Friday, April 26, 2024

Best Medicine For Sinus Drip Cough

Find The Best Cold Medicine Based On Your Symptoms

Top 10 Ways to Stop a Cough from Postnasal Drip

The common cold is a viral infection that affects the nose and throat. The bad news is that it takes some time to get over a cold, but the good news is that treatment requires just a quick trip to the pharmacy. Cold medicine like decongestants and cough suppressants can help alleviate symptoms such as a stuffy nose or sore throat. Lets take a look at some of the best cold medicines so youll know what to look for if you or one of your family members gets a cold.

Cold And Sinus Infection Symptoms

Because a sinus infection often develops due to a cold, it can be difficult to tell if you have a cold or sinus infection. In general, sinus infections tend to cause more pain, pressure or fullness in the sinuses than a cold does. Symptoms of a sinus infection include:

  • Facial pressure, fullness or pain, especially on one side.
  • Pain in your teeth.
  • Mild headache or body aches.

How To Prevent Sinusitis

  • Drink a lot, whether it is water or juice. More than two liters a day, especially if the symptoms continue.
  • Avoid dust or smoke pollutionbecause this further irritates the nasal cavity.
  • I prefer humid places, and To wet the room, you can place water or use special equipment.
  • Wet your nose with compresses of hot water. Showers are also recommended because the steam helps release the nasal sinuses.
  • Do not use too many inhalers because, in the long run, they will be counterproductive.
  • Clean your nose well. You can find some products containing water and salt in the pharmacy.

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What Are Symptoms Of Sinus Pressure

Sinus pressure symptoms may vary depending on which sinus cavities are affected and what is causing the sinus pressure. Symptoms may include:

  • Pain and pressure in the forehead, behind and between the eyes, above the nose, the upper teeth, the temples, the back of the neck, or the top of the head
  • Pain that worsens with movement like bending over
  • Sore throat
  • Swollen lymph nodes

Vicks Products For Everyday Nasal Congestion

Best Otc For Post Nasal Drip

Nasal congestion can happen anytime for those who deal with year-round allergies. For more regular use, a drug-free saline nasal mist can help clear nasal passages from allergens, dust, and irritants, and clear congestion. Be sure to look for a saline nasal mist that is sterile with no added preservatives.

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Sinus & Allergy Fast Acting Nasal Congestion Relief Spray Mucinex Sinus Max

  • Long lasting: lasts up to 12 hours, through the day or night..
  • Also available from mucinex: mucinex sinus-max clear & cool nasal spray for severe nasal congestion relief..
  • Uses: temporarily relieves nasal congestion due to a cold, hay fever or other upper respiratory allergies.
  • What is it: this nasal spray provides targeted nasal congestion relief due to upper respiratory allergies or hay fever.
  • Key benefits: fast acting relief that lasts for up to 12 hours, non-drowsy and nasal congestion relief due to upper respiratory allergies or hay fever..

Postnasal Drip Cough: Outlook

Though it can be pesky, uncomfortable, and all-around annoying, a cough caused by postnasal drip usually does not last too long and is fairly easy to treat. This kind of cough is caused by excess mucus that drips down the back of the throat, so treatment methods aimed at thinning and loosening mucus tend to work best when it comes to finding relief.

Drinking more fluids, getting some rest, and inhaling steam are three highly effective methods of calming the nagging cough caused by postnasal drip, but over-the-counter medicine is another option if these types of home remedies dont cut it.

If your childs symptoms do not respond to treatment, whether it be over-the-counter medicine or prescription medication, it is important to consult a doctor, as this is a major indication that something more serious is going on and your child may need a new treatment plan.

Additionally, symptoms that persist for more than a week or so should be discussed with a doctor. Your doctor will always be able to answer any questions you may have, and they can also offer guidance when it comes to medication dosages, treatment recommendations, and the amount of time it should take for your child to start feeling a little bit better.

When in doubt, consult a doctor.

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What Are The Treatments For Wheezing

First off, see a doctor to determine the cause of your wheezing and then receive treatment for the specific cause.

If wheezing is caused by asthma, your doctor may recommend some or all of the following to reduce inflammation and open the airways:

If you have acute bronchitis, your doctor may recommend some or all of the following:

  • A bronchodilator — albuterol , levalbuterol, — to help ease the wheezing as the infection clears.
  • An antibiotic is usually not needed unless you have an underlying chronic lung problem or your doctor suspects a bacterial infection may be present.

Generally, any mild wheezing that accompanies acute bronchitis disappears when the infection does.

a medical team may administer any of the following:

  • A shot of epinephrine to open clogged respiratory passages
  • Oxygen
  • A corticosteroid
  • Frequent or continuous nebulizer treatments
  • A mechanical ventilator to help you breathe

Show Sources

Lemon Juice Is Thought To Help Relieve Pain

What is the Best Remedy for Post Nasal Drip

A 2019 study found that lemon juice may be used as a treatment for sinus infection.

The study did not directly compare the effects of lemon juice and other types of juice on sinus infections. It did not find that lemon juice was more effective than other types of juice in treating sinus symptoms.

However, it did suggest that lemon juice has anti-inflammatory properties. This may help with the swelling and pain of sinus infections.

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Saline Nasal Sprays And Irrigations

Other safe ways to help relieve sinus and nasal congestion and postnasal drip include nasal sprays and irrigations that contain saline solution. Saline solution is water that contains sodium chloride . There are many OTC saline nasal sprays that can be used to keep the nose moist and curb symptoms.

Nasal irrigation on the other hand, involves flushing your sinuses with a larger volume of saline solution. You can make your own irrigation solution with sodium chloride packets mixed with boiled or distilled water, or buy a pre-prepared saline wash kit at the pharmacy.

It is very important not to use tap or shower water to make your saline wash, unless the water has been boiled. Although rare, flushing your sinuses with unboiled tap water can lead to a serious infection that can potentially affect the brain.

Instead, you can use a bulb syringe, bottle sprayer, or neti pot for nasal irrigation. For best results, its recommended that you wash out each side of your nose with at least 200 mL of warmed saline solution. Check with your healthcare provider to see how often you should irrigate your sinuses.

Symptoms Of A Sinus Infection

The primary symptoms of a sinus infection could be initially mistaken for the common cold, including a stuffed up nose and a decrease in your senses of taste and smell. However, other symptoms such as pain or pressure around the sinuses, achy teeth, and thick yellow or green mucus indicate that your cold has progressed into a sinus infection. Additionally, cold symptoms that last longer than a week may be a sign you have sinusitis. Other symptoms associated with a sinus infection include:

  • Headache
  • Phlegm-producing cough or a cough that gets worse at night

Also Check: Natural Nasal Spray For Sinus Infection

Runny Nose Watery Eyes And Sneezing

When you have a cold, your body makes chemicals called histamines. That leads to sneezing, a runny nose, and watery eyes.

Over-the-counter antihistamines such as chlorpheniramine and diphenhydramine block this process and can relieve those symptoms. They can also make you sleepy and dry out your eyes, nose, and mouth. Antihistamines can make secretions thick, which can be a problem for people with asthma.

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When To See A Doctor For Sinus Pain

What Medicine Helps Post Nasal Drip

If your sinus symptoms are not getting better with at-home treatments, and if your sinus symptoms last longer than seven to 10 days, you should see a doctor for treatment. Allina Health has many convenient care options for care, from online visits to walk-in care, to help you get better fast.

If you have frequent or reoccurring sinus infections, you may want to see an ear, nose and throat for your treatment options.

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When To Seek Medical Care

See a doctor if you have:

  • Difficulty breathing or fast breathing
  • Dehydration
  • Fever that lasts longer than 4 days
  • Symptoms that last more than 10 days without improvement
  • Symptoms, such as fever or cough, that improve but then return or worsen
  • Worsening of chronic medical conditions

This list is not all-inclusive. Please see a doctor for any symptom that is severe or concerning.

Because colds can have similar symptoms to flu, it can be difficult to tell the difference between the two illnesses based on symptoms alone. Flu and the common cold are both respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses.

In general, flu is worse than a cold, and symptoms are more intense. People with colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose. Colds generally do not result in serious health problems, such as pneumonia, bacterial infections, or hospitalizations. Flu can have very serious associated complications.

When you have a cold, mucus fills your nose and could cause post-nasal drip, headache, and a sore throat.

All You Need To Know About Postnasal Drip

Youre no doubt familiar with the feeling of a stuffy nose and throat.

The unpleasant sensation can bother you for days.

One of the causes of that sensation is postnasal drip. If it seems especially bad you may start to wonder if its something more serious.

In this article well explore what causes postnasal drip, various ways to treat it, and how to tell if you should see a doctor for it.

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Its Best To Choose Cold And Flu Medication By Symptom

The key to picking the right product or products to help you feel better faster is to zero in on your symptoms. Also important: Whenever possible, stick to single-ingredient remedies to reduce the risk of side effects, says Nate Favini, MD, an internist and medical director of the nationwide healthcare system Forward.

Choose a medication thats going to directly address the symptom or symptoms that are bothering you rather than a cocktail that may include things you dont need, he says. For example, if the label of a cold or flu medication says that it treats fevers, coughs, and runny noses but you have only a cough, choose a simple cough suppressant instead.

Can You Take Sinus Decongestants With High Blood Pressure

Post Nasal Drip Treatment Options – Andrew Florea, MD

Phenylephrine is not considered to be safe if you have high blood pressure. Sinus decongestants that contain pseudoephedrine may actually raise your blood pressure and counteract blood pressure medication that youre on. If you have high blood pressure, you should speak with your doctor about which decongestant they recommend for you.

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How Is Postnasal Drip Treated

Postnasal drip can be hard to cure. Treatment depends on the cause of the condition. For common colds and flu, you can try drinking warm liquids like soup or tea to help thin out the excess mucus. Along with drinking plenty of water, these home remedies will also keep you hydrated. Other treatment options may include:


To fix postnasal drip due to allergies, you should avoid things youre allergic to. Symptom relief may include medicines like:

If postnasal drip is due to chronic sinusitis, your healthcare provider may recommend sinus surgery. Sinus surgery can open your blocked sinuses.

Chronic acid reflux

Treatment for postnasal drip caused by GERD may include:

  • Avoiding foods and drinks for at least three hours before bedtime.
  • Keeping your head elevated six inches to eight inches above your body at bedtime.
  • Cutting out caffeine and alcohol.
  • Taking antacids such as TUMS® or acid blockers such as Pepcid AC®.

How To Cure A Postnasal Drip Cough

Coughing associated with postnasal drip can be caused by different things, like allergies or a cold. If allergies are causing postnasal drip cough, then over-the-counter medications containing antihistamines can help. If postnasal drip cough is caused by a cold, OTC cough medications can help with mucus production and coughing. Many home remedies have proven effective for helping treat coughing as well. Gargling with salt water, using a humidifier, and trying nasal irrigation are just some of the ways people alleviate their symptoms. Its important to seek medical advice if you arent sure whats causing your postnasal drip cough to make sure you get the right treatment.

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How To Get Rid Of Postnasal Drip

There are many ways to treat and get rid of postnasal drip. Many people who have postnasal drip find relief through natural and home remedies. Nasal irrigation with a neti pot, drinking lots of fluids, and gargling with salt water are all really good ways to thin out and loosen mucus.

If home remedies dont work, a trip to a doctors office is a good idea to determine whats causing your postnasal drip. If its caused by allergies, an allergy medication like Claritin can help dry out the mucus that causes congestion, coughing, and a sore throat. Other medications like nasal sprays, Mucinex, and Sudafed might be used if postnasal drip is being caused by a cold or the flu.

Mucus Deserves A Moment

Natural Home Treatments: 6 Post Nasal Drip Remedies That Work

Mucus gets a bad rap, but its actually uber important. The National Institute of Health says that it contains lots of special sugars, proteins, and molecules that help defend against germs. It also acts as a protective barrier in your respiratory system. Thanks mucus .

Postnasal drip symptoms can vary from slightly annoying to totally uncomfortable. This includes:

  • coughing
  • constant urge to swallow or clear your throat

You might also experience nausea or diarrhea from the excess mucus you swallow .

Postnasal drip isnt a one-size-fits-all snot sitch. Treatment depends on your unique symptoms. Heres a rundown of your best options.

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How To Use Cough Medicine Safely

Show Sources

Norman H. Edelman, MD, chief medical officer, American Lung Association professor of medicine, Stony Brook University Medical Center, Stony Brook, N.Y.

Donald R. Rollins, MD, associate professor, pulmonary division, National Jewish Health, Denver, Colo.

American Academy of Pediatrics: Withdrawal of Cold Medicines: Addressing Parent Concerns. Cough Medicine: Understanding Your OTC Options.

Schroeder, K. Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews, October 2004.

Bosler, D. Chest, January 2006.

Medline Plus: Guaifenesin.

Is Benadryl Drowsy Or Non

Drowsiness is the main side effect of Benadryl and a common side effect in all first-generation antihistamines. Diphenhydramine is the active ingredient in Benadryl as well as OTC sleep aids.

While there isnt a non-drowsy Benadryl product available, there are non-sedating antihistamines, such as Zyrtec or Allegra. Restlessness is one side effect of Zyrtec, though, so it may not be the best option to take before bedtime.

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What Are Sinuses Anyway

The sinuses are hollow spaces in your skull and facial bones. Their main job is to produce mucus.

The paranasal sinus system is made up of:

  • a maxillary sinus near your cheekbones
  • a pair of sphenoid sinuses behind your eyes
  • a frontal sinus on either side of your forehead
  • 6 to 12 ethmoid sinuses on each side of your nose and between your eyes

This Is What Our Community Said About Postnasal Drip:

How to Get Rid of Post-Nasal Drip & Coughing

“I have scleroderma and Raynaud’s and in the winter I get constant postnasal drip especially at night – I’ve heard it is due to the nerves controlling blood flow to the nose lining.”

“Do you ever get postnasal drip and what do you do to combat it?”

Read what the Community said about this on HealthUnlocked.

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The Difference Between A Cold And A Sinus Infection

The common cold is a respiratory disease caused by a virus. Its also one of the most common illnesses in the U.S., with adults getting an average of two to three colds per year, and children catching between eight and 12 colds per year. Most of the time, colds resolve on their own within three to seven days, with some symptoms possibly lingering for up to two weeks. But in some cases, colds can temporarily weaken the immune system or cause swelling of the lining of the airways or nose. This can lead to a secondary viral or bacterial infection, such as a sinus infection.

A sinus infection or sinusitis is the swelling of the lining of the sinuses and nose. The most common cause of a sinus infection is a virus associated with a cold. However, about two percent of sinus infections are bacterial infections. Sinus infections usually improve within 10 days, but when they last longer, theyre more likely to be bacterial infections.

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