Thursday, July 25, 2024

Cancer In Sinus Cavity Symptoms

How Does The Doctor Know I Have Nasal Cavity Or Paranasal Sinus Cancer

Surgeons Remove Rare Cancer from Mans Sinus Cavity (Patrick Tassone, MD & Tabitha Galloway, MD)

These cancers may not be found until they cause problems that make the person go to the doctor. Sometimes changes are seen during a routine visit to the doctor or dentist. You may be sent to see a doctor who focuses on diseases of the ear, nose, and throat .

The doctor will ask you questions about your health, your smoking and drinking alcohol history, any exposures to chemicals in your workplace, and will do exams and tests to find out what is causing your symptoms. If signs are pointing to nasal cavity or paranasal sinus cancer, you might need more tests. Here are some of the tests you might need:

Complete head and neck exam: The doctor will check your head and neck area, looking and feeling for any abnormal areas. The lymph nodes in your neck will be felt for any changes . Because some parts of the nose, mouth, and throat are not easily seen, the doctor may use mirrors, lights, and/or special thin lighted tubes to look at these areas. Since people with nasal cavity or paranasal sinus cancer also have a higher risk for other cancers in the head and neck region, all areas of the head and neck are carefully looked at and checked for signs of cancer.

Biopsy: For this test, the doctor takes out a small piece of tissue, with surgery or a needle, where the cancer seems to be. The tissue is checked for cancer cells. This is the best way to know for sure if you have cancer.

Diagnosing Nasal And Sinus Cancer

Tests you may have to help diagnose nasal and sinus cancer include:

  • a nasal endoscopy where a long, thin, flexible tube with a camera and light at the end is inserted into your nose to examine the area this can be uncomfortable, so before the procedure you’ll be asked whether you’d like anaesthetic sprayed on the back of your throat
  • a biopsy where a small sample of tissue is removed and examined this may be done during an endoscopy
  • a fine needle aspiration where fluid and cells are taken from a lymph node using a needle to see if the cancer has spread

If you’re diagnosed with nasal and sinus cancer, you may have a CT scan, MRI scan, PET scan or ultrasound scan to help stage and grade the cancer.

Sinus Cancer Symptoms & Treatment

Sinus cancer is the growth of malignant cells in any of the paranasal sinuses hollow, air-filled spaces in the bones near the nose or the nasal cavity.

You have four types of paranasal sinuses:

  • Ethmoid sinuses: Beside the upper nose, between the eyes
  • Frontal sinuses: In your lower forehead, above the nose
  • Maxillary sinuses: In your cheekbones, on either side of the nose
  • Sphenoid sinuses: Behind the nose, in the center of the skull

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Treatments For Nasal And Sinus Cancer

The treatment recommended for you will depend on several factors, including the stage at which the cancer was diagnosed, how far it’s spread, and your general level of health.

Treatment may include:

  • surgery to remove a tumour this can be performed through open surgery or as keyhole surgery through the nose
  • radiotherapy where high-energy radiation is used to kill the cancerous cells, shrink a tumour before surgery, or destroy small pieces of a tumour that may be left after surgery
  • chemotherapy where medicine is used to help shrink or slow down the growth of a tumour, or reduce the risk of the cancer returning after surgery

If you smoke, it’s important that you give up.

Smoking increases your risk of cancer returning and may cause you to have more side effects from treatment.

Your treatment will be organised by a head and neck cancer multidisciplinary team , who’ll discuss the treatment options with you.

A combination of treatments will often be recommended.

Diagnosis Of Paranasal Sinus And Sinonasal Malignancy


Early diagnosis and multimodality therapy is the key to successful treatment of these tumors. However, because of the location of the tumor, they tend to present as symptoms that are shared with the common cold and other ENT complaints. These include nasal obstruction, ear fullness, nose bleeding, visual changes, headache or facial pain. The vast majority of patients with these symptoms have benign, easily treatable conditions such as chronic sinusitis however, symptoms that persist need to be evaluated to rule out a more ominous cause such as a tumor.

The diagnosis requires a referral to an otolaryngologist with the ability to visualize the tumor with special telescopes, which allow clinicians to see into the nose with high-definition cameras. Even with the use of these specialized telescopes, many of these tumors cannot be seen. Further investigation using high-resolution computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging can detect these tumors with a high degree of accuracy. Depending on the location of the tumor they may be biopsied during an in-office procedure under local anesthesia or in the operating room under general anesthesia.

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How Is A Sinonasal Tumor Diagnosed

If a doctor is concerned that a child’s stuffy nose and any other symptoms aren’t from a common cause, such as a cold, they may order tests or refer the child to a pediatric ear, nose, and throat specialist.

The ENT doctor may do several kinds of tests to look inside the nasal cavity and sinuses, including:

  • passing a small camera into the nose

Treatment Of Stage I Paranasal Sinus And Nasal Cavity Cancer

For information about the treatments listed below, see the Treatment Option Overview section.

Treatment of stage I paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer depends on where cancer is found in the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity:

  • If cancer is in the maxillary sinus, treatment is usually surgery with or without radiation therapy.
  • If cancer is in the ethmoid sinus, treatment is usually radiation therapy and/or surgery.
  • If cancer is in the sphenoid sinus, treatment is the same as for nasopharyngeal cancer, usually radiation therapy. for more information.)
  • If cancer is in the nasal cavity, treatment is usually surgery and/or radiation therapy.
  • For inverting papillomas, treatment is usually surgery with or without radiation therapy.
  • For melanomas and sarcomas, treatment is usually surgery with or without radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
  • For midline granulomas, treatment is usually radiation therapy.
  • If cancer is in the nasal vestibule, treatment is usually surgery or radiation therapy.

Use our clinical trial search to find NCI-supported cancer clinical trials that are accepting patients. You can search for trials based on the type of cancer, the age of the patient, and where the trials are being done. General information about clinical trials is also available.

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Symptoms Of Nasal And Sinus Cancers

Many of the symptoms of tumors arising in the nose and sinuses are also associated with the more common conditions of nasal allergy and chronic sinusitis. This can cause a delay in a definitive diagnosis in some cases. If the symptoms do not resolve, imaging tests can be performed to rule out the presence of the tumor.

Patients with benign tumors or cancer within the nose and sinuses often have headaches and dirty drainage from the nose, nosebleeds, nasal blockages, a lump on the face or in the roof of the mouth or protruding eye. In some cases, the cancer can spread to the lymph nodes of the neck, but it is not common.

Signs of paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer include sinus problems and nosebleeds. Other symptoms may include:

  • Blocked sinuses that do not clear, or sinus pressure
  • Headaches or pain in the sinus areas
  • A runny nose
  • A lump or sore inside the nose that does not heal
  • A lump on the face or roof of the mouth
  • Numbness or tingling in the face
  • Swelling or other trouble with the eyes, such as double vision or the eyes pointing in different directions
  • Pain in the upper teeth, loose teeth, or dentures that no longer fit well
  • Pain or pressure in the ear

In the early stages, there may be no signs or symptoms. Signs and symptoms may appear as the cancer advances. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact your physician.

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How Is Sinus Cancer Treated

Sinus/Nasal Cancer Fear!

A number of different treatments for sinus cancer may be used, depending upon the exact type of cancer that is present and the extent to which the cancer has spread.

The goal of sinus cancer treatment is to permanently cure the cancer or to bring about a complete remission of the disease. Remission means that there is no longer any sign of the disease in the body, although it may recur or relapse later.

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Paranasal Sinus And Nasal Cavity Cancer Is A Disease In Which Malignant Cells Form In The Tissues Of The Paranasal Sinuses And Nasal Cavity

Paranasal sinuses

“Paranasal” means near the nose. The para sinuses are hollow, air-filled spaces in the bones around the nose. The sinuses are lined with cells that make mucus, which keeps the inside of the nose from drying out during breathing.

There are several para sinuses named after the bones that surround them:

Nasal cavity

The nose opens into the nasal cavity, which is divided into two nasal passages. Air moves through these passages during breathing. The nasal cavity lies above the bone that forms the roof of the mouth and curves down at the back to join the throat. The area just inside the nostrils is called the nasal vestibule. A small area of special cells in the roof of each nasal passage sends signals to the brain to give the sense of smell.

Together the paranasal sinuses and the nasal cavity filter and warm the air, and make it moist before it goes into the lungs. The movement of air through the sinuses and other parts of the respiratory system help make sounds for talking.

Paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer is a type of head and neck cancer.

Treatment Options For Paranasal Sinus And Nasal Cavity Cancer By Stage

Stage I Paranasal Sinus and Nasal Cavity Cancer

Treatment of stage I paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer depends on where cancer is found in the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity:

  • If cancer is in the maxillary sinus, treatment is usually surgery with or without radiation therapy.
  • If cancer is in the ethmoid sinus, treatment is usually radiation therapy and/or surgery.
  • If cancer is in the sphenoid sinus, treatment is the same as for nasopharyngeal cancer, usually radiation therapy.
  • If cancer is in the nasal cavity, treatment is usually surgery and/or radiation therapy.
  • If cancer is in the nasal vestibule, treatment is usually surgery or radiation therapy.
  • For inverting papilloma, treatment is usually surgery with or without radiation therapy.
  • For melanoma and sarcoma, treatment is usually surgery with or without radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
  • For midline granuloma, treatment is usually radiation therapy.

Stage II Paranasal Sinus and Nasal Cavity Cancer

Treatment of stage II paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer depends on where cancer is found in the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity:

Stage III Paranasal Sinus and Nasal Cavity Cancer

Treatment of stage III paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer depends on where cancer is found in the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity. If cancer is in the maxillary sinus, treatment may include the following:

Stage IV Paranasal Sinus and Nasal Cavity Cancer

If cancer is in the nasal cavity, treatment may include the following:

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How Are Nasal Cancer And Sinus Cancer Treated

Treatment for nasal and since cancer may include a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

If surgery is necessary to remove the tumor your surgeon may perform minimally invasive surgery with or without the assistance of a robot. Minimally invasive surgery uses an endoscope through the nostril or a surgical opening to remove cancerous tumor tissue. If you are not a candidate for minimally invasive surgery your surgeon may perform an open surgical procedure.

Radiation therapy is may also be incorporated into your treatment plan. Chemotherapy is often used for sinonasal tumor types known to respond well to chemotherapy. The use of immunotherapy for these patients is an active area of research and clinical trials.

If Treatment Does Not Work

Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinus Cancers

Recovery from cancer is not always possible. If the cancer cannot be cured or controlled, the disease may be called advanced or terminal.

This diagnosis is stressful, and for many people, advanced cancer is difficult to discuss. However, it is important to have open and honest conversations with your health care team to express your feelings, preferences, and concerns. The health care team has special skills, experience, and knowledge to support patients and their families and is there to help. Making sure a person is physically comfortable, free from pain, and emotionally supported is extremely important.

People who have advanced cancer and who are expected to live less than 6 months may want to consider hospice care. Hospice care is designed to provide the best possible quality of life for people who are near the end of life. You and your family are encouraged to talk with the health care team about hospice care options, which include hospice care at home, a special hospice center, or other health care locations. Nursing care and special equipment can make staying at home a workable alternative for many families. Learn more about advanced cancer care planning.

After the death of a loved one, many people need support to help them cope with the loss. Learn more about grief and loss.

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Diagnosis Of Sinus Cancer

First, youll meet with your doctor for a physical exam. If your doctor finds possible signs of sinus cancer, they will order more tests, including:

  • Imaging tests: Scans including CT, MRI, PET scans and X-rays help confirm if a tumor exists and if its spread to other areas.
  • Sinus endoscopy: A thin, lighted tube is inserted into the nose. This allows your doctor to look for possible abnormal tissue inside your sinuses.
  • Biopsy: The removal of a small piece of tissue thats suspected of being cancerous.

What Are The Potential Complications Of Sinus Cancer

Complications of untreated sinus cancer can be serious, even life threatening in some cases. You can help minimize your risk of serious complications by following the treatment plan you and your health care professional design specifically for you. Complications of sinus cancer include:

  • Adverse effects of sinus cancer treatment
  • Cosmetic disfigurement
  • Diminished overall quality of life
  • Recurring cancer after treatment

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What Is Sinus Cancer

Cancers occurring in the nasal cavity and the sinuses that branch off of it are rare. Most sinus cancers are squamous cell carcinomas that originate in the lining of the sinuses or nasal cavity. Less common types of sinus and nasal cavity cancers include melanomas and sarcomas . Only about 2,000 people develop any type of nasal or sinus cancer each year in the United States .

Many of the symptoms of sinus cancer resemble those of inflammation or infection of the sinuses , such as congestion, postnasal drip, , pain under the eyes or above the eyebrows, and earache or toothache. Nosebleeds and can also occur. Unlike the symptoms of inflammation and infection, the symptoms of sinus cancer do not improve.

Treatment of sinus depends upon the type of cancer present, where it is located, its size, whether it has spread, and your overall health status. Surgery is often part of treatment, and may be preceded or followed by or chemotherapy.

Complications of sinus cancer requiring emergency care are rare. Seek immediate medical care for a nosebleed that will not stop or extremely severe . Seek prompt medical care if you have symptoms of that persist for more than a couple weeks get frequent bloody noses develop double vision, facial , or a change in facial appearance or have other symptoms that concern you.

Common Treatments For Sinus Cancer

Nasal and Paranasal Tumors, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Options for treating sinus cancer include:

  • to attack cancer cells

  • Participation in a clinical trial that is testing promising new therapies and treatments for sinus cancer

  • Radiation therapy to attack cancer cells

  • Surgery to reconstruct areas that needed to be removed to treat the cancer

  • Surgery to remove the cancer and evaluate how far it has spread

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Being Exposed To Certain Chemicals Or Dust In The Workplace Can Increase The Risk Of Paranasal Sinus And Nasal Cavity Cancer

Anything that increases your chance of getting a disease is called a risk factor. Having a risk factor does not mean that you will get cancer not having risk factors doesnt mean that you will not get cancer. Talk with your doctor if you think you may be at risk. Risk factors for paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer include the following:

  • Being exposed to certain workplace chemicals or dust, such as those found in the following jobs:
  • Furniture-making.
  • Being infected with human papillomavirus .
  • Being male and older than 40 years.
  • Smoking.
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