Check If You Have Sinusitis
Sinusitis is common after a cold or flu.
Symptoms of sinusitis include:
- pain, swelling and tenderness around your cheeks, eyes or forehead
- a blocked nose
- a reduced sense of smell
- green or yellow mucus from your nose
- a sinus headache
- toothache
- bad breath
Signs of sinusitis in young children may also include irritability, difficulty feeding, and breathing through their mouth.
The sinuses are small, empty spaces behind your cheekbones and forehead that connect to the inside of the nose.
Sinusitis causes the lining of the sinuses to swell up.
This stops mucus draining into your nose and throat properly, making you feel blocked up.
How You Can Find Relief
Its important to review your sinusitis symptoms and how long youve been having them with a physician. Teladoc doctors can help you determine the possible cause of your symptoms, especially if youre concerned you may have COVID-19. If your sinus problems are caused by allergies, there are strategies and medications that can help bring relief. While bothersome mucus is often an effect of a viral infection, a bacterial infection can develop after a virus has taken hold. In this case, oral antibiotics can help with healing.
Regardless of whats causing all this congestion, try to put the to-do list aside and get some rest. If youre having pain, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Petroleum jelly can soothe a sore nose on the outside, while nasal drops or a nasal irrigation device can help flush out nasal passages on the inside. Treat and blow each nostril separately, Dr. Hood says.
Also, dont forget about all that mucus youre losing: Moisture should play a key role in your return to good health. Drink plenty of liquids like water, juice, warm broth or soup, Dr. Hood says, and use a cool-mist humidifier to soothe the airways, especially when sleeping. Steam from hot showers can help reduce inflammation and make breathing easier. Also try a warm compress on the nose, cheekbones or forehead for relief from sinusitis symptoms, he adds.
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Types Of Sinus Infections: Chronic Vs Acute
There are four types of sinus infections. These classifications depend on the length and frequency of the infection:
- Acute sinusitis.This type of sinus infection lasts only for a short time, defined by the American Academy of Otolaryngology as less than 4 weeks. This short-term infection is usually part of a cold or other respiratory illness. It may also be caused by a bacterial infection .
- Subacute sinusitis. A subacute sinus infection lasts between 4 and 12 weeks .
- Recurrent acute sinusitis. An acute sinus infection is considered recurrent if the infection returns four or more times within a year, with each infection lasting 7 days or more.
- Chronic sinusitis.Chronic sinus infections last for more than 12 weeks or continue to recur.
Many sinus infection symptoms are common in both acute and chronic forms. Seeing a doctor is the best way to learn if you have an infection, find the cause, and get treatment.
For cases of acute bacterial sinus infections, these symptoms last at least 10 days without improving, or they worsen within 10 days after seeming to improve. In this case, its important to talk with a doctor, such as a general practitioner or an ear, nose, and throat doctor , to get a diagnosis and treatment plan.
Learn more about the symptoms of a sinus infection below.
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How Long Does A Take For A Sinus Headache To Go Away
- Acute sinusitis typically lasts less than eight weeks or occurs no more than three times per year with each episode lasting no longer than 10 days. Medications are generally effective against acute sinusitis. Successful treatment counteracts damage done to the mucous lining of the sinuses and surrounding bone of the skull.
- Chronic or recurring sinusitis lasts longer than eight weeks or occurs more than four times per year, with symptoms usually lasting more than 20 days.
How Sinus Infection Headaches Feel
Its easy to confuse sinus headaches with other types of headaches, such as a migraine headache. According to statistics, around 90 percent of migraine headaches get misdiagnosed as sinus infection headaches. Thats because it causes a steady and throbbing pain in the head. However, you can quickly determine that youre experiencing a sinus headache if the pain also affects the face, nose bridge, and cheeks. You can also look out for other symptoms of sinus headaches such as:
- Fatigue
- Pain when you try to tilt your head downwards
- Stuffy nose with green or yellow-green colored mucus
- Pain or pressure on your browbones and forehead
- Achy teeth or jawbones
- Facial muscle stiffness or inflammation
Most patients seeking remedies for sinus headaches report that their symptoms last for a few hours but sometimes stretch for days. If the problem stems from a viral or bacterial infection, you can expect less severe headaches and other symptoms once the illness clears. You might also be able to speed up your healing process with natural remedies like upper cervical care chiropractic.
If youre unsure whether the headaches stem from a sinus infection, you can schedule a visit to your doctor. Besides doing a physical checkup, your primary doctor may also run additional tests like brain scans depending on the other reported symptoms.
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What Type Of Headache Do You Have
Headaches are familiar to nearly everyone: in any given year, almost 90% of men and 95% of women have at least one. In the vast majority of cases, however, the pain isn’t an omen of some terrible disease. The three most common types of headaches are tension, sinus, and migraine. The most common headache triggers are stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, hunger, and caffeine withdrawal.
Common Sinus Headache Symptoms
- Fever: You won’t always run a temperature when you have a headache caused by sinusitis, but it’s a distinct possibility, especially if the infection is caused by a bacteria rather than a virus. In that case, an antibiotic actually may be in order to knock out the bacteria.
- Purulent nasal discharge: A thick, yellowish or greenish discharge is a sign of infection.
- Ear or upper tooth pain: Ear and upper tooth pain are common complaints in those suffering from a sinus infection.
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Treatment For Chronic Sinus Headaches
Individuals suffering from sinus headaches who have sought treatment from a primary physician with little success may find it beneficial to seek other treatment options from a specialist. Although primary care physicians can often help patients with occasional sinus headaches, an ENT is better suited to helping patients with chronic sinus problems. Treatment for chronic sinus headaches can provide significant relief for those who suffer from them and make their daily lives much more enjoyable.
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What Is A Sinus Headache
If the linings of the ducts or tubes that connect the sinuses to the back of the nose become inflamed, the sinuses may not be able to drain normally, and pressure may build up within the blocked sinus. There may also be associated swelling and inflammation of the lining of the sinuses, resulting in increased mucus and fluid secretion. This increase in fluid combined with the inability to drain increases pressure within the sinus cavity, causing the pain of a sinus headache. The term sinusitis is used to describe inflammation of the sinus.
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Signs And Symptoms Of A Sinus Infection Or Sinusitis
- If there is an infection, fever, chills, feeling poorly, or achy muscles occur.
- Opaque or greenish-yellow nasal drainage.
- Postnasal drainage, in which secretions drip down to the back of the throat. This can cause a cough and sometimes people have signs like coughing up yellow sputum. However, they may actually be coughing up the drainage that has dripped down from the sinuses instead of coughing up phlegm from the lungs.
- Swollen lymph nodes may occur in the neck if an infection is present, which is no different than the swelling of lymph nodes that accompanies an acute sore throat or ear infection .
How Do I Get Rid Of A Sinus Headache
To get rid of a sinus headache, you have to treat the underlying cause. But you can take steps to ease sinus pressure and pain at home:
- Apply a warm compress to painful areas of the face.
- Use a decongestant to reduce sinus swelling and allow mucus to drain.
- Try a saline nasal spray or drops to thin mucus.
- Use a vaporizer or inhale steam from a pan of boiled water. Warm, moist air may help relieve sinus congestion.
Sinus infection
Viruses, bacteria and sometimes fungi cause sinus infections. Viral infections often go away on their own. But if your infection is bacterial or fungal, you need antibiotics or antifungal medications. Your healthcare provider may also recommend other medications to ease discomfort, such as:
- Antihistamines to prevent allergy symptoms.
- Pain relievers to ease headache pain.
- Steroids to reduce inflammation.
Migraines with sinus symptoms
Sinus headaches that are actually migraines need a different type of treatment. The first step is to relieve your pain. You should know that frequently using over-the-counter medications when you have a headache can cause even more headaches .
Your provider may recommend prescription medication for migraine pain. You may also need a preventive medication that helps you have fewer migraine attacks.
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What Are The Symptoms Of Migraine
The exact cause of migraine isnt known. Its believed that changes in levels of chemicals that are produced by the brain, such as serotonin, may affect how the nervous system regulates pain. Genetic and environmental factors may also play a role in causing migraine.
The symptoms of a migraine attack can include:
- pain thats moderate to severe, often characterized as throbbing or pulsing
- pain that typically impacts one side of your head, but can also affect both sides
- sensitivity to lights and sounds
- nausea and vomiting
- pain that gets worse with physical activity
Additionally, migraine can also impact the area of your sinuses. When this happens, you may feel pain in your face or around your eyes.
An found that 45.8 percent of people with migraine had symptoms that impacted their nose and eyes, such as:
- a runny nose
According to research, many people who have pain in the sinus region are actually experiencing migraine or another type of headache. Sinus headache is the most common incorrect diagnosis given to someone who really has migraine.
An found that 88 percent of participants with a history of sinus headache actually met the clinical criteria for migraine.
So, how do you know if youre experiencing sinus pain or migraine?
When trying to tell the two conditions apart, there are a couple of important things to consider, including symptoms and timing.
How To Do A Nasal Rinse
Nasal saline rinses are a good way to treat discomfort and congestion. They can help flush out mucus, debris, and irritants, and soothe nasal passages.
A neti pot can be used to do this. You fill a pot with a saline rinse that you can buy.
- Place the spout of the pot against one nostril.
- Tilt your head to the side.
- The saline will pour out of the lower nostrilthanks to gravity.
- Repeat steps with the other nostril.
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Excessive Consumption Of Msg
MSG or monosodium glutamate is a staple in some kitchens. People commonly add it to their food to enhance the flavor. However, not many people know that it can trigger migraines or headaches. It tends to dilate the blood vessels and stimulate the brains nerve endings, causing you to experience worse pain.
Prevention And Treatment Of Sinus Headaches
The best way to prevent a sinus headache is to avoid a sinus infection. The CDC recommends washing your hands frequently, getting a flu shot, avoiding close contact with people who are sick, not smoking, and using a clean humidifier to moisten the air.
By humidifying the air, you can decrease sinus pressure, which should translate into decreased incidence of headaches, says Kiran Rajneesh, MBBS, a neurologist and pain medicine specialist at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus.
Dr. Rajneesh also suggests drinking a lot of water. Hydrating is important because it can help keep the mucus thin and loose, which can decrease infection and irritation, he says.
Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help relieve a sinus headache. A nasal spray either a decongestant or a steroid spray may help as well, according to Michigan Medicine. Keep in mind that overuse of nasal sprays can further irritate the sinuses, leading to what is known as rebound congestion.
If you have a history of high blood pressure or heart problems, talk to your doctor before using oral decongestants .
A neti pot, which looks like a little teapot with a long spout, may be used to flush out nasal passages to improve congested sinuses, says Rajneesh.
There are times when you should seek medical help for possible sinus infection. According to the CDC, you should see a doctor if any of the following is true:
Additional reporting by Becky Upham.
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The Lowdown On Stressed Sinuses
A flare-up of seasonal allergies, called hay fever, causes stuffy noses and irritated sinuses. But allergy sufferers will notice mainly that they have a runny nose with clear output and itchy, watery eyes. Their symptoms are also often tied to certain times of year and specific allergens like animal dander, dust, pollen or mold.
If youre plugged up with thick mucus thats green or yellow, you could have an infection. Sinus infectionswhether caused by bacteria or a viruscan also bring along other symptoms like mild headache, fatigue, weakness or a cough. Viruses are far more likely to be the cause of sinus infections. Certain symptoms increase the probably of bacterial sinusitis:
- Persistent sinusitis symptoms for longer than 10 days, especially with double worsening. This means symptoms start to improve and then get worse a few days later.
- A fever, especially a high one over 102 .
- Asymmetric pain in one or more sinus areas. These include under or above the eyes and above the bridge of the nose.
Teladoc gives you best-in-class care from doctors from wherever you are. Access our doctors by phone or video to diagnose, treat and even prescribe medicine if needed for common conditions like allergies, cough, flu, pink eye, rashes, sinus infections, sore throats, stomach bugs, UTI and more. Schedule a visit now to talk to a doctor 24/7 for non-emergency conditions.
Sinus Headache Vs Migraine
According to the American Migraine Foundation, 50 percent of migraine misdiagnoses start with a person thinking they have a sinus headache. The Mayo Clinic points out that 90 percent of people who go to the doctor for a sinus headache find out they have a migraine instead.
If you dont have any of the symptoms that come specifically with a sinus headache, you may be experiencing a migraine. Migraines are treated differently from sinus headaches. If you experience symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, or sensitivity to light, youre likely having a migraine and not a sinus headache.
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Can Sinusitis Cause A Burning Sensation In My Head
Infections of the sinuses and lungs Sinus infections, colds, flus, and other illnesses cause irritated and inflamed sinuses. As the sinuses swell, they might exert pressure on nearby nerves. When this happens, it might cause head paresthesia. Head paresthesia is a feeling of numbness or tingling that isn’t due to any physical problem with the body.
Sinus infections are very common and usually go away on their own without treatment. Medications can be used to treat sinus infections or reduce the pain and swelling associated with them. Antibiotics are recommended for severe cases or when there’s evidence that the infection is spreading beyond the sinuses into the brain.
Headaches are the most common symptom of a sinus infection.
Pain, redness, and/or swelling of the face Pain in the teeth, forehead, or neck Pains that don’t go away Allergic reaction to bacteria found in the nose, throat, or lungs
Sinus infections can also lead to anxiety and depression. If you are experiencing symptoms that may indicate a sinus infection, see your doctor to prevent complications from developing.