Saturday, July 27, 2024

What Do Sinus Polyps Feel Like

Are Some People More Prone To Developing Nasal Polyps

Learning About Nasal Polyps

Cystic fibrosis is one of the conditions that may predispose a person todeveloping nasal polyps. Other conditions includeasthmaand sensitivity to aspirin that, together with nasal polyps, form SamtersTriad, also known as aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease. People who have Samters Triad suffer from severe asthma accompanied bynasal polyps. They also frequently develop an allergy-like reaction toaspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

What Causes Polyps In The Nose

Nasal polyps are caused by inflammation and develop in inflamed tissue in the nose. Inside your nose is a wet layer called mucosa, which protects the inside of your nose and the sinuses. If you have a sinus infection or an allergic reaction, the mucosa can become swollen and red and may start to produce fluid that drips out. If you have a lot of irritation and inflammation, especially for a prolonged period, then a polyp may form.

A number of factors are believed to increase your risk of developing nasal polyps. These include:

  • Experiencing chronic or recurring sinus infections
  • Having asthma
  • Experiencing reactions to taking aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Hay fever, otherwise known as allergic rhinitis
  • Cystic fibrosis

Its also likely that genetics and family history play a part, with certain genes making you more susceptible to experiencing inflamed nasal tissues.

Nasal polyps most commonly affect adults over 40 and are more common in men than women. Statistics suggest between 19-36% of people who have chronic sinusitis infections also have nasal polyps. Around 7% of people with asthma also have chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar To Get Rid Of Throat Polyps Naturally

Apple cider vinegar has been widely used for various household and cooking purposes. It is also an ancient folk remedy, claimed to help with all sorts of health problems. The most popular vinegar in the natural health community is Apple Cider Vinegar. It is claimed to lead to all sorts of benefits, some of which are supported by science.

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent detoxifier. Therefore, it thins down the very mucus which the polyps is made of. Moreover, apple cider vinegar prevents further sinusitis infection and recurrence of polyps. In order to get rid of throat polyps, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • Add two tablespoons each of apple cider vinegar and honey to warm water.
  • Drink the mixture 3 to 4 times in a day, or
  • Add few drops of apple cider vinegar to a port of boiling water and inhale the steam.
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    Using Garlic To Treat Throat Polyps

    Garlic can be effectively used to get rid of throat polyps naturally. Garlic is allicin that has strong anti-inflammatory as well as antibacterial properties. Increasing the intake of garlic would help to decrease the swelling and also prevent the occurrence of Polyps altogether. It is therefore advisable to eat one crushed garlic clove in your dishes or eat the garlic capsules if unable to tolerate the smell.

    Can Nasal Polyps Come Back

    Nasal Polyps: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

    Although corticosteroids and endoscopic surgery can help get rid of nasalpolyps, these treatments dont address the underlying inflammation that ledto them in the first place. If the cause of the inflammation is leftuntreated, nasal polyps are likely to return sooner or later.

    Talk to your doctor about a prevention plan to keep nasal polyps fromcoming back. It may include continued use of corticosteroids and nasalsprays. If the cause of your condition is environmental, increasing indoorhumidity or better managing your asthma and allergies can make a bigdifference.

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    Colon Polyps: Diagnosis And Treatment

    During a colonoscopy, your doctor uses a tool to put a small camera into your anus so they can look at your colon. If they see polyps, theyâll remove them. Theyâll also send a piece to a lab to look at with a microscope. This process, called a biopsy, is how theyâll know if itâs cancerous. Youâre less likely to get cancer if your doctor finds and removes polyps early. They can help you decide when to do it, but most people should get a colonoscopy to look for polyps at 50.


    What You Should Know About Nasal Polyps

    Nasal polyps are a small problem benign tumors in the nose that can cause big symptoms.

    When your nose just runs and runs, staying congested for weeks at a time, you’re probably dealing with a more serious nasal condition than the common cold.

    In fact, there may be something growing in your nose that’s causing all those nasal symptoms. Nasal polyps, which are benign tumors , can sprout inside your nasal passages and cause big problems with your breathing.

    What Are Nasal Polyps?

    These benign tumors are small sacs that can appear inside the nose or the sinuses. They’re made up of inflamed tissues, and can grow to be large enough to cause blockages in your airways.

    Nasal polyps are a side effect of some other health condition most often allergies or an infection from a virus or bacteria. These benign tumors are more common in people who have:

    Any health problem that leads to persistent inflammation of the sinuses or inside the nose can increase the risk of developing nasal polyps. Another risk factor is age they most often strike after 40.

    Are Nasal Polyps Serious?

    Symptoms of Nasal Polyps: Comparable to a Cold

    Nasal polyps can cause cold-like symptoms but it’s a cold you just can’t seem to shake. Common symptoms of nasal polyps include:

    Dealing With Nasal Polyps

    There are several treatment options to consider for nasal polyps, including:

    Can Nasal Polyps Be Prevented?

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    How To Treat Nasal Polyps

    There are a few different methods that doctors can utilize to treat nasal polyps.


    Doctors will typically start by recommending either nasal or oral steroid medications. These drugs can minimize inflammation and may reduce the size of the polyps. This, in turn, can help relieve symptoms of nasal polyps, especially congestion and a runny nose. Nasal steroids that are sprayed into the nose are usually the first option doctors will recommend. Some common nasal steroids include:

    • Fluticasone
    • Budesonide
    • Mometasone

    These drugs can minimize inflammation and may reduce the size of the polyps. This, in turn, can help relieve symptoms of nasal polyps, especially congestion and a runny nose.

    These sprays can be helpful, but they are also problematic since symptoms tend to come back once you stop using them. Your doctor might also recommend prednisone, either in oral or injectable form if nasal sprays aren’t effective. Oral and injectable steroids aren’t recommended for long-term use, either. This is because they come with some serious side effects, such as fluid retention, elevated eye pressure, and increased blood pressure. Medications that reduce inflammation may help reduce the size of the polyp and relieve symptoms of congestion.


    Breathe Easy And Live Well At South Florida Sinus And Allergy Centers

    What is Nasal Polyp?

    Join the thousands of patients living improved lives thanks to Dr. Mandels corrective procedures. Whether youre seeking a second opinion, or have undergone past unsuccessful treatments, we can help. Its time to start breathing and living easier. Contact us at or go online to request an appointment today.

    About Us

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    Other Reasons For Dizziness

    There are many causes of dizziness. But there is a difference between dizziness or feeling light-headed vs. actual vertigo.

    When you are dizzy or light-headed, you may feel like you are going to pass out. This feeling will typically become worse when you stand up and try to move around and improve when you lie down.

    Vertigo, however, can cause you to feel as if the room is spinning or swaying or as if objects are moving around you. Vertigo may cause nausea and often will not improve when you lie down.

    Understanding the types of dizziness you are experiencing can narrow down potential underlying causes.

    Who Develops Nasal Polyps

    Around 4 in 100 people will develop nasal polyps at some stage in their lives. Nasal polyps can affect anyone but most cases occur in people over the age of 40 years. They are twice as common in men as in women. Nasal polyps are uncommon in children. A child with nasal polyps should also be checked for cystic fibrosis, as cystic fibrosis is a risk factor for developing nasal polyps.

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    What To Expect During Your First Visit

    Nasal polyps occur high and deep in the nasal passages and are hard for a doctor to see without special tools or imaging exams, such as a CT scan. If you think you may have nasal polyps, you should see a doctor who specializes in treating them. Both ear, nose, and throat specialists and allergists can diagnose and treat nasal polyps.

    A specialist can usually diagnose nasal polyps in a physical exam. Heres what you can expect:

    • They will ask about your symptoms
    • They may use a special lighted instrument to look deep inside your sinuses
    • Your family history may also play a role
    • For some people, imaging exams may be needed to better see inflammation inside the nose and sinuses

    CT=computed tomography.

    Preventing Polyps From Coming Back

    Nasal polyps

    If your nasal polyps are caused by allergies or recurring sinus infections, your doctor may recommend antihistamines or antibiotics. You may also want to consider a new type of surgery to permanently relieve sinus swelling and pressure. Traditional sinus surgeries are quite invasive and come with long recovery time. But, some doctors are starting to use new procedures that take less time, are much safer, have a long-lasting outcome and come with quicker recovery. One such procedure is our OPEN procedure, which involves inflating a tiny balloon to open the sinuses and help them drain more efficiently. After the procedure, you can use nasal sprays and/or saline washes to minimize inflammation and keep future polyps at bay.

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    Using Angelica For Treatment Of Throat Polyps

    Angelica root is very efficacious in boosting healthy circulation in the body. It is also good for stopping abnormal tissue growth on the external surface of the body. It heals tissue damage and ensures that there is no scar formation after the polyps has subsided. Healthy blood flow in the body also cleanses the body of various toxins. You can take the extract or supplement containing Angelica root for healing polyps.

    Stomach Polyps: Diagnosis And Treatment

    If your doctor suspects polyps, theyâll look into your stomach with a tool called an endoscope. If they see a type called adenoma, which can become cancer, they may remove it or take a piece to look at. They could test it for H. pylori bacteria, which are linked to stomach polyps, and prescribe antibiotics if you have them. For small polyps that arenât adenomas, they might just watch them to see what happens. Theyâll probably remove large polyps.

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    When To See A Healthcare Provider

    If you find that it’s more difficult to breathe through your nose than usualespecially if you aren’t dealing with a cold or allergiesit’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider. Similarly, if you lose your sense of taste and/or smell, or have what feels like a head cold or sinus infection that never goes away, it’s time to seek medical treatment.

    At the appointment, your healthcare provider will look in your nose and may have to do a nasal endoscopy to get a good look at the full extent of the polyps.

    What Are Sinus Polyps

    Nasal Polyps- How Does Nasal Polyp Looks Like In Endoscopy- Dr Paulose FRCS

    Sinuspolyps are growths or swollen tissue in the sinuses that may obstruct breathing or make it hard for sinuses to drain. Causes of these growths are varied, and include usually fairly constant inflammation of the sinus tissue, which might be the result of allergies, frequent viral and bacterial infections or fungal infections. Some conditions, such as cystic fibrosis , tend to have a high incidence of sinus polyps too.

    Small polyps in the nasal passages or in other parts of the sinuses may not be noticed and people could have few symptoms to suggest their presence. Other times, it may feel like a cold is constantly present and symptoms might include congested nose and dripping on the back of the throat. Over time if sinus polyps increase in size and number, pain in the head and face may be common, and people might lose sense of taste or smell and have difficulty with snoring, even to the point of developing sleep apnea. A very large polyp may make it difficult to breath through the nose, and in general, polyps that are untreated can lead to frequent sinus infections.

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    Vocal Cord Polyp: Diagnosis And Treatment

    Your doctor will want to know the full history of your voice problems. They may put a tube through your mouth to look at your vocal cords. Theyâll check for acid reflux, allergies, and hormone problems. They can all make your voice problems worse. Voice rest and special vocal exercises may be all you need to get better. This depends in part on how you use your voice. A professional singer may need surgery.


    Runny Nose And Postnasal Drip

    When you have a sinus infection, you may need to blow your nose often because of nasal discharge, which can be cloudy, green, or yellow. This discharge comes from your infected sinuses and drains into your nasal passages.

    The discharge may also bypass your nose and drain down the back of your throat. You may feel a tickle, an itch, or even a sore throat.

    This is called postnasal drip, and it may cause you to cough at night when youre lying down to sleep, and in the morning after getting up. It may also cause your voice to sound hoarse.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Throat Polyps

    The symptoms of throat polyps, which are also sometimes called vocal cord nodules, include a hoarse, husky voice and scratchiness when breathing and speaking. The condition rarely causes any pain aside from a sometimes sore throat, and people often mistakenly think they have laryngitis or seasonal allergies until they receive a diagnosis of polyps from their doctor or care provider. In most cases, the more polyps a person has or the larger the growths get the more intensive the symptoms become. Shooting ear pain and sinus pressure are two of the more extreme symptoms, and fatigue and general weakness can also result. In most cases, as soon as the polyps are removed or shrink away, the symptoms will disappear.

    Voice Changes

    One of the first things people with throat polyps notice is that their voice becomes hoarse and deep. It can be hard to speak loudly, for instance, and people often say that their tone has a breathy, raspy quality. Singers often find that their range shrinks a little bit, too, and they may not be able to hit notes as high or as low as they used to. The change is normally gradual, which can make it difficult for people to pinpoint exactly when it began.

    Throat Scratchiness


    How Do I Prevent Nasal Polyps

    Nasal polyp? Huge blown out nose, right 2 from the R, left ...

    Not everyone will be able to prevent nasal polyps. However, there are a few ways you may be able to help yourself. The strategies include the following:

    • Follow your doctors instructions on taking your allergy and asthma medications.
    • Avoid breathing airborne allergens or irritants that lead to inflammation of your nose and sinus cavities.
    • Practice good hygiene.
    • Use a humidifier in your home to help moisten your breathing passages.
    • Use a saline nasal rinse or spray to remove allergens or other irritants that may cause nasal polyps.

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    Home Remedies For Polyps In Throat

    In many occasions, polyps keep on recurring and this leads to chronic respiratory problems. However, throat polys can be treated naturally by the use of natural home remedies. Home remedies are chosen since they are an effective method to treat polyps naturally due to their recurring nature. Below are some of the most common best home remedies for polyps:

    Do Nasal Polyps Go Away

    If youve been diagnosed with nasal polyps, its typical to feel concern and confusion. What are they, what are the consequences of ignoring them, and most importantly, will they go away on their own? These are all normal questions, which well answer today on the South Florida Sinus & Allergy Center blog.

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    What Are The Treatment Options For Nasal Polyps

    Depending on the number and size of the nasal polyps, your doctor mayprescribe medication, surgery or both.

    • Medication typically includes nasal or oral corticosteroids designed to shrink the nasal polyps or remove them.
    • Surgery may be necessary in some cases to extract nasal polyps. Endoscopic surgery is typically conducted through the nose so that no incision on the skin of the face is needed.

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