Friday, July 26, 2024

Pain Relief For Sinus Pain

When To See A Doctor For Sinus Issues

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If your symptoms persist more than one to two weeks, you should consult with your physician.

Youll want to check with your doctor even sooner if you have a severe case of a sinus infection including a high fever, swelling around the eyes, and red and inflamed skin, among other symptoms, Del Signore says.

In this case, or if your symptoms do not clear up within two weeks, your doctor will likely prescribe an antibiotic.

Sinus Headache Vs Migraine

According to the American Migraine Foundation, 50 percent of migraine misdiagnoses start with a person thinking they have sinus headache. Up to 90 percent of people who go to the doctor for sinus headache find out they have migraine instead.

People with migraine may develop symptoms similar to sinusitis, like a runny nose or congestion. Migraine headaches also cause pain along the trigeminal nerve, which interacts with the sinus passages. People experiencing migraine may think this pain is related to the sinuses.

If you dont have any of the symptoms that come specifically with a sinus headache, you may be experiencing a migraine. Migraine is treated differently from sinus headache. Symptoms specific to migraine include:

  • sensitivity to light and sound

If youre experiencing symptoms specific to migraine, youre likely experiencing a migraine attack and not a sinus headache.

Sinusitis directly causes sinus headaches, so they share the same causes and triggers. These include:

  • Viral infection. This is the most common cause of sinusitis and sinus headache. About

Home Remedies For Wisdom Teeth Pain

If you prefer to use a natural remedy for wisdom teeth pain relief, salt water and clove oil are both effective.

Cloves have antibacterial, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties. You can apply diluted clove oil directly to the painful area for quick relief. A saltwater mouth rinse is also an effective way to kill bacteria and reduce any swelling.

Another simple remedy for wisdom tooth pain is to to place a cold compress on your jaw where it hurts. This will help reduce swelling and numb the area that hurts because of your wisdom tooth.

Read more about how to use these and other home remedies for toothache.

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Sinus Headache Medicine In A Pinch

The best sinus headache medicine is of course plenty of fluids and a bit of TLC. There are many treatments that will help ease your pain naturally however, if you need some instant relief, you should consider over-the-counter medication.

That being said, if you are taking these medications regularly for ten days in a row, you should consult your physician to find a more permanent solution.

Swish With Salt Water

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Swishing with warm salt water can help in two ways. The first is through the swishing action, which can help to dislodge any particles that may be causing pressure or discomfort in the affected area. A solution of warm salt water can also help to reduce swelling and act as an antiseptic.

To create a warm salt water solution, also called a saline solution, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in an 8-ounce glass of warm water. Swish the solution in the mouth for 30 seconds before spitting it out. You can repeat this tooth pain relief process as often as needed.

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Pain Behind The Eyes: Causes And Home Remedies

Pain behind the eyes can be quite discomforting and sometimes impair your ability to see because it is so severe you may only want to keep your eyes closed. There are many causes for pain behind the eyes, ranging in severity. Knowing what is causing your pain behind the eyes can help you obtain relief from the discomfort and feel like yourself again.

Here we will outline the common causes for pain behind the eyes along with home remedies you can try for pain relief.

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Sinus Pain And Pressure Causes

There are different types of sinuses, each of which can cause different sinus pain symptoms. The images below show what causes sinus pressure in different areas of your face, neck and head and can be helpful to pinpoint relief or discuss with your doctor.


Maxillary sinuses causes pain in the cheeks, upper jaw or teeth.


Sphenoid sinuses causes pain behind the eyes, on the top of the scalp or along the back of the head.

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Other Causes Of Sinus Pain

If you have intense sinus pain and pressure that gets worse when you are diving, flying in an airplane, driving up a steep mountain, or participating in other activities that involve steep altitude changes, it could be a condition called sinus barotrauma.

Although the pain will usually subside when these activities are discontinued, sinus barotrauma is a sign of an underlying sinus problem that needs to be evaluated by an otolaryngologist, a healthcare provider that specializes in conditions of the ear, nose, and throat.

Sinus barotrauma can also be accompanied by ear barotrauma, which can cause a ruptured eardrum.

In rare cases, sinus pain that doesn’t respond to treatment could be a sign of a serious condition such as nasal cavity or paranasal sinus cancer.

What Can I Do About Recurring Sinus Headaches

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Many sinus headaches, especially those that recur, are actually migraines. But its smart to see your healthcare provider to figure out the cause of your headaches.

You may find that the best long-term solution is figuring out what triggers your migraine headaches so you can avoid them. Its helpful to keep a headache diary to track potential triggers. Triggers you can control include:

  • Specific foods, such as chocolate, red wine or strong cheese.
  • Lack of sleep.

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What Causes Sinus Headaches

Sinus infections cause sinus headaches. Anything that makes mucus buildup in the sinuses can lead to a sinus infection, such as:

  • The common cold is most often to blame.
  • Seasonal allergies trigger mucus production.
  • Nasal polyps, abnormal growths in the nose or sinuses. Nasal polyps can block mucus from draining.
  • Deviated septum, which is when the line of cartilage and bone down the center of the nose isnt straight. A deviated septum can prevent mucus from properly draining.

Too much mucus gives germs an opportunity to grow. As germs build up, they irritate the sinuses. In response, sinus tissue swells, blocking the passage of mucus. Swollen, irritated sinuses filled with liquid make your face feel tender and achy.

When Should I See An Ent For Sinus Pain And Pressure

A good rule of thumb is to talk to your doctor if sinus pain and pressure is affecting your daily life. Other things to look out for include:

  • It makes it difficult to sleep
  • Youve had a stuffy or runny nose for over a week
  • Your sinus headaches more frequently
  • Over-the-counter treatments dont work
  • You injured your nose

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When To See A Doctor For Sinus Pain

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If your sinus symptoms are not getting better with at-home treatments, and if your sinus symptoms last longer than seven to 10 days, you should see a doctor for treatment. Allina Health has many convenient care options for care, from online visits to walk-in care, to help you get better fast.

If you have frequent or reoccurring sinus infections, you may want to see an ear, nose and throat for your treatment options.

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Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of those home remedies that has been passed down through generations. Great grandmothers everywhere likely use apple cider vinegar to heal almost everything. One thing is for sure apple cider vinegar is excellent for relieving congestion.

According to naturopathic doctor, Dr. Penelope McDonnell, you dont need much. She recommends dissolving a tablespoon in eight ounces of water, each morning. If you cant stand the taste, try adding a tablespoon to a cup of tea with lemon. Dr. McDonnell cautions that some people cant tolerate thisespecially those with gut health issues.

Advil Sinus Congestion & Pain Reliever Coated Tablets

One of the main complications that come hand in hand with sinus congestion is the pain. The increase of pressure due to accumulated mucus can make it difficult to breathe and pave the way for throbbing headaches. Because of this common symptom combination, Advil Sinus Congestion and Pain Reliever has been dubbed the best medicine for sinus pressure because it targets both pain and congestion effectively.

The main ingredient this formulation uses for decongestion is phenylephrine HCl, which works to reduce mucus production to stop congestion from persisting. It also encourages the body to expectorate phlegm so that the airways can be cleared of congestion. Aside from this function, Advil Sinus Congestion and Pain Reliever also targets pain with ibuprofen. So while the product works to resolve the cause of sinus pressure, it also temporarily addresses any acute pain you might experience for fast and immediate relief.

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Is Sinus Pain Affecting Your Quality Of Life

Painful sinus symptoms are a weekly or even daily occurrence. Symptoms like sneezing, stuffy nose, and facial pain can make it difficult to get daily tasks done. Sinus pain is even causing fatigue and causing a lack of interest in activities that you used to love.

Is this you?

Why continue to live with sinus pain when long-term relief is possible? Schedule with Capo Nose & Sinus Center to get the relief you deserve.

How Are Sinus Headaches Diagnosed

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Most of the time when people diagnose themselves with a sinus headache, its really a migraine. So, its important to see your healthcare provider to get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Your healthcare provider will perform a physical exam and ask about your symptoms. If your symptoms are severe or ongoing, you may also need imaging tests. A magnetic resonance imaging test can rule out serious brain conditions. Multiple imaging tests can reveal sinus blockages and include:

  • Nasal endoscopy .

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Concerned About Your Sinuses Come See Dr Mandel Today

From allergy tests to minimally invasive nasal procedures custom-tailored to your needs, South Florida Sinus and Allergy Center is South Floridas premier sinusitis treatment clinic. Weve helped thousands of patients, and we can help you too! Request an appointment online or contact us at 954-983-1211 for effective and lasting sinus relief.

About Us

What Is A Sinus Infection

There are a lot of different cavities in our skulls. Our sinuses are a series of compartments, located above and below our eyes, and behind the nose, that warm and moisturize air as we breathe. The mucus within catches any wayward germs, and for the most part, they keep themselves clean. Occasionally, conditions can change enough to allow for the growth of bacteria. This is when we get a sinus infection.

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Symptoms Of Sinusitis Other Than Tooth Pain

There are other symptoms as well, such as

  • Nasal congestion,
  • Heaviness in the cheekbone
  • Feeling pain while nodding your head in any direction

People who suffer from sinusitis also suffer from infections in the upper respiratory tract in the past. When they start to recover from it, they start to suffer from sinusitis.

The symptoms of this problem last for 8-12 weeks. Some people suffer from chronic sinusitis because their sinuses dont drain well, all the cough and mucus.

Natural Remedies For Sinus Congestion

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When youâre feeling stuffed up and miserable, getting to the drugstore seems almost impossible. Fortunately for you, there are a number of home remedies for sinus congestion relief, hereâs three:

1. Humidity:Keeping your nasal passages moist when youâre experiencing sinus congestion may help to relieve that âstuffyâ feeling. To do this, apply a warm, wet towel against your face or run hot water in the shower to unblock the sinuses. You could also use a humidifier for the same purpose.

2. Neti pot: A neti pot looks like a miniature teapot with a long spout. With the help of saline or a saltwater solution, these tiny nasal irrigation devices are used to treat congested sinuses, allergies, and the common cold. You can purchase a neti pot online or at your nearest health food or drugstore. Note of caution: Tap water isnât safe to use as itâs not filtered or treated and may contain material that could cause infection or irritation.

3. Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses essential oils to reduce pain or improve sleep. While thereâs still research that needs to be done, some studies suggest specific essential oils may relieve symptoms of sinus congestion. According to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy , 1,8 cineole, the main component of eucalyptus oil, has been proven to clear airways of mucus and is a natural cough suppressant.

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What Causes Sinus Pain

Sinus pain happens when there is inflammation or irritation in your sinus cavities.

Your sinuses are hollow spaces in your facial bones that are lined with membranes that secrete mucus. Sinus pain is often a result of inflammation that blocks mucus from draining and leads to pain.

Sinus swelling can follow viral illnesses, including the common cold, or it can be due to mucus production from allergies or breathing in polluted air that leads to irritation. It can also happen if there are nasal blockages due to abnormal growths called nasal polyps or structural abnormalities, such as a deviated septum, that make you prone to congestion.

Learn About Sinusitis And Why It Can Cause A Toothache

Sinusitis refers to inflammation in the sinuses, which are air-filled passages that connect to the inside area of the nose. Most cases of sinusitis are a result of an upper respiratory infection, the common cold or influenza. As mentioned above, your nasal passages can also become inflamed as a result of allergies and obstructions to fluid flow inside them. The inflammation from these allergens can cause pain from the increase of pressure in the obstructed, swollen sinuses.

There are several sinus passages, including the maxillary sinus, which lies behind your cheekbones. The roots of your top back teeth lie in close proximity to the maxillary sinus. When fluid accumulates here it can put pressure on the nerves that enter the roots of these teeth. The pain associated from this pressure can make you feel like you have a toothache. Tooth pain related to a sinus infection isnt actually tooth pain it comes from all that pressure building up inside the head, but it is difficult for the brain to distinguish what kind of pain it senses.

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Avoid Sinus Pain Triggers

“One of the most important things to avoid is over-the-counter nasal decongestant sprays. They may give some fast relief, but after a few days they make sinus pressure and nasal congestion much worse,” warns Das. Some other things you can do to prevent sinus pain include avoiding alcohol, which can aggravate sinus pain and congestion cleaning your humidifier to avoid fungal allergies washing your bedding in hot water to decrease allergy exposure and avoiding swimming, diving, or flying when you have sinusitis, a common cold, or nasal allergy.

How To Relieve Sinus Pressure And Pain

Tivic Health ClearUP uses microcurrents to relieve sinus pain without medication

Now that you know what causes sinus congestion, you can determine how to relieve sinus pain. Here are a few tips and tricks for easing sinus pain. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

Chill Out Your Sinuses

Anything you can do to cool your head can ease sinus pain symptoms. An ice mask, bag of ice or a cold compress can help.

Massage and Relax

Stress often makes your sinus symptoms feel worse. Gently massaging your neck and shoulders, while not linked to your sinuses, can help you relax, giving you relief.

Try SUDAFED® to Relieve Sinus Pressure and Pain

For a treatment that works to relieve sinus symptoms day and night, try SUDAFED PE® Sinus Congestion Day + Night for powerful congestion relief.

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