Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Home Made Remedies For Sinus Infection

Try Nasal Irrigation To Wash Out Sinus Passages

Cure A Sinus Infection FAST – 7 Natural Home Remedies

Nasal irrigation is the only remedy where there is evidence in children that it lessens the severity of a plugged nose, although the authors of the BMJ review note the studies were small.

Adults sometimes get the water into the nose via a device called a neti pot, so this method is sometimes known by that name.

Elevate Your Head At Night

Sleeping flat means mucus can collect in your sinuses, aggravating symptoms. Use an extra pillow or put something under your mattress to lift your head upand gravity will do the rest. That should also help you get better sleep, always a good idea while you’re getting over an infection.

Bear in mind that raising your head at nightalong with nasal irrigation, drinking lots of water, and inhaling steamcan also prevent many sinus infections. As can washing your hands.

Sinusitis And Sinus Infections

Most sinus infection medicine ultimately seeks to relieve inflammation around the sinus cavities. This inflammation is most often caused by a virus or bacteria and results in a blockage that prevents mucus from naturally draining out of the sinus cavities. This inflammation results in painful symptoms and the blocked mucus may lead to additional infection. A single sinus infection can last 2 or more weeks.

Patients who suffer from chronic sinusitis often seek relief from a variety of over-the-counter sinus infection medication or prescription antibiotics, such as a sinus infection z pack. Patients may find temporary symptom relief through pharmaceuticals however, these medications often carry a number of undesirable side effects including:

  • Drowsiness or insomnia
  • Individual complications

Also Check: How To Treat Severe Sinus Congestion

Over The Counter Medications

For help alleviating sinus pressure and pain, try ibuprofen and a decongestant. Some medications include a combination of pain reliever and decongestant.

Mild antihistamines like Claritin and Allegra are helpful in moderation. Strong antihistamines like Benadryl are often way too drying. Be careful not to take antihistamines too often.

Even though you want your nose to stop running, too many antihistamines can make it more likely that youll get sinus infections in the future.

Drugs like Mucinex and Flonase can also be helpful in thinning the mucus in your nose and sinuses.

If you use Afrin, make sure you stop after three days. Though it can seem like a miracle drug, using it more than three days in a row can lead to something called rebound congestion. In other words, when you stop using the Afrin after continuous use, your nose becomes more congested than it was in the first place!

When To See A Doctor

Home Remedies for Sinus Drainage

If your symptoms go on for more than 10 days or you show no signs of getting better, check in with a doctor. You could have a bacterial infection and may need antibiotics.

You should also see a doctor if you have sinus infections that keep recurring. One sinus infection is bad enough, but several can make things really miserable. One study found that people with chronic sinusitis rated their pain higher than patients with congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, angina, and sciatica.

Also Check: Can You Take Claritin And Advil Cold And Sinus Together

Sinus Infection Vs Covid

Some sinus infection and COVID-19 symptoms may overlap. Both illnesses can cause a fever, headaches, nasal congestion, fatigue or a sore throat. Symptoms unique to COVID-19 include body aches, nausea, shortness of breath and vomiting. Learn the difference between the cold, flu and COVID-19 based on your symptoms.

How Is Sinusitis Treated

Sinusitis is treated in several ways, each depending on how severe the case of sinusitis is.

A simple sinusitis infection is treated with:

  • Drinking fluids .

If symptoms of sinusitis don’t improve after 10 days, your doctor may prescribe:

  • Oral or topical decongestants.
  • Prescription intranasal steroid sprays. .

Long-term sinusitis may be treated by focusing on the underlying condition . This is usually treated with:

  • Intranasal steroid sprays.
  • Topical antihistamine sprays or oral pills.
  • Leukotriene antagonists to reduce swelling and allergy symptoms.
  • Rinsing the nose with saline solutions that might also contain other types of medication.

When sinusitis isn’t controlled by one of the above treatments, a CT scan is used to take a better look at your sinuses. Depending on the results, surgery may be needed to correct structural problems in your sinuses. This is most likely to happen if you have polyps and/or a fungal infection.

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Apple Cider Vinegar For Sinusitis

You Will Need
  • 6 ounces lukewarm water
What You Have To Do

Mix the ACV in the water and drink this. You can also gargle with this mixture for added benefits.

How Often You Should Do This

Drink twice a day.

Why This Works

The vitamins and minerals present in ACV minimize the symptoms of allergy. It balances the pH in the nasal sinuses and clears out the excess mucus that has built up. It antibacterial and antifungal properties treat the infection that is causing the sinusitis .

How Can I Tell If I Have A Sinus Infection Cold Or Nasal Allergy

Chronic Sinusitis – Home Remedies for Sinus Infection

It can be difficult to tell the difference between a cold, allergies, and a sinus infection. The common cold typically builds, peaks, and slowly disappears. It lasts a few days to a week. A cold can transform into a sinus infection. Nasal allergy is inflammation of the nose due to irritating particles . Symptoms of a nasal allergy can include sneezing, itchy nose and eyes, congestion, runny nose, and post nasal drip . Sinusitis and allergy symptoms can happen at the same time as a common cold.

If you are fighting off a cold and develop symptoms of a sinus infection or nasal allergy, see your healthcare provider. You will be asked to describe your symptoms and medical history.

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Hot And Cold Compress

Sinus congestion leads to a huge build-up of pressure which causes the painful sinus headache and other nasty symptoms. Applying hot and cold compresses alternately is an excellent remedy for headaches caused by this build-up of pressure.

A warm compress allows moist heat into the sinus passages which relieves any pressure and loosens mucus while a cold compress helps relieve pain caused by constricted blood vessels.

To make a warm/cold compress Soak a face towel in hot water then wring out the excess. Fold and place the towel over your face making sure your nose, cheeks and forehead are covered well. Leave it in place for between 3 and 5 minutes. Now remove your towel and soak it in very cold water. Again wring out any excess. Fold hen place it over your face for around a minute. Repeat the process 3 times daily for best effect.

Mint Juice With Nettle

A good home remedy for allergic sinusitis is drinking mint juice with nettle. This mixture contains anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and decongestant properties that help to reduce sinus irritation and eliminate secretions.


  • 1 cup of coconut water
  • 1 tablespoon of eucalyptus honey

How to prepare

Cook the nettle leaves in a pot of boiling water. Then place the cooked leaves in a blender with the mint, coconut water and honey, and blend until you achieve a homogenous mixture. You can drink this 2 times per day, between meals.

It is important to cook the nettle leaves before using them, as nettle can cause an allergic reaction .

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What Are The Different Types Of Sinuses Near The Nose And Eyes

The paranasal sinuses are located in your head near your nose and eyes. They are named after the bones that provide their structure.

  • The ethmoidal sinuses are located between your eyes.
  • The maxillary sinuses are located below your eyes.
  • The sphenoidal sinuses are located behind your eyes.
  • The frontal sinuses are located above your eyes.

The biggest sinus cavity is the maxillary cavity, and it is one of the cavities that most often becomes infected.

There are different types of sinusitis:

  • Acute bacterial sinusitis: This term refers to a sudden onset of cold symptoms such as runny nose, stuffy nose, and facial pain that does not go away after 10 days, or symptoms that seem to improve but then return and are worse than the initial symptoms . It responds well to antibiotics and decongestants.
  • Chronic sinusitis: This term refers to a condition defined by nasal congestion, drainage, facial pain/pressure, and decreased sense of smell for at least 12 weeks.
  • Subacute sinusitis: This term is used when the symptoms last four to twelve weeks.
  • Recurrent acute sinusitis: This term is used when the symptoms come back four or more times in one year and last less than two weeks each time.

Thyme And Honey Infusion

9 Simple and Best Home Remedies for Sinus Infection

An infusion with thyme and honey is rich in anti-inflammatory and antiseptic substances, like thymol, carvacrol, cymene and linalol. It also possesses and expectorant action, which helps with the elimination of phlegm and relieves runny nose and plugged nose caused by a sinus infection.

In addition, the honey helps to reduce inflammation, lubricate the throat and relieve coughing and phlegm. People who are allergic to honey, proplis or pollen should not add honey to their tea, and opt to use just the thyme.


  • 1 tablespoon of thyme extract, or 2 branches of fresh thyme
  • 1 litre of boiling water
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

How to prepare

Add the dry thyme to the boiling water and allow it to soak for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain the infusion and drink up to 3 cups per day.

Thyme infusions should not be used by people with stomach issues, like gastritis or ulcers, or by people with liver problems. Thyme infusions should also be avoided by people who take anticoagulants like warfarin or clopidogrel.

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Is There A Right Way To Blow Your Nose

If you have a stuffy nose, trying to force yourself to blow your nose could make it worse. The best thing to do is to blow one side of your nose at a time gently into a tissue. You might want to first use some type of nasal rinse to loosen any material in your nose before blowing. Make sure you dispose of the tissue and then clean your hands with soap and water or an antimicrobial sanitizer.

What To Do For Sinus Pressure And Pain At Home

Here are the top 10 at-hometreatments to help ease your sinus pain and inflammation to get rid of your sinus infection faster.

  • Flush. Use a Neti pot, a therapy that uses a salt and water solution, to flush your nasal passages. Nasal irrigation using the Neti pot has been a tried-and-true sinus treatment method for centuries. I have patients who swear by Neti pots and use them daily or weekly to keep their sinuses flowing well. Remember to use distilled water only.
  • Spray. Use an over-the-counter nasal decongestant spray that contains salt water to help keep your nasal passages moist, unblock congestion and treat inflammation. Some sprays, like Afrin®, can only be used for a maximum of three days. If you exceed three days, you will get “rebound” or worse nasal congestion. Other nasal sprays, like fluticasone, are more effective the longer you use them.
  • Hydrate. Drink a lot of fluidswater and/or juiceto help thin your mucus. Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, which can cause dehydration.
  • Rest. Get plenty of rest to help your body fight infection and speed up recovery. While you sleep, prop yourself up with a couple of pillows. Staying elevated can help you breathe more comfortably.
  • Steam. Breathe in steam from a pot or bowl of warm water or take a hot shower. You also can place a warm, wet towel on your face, followed by a cool towel. to help ease sinus pain and open your nasal passages.
  • Read Also: Sinus Infection Spread To Ear

    When Natural Remedies Fall Short

    Natural home remedies are a safe and effective treatment for sinus infections however, you may find that the results are not meeting your expectations. Have you successfully used natural methods and find that you still struggle with chronic or intense sinusitis? If so, there is a safe and minimally invasive solution known as balloon sinuplasty. This simple procedure is done from the comfort of the doctorâs office and gently dilates the sinus cavity to return the body to its natural condition. Once the sinuses are free of blockage, normal flow resumes and the body continues the natural healing process. Imagine a life free of sinus infections and symptoms. Schedule an appointment today with one of our sinus care professionals.

    What Is A Sinus Infection

    Home Remedies for Sinus Infections

    The sinuses, or sinus cavities, are hollow spaces that air flows through within the bones surrounding the nose. A sinus infection or sinusitis occurs when your nasal cavities become swollen and inflamed. Normally, your sinuses are filled with air. When sinuses become blocked and filled with fluid, germs can grow and cause an infection.

    How long do sinus infections last? Well, that depends on what type of sinus infection you have. Acute sinusitis can last over two weeks even with appropriate treatment. If your sinus infection lasts longer than 10 to 14 days, then youre more likely to have bacterial sinusitis. Chronic sinusitis lasts much longer at least 12 weeks! Chronic sinusitis with polyps is an inflammation of the sinuses that lasts 12 weeks or longer and is associated with having nasal polyps. Other forms of chronic sinusitis are associated with allergies or a deviated septum and also last 12 weeks or longer.

    How can you tell what type of sinus infection you have? Your doctor wont be able to tell you if your sinus infection is bacterial or viral based on symptoms or an exam alone. The best way to tell the root of a sinus infection is symptom duration. If its a viral sinus infection, it should start to improve after five to seven days. On the other hand, a bacterial infection often lasts seven to 10 days or even longer and the infection can get worse after seven days.

    Recommended Reading: Does A Sinus Infection Heal On Its Own

    Natural Solutions For Symptom Relief

    In addition to the solutions listed above, there are other natural methods that help to minimize the discomfort from sinusitis symptoms. These solutions may not address an underlying infection but can provide relief and improve quality of life during an episode of sinusitis.

    • Warm Compress â a warm towel or compress placed on the face in the area of the inflamed sinus cavity may provide relief from pain and inflammation. This is an effective natural home remedy for sinus headaches.
    • Hydration â Drinking plenty of water will help the body to naturally fight the infection and promote drainage. Hydration from healthy fruits and vegetables may also promote natural healing.
    • Humidifiers â Using a humidifier during the day or while sleeping will keep the nostrils moist and may prevent the build up of blockages. They work both to prevent blockage while also encouraging more effective breathing and sleep. Humidifiers are similar to vaporizers, but generally work with cool rather than hot water. Both humidifiers and vaporizers are effective natural home remedies for sinus congestion however, be sure to follow the directions and clean your humidifier properly to prevent bacteria growth.
    • Elevated Head â Keeping your head elevated when lying down will allow gravity to naturally boost sinus drainage.

    How To Get Rid Of Sinus Infections In 24 Hours

    If you are one of the millions of Americans that battle frequent or long-term sinus infections and are seeking a sinusitis treatment that does not involve risky surgery, there is good news sinusitis treatment is available. Balloon Sinuplasty is a safe and minimally invasive solution for long-lasting relief from sinus infection causes.

    This safe and simple sinus infection treatment can be done in the comfort of the office with our Board Certified Otolaryngologist, Dr. Brian Lee. The procedure gently inflates the sinus cavity to clear the blockage and restore the natural flow from the body. If you would like to know more about balloon sinuplasty and how to cure sinus infections permanently, schedule your appointment today and start your journey toward real and lasting sinus infection relief.

    Don’t Miss: Walk In Clinic Sinus Infection

    Natural Home Remedies For Sinus Infections

    If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from sinus infections, then you understand how the coughing, sore throat, headaches, and lack of sleep can make life truly difficult. These symptoms result in lost productivity at work, missed opportunities at home, and a significant decrease in your quality of life.

    As a result, you may have found yourself seeking to alleviate your symptoms with over-the-counter medications to no avail. You may even feel stuck in an endless cycle of infection, medication, and frustration that leaves you desperately searching for real solutions. Even when OTC medications provide temporary relief from symptoms, they may result in any number of unwelcomed side effects such as:

    Other Home Remedies For Sinus Headaches

    Natural remedies for sinus infections

    As well as the remedies discussed above, there are several other things you can do to ease or prevent a sinus headache

    Stay well hydrated and make sure you get plenty of fluids. Use a humidifier if you have one. Get plenty of rest. Avoid activities or known allergens that may trigger a sinus headache.

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    Eucalyptus Or Peppermint Essential Oils

    and oils have long been used to relieve acute upper respiratory problems, from bronchitis to the ever-popular Vicks Vap-O-Rub, which harnesses the scent of both medicinal plants to open up the nasal passages. Both eucalyptus and peppermint oils are naturally antimicrobial and gentle enough to be applied directly to the bridge of the nose to help open up nasal passages. Our favorite way to use them is to put them in a humidifier of a bedroom to promote passive healing while you sleep . According to one study by the University of Michigan, the active ingredient in eucalyptus oil, cineole, may speed recovery from acute sinusitis when inhaled .

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