Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Kind Of Doctor To See For Sinus Problems

What Is The Treatment For Sinus Infections And Sinusitis

Chronic Sinus Problems
  • Systemic steroids
  • A combination there several
  • OTC steroid nasal sprays:budesonide , fluticasone , and triamcinolone are steroids that can also help reduce inflammation of the nasal passages. These medications can take multiple doses before you start feeling the effects. Side effects of nasal steroids may include nosebleeds or sore throat.
  • OTC oral decongestants: OTC oral decongestants contain the active ingredients pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine. They work much slower than nasal sprays do, and achieve their effect within 30-60 minutes. As with the nasal preparations, oral decongestants may OTC oral decongestants are less effective if you use them over a long time. The rebound phenomenon exists but is not as severe as with spray preparations. Preparations containing pseudoephedrine are now kept behind the counter at the pharmacy/ however, they still available without a prescription.
  • What Are the Side Effects of Nasal and Oral Decongestants?

    Both nasal and oral decongestants have side effects, which include:

    • Increased heart rate
    • Urinary problems, especially prostate disorders

    Combining decongestants with OTC or prescribed medications with similar side effects may cause dangerous complications.

    What Conditions Do Otolaryngologists Treat

    ENT’s can do surgery and treat many different medical conditions. You would see one if you have a problem involving:

    • An ear condition, such as an infection, hearing loss, or trouble with balance
    • Nose and nasal issues like allergies, sinusitis, or growths
    • Throat problems like tonsillitis, difficulty swallowing, and voice issues
    • Sleep trouble like snoring or obstructive sleep apnea, in which your airway is narrow or blocked and it interrupts your breathing while you sleep
    • Infections or tumors of your head or neck

    Some areas of your head are treated by other kinds of doctors. For example, neurologists deal with problems with your brain or nervous system, and ophthalmologists care for your eyes and vision.

    How Are Sinus Infections Treated

    The best treatment or treatments for chronic sinus problems depend on the underlying cause of the problem. Some treatments prescribed often include:

    • Broad spectrum oral antibiotics
    • Allergy medications
    • Over-the-counter or prescription decongestants

    Only a qualified doctor can determine the best course of treatment. Ongoing evaluation and adaptation of the treatment plan are required for long-term success.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of A Sinus Infection

    Symptoms of a sinus infection may include nasal congestion, facial pain and pressure, fevers/chills, drainage from the nose both clear and color, eye pain and pressure, and postnasal drip. A majority of patients that have a sinus infection do not require antibiotics, as most sinus infections are due to upper respiratory viral illnesses. In these cases, patients should resort to nasal decongestants, and sinus irrigation solutions to help curtail the infection. If symptoms persist for greater than 7-10 days, or if symptoms improve initially and then begin to worsen, antibiotics should be used to treat the sinus infection as these are signs of a bacterial sinus infection.

    Are Sinus Specialists Also Surgeons

    Could you please recommend me a good doctor for sinusitis in Hyderabad ...

    Yes! And they are specifically trained to perform procedures that can improve or eliminate troublesome sinus symptoms. Many of these surgeries can be performed endoscopically, which means they can be done without an external incision. Instead, sinus specialists can operate through the nostrils, which reduces risk and recovery time.

    These surgeries must be precise, because the sinuses are close to the eyes, brain, and important nerves. Sinus surgeons must work in very small areas and avoid these vital structures while also being as thorough as possible. This expertise allows sinus specialists to perform procedures ranging from the routine to the extremely complex .

    We see a lot of cases like this, Dr. Jang said. Giving people a practical solution for problems that theyve had for a long time, that others could not help them with, thats what I find most rewarding.

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    When To See An Ent Specialist For Your Sinuses

    Article written by Dr. Samuel Ross Patton MD

    Sinusitis is one of the most common medical conditions affecting adults in the United States. Americans experience nearly 29 million sinus infections per year. Stuffy nose, fever, facial pain, headache, discolored drainage and post-nasal drip can be all-too-familiar as most people get sick with an upper respiratory or sinus infection once or twice a year. Many of these infections can be successfully treated with over-the-counter medications. Some sinus infections, however, require a prescription from your primary care provider for antibiotics. So, when should you see an ENT/Sinus specialist?

  • You have symptoms frequently throughout the year.
  • It is normal to get sick with an upper respiratory or sinus infection a couple times per year. We all get sick from time to time unfortunately, its part of the human condition. Experiencing sinusitis four or more times per year is more than usual. This is especially a problem if each infection requires antibiotics to treat it. Although antibiotics are quite safe and effective, frequent use of antibiotics can lead to trouble. Antibiotics, like all medications, can have side effects and using too many antibiotics puts you at risk for developing resistant bacteria.

  • Your symptoms never fully go away.
  • Your symptoms are very severe.
  • You dont improve with treatment.
  • If you think it may be time to see an ENT/Sinus specialist, or call 795-5343 to schedule an appointment today.

    My Gp Has Tried Everything For My Sinus Problems What Is The Next Step

    The next step is to ask for a referral to an ear, nose and throat specialist . Sydney is fortunate to have a number of otolaryngologists with extensive international subspecialty training in nose and sinus problems. There are surgeons in Sydneys Eastern suburbs, Sydney CBD, Western suburbs, North Shore and Northern Beaches who specialise in nose and sinus problems.

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    Which Home Remedies And Otc Medications Soothe Sinus Infections And Sinusitis Symptoms And Headache Pain

    Home care can help relieve sinus infection or sinusitis symptoms, open the sinuses, and alleviate dryness.

    Home Remedies to Promote Drainage

    • Drink plenty of water and hydrating beverages such as hot tea.
    • Inhale steam two to four times per day by leaning over a bowl of hot water or using a steam vaporizer. Inhale the steam for about 10 minutes. Taking a hot, steamy shower may also work. Mentholated preparations, such as Vicks Vapo-Rub, can be added to the water or vaporizer to aid in opening the passageways.

    OTC Medications to Thin Mucus

    Expectorants are medications that help expel mucus from the lungs and respiratory passages. They help thin mucous secretions, enhancing drainage from the sinuses. The most common is guaifenesin . OTC sinus medications also can combine decongestants and cough suppressants to reduce symptoms and eliminate the need for the use of many prescription medications. Read label ingredients to find the right combination of ingredients or ask the pharmacist.

    OTC Medications to Relieve Pain

    Pain medication such as ibuprofen and naproxen can reduce pain and inflammation. These medications help to open the airways by reducing swelling. Acetaminophen can be used for pain and fever but does not help with inflammation.

    Nasal Saline Irrigation

    There are several methods of nasal irrigation, and a popular sinus remedy is the Neti-pot, a ceramic pot that looks like a cross between a small teapot and Aladdinâs magic lamp.

    How Do I Treat Chronic Sinusitis

    What conditions are treated at London ENT Surgeons?

    Chronic sinusitis is much more difficult to treat than acute bacterial sinusitis. You may have been sick for months and may have received several courses of antibiotics. Over time, the bacteria become immune to the antibiotics, and you may become allergic to certain antibiotics. Steroids tend to be the most helpful medicine for chronic sinusitis, as they reduce the swelling that causes nasal and sinus blockage. Despite aggressive medical management, many patients with chronic sinusitis require surgical cleaning of their sinuses. New techniques such as balloon sinus dilation make it possible to wash out the sinuses under local anesthesia in the office. Most patients have very little pain and return to work the day after balloon dilation.

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    Common Symptoms And Signs Of Sinus Infections

    Signs and symptoms of sinus infections depend upon the sinuses that are affected, and whether the sinus infection is acute or chronic.

    Common Sinus Infection Symptoms and Signs

    • Stuffy nose or congestion

    5 Chronic Sinusitis Symptoms

    Chronic sinusitis may have many of the same symptoms as acute sinusitis, but the symptoms last longer or are more severe. In addition, people with chronic sinusitis may also experience multiple symptoms, for example:

  • Pain that is worse in the late morning or when wearing glasses
  • Pain and pressure in the face worsens when leaning forward
  • Chronic sore throat and bad breath
  • Chronic toothache or increased tooth sensitivity
  • Increased facial discomfort throughout the day with an increased cough at night
  • Offering The Latest In Rhinology Treatments

    Our rhinology specialists have access to the latest treatments and technologies, including minimally invasive endoscopic surgery and high resolution CT computer guidance. Advanced endoscopic sinus surgery is used for a variety of nasal and sinus conditions. Endoscopic surgery is most often done through the nose, resulting in less pain and faster recovery times for patients.

    CT image guidance is a new surgical approach to allergy treatment where 3D images of the sinuses can be seen in real time during surgery. This technology allows our surgeons to more accurately localize sinus abnormalities and treat them appropriately, resulting in safer, more effective surgical procedures.

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    Whos A Good Sinus Doctor In Los Angeles County

    Top-tier sinus doctors like Dr. Alen Cohen, Founder and Director of Los Angeles premier sinus center, the Southern California Sinus Institute, also become board-certified. Dr. Cohen is board-certified in ENT/Head & Neck Surgery by the American Board of Otolaryngology and is a fellow both of the American College of Surgeons and American Rhinologic Society . He also maintains a full membership in the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery .

    Mild Vs Severe Case Of Sinus Infection

    Chris McNeil Chiropractor Sinus Headache Releif

    You can tell the difference between a mild case and a bad case of sinus infection. Mild cases respond well to home remedies, while severe cases do not improve with various self-care methods such as resting, drinking water, eating soup, giving yourself a steam treatment, and performing nasal irrigation with a saline solution.

    Symptoms of a sinus infection include ear pain, headaches, facial pain and tenderness, nasal discharge, nasal congestion, post-nasal drip, fever, and fatigue. If these symptoms persist or become intolerable despite treatment, or if they improve only to return, its time to seek medical assistance. Doctors usually recommend observing the symptoms for 10 days to see how they are progressing. If they persist for more than 10 days, the underlying cause of the sinus infection will need to be treated for symptom relief.

    It is very likely that the infection-causing bacteria will need to be treated with antibiotics. However, a sinus infection could be a result of a viral infection such as a cold or respiratory illness, in which case antibiotics will not work. In addition, it could also be caused by allergies or anatomical defects. There are several possible causes of a sinus infection and a series of tests will need to be done to make a definitive diagnosis. Although very rare, an untreated sinus infection can spread to the brain and surrounding area, and cause abscesses or blood clots.

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    Can I Treat A Sinus Infection At Home

    If you have a true sinus infection, you will eventually need to visit a medical professional. But in the early stages you can help ease your symptoms with one or more of these treatments:

  • Irrigation. Gently flushing your nasal passages can help relieve congestion and irritation. It is best to use saline solutions from a pharmacy for flushing through each nostril. If you make your own solution, use filtered, sterile, or distilled water.
  • Hydrate. Drinking plenty of water helps loosen mucus and relieve nasal congestion. Proper hydration is also important in helping your bodys immune system function optimally for a quicker recovery.
  • Steam. Breathing in steam can help open your nasal passages and ease your pain. This can be accomplished over a bowl of warm water or in a hot shower.
  • Rest. Getting adequate rest is vital at all times, especially when your body is fighting a bad cold or infection. You may find that keeping your head elevated will help you breathe better and rest more comfortably.
  • Remember that at-home treatments should be discontinued if symptoms arent improving. A timely visit to the urgent care can help speed recovery and get you feeling better quickly.

    If you are in need of sinus infection treatment and your regular doctor is unavailable, make a visit to M.D. Express Urgent Care. With 6 convenient locations open 7 days a week, The Doctor is Always In!

    How A Sinus Doctor Can Help

    A sinus specialist, sometimes known as a sinus doctor, has advanced surgical and medical training for the diagnosis of a range of conditions affecting the ears, nose, and throat.

    What doctor specializes in sinus problems? The official medical name for a doctor that focuses on conditions in the ears, nose, and throat is an otolaryngologist. Not only can an ENT help with sinus-related concerns they are also trained to treat other conditions such as allergies, trauma, cancer, deformities, and more.

    When you are having symptoms in your ears, nose, and throat for a few days, then you probably dont need to schedule an ENT appointment because the symptoms will go away with basic home remedies.

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    How Can An Ent Help With Chronic Sinusitis

    If you have ongoing symptoms that do not respond to treatments or recurrent sinusitis, an ENT specialist can diagnose chronic sinusitis by completing an examination, reviewing your medical history, and conducting some tests. Tests may include:

    • A nasal endoscopy. A procedure that uses an endoscope to see the inside of the sinuses and to assess the sinus structures.
    • Diagnostic imaging tests such as magnetic resonance imaging scans or computed tomography scans to examine the sinus structures, particularly if there is deep inflammation or physical obstruction that may be difficult to identify using an endoscope.
    • Allergy tests if its suspected that allergies are triggering the condition.
    • Nasal and sinus cultures to help determine the cause of an infection.

    Treatment can vary depending on the cause of chronic sinusitis. Natural remedies such as saline nasal irrigation, drinking plenty of fluids, or using a humidifier in your home may be recommended to help alleviate symptoms, but other treatments may include:

    What Is Chronic Rhinosinusitis

    What is Balloon Sinuplasty?

    Chronic rhinosinusitis is an inflammatory condition of the sinuses lasting 3 or more months. It is really an umbrella term for a range of clinical conditions from different causes that eventually present with similar symptoms.

    The diagnosis is considered when two of the following are present:

    • Nasal obstruction/blockage
    • A runny nose or posterior drainage
    • Facial pain or pressure or headaches
    • Loss or reduction in the sense of smell

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    How Do I Know If I Need To See The Allergist Or Ent

    ENTs are highly proficient surgeons who specialize in structural disorders of the ears, nose, and throat such as head and neck tumors, facial reconstruction and plastic surgery, chronic sinusitis, deviated septum, hearing impairment, and dizziness/balance problems. Board-certified Allergists optimize control of nasal and sinus problems though nonsurgical means. ENTs and Allergists commonly work together to treat conditions where allergies are causing problems in the ears, nose, sinuses and throat regions. ENTs often refer patients to Allergists when surgery is not indicated. Likewise, Allergists will refer patients to ENTs for surgical options when medications and allergen avoidance are not adequately controlling symptoms.

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    What To Do For Chronic Sinusitis

    If youre suffering from chronic sinusitis or you are getting frequent sinus infections you should see your doctor, says Dr. Sindwani.

    Your doctor will swab your nose to collect mucus. Culturing it in a laboratory will reveal which type of bacteria is causing the infection so the right antibiotic can be prescribed.

    Treat early sinus infection symptoms with rest, hydration and over-the-counter sprays and decongestants. But dont look for an antibiotic unless your illness extends beyond a week, he says. Then check in with your doctor for a prescription and let him or her know if your condition worsens.

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    Type Of Doctor You Should See For Chronic Sinus Problems

    If you have chronic sinus issues, you want to see an ENT professional in Robbinsville as they specialize in ear, nose and throat problems. Depending on your insurance, you might need to see your primary care doctor first to get a referral to an ENT.

    Since chronic sinus issues can sometimes be tricky to treat, seeing this type of doctor can be more helpful since they have a narrower focus compared to a general practitioner. After medical school, an aspiring ENT will do a residency in this field that lasts for five years. This allows them to gain the expertise needed to treat chronic sinus issues and other disorders of the ears, nose, and throat.

    What Is Acute Sinusitis And How Is It Treated

    Pin on Keiki time

    Acute sinusitis is short-term sinus inflammation, which is usually caused by an infection. Symptoms include sinus pain and congestion, discoloured mucus and fever. Acute sinusitis is most often caused by a self-limiting viral infection. If a bacterial infection is present, antibiotic treatment is required. In rare cases, an untreated bacterial sinus infection could cause serious complications.

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