheeks.

    You may want to see your doctor if you:

    • Have a stuffy or runny nose
    • Feel pain in your head or face or around your teeth
    • Have trouble tasting or smelling
    • See yellow, grey or green fluid come out of your nose
    • Have a cough that wont go away
    • Feel warm

    What is a throat infection?You may have a throat infection if you:

    • Feel pain in your throat
    • Feel pain when you swallow
    • Feel warm

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    Don’t Miss: Home Remedies For Ear And Sinus Infection

    When Should I Contact My Gp

    Its not always necessary to see your GP if you or your child have earache. Your local pharmacist is always on hand to offer help and advice on how you can manage the problem. The pain will often improve in a few days and there are things you can do to help in the meantime.

    You should contact your GP or local out-of-hours service if:

    • you or your child also have other symptoms, such as a high temperature , vomiting, a severe sore throat, hearing loss, swelling around the ear, or discharge from the ear
    • there is something stuck in your or your childs ear
    • the earache doesnt improve within a few days

    To assess your condition at home use our earache self-help guide.

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